Su Yanran couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Chen Yang, you know, you don't want to explain something to me. Behind what I represent is Tianchi Pavilion. Now you don't have much time to stay in Dakang. You know less than our intelligence personnel can get. "

Chen Yang said: "this is force majeure, not my wish." After a pause, he said, "what do you mean by Tianchi pavilion?"

Su Yanran said: "the top management of Tianchi pavilion hopes you can promise to do three things for Tianchi Pavilion."

Chen Yang said, "are you kidding me? I want to kill and set fire. Do I agree?"

"It's not against morality. It's within your power." Su Yanran said.

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked.

Su Yanran said: "you don't have to worry about that. There is nothing specific for you to do at the moment. This is a promise from Tianchi Pavilion. They just bet on your future. "

Chen Yang said, "I won't do it either."

Su Yanran wry smile, said: "Chen Yang, you will make it difficult for me to do. Because this is your business. I'm the one who's pulling the strings. "

Chen Yang said: "you help them earn a lot of good things for me, so you don't owe Tianchi Pavilion anything."

Su Yanran said: "that's not what I said. The rules of Tianchi pavilion are strict, one yard to one yard."

Chen Yang said with some displeasure: "Su Yanran, we are old friends anyway. You know what I do to you. It's boring for me to bargain with you all the time. You'd better tell me directly, what's the bottom line of Tianchi Pavilion this time? What if I don't listen? What I know better is that now I am a member of the hall of stars, and the great emperor of China is out of trouble. Although I have many enemies, I have many friends. If we weigh the pros and cons, what will Tianchi Pavilion do? "

Su Yanran blushed slightly and said, "Chen Yang, as a friend, I don't seem to be in charge of this business at all. But I'm from Tianchi Pavilion. I can't help doing a lot of things. When we first came to you, we also valued your destiny. You have a lot of skills, there is a sentence you are right. You have many enemies, but you also have many friends. Tianchi Pavilion doesn't want to take revenge on you just because of ten pills. That's why I came to you today. If it wasn't for your involvement, Tianchi Pavilion wouldn't be so tender to you. "

"After all, it's all business," Chen said

Su Yanran said: "I will tell you the bottom line directly. You should at least promise to do one thing for us. As long as it's not against morality, you can't refuse in the future. "

Chen Yang said: "the moral standard is different in everyone's mind."

Su Yanran said: "pull this word, there is no meaning."

"Yes, I will." Chen Yang said.

Then he said, "if it's OK, can I go?"

He was really a little angry. He always treats people with sincerity, and even more heartfelt to Su Yanran.

But Su Yanran repeatedly used the means of a businessman on him, which really made people angry.

Su Yanran suddenly holds Chen Yang's hand.

Her hands were cold and soft, and Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He turned his head to look at Su Yanran and said, "how?"

Su Yanran let go, she said apologetically: "sorry, Chen Yang, I have my body."

Chen Yang light smile, said: "understand!"

Then, Chen Yang left Su Yanran's carriage.

Chen Yang is an open-minded person and will not be angry with Su Yanran. But later, he will not be so sincere to Su Yanran.

This is the end of the Tianchi Pavilion.

In fact, the reason why Tianchi pavilion has grown so strong is that they must have their own business experience. For Chen Yang, the reason why they are willing to make a contribution is just like venture capital. Tianchi Pavilion is an angel investor, and Chen Yang is an absolute potential stock.

At present, Chen Yang has no role in Dakang. Tianchi Pavilion doesn't want to lose everything. At this time, if they come to ask Chen Yang for losses, such as repaying Shendan, it's very impolite.

That's the reason why angel investment fails, and you need someone to get back the investment money.

So at this time, Tianchi Pavilion bought Chen Yang's future.

In the future, if Chen Yang really becomes a person who knows everything, then they will jump out.

On the other hand, if Chen Yang goes to the streets and dies, it's nothing.

This is the plan of Tianchi Pavilion.

Although Su Yanran has a private relationship with Chen Yang, it is also under the supervision of Tianchi Pavilion. If Su Yanran doesn't do her best, she will have a hard time in Tianchi Pavilion.

This is the difficulty that Chen Yang didn't understand Su Yanran.

Chen Yang returns to Shaowei mansion.

On this day, he didn't think much about it. He was talking to Nie Meiniang and playing with Batu.

Chen Yang doesn't want to leave with Batu, although Batu can carry people. But Batu is not as fast as Chen Yang.Moreover, Batu's power is nothing. If Chen Yang is fighting with others, Batu is too dangerous to follow. On the contrary, Shaowei is a paradise. Then Batu's stay in Shaowei is the best.

