The woods outside the city are luxuriant.

Under the setting sun, the forest sea rises and falls with the evening wind, which is quite spectacular.

Cheng Jianhua flew over the forest, and then went into the forest. Old man Biluo tracks down here and immediately loses the breath of Cheng Jianhua.

"It's really weird." The old man's heart was cold. He gave a cold hum, and then locked his divine consciousness in the whole forest. Even a bird can't fly away from under his eyelids. However, no matter how old Biluo's spirit shoots in the woods, he doesn't feel Cheng Jianhua's breath.

I don't feel human.

"The boy went in clearly, why can't he feel it?" The old man was shocked.

"Hum!" Then the old man wanted to use his magic to raze the forest to the ground. Just then, Cheng Jianhua flew out of it.

Old man Biluo is in the sky, revealing the essence. Cheng Jianhua immediately flew over to old man Biluo.

"Master Biluo, why are you here? What a coincidence. " Cheng Jianhua pretends to be surprised and asks old man Biluo. The old man looked at Cheng Jianhua coldly and said, "what did you do in the woods just now?"

Cheng Jianhua smiles and says, "elder Biluo, it seems that I am not a prisoner. Younger generation into a forest, even if there is a secret deal in it. It's also a private matter of the younger generation. It seems that I don't have to explain it to you, elder Biluo? "

"How dare Ann have such sharp teeth and sharp mouth in front of me Old man Biluo's eyebrows stand upright and his fierce light is exposed. At this moment, the dignity of old man Biluo showed up. Suddenly, a fierce force rolled against Cheng Jianhua. This fierce power instantly made Cheng Jianhua feel suffocated, chest tightness and want to vomit.

Cheng Jianhua takes a deep breath. He runs the sun and moon economy secretly.

Then a golden light flashed out, which immediately dispelled the power of the old man. He said to old man Biluo, "senior, junior are the people around the high priest. Now that we have not violated the rules of the protoss, will the elder kill the younger? If so, the younger generation is not the opponent of the older generation. Let's just do it, master? "

How can old man Biluo really kill Cheng Jianhua. Behind Cheng Jianhua, there is Shen Muran. Shen Muran and the protoss are now on their honeymoon. If old man Biluo really killed Cheng Jianhua, then emperor Jiuyou would be very angry.

But at this moment, in the face of Cheng Jianhua's arrogance, Biluo old man also can't swallow this tone. He said coldly, "you are a young man with sharp teeth and sharp mouth. It seems that I have to discipline you for the high priest." When he had finished, he bent his fingers.

Immediately, a sharp vigorous Qi burst out of the air, whistling towards Cheng Jianhua.

In front of Cheng Gang, he breaks the law of space. Cheng Jianhua immediately felt the terrible strength of old Biluo. However, he did not pay attention to this point.

Cheng Jianhua gave a cold smile, and he immediately pointed it out. On that day, the moon and the sun wheel collided in the air, which immediately produced a fireworks.

This flower fire contains the incomparable vigorous Qi of the sun's true fire and the bright moon's Yin cold. There are many principles and rules in the two vigorous Qi.

As soon as Cheng Jianhua grasped it, he grasped the fireworks in his hand. At the same time, he also bent his fingers.

Immediately, there was a golden light that cut the vigorous Qi of the old man into pieces.

Cheng Jianhua said in a deep voice, "master Biluo, do you really want to fight with me today?"

"The upright son is hateful!" Old man Biluo originally just wanted to teach Cheng Jianhua a lesson. He was surprised that Cheng Jianhua could easily break his Xuangang finger. This makes old Biluo feel proud. Old man Biluo, who was annoyed and angry, made another move.

"Lizi, do you think you are qualified to compete with me if you have won the sun and moon economy of Yingdi?" Old man Biluo quickly made a seal on his hands, but this time he was no longer polite.

Under the anger of old Biluo, Cheng Jianhua can't bear it or die.

"Zhongzhou Zhentian seal!"

In an instant, the brow of the old man beamed infinite light. All of these are of various colors, which can directly penetrate a radius of 30 kilometers. In the pure light, the air is rolling, like the river and sea. In the air current, a vast mountain atmosphere spread out.

Cheng Jianhua was surprised. "This old guy is crazy. He has directly used Zhongzhou Zhentian seal."

Old man Biluo's hands hold the formula. His hair and beard are all open, and his clothes are puffed up without wind.

Then, all the essence formed a towering mountain!

When Cheng Jianhua looked up, his eyes were dark.

The mountain, which is worth hundreds of millions of tons, has been suppressed in this way, which means that the whole area of 30 kilometers has been suppressed. At this moment, the sky and the earth were dark, as if the end had come.

Without the suppression of Qianyuan golden light array, all the power of Zhongzhou Zhentian seal was revealed.

This Zhongzhou Zhentian seal is a famous stunt of old man Biluo. It uses a towering mountain to suppress you. This kind of power is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Cheng Jianhua worships the sun and moon between lightning. The wheel of the sun and the wheel of the moon merge together and turn into a scorching sun, which directly blows out a gap in the towering mountain.Boom!

