Shen Xinghua, dressed in a purple Taoist robe, is very tall. He looks about 40 years old. He was born with a pair of eyes. His eyes are like electricity. It seems that he wants to see through people's hearts. He has been in charge of Beidou peak for several years. He is so majestic that few people dare to look him in the eye.

At this time, Shen Xinghua searched the treasure Pavilion, but he couldn't find the trace of the intruder. This makes Shen Xinghua even more angry, but he is not a man without a city. He quickly suppresses his anger.

"Elder martial brother?" Lin Jin looked around and pretended to be surprised. "Who has the ability to break into the treasure pavilion?"

Shen Xinghua looked coldly at Lin Jin and said, "you really don't know what happened here?"

Lin Jin said: "elder martial brother, I really don't know. This treasure Pavilion is heavily guarded, and it has nine palace pagodas. I have the ability to covet it. "

"You really don't have that ability." Shen Xinghua said: "but it's worth studying what role you play in it. But it doesn't matter. Everything will come out in time. "

As soon as he finished, he communicated with his mind.

"The disciples of the generation of Beidou peak listened to the order and quickly gathered at the Tibetan treasure Pavilion."

The voice quickly rang out in the ears of the disciples of Beidou peak. After that, the disciples of all generations immediately gathered to the side of zangzhen Pavilion. After a short time, more than 300 disciples gathered outside the zangzhen Pavilion. These disciples are all the disciples of the generation of Beidou peak, and their cultivation is already in the realm of Taixu and chongtian.

The second elder martial brother Fang Bing came outside the gate of zangzhen Pavilion. He said respectfully, "elder martial brother Hui, all the disciples have assembled. Please give me your orders."

Shen Xinghua takes Lin Jin out of the treasure Pavilion. He faces Fang Bing and the dark disciples.

"See you, elder martial brother!" All the disciples said in unison.

Shen Xinghua was so dignified that no one in the audience dared to look him in the eye.

Shen Xinghua glanced coldly at the disciples present, and then said, "all the disciples listen to the order, deploy the Great Dipper Wuji array, and guard the treasure Pavilion. Don't let a fly fly out without my permission. "

"Yes All the disciples should be.

Fang Bing was surprised and said, "elder martial brother, what happened?"

"A curfew broke into the Tibetan treasure Pavilion. At present, I don't know what means I used to hide. I can't shoot with my mind." Shen Xinghua said coldly, "but I'm sure this man is still in the treasure Pavilion."

Fang Bing quickly asked his disciples to set up the array.

Three hundred disciples quickly stood in the right position and then set up the array. The powerful magic power formed a border over zangzhen Pavilion. The magic power of these 300 disciples is combined with the aura of Beidou peak, and the array made by them is hard to break even the top ten Heaven experts. Unless the fairyland master comes.

Later, Shen Xinghua said to Fang Bing, "Fang Bing, you should report to elder Yan immediately. Elder Yan has learned to be able to hear the voice of the world. If there's a way to do it, you can't escape from elder Yan. "

"Yes Fang Bing immediately drove away from the main peak of yuhuamen in Yuanshen Dynasty.

The cultivation of Fang Bing has reached the peak of jiuchongtian.

"Oh, Daoyou, if the elder Yan he said really knows the way to heaven, then we can't hide here." Monk Linghui communicates with Chen Yang.

They are hiding in the ring Xumi, hiding in many magic weapons. Naturally, there are many Buddhist monks in this treasure Pavilion. So hide like this, God does not know. The most important thing is that Linghui monk used Lingtai Jue. Lingtai Jue covers up the breath, and Shen Xinghua's divine idea is useless.

At this time, Shen Xinghua came to the treasure Pavilion again.

This guy is extremely cautious.

There are two big formations outside. They are the masters who come to the virtual fairyland. They will die. And he sits in it to stop Chen Yang from making small moves.

When elder Yan arrives, Chen Yang will die.

There is no chance of luck in such a desperate situation. Chen Yang personally put himself in such a desperate situation.

However, even in this desperate situation, Chen Yang is still calm.

"I can't count on Lin Jin." Chen Yang said to monk Linghui, "elder Yan won't come alone. If something happens to Cangzhen Pavilion, it will disturb the high level. When the elders come, we will have no chance

Linghui monk said, "it's true."

Chen Yang said: "the only chance now is for us to rush out before the elders come. If we hide in the woods, do you think elder Yan's heavenly ear power can find us? "

Linghui monk immediately said firmly: "that's impossible. The forest is the origin of the poor monk. The heavenly king and Laozi can't find us. "

Chen Yang said, "that's good."

Linghui monk said: "but how can we rush out?"

Chen Yang gritted his teeth and said, "we can't wait to die. Let's fight. You can hold Shen Xinghua down later. I'm going to break the nine palace pagoda array. I am confident that I can break the nine palace pagoda formation in a short time. As for the Beidou Wuda formation outside, I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know how long it will take to break it. "Linghui monk said, "well, this idea is from poor monk. I'll give you time even if I'm fighting for my life today. "

Chen Yang nodded. He said, "I'll attack Shen Xinghua first, and then you go up."

