Beidou peak has a vast area.

The buildings of the school are built close to the mountains, like a thousand year old temple, with many rooms and many natural landscapes. It is no smaller than the palace.

"Famous school, this is the real famous school!" Chen Yang couldn't help feeling in his heart. "There are thirty-six peaks in yuhuamen. The thirty-six peaks do not include the main peak. One of them is so magnificent. It's really amazing."

Lin Jin leads the way in the front and Chen Yang leads the way in the back.

Linghui monk is as small as hair, hidden in Chen Yang's ears.

The treasure Pavilion is located in the central area, surrounded by other buildings like stars. At the same time, under the leadership of Lin Jin, Chen Yang stood on the mountain wall. Under the mountain wall is zangzhen Pavilion, which covers an area of 10000 square meters. Nine golden pagodas are floating above the Tibetan treasure Pavilion.

"Nine palace pagoda array!" Chen Yang knew immediately.

The nine gold pagodas seem to be made of pure gold, each of which is 100 meters high and towering. Moreover, each gold pagoda emits powerful mana fluctuations. The nine gold pagodas echo each other, forming a powerful nine palace gold pagoda array!

Monk Linghui and Chen Yang exchange ideas. Linghui monk exclaimed: "what a powerful force of pure Yang, Yuhua gate has accumulated a lot! I found these nine gold pagodas to guard the treasure Pavilion. "

Chen Yang communicates with monk Linghui. He said, "what's the name of these nine pagodas?"

Linghui monk said, "I don't know what famous monks are, but the pure Yang in these nine golden pagodas is very powerful. If there is a master who practices pure Yang skill and takes these nine golden pagodas to hand, his power will be greatly increased immediately. There are not many people who can break into the array of nine gold pagodas. Unless you are such a master as Zaohua, the master of eclosion door is not a puppet even if Zaohua comes. Therefore, there must be endless good things in this treasure Pavilion! Let's go in this time and never come back in vain. "

Chen Yang said: "time is urgent. I'll see if I can find a way to sneak in."

Monk Linghui said: "although I know something about the array, I think I can't break it by skillful force. If you want to be a poor monk in the heyday before, you can open it directly. "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "if you just blow it away, you're going to die. Now the experts of eclosion gate are all around! "

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "that's true!"

Chen Yang and Lin Jin come to the gate under the Tibetan treasure Pavilion. There is a small platform in front of them, and then there is a cliff in front of them. There is a green pine growing on the cliff.

"Who?" At this moment, a disciple came over there and cheered here.

"What are you yelling about?" Lin jinchong's disciple scolded in a deep voice: "you're blind, aren't you? Don't you see that I'm here? Why, what do I have to report to you? Or do I want to break the treasure pavilion? "

The disciple saw Lin Jin clearly, and immediately turned pale. He said submissively, "I'm sorry, elder martial brother Lin, I'm sorry, I didn't see clearly just now."

"Go away!" Lin Jin drinks back this disciple like a dog.

"Yes, elder martial brother Lin." Said the man at once. After that, the disciple left immediately.

"No problem?" Chen Yang asks Lin Jin.

Lin Jin said: "don't worry, Daoyou. There will be no problem. This treasure Pavilion is here. No disciple has the ability to break the battle. So there is no doubt at all. "

Chen Yang said: "if it's just a break, it's easy. Now the difficulty is that I can't disturb you, elder martial brother Shen. "

"It's really hard," Lin said

Chen Yang doesn't say much now. He begins to pay attention to the nine palace pagoda array.

Chen Yang has a natural talent and attainments in array. He soon understood the nine palace pagoda array clearly.

"The core of the array is in the Tianwang Pagoda in the middle. The pure Yang mana of the other eight pagodas flows into the Tianwang pagoda, and the array of the Tianwang pagoda feeds back the other eight pagodas. Such a cycle, endless, external force is difficult to insert, just like a ball, has a very strong unloading effect. Because of this, it is very difficult to break in by force. We must have a strong force to blow up all the strength of the nine pagodas. "

"But I obviously don't have that power yet." Chen Yang said in secret.

"The reason why Fuyin can open the nine palace pagoda array is that there is the original power of the core of the nine palace Pagoda in Fuyin. If I want to break the array, I need to fly over the heavenly king's pagoda of the nine palace pagoda array, and then first absorb the pure Yang power of the pagoda, and then rely on the mana to solve the ninety-nine eighty-one equation dark array. If you use your own mana, it's definitely hard to get into it. This is a big trick. However, at this time, I can't break the battle openly. Once I break the battle, it will disturb Shen Xinghua. "

"Yes, there's a way." Chen Yang's eyes suddenly brightened. He immediately asked Lin Jin and said, "what does the Fuyin look like?"

