Every one strives for existence. Everyone is the protagonist in their own life. No matter who they choose to depend on or what they want to seize, the bottom line is for their own interests.

Even Chen Ling, he will not go around Chen Yang, all to consider Chen Yang's interests. He also has his own business to do.

Not to mention the God Emperor, he now has a higher pursuit. Since situ ling'er had been properly dealt with, he would not be in any trouble.

The God Emperor maintains the way of heaven and adheres to the will of the way of heaven, but what he yearns for is where the road lies.

It's like pursuing the end of the universe. He doesn't know where the end of the universe is. But if we pursue it all the time, maybe one day, we will visit the ultimate meaning of the road?

Dongfang Jing is singing with Chen lingfu. Chen Ling used to have so many women, but now, only dongfangjing can accompany her.

This is the difference between God and all.

In the twinkling of an eye, a month passed.

On this day, in Tianzhou, in the temple of the holy city, Shen Muran was practicing. He suddenly felt the coming of the upper world in the Lingtai place, and the strong pure Yang immortal force came down.

Only the master of virtual fairyland can feel the power of pure Yang.

Shen Muran immediately absorbed the surging pure Yang immortal power, and the pure Yang immortal power moved to Shen Muran's whole body. At this moment, the power of Shen Muran is greatly increased.

At the same time, Jiuyou Tiandi, yunhuaying, Xiaoyi, chenling, all of them feel the terrible pure Yang immortal power.

This group of experts in virtual fairyland finally opened a huge gap with ordinary people.

However, no one knows whether the opening of the gate of fairyland is a good thing or a bad thing. This is also one of the things blue purple wants to make clear.

It's late July.

Qin Lin, Luo Feng, Chen Yihan and LAN Tingyu all came back one after another to hand in the task.

Chen Yang is very happy to meet Qin Lin and Luo Feng, but it's unnecessary to say more about the wine.

This time, the list of immortality was updated again, and another six fatalists were removed. The head was also hung on the square.

Sometimes it seems that the hall of stars is warm. However, the rules of the hall of stars are as strict and ruthless as the rules of the avenue.

LAN Tingyu's accomplishments are more and more pure and terrifying. His training in the hall of stars is like a duck to water, and he gets some magic weapons when he carries out the task.

It is inevitable that there will be a war between Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu sooner or later. So Chen Yang paid special attention to LAN Tingyu!

Three days later, Chen Yang received a new task.

It's still a jade slip.

On the jade slips, Chen Yang was asked to go to overseas fairy mountains to celebrate the birthday of the moon immortal.

There are also some introductions about Mingyue xianzun. It turns out that there is another major sect in Tianzhou overseas, namely Mingyue palace. Mingyue xianzun in Mingyue palace was originally a proud disciple of the eclosion sect. Eight hundred years ago, Mingyue xianzun was also called Xiao Mingyue. At that time, the Zhangjiao was not Xiao Yi.

Mingyuexianzun got a treasure. After she returned to the sect. The elder of the sect forces Mingyue xianzun to hand in the treasure. Mingyue xianzun didn't want to hand it over. As soon as he came and went, Mingyue xianzun was angry and betrayed the door.

After that, Mingyue xianzun set up Mingyue palace overseas to recruit disciples.

The prestige and strength of Mingyue Palace are no longer under yuhuamen and yuntianzong. It's just that Mingyue palace is far away from overseas, so it's not so well known.

One of the more terrifying things is that Mingyue xianzun appeared suddenly. She had been away from Tianzhou for a hundred years. This time back, revealed a few magical powers, has been vaguely respected as the first master of Tianzhou.

This is also the reason why Mingyue xianzun's one thousand birthday shocked many sect experts. At this moment, Mingyue xianzun's birthday, Mingyue xianzun has prepared a magic power and a magic weapon.

The magic power is the great phagocytosis, the magic weapon is the fragment of creation!

Mingyue xianzun means to make some colorful heads at the birthday party. Let's have a competition among the younger generation and the talented young people under ten. Those who win the first place will win two things.

Whether it's big phagocytosis or pieces of creation, it's definitely a big deal.

Great phagocytosis is the top 30 magic power among the three thousand avenues. The debris of creation is said to be the debris left by the last birth and death of the universe. The law and power contained in it are immeasurable.

The master Mingyue xianzun is absolutely generous.

The mission of Zhongxing hall is to let Chen Yang take back the pieces of nature. The phagocytosis is not mentioned.

That is to say, Chen Yang himself can get the magic power of big phagocytosis in this mission. All he has to do is turn in the pieces.

Chen Yang, Qin Lin and Luo Feng bid farewell to each other and immediately set out for Tianzhou.