The ground vibrated violently, and the whole Jianyang City vibrated violently, just like a big earthquake.

Cheng Jianhua is held down by Tianyin Town, Zhongzhou town. Others are in the mountains. Although they are OK, they can't escape.

Cheng Jianhua continued to use the sun and moon economy to chop up the mountains, and he wanted to find a way out. But at this time, the rock layer of the mountain kept squeezing and flowing.

These rock slabs contain the magic power and spirit of the old man Biluo, and become harder and harder. Cheng Jianhua's mana is consumed rapidly. He breaks through more than ten miles in a row, but he still can't escape from the towering mountain.

"Boy, I will follow your magic power. You can't get away with this trick. " The old man said coldly.

Cheng Jianhua is trapped in it. He feels the surrounding rock flow and is pressing against him. He has to rely on the sun and moon economy to cut these extruded rock layers.

There are countless rules and mana in the rock slab. Each rock slab seems to be extremely heavy and hard. This makes Cheng Jianhua's mana consumption extremely fast.

The master of shichongtian can be called an absolute giant.

Once such a person makes a move, it is absolutely terrifying. Cheng Jianhua's strength in the early days of jiuchongtian, together with Sun Moon economy, could have been proud. But he met the old man's repression, but also helpless.

At the same time, Chen Yang and monk Linghui have gone underground. Chen Yang naturally led Cheng Jianhua here.

And this Zhongzhou zhentianyin directly shrouded Chen Yang.

In the crisis, Chen Yang quickly dug a hole, and then threw Jie Xumi into it. Others also followed in the precepts.

In this way, he also escaped the old man's divine consciousness.

We'll discuss with Mr. Chen, Mr. Xu and Mr. Chen.

"I didn't expect that the old man Biluo actually gave a hand to Cheng Jianhua directly. The little fatalism hasn't arrived yet. What can I do?" Chen Yang is anxious.

He led Cheng Jianhua to come, but also knew that old man Biluo was following. In order to prevent old man Biluo from destroying the forest, he quickly exchanged a spiritual imprint with Cheng Jianhua as the imprint of space connection.

This technique involves magnetic fields, imprints. It's like a phone call in the world.

However, there is also a distance limit. If we get together too far, it's useless.

After Chen Yang and Cheng Jianhua made an agreement, Cheng Jianhua quickly prepared to leave.

What happened now was unexpected to Chen Yang.

Monk Linghui said, "Daoyou, the old man Biluo has a high level of cultivation. If Cheng Jianhua died at this point. Little fatalism is no longer possible. Let's work together to kill the old man and save his flesh and blood. When you get the power of great phagocytosis, you can directly refine the flesh, blood, essence, Qi and spirit of old man Biluo. Maybe you can reach the peak of jiuchongtian at that time. "

Monk Linghui's idea is very bold.

Chen Yang was surprised and said, "old man Biluo is the top of the Protoss. If you give him a job, he will be the leader of the Protoss. After that, the protoss will not let me go. "

Monk Linghui said, "you are the king of heaven. At this time, are you still afraid of making enemies? I think your top priority is to be strong by all means. Otherwise, the progress can't keep up, sooner or later it will fall. The more enemies there are, the more pressure there will be and the faster progress will be. "

Chen Yang teeth a bite, said: "good, according to what you say."

I'm afraid of a ball!

Although Linghui monk has been promoted by Chen Yang, there are still some internal personality factors. So it's no surprise that he has this bold idea.

Chen Yang is not afraid of old man Biluo. He and Qiao Ning once tamed Xu Bowang in the middle of shichongtian. Now many experts deal with a blue old man, I think it's not a big problem.

Chen Yang said to Zheng tianlie and Hu Changchun, "Mr. Zheng, Mr. Hu, follow me to kill old Biluo."

"Yes, young master!"

Zheng tianlie and Hu Changchun should be.

As a result, Cheng Jianhua was struggling more and more. Chen Yang rushed out of jiexumi, and he directly carried out the formula of Zaohua sword.

In an instant, a thousand swords came out with unparalleled regular power.

Inside the mountain, Chen Yangpo opened a passage.

Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie also jumped out, these two people's mana is also deep and unparalleled. Hu Changchun sacrificed his Dharma sword, Chizhou Xuangang sword.

"Wan Jian Zhen Hai Jue!" Hu Changchun's magic power is wildly transported, and the Chizhou Xuangang sword cuts out thousands of sword lights, constantly crushing the rock layer in front of him.

Zheng tianlie is not idle, his weapon is the ghost claw.

Youming ghost claw and Zheng tianlie have been integrated. He grabs them out with one hand, and the palm becomes extremely dark, and exudes the chill of Youming.

The five fingers of Youming ghost claw grow up quickly, and the bones and joints are as strong as cattle, with a kind of cold breath.Five fingers form a ghost claw, cutting iron like mud.

Zheng tianlie's ghostly claws move continuously, the claw wind bursts, and the rock layer in front of him quickly breaks and shatters

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