"Daoyou, Fu Qingzhu is really a genius! Actually, in a short time, I came up with the rules of using your great destiny to tie you in Linghui monk said: "this is equivalent to, you are the commander of the three armed forces, the following generals suddenly forced the palace, let you also have to abide by the general's orders. You have to listen. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand what you said. Now I wonder how this great destiny can be broken so easily because it is so famous."

Monk Linghui pondered for a moment and said: "fate is the most impermanent. The reason why this great destiny is the general principle of three thousand roads is that fate can break everything. I don't know much about the great destiny, but I think that the reason why the great destiny doesn't show its power in the hands of Taoist friends is that you don't fully understand the great destiny After a pause, he said, "if you don't want to be a Taoist friend, you can teach me the art of destiny. I'll come and see if I can find out the secret."

Chen Yang said, "no problem." He soon taught the great fortune to Linghui monk.

Monk Linghui understood it for about an hour. He was silent all the time. Suddenly, he said, "the great destiny is not complete."

"Incomplete?" Chen Yang was surprised and said, "how can it be incomplete? If it's incomplete, how can I show it? "

Monk Linghui said, "it's not that the great destiny is incomplete, but that you must learn the little destiny and the great destiny first. First understand fate, and then you can understand the true meaning of fate

"So?" Chen Yang said.

Linghui monk said: "I used to practice great fatalism, and I felt that it was a little bit worse at that time. Now I see the great destiny, and finally I understand the three sets of techniques. It turned out that the real great destiny could be formed. "

Chen Yang said: "so it seems that what I have to do now is to find small fatalism and big fatalism."

Monk Linghui said, "first of all, you have to be able to travel through the plane space."

Chen Yang has a headache.

"That little fatalism, I know one can do it." Chen Yang's heart is to remember, when Cheng Jianhua will be small fatalism. Cheng Jianhua wanted to deprive himself of his own destiny by means of little fatalism, but later he failed. With the big brother Luo Feng in the relationship, I went to Cheng Jianhua to ask for a little fatalism. I think it's not a big problem.

But it's not sure. Chen Yang and Cheng Jianhua have always been little rivals. I'm afraid there will still be some disputes at that time, but no matter what, Chen Yang feels that he must get the little fatalism.

Hundreds of miles have passed between Chen Yang and monk Linghui.

Later, the imperial city of Dakang was already in sight. Chen Yang did not fly over the imperial city of Dakang. He still has to abide by the ban of Dakang imperial city. He doesn't have the ability and face of the God Emperor and the great emperor of China.

Chen Yang landed outside and then entered the city smoothly.

After entering the city, the first thing is to go back to Shaowei.

In Shaowei's house, Nie Meiniang keeps it in good order. Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie have been staying in Shaowei's house, and their life is very comfortable.

Before Chen Yang saw Meiniang, Batu flew out first.

At this time, Batu has grown extraordinary, full of a crane, but also absolutely able to carry people to fly.

Batu is very close to Chen Yang. He wants to stand on Chen Yang's shoulder, which scares Chen Yang. Because this product is more than twice as high as Chen Yang's.

"Little guy, growing so fast?" Chen Yang was surprised.

He heard Qiao Ning say that it will take at least a year for Batu to grow up. It's been more than half a year!

Then also at this time, Nie Meiniang followed to welcome out. Nie Meiniang's black dress is elegant and beautiful. She smile, said: "this is because Hu and Zheng, they gave this little guy a lot of pills to eat, it grows so fast."

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

He played with Batu for a while and then went into the living room.

Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie also immediately came out to meet. When they saw Chen Yang, they would kneel down. Chen Yang quickly stopped them and said, "don't be so polite to me, Mr. Hu and Mr. Zheng. We are all our own people in the future. In my eyes, when you are elders, you kneel down to me. I'm afraid of losing my life! "

Chen Yang is polite and courteous. This makes Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie more determined to Chen Yang.

This time we met, we were all happy and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Nie Meiniang asks Qiao Ning again, but Chen Yang doesn't know where Qiao Ning has gone. This makes Chen Yang a little dejected.

Chen Yang doesn't plan to stay in Shaowei for a long time. After all, time is precious. But after a while, the eunuch came to say who called Shaowei general.

Chen Yang can't help meeting the emperor. Nie Meiniang and they are in the Imperial City, thanks to the emperor's protection.

Chen Yang directly followed his father-in-law into the palace to meet the emperor.

