Gu Changkong was slightly surprised when he saw Chen Yang. Chen Yang's name is still unknown in Tianzhou, and Jiuyou Tiandi doesn't care much about Chen Yang. Jiuyou Tiandi's impression of Chen Yang comes from the devil emperor Chen Tianya. He knows something about dog blood between Chen Tianya and Chen Yang. But Chen Tianya is obviously not willing to talk about this kind of family scandal with Jiuyou Tiandi.

Before Gu Changkong introduced Chen Yang to the high priest, he did not know Chen Yang. But later, he reported the matter to the great prince Luo Tianxin. After another investigation, I got some knowledge of Chen Yang's identity. However, Luo Tianxin didn't say much after he knew that Chen Yang had been here.

After all, Chen Yang's destiny is not so well known.

Luo Tianxin didn't take it too seriously.

In the eyes of the adults, it is obvious that Chen Yang has no place. This is the result of Chen Yang's cultivation. If Chen Tianya had come here, Luo Tianxin would have been shocked for a long time.

Gu Changkong saw Chen Yang and said with a smile, "brother Chen, why are you here?"

Chen Yang said, "brother Gu, I'd like to meet someone. I hope you can pass it on for me."

Gu Changkong said, "brother Chen, who do you want to see? High priest

"I want to see Cheng Jianhua around the high priest," Chen said

Gu Changkong was slightly surprised, but he didn't say anything, just said: "OK."

Gu Changkong led Chen Yang into the temple, but Chen Yang refused. He said, "I'll just wait outside."

In the temple, the array is terrible. After Chen Yang went in, he immediately lost all his mana. He didn't dare go in.

Although there is silence in it, silence may not protect itself. And in case of meeting Chen Tianya head-on, it's not so good.

Chen Yang's Lingtai formula is still there, so even Chen Tianya can't feel that he is coming.

Chen Yang took great risks in this meeting. However, for the sake of his great fortune, he had to see Cheng Jianhua.

The last time Chen Yang and Qin Lin dared to go in, it was based on their trust in Shen Muran. But this time, he didn't say he wanted to see him.

When Gu Changkong saw that Chen Yang refused to go in, he knew his worries. He just smile, but not reluctantly. Then he turned and went into the temple.

Gu Changkong didn't go to see Cheng Jianhua for the first time, but went directly to see the great prince Luo Tianxin.

Luo Tianxin is surprised to hear that Chen Yang wants to see Cheng Jianhua. After pondering for a moment, he said, "go to find Cheng Jianhua. Don't make it public."

Gu Changkong said, "yes, your highness!"

There is something strange about this matter. Luo Tianxin will always pay attention to it, but he won't disturb Jiuyou Tiandi.

Chen Yang also has no way to show his true face, because the temple is heavily guarded, so it is impossible for him to enter. In order to meet Cheng Jianhua, he had to go through the ancient sky.

Gu Changkong will certainly ignore a stranger.

Chen Yang waited outside for about ten minutes. Ten minutes later, Cheng Jianhua came out.

After Cheng Jianhua came out, Chen Yang was slightly relieved.

Cheng Jianhua is wearing a white robe. He looks like an immortal. At first glance, I still have a healthy face. But Chen Yang knows in his heart that this man has reached the highest level of shamelessness. Chen Yang doesn't understand why Cheng Jianhua is willing to stay with his elder brother Luo Feng.

"This surprised me. Chen Yang, you came to see me alone." After seeing Chen Yang, Cheng Jianhua said with a faint smile.

"Come to you, nothing else." Chen Yang said, "my elder brother asked me to come to see you." He is not silly white sweet, naturally also know that Gu Changkong may go to tell the high-level temple. The conversation between the two high-level people in the temple is uncertain.

Cheng Jianhua is also an extremely intelligent person, so Chen Yang is not worried that he will not understand his hints.

When Cheng Jianhua hears Chen Yang mention Luo Feng, his expression is immediately in awe, no longer as loose as before. Chen Yang takes this scene in his eyes. He is slightly surprised and thinks that Cheng Jianhua really respects his elder brother in his heart. This kind of detail can't deceive people.

Chen Yang said: "the overseas moon immortal will celebrate his 1000th birthday in a month. At that time, there will be many immortal sects, and some scattered practitioners will go to celebrate his birthday. Elder brother got the mission of Zhongxing hall, which is to pay homage to Mingyue xianzun and win some gifts from Mingyue xianzun. The gift is the creation fragment and the great phagocytosis. Big brother is in a hurry to go overseas now. He hopes you can help with the past. "

Chen Yang pause, said: "I have a task in the body, and the star has stipulated that we can not help each other. So he asked me to come to you. "

Cheng Jianhua said: "this is a big thing. I will listen to brother Feng's orders. I will report to Mr. Shen immediately. Just, how can I join brother Feng? "

Chen Yang said: "you just go to Beihai, and then big brother will contact you."

Cheng looked at Chen Yang thoughtfully, and then said, "good!"