The weather in July has been extremely hot.

Chen Yang was arranged to land in Dakang. He thought that he would go back to Shaowei first.Mingyue xianzun's birthday is a month later. The location is easy to find. Chen Yangfei used to need five days, so he still has free time.

The mission time is two months.

Chen Yang decided to bring more helpers to Xianshan this time. He doesn't need to rely on Xuan Zhenghao, so he takes Hu Laohu Changchun and Zheng laozheng tianlie. Both of them are in the middle of the Ninth Heaven, so they can help.

As for going to the imperial city of Dakang, Chen Yang is not afraid to see Xuan Zhenghao.

He has no guilt for xuanzhenghao. And now, when Chen Yang looks at Xuan Zhenghao again, he doesn't feel that he is looking up to the mountain as before.

Chen Yang is not afraid that Xuan Zhenghao will attack him, because there is a relationship between the great emperor of China. Xuan Zheng Hao how all can't start to oneself, also have no reason to start. On the way to the imperial city of Dakang, Chen Yang controls the throne of heilian. While flying, he chats with monk Linghui. Monk Linghui was just like a bean sprout on Chen Yang's head. On the bean sprout was a small outline of his head.

"Where is the origin of your supernatural power? And your other sources of power? " Chen Yang asked monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "that's not in tiantianzhou. Some things are still in the world, and others are hidden in other worlds. Taoist friend, you can't tear the space now, so I can't take you there. "

Chen Yang is extremely depressed, said: "tear space boundaries, when can this be done?"

"Linghui monk said:" that at least you have to reach the top ten talent line

Chen Yang said: "before I saw jiuchongtian experts, they were all ferocious. Even some true gods can reach the void and convey the spirit through the void. Why am I in jiuchongtian now, and suddenly I find that jiuchongtian can't work? "

Monk Linghui said, "you don't know something, Daoyou. The true gods of jiuchongtian have some magic weapons. What's more, their so-called void is near the earth, not the universe at all. So it's OK to scare people. When you meet a real expert, it's just a fart! " After he finished, he said, "Amitabha, poor monk said rude words, sin, sin!"

Chen Yang thought it was the same. At that time, all the gods of the king of arms were defeated by Lin haoxuan.

Now think about it, no wonder.

It's no wonder that when they face people like the God of arms, killing them is as simple as killing dogs. The gap is too big.

"Then you don't have great spirit now. How can you enhance your strength?" Chen Yang asked.

Linghui monk said: "I want to find the dense forest to absorb the aura of some trees. However, this kind of absorption is superficial, and there are few. It cannot be mention in the same breath if you get the great liquid solution, you can get the essence of the essence inside the tree.

"How do you compare this great spirit with great phagocytosis?" Chen Yang asked.

Linghui monk said: "the great phagocytosis is a powerful magic power. It can convert many attacks and vigorous Qi into vitality for absorption." After a pause, he said, "but who is more powerful than the great spirit and the great phagocytosis. It's hard to say that if you have three thousand roads, you can become an immortal. There is no other way, only care about the user. If you use the great spirit liquid skill well, you can also understand the whole world. And big phagocytosis with good, but also can accept all rivers

Later, Linghui monk continued: "but after all, great phagocytosis is still one grade higher than great Lingye."

Chen Yang was not angry and said, "you'd better just say it."

Monk Linghui has a smile.

Chen Yang said: "by the way, why doesn't my great destiny need the source of supernatural power?"

Monk Linghui said, "I didn't expect that you would have great fortune, Taoist friend. You should know that great destiny is the general principle of three thousand roads. I couldn't ask for this magic power in those years. I have studied this magic power, and there is no source of it, but not everyone can practice it. That is to say, destiny is not controlled by everyone. Daoyou, the reason why you can perform great destiny is probably because you are the king of destiny in the world. "

Chen Yang said: "the energy consumed by this great destiny technique is too terrible. I can't do it now, and it doesn't seem that powerful. I've used great destiny twice in a place full of five elements. He was also broken when he performed the great destiny for the second time. "

Great destiny is the general principle of three thousand roads, which makes Chen Yang feel a little depressed. It seems that this art is exaggerating.

Chen Yang is even more depressed because he has such magic weapons as shanhaizhu, xuanhuang Shengu seed, and great destiny, but it seems that none of them are really powerful. It's like sitting on a mountain and not knowing how to use it! Outside, he's still a poor man.

Monk Linghui said, "is the great destiny broken? That's really strange. How was it broken? "

Chen Yang then talked about the war with Fu Qingzhu at that time.

After hearing this, monk Linghui immediately exclaimed

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