Outside the imperial study, Chen Yang meets Chang again. The last time we met, Chang turned Chen Yang away.Chang was very polite this time and said, "I've met general Shaowei. General Shaowei, please come inside. The emperor is waiting for the general. "

Chen Yang did not dare to be proud of Chang and said, "thank you, Chang."

Then Chen Yang went into the imperial study.

In the imperial study, Xuan Zhenghao wore a purple gold crown and a bright yellow robe. He's looking at Tao Te Ching!

Chen Yang went in, knelt down on one knee and said, "I will see the emperor at the end."

Xuan Zhenghao put down Tao Te Ching. He smiles at Chen Yang and says, "Chen Yang, don't be polite. Sit down."

Chen Yang said, "thank you, Emperor."

After that, he sat down on one side.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "you have difficulties several times, I have avoided you. Only today you have nothing to ask for, but I take the initiative to call. I think you've already despised me in your heart, haven't you

Chen Yang said: "the end will not dare!" He then laughed and said, "emperor, you and blue and purple are in charge of the chess game. Although I am one of the chess pieces, I am not ignorant and resentful. This is not the realm that a mature person should have. So the emperor's worries are too much. "

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "Chen Yang, you are really good."

Chen Yang just smiles.

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I have no other business today. No matter with you or with you, these are small things. I don't have to please you. " After a pause, he said, "I want to tell you something. The God Emperor, the sect leader, and the devil emperor are all out of trouble from the meteorite formation. And now, the gate of fairyland is completely open. Wuliangshajie is pushed to the highest point. As the king of destiny in the world, you can't avoid it. So you should be more careful and think about everything in the future. "

Chen Yangxian was overjoyed and said, "master Ling, they are out of trouble. This is really great."

"But the devil is out of trouble." "It's not necessarily a good thing for you," he said

Chen Yang said, "those who should come are always unavoidable."

Xuan Zheng Hao a smile, say: "good, you have this kind of verve, deserve to be the king of destiny."

Chen Yang didn't stay long in the palace, and then he left.

Xuan Zhenghao really has nothing to do with Chen Yang.

But what Chen Yang doesn't know is that after Chen Yang left. Xuanzhenghao's imperial study appeared the immortal god of Emperor Xuan.

After Chen Yang left the palace, there was a man waiting for him outside.

That person is Su Yanran of Tianchi Pavilion.

Su Yanran is waiting for Chen Yang in the carriage. Chen Yang went straight to the carriage.

At this time, Su Yanran was dressed in a white dress, elegant and moving, like a dust fairy.

"The news of Tianchi Pavilion is really good." Chen Yang smiles.

The whole carriage is filled with the fragrance of Su Yanran. This fragrance is not from the powder, but from her body.

The fragrance is intoxicating.

Su Yanran smiles and says: "although the news of Tianchi Pavilion is well-informed, it can't reach places beyond the earth. Now it's really hard for us to meet you. So as soon as you come back, we should see you with stitches. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "if you want to see me, it must not be because of personal friendship."

Su Yanran said: "of course, it won't be purely because of personal friendship, but after we have talked about business, let's talk about personal friendship."

Chen Yang said: "is it difficult for Tianchi pavilion to think that the business I did before was too loss making, so now I want to return Shendan?"

Su Yanran said, "that's not true. Although Tianchi pavilion has never been a loss making business. However, since the matter has come to this point, there is no point in asking for Shendan. "

Chen Yang said: "in sum, the benefits you get from me are far more than the benefits I get from you. So you're not going to lose money. "

Su Yanran said: "one yard to one yard." After a pause, she said, "it's a change that none of us expected. But at the moment, we really don't need to get something about the emperor from you

Chen Yang said: "I can't blame it. The star hall has done it. I can't do anything about it. Besides, you have already cooperated with the emperor, so I am even more redundant. "

Su Yanran said: "in any case, this matter needs a good beginning and a good ending. There are two voices about you in our cabinet. The first is to settle accounts with you and let you compensate for the losses. "

Chen Yang can't help but feel speechless and said: "this kind of words can also be said. You Tianchi Pavilion is also the name of emperor Changsheng. It's too stingy."

Su Yanran said: "the great emperor always does not care about the business in the pavilion. The great emperor does not care about such trifles as you. But you can't deny that although you have external reasons, you are still in breach of contract. "

Chen Yang said, "who said I broke the contract? If I have some news and secrets from the emperor, I can continue to pass them on to you

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