Shen Muran said: "I don't know what the fairyland thinks. But this world has always been the survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest. You and I have already arrived at the virtual fairyland. When the door of the fairyland is opened, the pure Yang immortal Qi will pour in, and we can enjoy the moistening of the pure Yang immortal Qi. At that time, the growth of strength is not comparable. "

Jiuyou Tiandi's eyes lit up and said, "what Mr. Shen said is reasonable. It's just the Tianzhou project... "

Shen Muran said: "Tianzhou plan, Tiandi, you don't have to be sorry. You wanted to avoid heaven. Now that the gate of the fairyland is open, we will leave the earth. Can the Tao bind us in the fairyland that day? " Jiuyou emperor said: "the way of heaven is not unique to the earth. I'm afraid that in the fairyland, the way of heaven will be more powerful."

"But..." Emperor Jiuyou said, "Mr. Shen, what you said is reasonable. At present, the situation is not clear. The Tianzhou project should be put on hold for the time being. At present, the most important thing for us is to preserve our strength and develop our strength. "

"That's exactly what it should be," Shen said

"The hall of stars..." At this time, Chen Tianya's voice came.

Chen Tianya came step by step and said, "don't forget, there are so many experts and destiny people in the hall of stars. What kind of heart does the star master have? This also needs to be on guard. "

"Chen Tianya?" When Shen Muran saw Chen Tianya, he was shocked.

Chen Tianya gave a smile to Shen Muran and said, "unexpectedly, our old friend of many years met here today."

Silent eyes cold down, he said: "old friend these three words, we can't really talk about."

Chen Tianya said: "in fact, there is nothing to mention. Everything in the world is a matter of the secular world. You and I are different now. Do you still remember those old things? "

Shen Muran was in charge of Shen men in the world. But Chen Tianya is to take advantage of the time that Shen Muran is not in, directly kill Shen door up and down all.

This is a blood feud!

Silence is not a deep feeling for Shen men, but he can't swallow it.

He stood up silently and said, "if there is a cause, there will be a result. I don't understand the cause and effect. I'm not happy in my heart."

Chen Tianya said: "to say cause and effect, all causes start from you. Don't you forget how you treated Tang Jiayi at the beginning? " After a pause, he said, "of course, Chen Ling came to you to avenge Tang Jiayi's revenge. I'm just trying to help him vent his anger. "

"There is nothing to say between us," he said. Do it

Chen Tianya said: "although you have come to the fairyland, you want to win me. I'm afraid you don't have the ability."

"Two..." At the moment, the emperor said, "it's not necessary for us to make peace with each other."

Chen Tianya sneered and said, "brother Jiuyou, you really can't manage this. He and I have been fighting for decades. Let's work it out today. "

"Go," he said silently

The two men were also quick, and quickly got into the courtyard outside.

Then, these two people also left the face for the nine you Heavenly Emperor, they didn't fight in the lower world, they rushed to the sky directly.

"Father, what is to be done?" Luo Tianxin slightly lost color on one side.

Jiuyou emperor sneered and said: "Xin'er, these two top experts' fighting skills are enough for you to learn. Follow me up and watch the war

Luo Tianxin didn't expect that his father had such an idea, so he was relieved at the moment.

The two quickly flew to the sky, and they watched the battle from a distance.

Among the clouds, the snow on Qianshan Mountain is just as spectacular as Yulong Snow Mountain. The north wind blows Chen Tianya and his silent clothes.

Chen Tianya sneered and said, "silence, when you bullied Chen Ling, it was because Chen Ling was better than you. And I'm Chen Ling's evil side. I'll let you know that when Chen Ling gets evil, you're just a loser! "

"Cut the crap!" Silent eyes flashed infinite cold, he suddenly roared.

At once, the infinite demons came out of his eyebrows.

At that moment, the demons swarmed out. A total of five million demons poured out, and the sea of clouds quickly turned into a sea of black demons.

"Senlo hell!" He said in silence.

Five million demons envelop Chen Tianya layer upon layer, and all of them send out a kind of headache mantra. The combination of these incantations immediately created a gray hell.

A huge Shura field was formed in the air, which was 30 kilometers long.

The incantation forms a gray black fog to surround Chen Tianya. These black fog toward Chen Tianya's body to drill.

Chen Tianya immediately felt that the black fog was endless and contained extremely terrible corrosive power. There are many rules of the road in the fog.Fog is rapidly cracking the cellular structure of Chen Tianya's body.

"Silent, you have been hiding for many years, and now you are really powerful." Chen Tianya said in secret.

