Chen Yang finally understood the meaning of heaven and earth, and finally understood why he was lost in the mainland. Why can one's own law of heaven and earth be invincible. It turns out that the Dharma phase of heaven and earth is a magic power that can only be acquired after the virtual fairyland.

"In the lost continent, the reason why I was able to gather the Dharma of heaven and earth by mistake is that in the lost continent, my strength is already the strength of the virtual fairyland. The power of the five elements there is controlled by me. The universe, the universe and the power of rules are melted into one furnace by me. In this way, I realized the Dharma of heaven and earth. "

Chen Yang thought in his heart. "As for when I left the lost continent, the elements of the five elements disappeared. My mana is not there, so I can no longer condense heaven and earth. The great Heidan at present is not really the law of heaven and earth. It is a small Dharma phase of heaven and earth created by me according to my experience. The difference is probably between toy cars and real cars. However, although this toy car is a toy, it already has five internal organs. "

Chen Yang soon figured out this section. He was the most intelligent man. Although Chen Yang has many good teachers and friends along the way. But there was no real master to teach him by hand.

In addition, everyone has his own way in the process of cultivation. It's true that a master can't teach by hand. Your way may not be mine.

Chen Yang figured this out, and at the same time, he said strangely, "has heaven and earth evolved into an eight legged God King? What the hell is this

Linghui monk said: "this poor monk has to start from the beginning. In fact, the Yuanshen below the virtual fairyland is not the real Yuanshen. For all their gods are made by man. But the evolution of heaven and earth is very different. There are many magical powers in heaven and earth. Once you have experienced the disaster, you will be reborn. All the sources and rules of supernatural powers will be truly integrated, and from then on a god of origin will be bred. "

Monk Linghui said, "this kind of spirit is beyond the imagination and prediction of the monks themselves. After the God of origin came out, its severity is also unimaginable. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized. "Yuanshen, Yuanshen? The original bred, is the real God. Pregnant? Give birth to

"Then, what is the realm of the God Emperor and Ling Chen Yang is surprised to think of this festival.

Monk Linghui obviously can't answer this question. Because Linghui monk is not familiar with Shendi and Chen Ling. In the parallel world, there is nothing to say.

In this life, when the God Emperor and the land of China rose, Linghui monk was not there at all.

Chen Yang thought to himself that master Shendi and master Ling could travel in the void, and their magic power could communicate with God. Now that the fairyland channel is open, they realize the power of pure Yang. They can also become the best in fairyland.

Chen Yang then asked monk Linghui and said, "I have never heard of a master of virtual fairyland who has the original God and the Dharma of heaven and earth before. What's going on? "

Linghui monk said: "that's because the real heaven and earth Dharma phase also includes the rules of the fairyland. Without integrating into the rules of the fairyland, the pure Yang immortal force can not experience the disaster of wind and fire. Since the closing of fairyland passage, the idea of virtual fairyland has rarely been mentioned. Because even in the fairyland, it's hard to understand the laws of fairyland and its various miracles. "

"I see!" Chen Yang said.

In the woods, after Chen Yang had mastered everything, he decided to leave.

It's only half a month before the birthday of Mingyue xianzun.

There was more time left. Chen Yang decided to go to the secular world first and exchange some pills. He has a lot of treasures in his hands.

After that, Chen Yang took control of the throne of Black Lotus and soared to the secular world. While

was roaming in the sea of clouds, Chen Yang changed his mask and changed his clothes.

It was the morning and the sun was shining. Especially the sunshine above the clouds, it is just golden.

Monk Linghui said, "now, it seems that you have very strong mana. You have 200 million brain cells. But the resources are not enough! For example, among those immortals, although the cost is huge, the resources generated are also countless. Those big men of the sect refining utensils and taking pills are just like drinking water. "

Chen Yang said, "what do you mean, I'm going to create a sect?"

Linghui said, "it's hard to create a sect. The best thing is to enslave the leaders of several small sects and let their resources serve you."

It's a good idea for Chen Yang.

However, Chen Yang is still unable to find trouble for no reason.

It's Linghui monk, though he's a poor monk. But the style of conduct is still full of evil.

This is not surprising, because before Linghui monk, he was an ancient insect emperor. If he was as obedient as a lamb, Chen Yang would be afraid.

This is the true nature of Linghui monk.

Three hours later, at noon, Chen Yang fell in a large city.This city is quite vigorous and full of vicissitudes.