Chen Yang said, "I'll go first. I'm not involved in your affairs."Cheng Jianhua said, "good!"

Then Chen Yang flew away.

"Your Highness, do you want to stop him?" In the Xiuyu Pavilion of the temple, Gu Changkong and Luo Tianxin look at a bronze mirror in front of them. The bronze mirror shows the picture of Chen Yang flying away.

This bronze mirror is called Tianjing, which was made by Jiuyou Tiandi with magic tools and great magic power. All places in the holy city can be manifested through the magnetic field. Of course, if the other party is aware, it can also be blocked by mana.

But neither Chen Yang nor Cheng Jianhua is aware of it.

"No!" Luo Tianxin said.

Gu Changkong said, "Your Highness, do you think Chen Yang really just came to deliver a message?"

Luo Tianxin said: "the temple is not clear, but no matter what happens in the holy city, don't leave out any details. Here, we will arrange people to follow Chen Yang and Cheng Jianhua. Don't worry about the rest. "

"Yes Gu Changkong said.

Luo Tianxin arranges people to follow Chen Yang. After Chen Yang leaves the holy city, he immediately escapes to a forest. The master followed him closely, but as soon as Chen Yang entered the woods, he was like a bullock into the sea.

So This stalker is completely stupid.

It's the first time I've lost it so soon.

In desperation, the master came back in vain.

Cheng soon left the holy city. He is a silent man, not a prisoner of the temple, so there is no reason to stop him when he wants to go out.

The master Luo Tianxin sent to follow Chen Yang is called Guiyou. Guiyou has a magic power called soul searching. As long as he locks each other's breath, he can lock each other's soul breath. No matter the other side runs to the nine realms of heaven, it can be clear.

But GUI you lost Chen Yang in less than one meeting this time, which surprised Luo Tianxin.

Luo Tianxin immediately sent old man Biluo to follow Cheng Jianhua.

Originally, Luo Tianxin didn't pay much attention to this matter. He just paid attention to it with the sensitivity of a monk.

Just like angel investors, I feel that there is some potential in it, so I'm willing to make an investment. It doesn't matter if it has no value. What if it's worth it?

But at this moment, Luo Tianxin is shocked by the strangeness of Chen Yang.

He immediately asked old man Biluo to follow him.

Old man Biluo's cultivation is already in the middle of ten days. He is a giant in Tianzhou. In the protoss, the status is also high. Luo Tianxin let Biluo old man to track, absolutely attaches great importance to this matter.

Old man Biluo quickly locked Cheng Jianhua, and then followed him.

Cheng Jianhua's accomplishments have been growing rapidly. Behind him is the winner of the four ancient emperors. That is, Ying Zheng, the first emperor of Qin Dynasty.

Ying Zheng is Cheng Jianhua's master, so Cheng Jianhua's cultivation speed will definitely not fall behind Luo Feng.

He also has super magic tools like sun moon economic fiber in his hand.

Today, Cheng Jianhua's strength has risen greatly, and he can also play the power of Sun Moon economic fiber to about 20%.

In the past, Cheng Jianhua could only exert one twentieth of the power of Japan. Now it is able to play out two tenths of the power, which is not comparable. Moreover, the instrument spirit in the sun moon economy has awakened.

Cheng Jianhua flew out of the holy city with his own refined spirit.

There is still a big gap between Cheng Jianhua's accomplishments and old man Biluo, so he can't feel the existence of old man Biluo.

But Cheng Jianhua doesn't think that no one is following him. Chen Yang can guess that someone is following him, so can Cheng Jianhua.

Cheng Jianhua left the holy city and flew for a day. After that, he settled in Jianyang City in Dashun.

The city of Jianyang is quite lively and prosperous, although Dashun attacked Dakang before. But Dakang did not wantonly retaliate, so Dashun's economy did not regress.

It's still sunset.

Cheng Jianhua enters an inn.

Nowadays, Cheng Jianhua mostly eats Dan medicine Yuanqi, which is the food of the world. After eating it, there is no benefit. But in fact, he stayed for a rest.

Not long after Cheng Jianhua sat down, another diner came in. The diner was a man in his thirties. He was plain looking, so he sat down opposite Cheng Jianhua.

The meal was peaceful. But Cheng Jianhua saw that the diner had carved a few words on the table with spiritual magic.

"The woods outside the city!"

The fonts came out and soon disappeared.

Cheng Jianhua was surprised. He didn't recognize the diner at this moment. He didn't think that this person in front of him was Chen Yang, because he felt that if he was Chen Yang, no matter how easy Chen Yang was to disguise, he would be able to feel it at such a close distance.

No matter who the diner is, Cheng Jianhua decides to go to the woods outside the city. He can feel that this person must have something to do with Chen Yang or Luo Feng.Cheng Jianhua knows that Luo Feng is not looking for him this time. If Luo Feng is looking for him, he won't let Chen Yang come. It came right here.

Although he understands that there is a problem, Cheng Jianhua also believes that Chen Yang will not take the risk to cheat himself and then kill himself. Chen Yang must have something

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