Flying in the nothingness universe, and then wormhole jumping, which is extremely energy consuming.

The God Emperor and others have strong savings, and they can stick to it until now.

But by this time they were weak to a certain extent. Of course, this weakness is relatively speaking. It's not a big problem to kill Chen Yang.

Fortunately, the boat of Jiuyou Tiandi is still there.

So they returned in the boat of creation.

Although between each other, there is hatred in the body. But now, people still choose to cooperate sincerely. Because no one knows what strong enemy there is in the void.

One day later, they finally returned to Tianzhou.

Jiuyou Tiandi and magic emperor Chen Tianya choose to return to the temple of the holy city.

Shen Di and Chen Ling went directly to Dakang. As for the cloud shadow and Xiao Yi, it is naturally a return to cloud Tianzong and a return to eclosion gate.

In the temple of the holy city, the great Shura had a high status. The great prince Luo Tianxin worships Shen Muran as high priest.

Holy city in a desert, like a white gem jade.

At noon, the sun was blazing.

The holy city is extremely hot all year round. But in the evening, it's very cold. It's appropriate to say it's a very cold place.

The square outside the temple is 30000 square meters. Every morning and evening, countless believers come to kneel down and pray.

At this time, in front of the Chaotian gate of the holy city, the boat of creation stopped.

Then, Luo Tianxin led all the princes, as well as the lineage of the protoss, and many golden ministers and experts came out together.

In front of the Chaotian gate, there are more than 3000 ministers, all of whom are the backbone elites of the Protoss. All are aristocrats, masters!

Only these people are qualified to come to Chaotianmen to welcome the return of Jiuyou Tiandi.

Yunhuaying and Xiao Yi have already left.

And before the emperor Jiuyou came back, he had already told Luo Tianxin that he would come back soon.

So there was the scene.

The reason why emperor Jiuyou did this was his intention. He's been gone for a long time, during which there are rumors all over the Protoss. He just wanted to let everyone know that he came back from Jiuyou.

"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"

After Jiuyou Tiandi and Chen Tianya stepped out of the boat of creation, everyone knelt down and cried out in unison.

But the high priest did not come out to meet him.

How can the great Shura kneel down to meet the emperor Jiuyou.

But if he comes out and doesn't kneel, it also affects the formation. More importantly, it will affect the majesty of Jiuyou emperor.

So, the best way is that he doesn't come out.

When Emperor Jiuyou entered the garden of the temple, Luo Tianxin's princes followed him.

In this way, people gathered around, and then Jiuyou Tiandi and Chen Tianya were welcomed in.

The protoss of Jiuyou Tiandi is very powerful. When the doomsday comes, everyone will get warm together, which is in line with the rule of interests.

Silence alone, it is also limited strength.

"I know that the emperor of heaven has a Tianzhou plan, which is to replace the world with Tianzhou, so as to make new rules and replace it with the way of heaven, right?" Silent but the words front a turn, say.

Jiuyou Tiandi sighed and said, "it's really a plan. But now the situation is more and more complicated. If we launch this plan rashly, we will be attacked by a group of people. Therefore, we should take a long-term consideration of this matter. "

"I'm afraid this plan is going to run aground," Shen said

Emperor Jiuyou was slightly surprised and said, "how can I say that?"

"Because I feel the door of fairyland is opening," he said

"The gate of fairyland?" Emperor Jiuyou was shocked.

The four words "gate of the fairyland" will only shock those who reach the top of their cultivation. Because in the process of cultivation, they will come into contact with many rules of the road, and also feel some clues of the gate of the fairyland.

Shen Muran said: "emperor of heaven, you just came back, it's not clear. Your cultivation has come to the fairyland. When you calm down, you should be able to feel the gate of fairyland. "

"If so, I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing," the emperor said

Shen Muran said: "if the gate of fairyland is opened, the passage will be completely opened. You and I will have a chance to visit the fairyland. " After a pause, he said, "in the fairyland, there is no lack of ancient powers and giants. When we get there, we are afraid that we have to be human with our tails between us. So what? We don't want to go anywhere. We'll always be here. Only when we are really strong can we be worthy of the world. How can we deceive ourselves? "

The emperor Jiuyou said, "if a mortal can enter the fairyland, he will become an immortal in one step. Naturally, the emperor is not afraid to go, but the door of the fairyland is about to open suddenly. Something must happen in it! "

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