Lin Jin was slightly stunned, and then said: "Daoyou, you see there is a groove on the gate."Chen Yang looked at it and found that there was a groove on the gate, which was similar to a little lion's Rune groove.

"This groove is obviously the core of the connected array. It's going to take the original power of the pagoda to get permission. " Chen Yang thought about it in his heart. "The xuanhuang liquid in the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu can wash away the world's filth and all the power marks. This xuanhuang liquid should not be resisted by the original power of the pagoda. "

It's a very risky idea. If it doesn't succeed, it will lead to death immediately.

However, Chen Yangsi thinks that this idea is likely to succeed.

This is the only way Chen Yang can think of at present.

If you don't use this method, you will have to come back in vain.

"Lin Jin, I'll try my best. If I find that I can't, I will hide in the precepts. You'll take jiexumi with you and find a chance to take us out. " Chen Yang said to Lin Jin.

"OK, Daoyou!" Lin Jin said without hesitation.

"If I succeed in getting things, we'll go as planned." Chen Yang finally tells Lin Jin.

Lin Jin said, "yes, Daoyou!"

Chen Yang Yun's mana absorbs xuanhuang liquid. Under the control of Chen Yang's mana, xuanhuang liquid immediately forms a little lion Rune seal.

Then, Chen Yang inserted the seal into the groove.

This is a very exciting scene, also very soul stirring. Chen Yang has understood the mystery of the array, and he knows what the groove means.

This is the opening of a symbol. Only the original power of the pagoda can be opened.

It's like the only key.

And xuanhuang liquid represents the master key.

But Chen Yang is not sure whether xuanhuang liquid is the master key.

No one knows what the chain reaction will be.

Little lion rune is inserted into the groove, and there is no reaction.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

But soon the door opened.

"It's a success!" Chen Yang was overjoyed. He went in immediately.

Then the door closed again.

Entering the treasure Pavilion, Chen Yang was slightly relieved. When he looked around, he immediately saw that the surrounding area was extremely wide, layered and dazzling. There are all kinds of treasures, magic weapons and books.

Chen Yang is impeccable to see more and search for stars. Only when you get the shuttle, this adventure will be meaningful.

Monk Linghui jumped down quickly, and then spread out thousands of tentacles to search in the treasure Pavilion.

After a while, Linghui monk said excitedly, "Taoist friend, I have found you." After he finished, he rolled his tentacles and handed two things to Chen Yang.

It's a silver shuttle that's broken in two, and there's residual force of stars in it. The silver shuttle is about one meter long. Its material is like iron, not iron, like silver, not silver. It is a kind of extraterrestrial meteorite.

"It is indeed a broken star shuttle." Chen Yang quickly collected the star shuttle into the precepts.

Linghui monk then casually rolled up many magic weapons, pills, books and so on, and caught Chen Yang in front of him.

He has a lot of tentacles, and there are a lot of things to grasp. Chen Yang takes out a spare jiexumi and quickly puts something into it. Chen Yang is also very excited. He knows that he is going to be developed.

But just then, the accident happened.

"What a brave man! He dares to break into the Tibetan treasure Pavilion without permission!" A shrill man's voice came.

Chen Yang was shocked.

"It's from the outside. No, we've been found." Linghui monk said immediately.

"Nonsense, can I not know if I have been found?" Chen Yang is ready to retreat quickly.

"If you go out like this, you'll be caught." Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang was stunned.

He had felt someone at the gate.

"What are you doing here, Lin Jin?" Outside the treasure Pavilion, the cold man asked Lin Jin in a cold voice.

"Elder martial brother, I found a shadow sneaking in here, so I followed it." That Lin Jin pour is alert, so say.

"Is it?" Shen Xinghua said suspiciously. However, Shen Xinghua also ignored Lin Jin, but quickly took out runes to open the treasure Pavilion. When he was about to open the treasure Pavilion, he found that a transparent Rune had been inserted in the groove of the gate.

"Damn it Shen Xinghua starts the mana quickly, and the door opens slowly.

After the door opened, Shen Xinghua quickly flashed into the treasure Pavilion.

Lin Jin followed him. Shen Xinghua immediately saw a mess in the Tibetan treasure Pavilion. It was obvious that someone broke in.

But Shen Xinghua left and right search, but did not see the shadow of the visitor.

"I must have been hiding in some kind of magic weapon. Hum, do you think that you can avoid my search?" Shen Xinghua is very angry. He immediately starts to search the treasure pavilion with his divine sense. He was so powerful that he couldn't escape any unusual breath.

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