Then, Chen Tianya gave a sharp smile and said, "be quiet, your big free demon is really powerful, but I can't help it." Then he suddenly became solemn.

"Great thunder sound skill!"

Chen Tianya chants incantations and makes a seal in his hand.

Quickly, the incantations floated out and became golden talismans. There were tens of thousands of golden talismans. Then, these talismans formed a dazzling golden light in the air, and the infinite golden light instantly penetrated 3000 kilometers away. It's like the dazzling sun!

Chen Tianya grabs out the golden light and turns it into Xumi Buddha.

The appearance of Xumi Buddha in the air is like a towering mountain.

The Xumi Buddha burst out to drink. Suddenly, the boundless majesty and pure Yang sound wave shocked him.

The pure Yang sound wave quickly scattered five million demons, including the black fog.

"The devil in heaven, take a picture for me!" With a silent roar, his eyes were red.

The five million heavenly demons immediately formed ten Heavenly demons in the air, each of which was 300 feet high and 100 feet wide. They took out five huge palms.

As these five huge palms were pulled out, the black dead air was like a tsunami coming, pushing against the Xumi Buddha.


In an instant, Buddha Xumi was shattered.

Luo Tianxin was surprised. He said to his father: "father, how can these two people's accomplishments and vitality be so terrible? I see that the devil emperor is just the cultivation of the middle of shichongtian, and I'm doing the same now, but why is it so far behind him? "

Jiuyou Tiandi said: "heart, you don't know something. The reason why Chen Tianya is still in the middle of shichongtian is not that his talent is not as good as ours. It's because every step of his Taiyi Xuanjin Sutra's ascent requires too much vitality. He communicated with heaven and earth by himself. His progress is much more bitter than ours. However, every time he goes further, we can't compare his strength. If he really arrives at the fairyland, it can be said that no one below the fairyland is his opponent for the time being. "

"So horrible?" Luo Tian's heart was shocked.

Jiuyou Tiandi said: "the new four emperors are all the great emperors who have been granted by the way of heaven. Everyone has his own special talent and ability. You can't underestimate it. "

Luo Tianxin said, "what about the old four emperors?"

Jiuyou Tiandi said: "the old four emperors have been famous for a long time. It is estimated that Yingdi, Haotian Dadi and Tianlong Dadi have entered the fairyland."

"The Immortal Emperor is the only one who appears now. I don't know why he didn't go to the fairyland." Luo Tianxin said.

"That's not good. Maybe the Immortal Emperor left behind only a yuan God?" The emperor said.

At this moment, the battle between Chen Muran and Tianya is more fierce.

"Heaven devil heart curse!" Silent again a big drink.

At that moment, ten Heavenly demons suddenly entangled together and quickly formed a black seed.

The seed was quietly ejected out, and quickly flew towards Chen Tianya's eyebrows.

Chen Tianya said in his heart, "eh?"

He directly ejected Taiyi Xuanjin and chopped it.

A ray of thunder rushed out, but it was directly cut empty.

The next second, the black seed was blown up over Chen Tianya, and the black rain poured down. Chen Tianya quickly put out the gold mask of Taiyi.

The black rain is directly through the Taiyi gold mask!

The heavy rain finally formed a black dead air, which surrounded Chen Tianya.

There is a kind of cold breath from Jiuyou hell in the black dead breath, which is surging, vast, but gloomy.

Countless death rules are revealed!

At that moment, Chen Tianya's brain suddenly had demons.

The heart devil is the heaven devil!

A sharp chill ran directly into Chen Tianya's forehead.

Then, countless sharp chill with the rule of death in his brain. There are many illusions in front of Chen Tianya's eyes, all of them are the people he killed. Those people are ferocious and terrible!

"Ridiculous, can this demon shake me?" Chen Tianya sneered.

He quickly used his skill to suppress all these demons.

In a flash, Chen Tianya's mind was quiet.

Just at this time, silent suddenly appeared in front of Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya quickly split out.

Silent body a flash, then, ten silent appeared. Ten silent people surrounded Chen Tianya.

"It's just a small skill!" Chen Tianya sneers. He suddenly brings out ten pieces of Taiyi Xuanjin sword. The sword light contains infinite thunder and lightning power.

In an instant, ten swords cut to ten silent men at the same time.The boundless thunder and lightning are combined with Tianwei, and Haoran sword is intended to kill, and contains the vast law of the road.

"This Taiyi Xuanjin sword Qi is really the most fierce sword in the world!" The emperor of heaven of nine you can't help but wonder.

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