The maid came up and said, "master, what can I do for you?"

Chen Yang is now highly cultivated, so in the eyes of many people who cultivate immortals, that is the elder. It doesn't depend on age in the world of monasticism.

Chen Yang smiles to the maid and says, "I'm here to exchange pills. This is for you." He gave two of them.

Although the maid had no accomplishments, she was a man of discernment. The color of surprise flashed in her eyes. These two elixirs could equal her income for ten years.

"Thank you, master." After the maid took over Ning Xuedan, she was extremely respectful. She said, "come with me, master."

Chen Yang nodded.

The maid took Chen Yang to a separate VIP room in the back.

In the VIP room, there is a middle-aged fat man. The middle-aged fat man's cultivation is around Taixu qichongtian.

This kind of role is just the staff of Tiandao League.

"Master, I'm the Dan medicine exchange manager of Tiandao League. You can call me fat Lu." The middle-aged man said to Chen Yang very politely.

Chen Yang then a smile, said: "I want to exchange julingdan, want to know a Tiandan can exchange how many pieces of julingdan?"

Lu pangzi said: "Juling pill is just a treasure pill, which is much lower than Tiandan. According to the exchange rate of our Tiandao League, one Tiandan can be exchanged for one thousand julingdan. "

Chen Yang said, "is it possible for the price to go up?"

Lu chubby smile, said: "senior, tiandaomeng business, has always been the old and young without deception, exchange rate is well known. It can't be changed. "

Chen Yang said, "well, I have 500 pieces of Tiandan here. Please give me all of them to exchange for julingdan."

He didn't say that he had a thousand Tiandan. After that, once the news reached the ears of the top of the eclosion gate, it was easy to associate.

"Good!" Lu said.

Chen Yang successfully exchanged 500000 julingdan in Tiandao League. After that, he left Tiandao League. When he left, he did not forget to exchange ideas with monk Linghui and said, "half a million pieces of julingdan, how long can it last?"

Monk Linghui said, "I guess I can manage it for a month. Those kids eat less, they mainly eat ghost gas, a month to eat a grain is OK. But it's different for ghosts with higher grades. That's why you managed the 500, 000 pieces of julingdan for a month. "

Chen Yang was speechless and said, "it seems that I have made a bottomless hole for myself."

"But the power they're going to be able to do is unthinkable." Linghui monk said: "this pill is nothing at all. Find the right way. All the pills come from hundreds of millions."

Chen Yang said, "it's so simple. It's so easy to find this way."

In the middle of his speech, Chen Yang came out of Tiandao League. When he went out, the emissary in black at the door said respectfully, "master, go slowly."

Chen Yang ignored the emissary in black. After he got out of Tiandao League, he immediately felt that he was being watched.

It's a kind of frog's feeling of being watched by a snake. There's a kind of shivering and chilly back.

"It's really the city of death. I've only been in Tiandao League for a long time, and I haven't revealed anything. Someone is going to attack me." Chen Yang didn't care and left Tiandao League quickly.

"Since you want to attack me, I'm poor anyway. Don't blame me for being rude to you." With a flash of body, Chen Yang soon arrived at the desolate suburb.

Here is a stone forest, surrounded by jagged rocks.

As soon as Chen Yang's steps were settled, a white scholar appeared in front of him. The white scribe was bony and his eyes were cold. His cultivation seems to have been Jiuchongtian is at its peak.

Absolute top master!

If it wasn't for such a person, he would not dare to come to Chen Yang's idea.

When those experts meet Chen Yang, they can only shout for the elder's sake.

"Who are you and why are you following me all the way here?" Chen Yang looked coldly at the white literati and said.

The white literati said coldly, "I am Su Baicheng, a crazy man in white."

"Su Bai Cheng? I don't seem to know you Chen Yang said: "I have no grudge with you for a long time, and I have no grudge with you for a short time. Do you want to kill people and plunder goods when you block my way?"

Su Baicheng said, "it seems that you have many secrets. Give me all the magic weapons of your luggage, and I will spare you from death. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "it depends on whether you have this ability."

It turns out that this Su Bai city was also trading in Tiandao League before. He inquired about Chen Yang's Secret several times, but he failed. He also uses his mind to monitor that Chen Yang's hand is five hundred Tiandan, so he concludes that this guy has a lot of savings.

The rule of the monastic world is cruel, not to mention in the city of death, there is nothing implicit and polite. Su Baicheng thought it was a rare commodity, so he immediately chased it.

At this time, Chen Yang and Su Baicheng did not agree with each other, and they immediately had a big fight.Su Baicheng's brain cell development has reached 300 million, and his mana is much higher than Chen Yang's. So he never thought that he would lose Chen Yang. What's more, there is also a unique magic weapon in Su Bai City, which is called Xijian Shenchi.

Su Baicheng's eyes were cold and he said, "I want to die!" Then he suddenly opened his mouth and roared.