"I have studied the atlas of Tianzhou. There are four death cities in Tianzhou. There are one in the southeast, one in the northwest, and one in the northwest, all of which are not under the jurisdiction of any country or immortal gate. We are in the north at present. This city of death should be the north city of death. It is said that everything in the north city of death advocates freedom, and the main thing is to survive by trading. Killing and looting are also normal here. Behind the city of death, there is the alliance of heaven. The power of this day's Dao League is extremely powerful, which is no less than the existence of Tianchi Pavilion. So all the great immortal sects and countries did not attack death city. " Chen Yang said to monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "I'm not familiar with the city of death, but in other worlds, trading places like this are indispensable. Generally speaking, it's the black market. There is a need for the existence of a black market. If there is no black market, people who practice immortality trade in other places, which will also cause a lot of trouble. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "yes, even in the vast world, under the laws of civilization, there are similar death cities and chaotic paradise."

"Come on, let's go down." Later, Chen Yang said.

In the city of death, some places are extremely desolate, and some places are extremely busy.

Most of the buildings here are hundreds of years old. The houses built with stones and magic are extremely strong. The whole death city gives people a sense of desolation and ancient country.

Chen Yang fell directly on the main street.

There are many vendors on both sides of the street. What these vendors sell are not turnips and cabbages, but all kinds of magic tools, pills, meteorite iron, materials and so on.

Death city seems to have no order, but it also has an iron order. That is Don't lay hands on the peddlers. Don't rob vendors. It's not about civilians. Once someone robs and slaughters civilians, Tiandao League will surely do it. Moreover, this kind of behavior is also despised by peers.

Although many immortals are powerful, without these vendors in the death City, everyone's food, housing and transportation will become a problem.

Tiandao League is in charge of many businesses in the city of death. They purchase, auction and so on. At the same time, they are also responsible for maintaining the safety of the vendors.

Chen Yang soon came to the auction house of Tiandao League through inquiry.

It is worth mentioning that in the city of death, the currency in circulation is not gold, but pills.

Take the spirit elixir as the unit, go up all the way, namely treasure elixir, fairy elixir, heaven elixir and God elixir.

Chen Yang, with so many miraculous elixirs in his body, is actually a super rich man when he comes to death city like this. Most of the buildings in tiandaomeng are made of snow-white marble, just like the palaces of the western world.

When you enter the hall of tiandaomeng, you can see that the hall is huge, about 3000 square meters. There are more than 100 pillars.

After Chen Yang entered the main hall of Tiandao League, two emissaries in black came forward immediately.

But the two emissaries in black saw that Chen Yang's cultivation was extraordinary, and immediately said, "do you want to go in and trade?"

Chen Yang nodded.

The emissary in Black said, "master, you need to pay a piece of Baodan as the entrance fee to Tiandao League. Please cooperate with me

Chen Yang smile, he said: "I don't have Baodan, you see this elixir is OK?" Then he took out a snow elixir.

The emissary in black looked at Chen Yang one more time and said, "certainly."

Chen Yang handed in Ning Xuedan and entered Tiandao League smoothly.

After that, Chen Yang walked all the way in and saw that there were many rooms in Tiandao League, some of which were for trading news. Some buy and sell pills. Some of them buy magic tools. On the second floor, there is a huge auction house.

Chen Yang came in all the way and saw that there were many immortals in it. Most of them were indifferent, and some even covered their faces for fear of being recognized.

There are also many experts. Chen Yang actually directly met two experts of shichongtian. Such a master is a terror in the whole Tianzhou. But even they should be honest in Tiandao League.

If you think about it, you can't say that this kind of ten Heaven master is an overseas monk or a famous elder. Anyway, they must have their own needs when they come here.

Along the way, Chen Yang also felt that someone was probing him with his mind.

Fortunately, the Linghui monk's Lingtai formula was used, but no one could see through Chen Yang. Unless someone uses an extremely powerful magic weapon or magic power. Otherwise, even if he is a top expert, it is difficult to see through Chen Yang's secret.

Then, Chen Yang came to the hall of Dan medicine trading.

In the Dan medicine trading hall, there are many monks talking with the maids of Tiandao League.

After Chen Yang came in, a maid came over immediately. The maid seems to be in her twenties, and her accomplishments are very common. She has almost no accomplishments. It's just very long

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