"Well!" Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang quickly left jiexumi, and this jiexumi was put on Chen Yang's hand. Monk Linghui is attached to Chen Yang's head.

"Well, is Ken out?" Shen Xinghua's eyes move and immediately locks Chen Yang. After he saw Chen Yang clearly, he sneered and said, "a thing in the early days of jiuchongtian dares to come to our treasure Pavilion of Beidou peak to have a wild life. It's just like looking for death!"

After Shen Xinghua finished, he grabbed it with a big hand.

Immediately, a big handprint of Hansha came to Chen Yang.

Shen xinghuapu is a common master. The cold evil spirit in the big handprint and the circulation of thousands of ways make it impossible for people to escape.

Shen Xinghua's hand can't escape all the changes.

It's just After all, Shen Xinghua failed. He catches Chen Yang, but it's the air that gets him in the end.

"Damn it Shen Xinghua immediately understood that the other side had a magic weapon.

Chen Yang passed the imperial mirror and quickly came to the back of Shen Xinghua.

Shen Xinghua suddenly turns around. This time, if he is not polite, lightning locks Chen Yang.

"Beidou heavenly book, the power of stars!" Shen Xinghua's hand kneading method.

At the same time, Beidou Tianshu was offered.

The snow-white scroll unfolded, and it was as vast as ten thousand stars.

Then, in the book, the Big Dipper stars form a line, and a silver glow envelops Chen Yang.

Shen Xinghua's casting speed is so fast that Chen Yang has no time to cast the king's mirror. In a flash, he was covered with silver.

There are innumerable particles in the silver splendor, each particle contains the law of stars, and the weight of each particle has a great force.

So pressed down, Chen Yang felt that the power of the whole sky was squeezed up.

Moreover, the law of stars will block the surrounding space, so Chen Yang can't continue to use the emperor's mirror.

"Daoyou, let's go!" At this time, Linghui monk grew up quickly. In an instant, his tentacles spread out millions of roots, directly tearing the space apart.

Chen Yang took advantage of this gap and quickly moved out with the emperor's mirror. At the same time, Chen Yang quickly flew over there. He is going to break the nine palace pagoda array.

"I want you to die!" Shen Xinghua was furious.

He dealt with Linghui monk and continued to suppress him with the power of stars. With the other hand, the stars come and go.

In front of Chen Yang's eyes, there is a flash of stars, and then countless stars will cover Chen Yang.

"Emperor's mirror!" Chen Yang roared and shuttled 36 times with the emperor's mirror. After 36 maneuvers, he quickly left Shen Xinghua's Ferry.

"Stars, take it!" Shen Xinghua has also exerted his great efforts to be the original God of stars.

The star God, like an ancient giant, immediately stopped in front of Chen Yang.

"Dark Mandala!" Chen Yang directly took in the spirit of the stars with the dark Mandala.

The next second, Chen Yang has used xuanhuang liquid as a guide, directly penetrating the mana into the core of the heavenly king tower of the nine palace pagoda.


The core exploded quickly.

The power of the pure sun boomed in all directions.

"Heaven help me, too!" Chen Yang couldn't help cheering up. The power of the pure Yang quickly tore open a hole in the Beidou Wuda formation of many disciples.

"Linghui, go!" Chen Yang roared.

By this time, all the green tentacles of Linghui monk were in the treasure Pavilion. The treasure Pavilion is like a dense forest.

At this time, Linghui monk abandoned all his tentacles and turned them into a green leaf and flew to Chen Yang.

Shen Xinghua's body was shocked, and the power of the stars quickly burned all the green leaves to ashes. "Go there!" he cried angrily

Star's big hand seal, go to monk Linghui.

Chen Yang quickly sacrificed the Youming flag. The dark flag unfolds, and the dark fog covers the big fingerprints of stars. Chen Yang grabs the photo from the void, and a fist seal formed by the dark devil strikes the star's big handprint.


Chen Yang's dark god is quickly defeated, but at the same time, Chen Yang has also rescued Linghui monk.

Shen Xinghua's body soars into the air, and his spirit is captured. At this time, he flies out with the help of the power of the stars in the Beidou Tianshu. His speed is very fast, directly behind Chen Yang. Later, Shen Xinghua made another effort.

Shen Xinghua directly catches Chen Yang, but after catching Chen Yang, he discovers that what he catches is a fake body.

After Chen Yang rushed out of the treasure Pavilion, he saw the dark sky. At this time, the disciples also knew that the enemy was coming out. So other direct disciples immediately controlled yuan Shen to intercept Chen Yang in the air.Chen Yang worked hard and quickly moved back and forth with the emperor's mirror.

No matter how their mana was blocked, Chen Yang flashed thousands of meters away in a flash with the emperor's mirro

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