There was a roar, and a violent current of air came out of his mouth. This current in the air a turn, immediately mobilized the air around.

For a moment, within a radius of ten li, the wind howled. Tornadoes and hurricanes roll.

Ten tornadoes and hurricanes formed in all directions of Chen Yang. These tornadoes and hurricanes contain endless blades and various laws of the road. This kind of power is invincible and materialized.

Diamond into the tornado hurricane, instantly burned to ashes.

Su Baicheng cultivates Tianxiao Sutra. He absorbs the power of various hurricanes and forms the original power. Once you launch this magic skill, you will immediately take control of the mysteries and principles of the hurricane.

Ten tornadoes and hurricanes lead to nine days of clouds, and infinite power is pouring into them. Su Baicheng's clothes and clothes puffed up without wind. After his mouth opened, the source of the hurricane spewed out in front of him, just like a black hole.

"Well?" Chen Yang was slightly surprised. His emperor's mirror lost its function in this instant. Because it's all around him in a flash. Now, ten tornadoes and hurricanes are coming from the sky and the earth, and the space has been completely closed.

So at this time, even the emperor's mirror can't shuttle out.

After all, the emperor's mirror is not invincible. It's impossible to get rid of all magical powers with the emperor's mirror.

"It's a powerful force. The top master of jiuchongtian is really extraordinary." Chen Yang felt the power of the tornado and hurricane, which was violently crushed. The tornado and hurricane contained hundreds of millions of particles, each of which was sharper than the bullet. It's really hard for human to resist the crushing.

Chen Yang didn't think much about it, so he quickly used the big black elixir.

He escaped into the great Heidan. Then he cast the spell quickly.

Big Heidan roared, and suddenly it was as big as a small house. At the same time, all kinds of magic powers in the great Heidan also fiercely attacked and killed those tornadoes and hurricanes.

Heaven burning palm!

In an instant, thousands of handprints carry the law of burning heaven to kill.

Zhan Tian's legs sent out thousands of shadows and swept fiercely.

Long hate fingering, endless power sweeping.

The seal of heaven, countless fists and palms.

Swallow the weather, swallow the mountains and rivers.

In this moment, Chen Yang displayed ten kinds of magical powers.

Although the Tianxiao Scripture of Su Bai city is very powerful, Chen Yang's ten magical powers attack together and immediately disintegrate the ten tornadoes and hurricanes into pieces.

Among them, wudaoren quickly absorbed the essence of wudaoqi produced in wartime.

At the same time, he integrated all his martial spirit and strength into the origin of more than ten magical powers.

Chen Yang's big black elixir also gestates the vigorous martial spirit!

Su Baicheng was surprised. He didn't expect that the young man had such magic power.

"Ten ways in one, wushenzhang!"

Wudaoren became the commander in chief in Dahei Dan, and let out a roar.

Together with the wudaoren, the ten great original supernatural powers exert their power towards the city of Su Bai.

In an instant, three thousand Taoist martial god's handprint will cover the city of Su Bai!

The spirit of martial arts is strong to the extreme, and the essence is like smoke.

At that moment, Su Bai city fell into the ocean of martial arts. His Tianxiao Scripture was destroyed immediately.

"That's ridiculous!" Su Baicheng was furious.

All over the sky, every seal has the power of great strength. It's nothing to say that it can break a mountain and break a stone.

At this time, Su Baicheng roared and yelled: "the sky roars, the lion roars, smashes the vacuum!"


He burst out a roar, immediately, the source of the wind of the air burst out. Countless particles exploded in the air.

Boom boom!

The handprint of Wushen was smashed by the particle explosion, and the air was full of smoke. This is a real vacuum explosion.

Su Baicheng was also hit with real fire, and he roared at Chen Yang again.

Infinite hurricane particles surround Chen Yang and explode rapidly.

Chen Yang takes a deep breath, immediately runs the emperor's mirror, shuttles out in time, and appears behind Su Bai city.

Su Baicheng is in charge of everything and changes rapidly between heaven and earth.

All hurricanes turn into particles, and these particles explode.

No matter how Chen Yang changes, he can't escape from the sky.

Chen Yang immediately runs the big Heidan to protect his body. These particles explode and crackle. At this time, it was like the heaven and the earth were cracking. Countless particles exploded on the body of the big Heidan, and the big Heidan was also crackling.

Chen Yang runs the big Heidan, and many explosive particles are frozen quickly."Frozen!" Chen Yang also roared.

The original force of the great Heidan broke out, and all the hurricane particles within 100 meters around were frozen.

Including Su Bai City, Su Bai city also felt the spread of extremely cold breath, invading him.

"A small skill of carving insects!" Su Baicheng gave a cold hum, and he speeded up his magic power. The particles broke the ice and exploded again.

The fighting between the two sides quickly became white hot.

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