Today's Dakang is no longer dependent on yuntianzong.

Emperor xuanzhenghao of Dakang cooperated with emperor Changsheng, and Tianchi Pavilion helped him. Dakang has become an existence that can compete with the major Xianmen sects. Even some ancient gods have come to cooperate with Xuan Zhenghao.

Chen Yang stayed in Shaowei mansion for a day, then left.

He took Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie.

Three people can take turns to fly. When one person flies, the other two people hide in the Buddhist monk.

Although time is urgent, Chen Yang decided to meet Cheng Jianhua first.

The practice of little fatalism is helpful for Chen Yang to understand the mystery of big fatalism.

Chen Yang also knows in his heart that the holy city now has the return of Jiuyou Tiandi, which is absolutely not a good thing for him. At the beginning, Emperor Jiuyou and his party attacked Dakang. He did a lot of things in the middle.

Moreover, the devil may also stay in the holy city.

However, Chen Yang decided to go there to see if he had a chance to meet Cheng Jianhua. He wanted to go to little fatalism.

If you want wealth in danger, crisis is also an opportunity.

Time is not so abundant for Chen Yang.

With the opening of the gate of fairyland, his cultivation is still so awkward, he must be a little anxious.

On the way to the holy city, Chen Yang passes through several dense primeval forests. So he let monk Linghui go down to absorb the aura of trees.

Monk Linghui is very happy. He is very happy with the aura of trees.

The three of Chen Yang are waiting in the sky. Monk Linghui's body is like a bean sprout, but when he falls into the forest, he immediately begins to grow.

In a moment, a towering tree grew up.

The tree that Linghui monk became continued to grow, and it also grew countless tentacles. There are millions of tentacles, and the height of the tree has gradually grown to a height of more than 1000 feet.

It's a spectacle, like a pillar straight into the sky.

The tens of millions of green tentacles are growing. Each tentacle is as thick as a giant whale and 300 kilometers long.

The dense primeval forest was soon covered by the trees of Linghui monk. Chen Yang and others were astonished.

Hu Changchun said: "young master, it's terrible that master Linghui has such magical power."

Zheng tianlie said: "yes, these changes are really amazing."

Chen Yang also has the feeling of a dog in his heart. This big Luo xianteng has such power. It seems that before in their own hands, it is really a bit outrageous.

Chen Yang is even more depressed because he knows that all his treasures are top-notch. But he took it, but he didn't show his power at all. It makes him feel like he's holding a gold card with billions of dollars, but he doesn't know the password. He still lives a miserable life every day, but what he yearns for is the kind of great wealth!

About an hour later, Linghui monk finally took back all the tentacles, and finally gradually became a bean sprout.

Bean sprouts fly in the air, and then come to Chen Yang's head.

Chen Yang and others looked down. At the same time, they whispered in their hearts, "my God!"

At this time, the dense primeval forest below is already a yellow, as if experiencing a doomsday fire in general, there is no living saplings.

"This It's cruel, isn't it Chen Yang said to monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "Amitabha, sin, sin. This is the only way for me to grow up. If you have learned the great spirit liquid skill, you can directly absorb the spirit liquid. So as not to damage the tree itself. But now, it's hurting the tree itself, but it doesn't absorb the spirit liquid. "

After a pause, he said, "don't worry, Daoyou. These trees are not hurt at all. They will grow up again later. However, it will take at least ten years to be so prosperous again. "

Chen Yang said: "all things have spirit. It's not good for you to do this after all. It's better to try to kill as little as possible. "

Linghui monk said: "what Taoist friends say is that I will pay attention to it in the future."

Chen Yang said, "is your absorption helpful to your cultivation?"

Linghui and Shangli were excited and said, "ha ha, that will help a lot. Today, the inner aura of daluoxianteng is abundant, and its strength is more than twice as strong as before. I can also use some arrays. "

Chen Yang said, "that's good."

Then, a crowd continued on their way.

Hu Changchun is in charge of the flight.

Chen Yang and Zheng tianlie rest in jiexumi. What did Chen Yang think of and summoned the Taoist warrior out.

Taoist Wu saluted in front of Chen Yang and said, "I've met Taoist friends!"

Zheng tianlie was surprised to see that Chen Yang had many means.Chen Yang then explained to Zheng tianlie the existence of Wu daoren. Later, Chen Yang said to Wu daoren, "now that we are in the secular world, how do you plan to improve your strength?"

When Taoist Wu was about to speak, monk Linghui said, "I know how to bring Taoist Wu's strength into full play."

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