
Under the double attack, Chen Yang finally smashes the defense of xijianchi with the hand of Wushen. Su Baicheng spat out a mouthful of blood. At this time, his soul was forcibly pulled by Dementor Dafa. He felt dizzy, as if he was going to sleep.

Su Baicheng roared. He knew it was a critical moment of life and death, so he bit his tongue and made himself as clear as possible.

"No I don't agree Su Baicheng roars!

Chen Yang laughed and said, "if you don't accept it, you have to accept it." He then put out the seal of the warrior.

One hundred in a flash. All over the sky, the palmprint covers Su Bai city. Su Bai city quickly runs its mana to resist. But at this time, his spirit can't be fully concentrated. Chen Yang also breaks up the sword washing pool. The 100 palms will defeat his mana immediately.


In the city of Su Bai, Chen Yang's hands are full of blood. This palm made his body suffer indelible damage.

"Turn him around!" Chen Yang quickly let monk Linghui control the golden light talisman of the great Purdue, so the strong golden light shines on Su Baicheng.

As soon as Su Baicheng was slightly stunned, he immediately felt that the golden light contained the realm of Buddhist bliss. This state of bliss has great attraction. It is to demonstrate to him how happy he will be once he converts to Buddhism. He can see the road immediately and have no worries any more.

Such temptation, ordinary people can not refuse.

But the master with willpower can carry it.

Nowadays, the demonstration of this kind of blissful state has become more superb, so it's easier for Chen Yang to cultivate people with low degree of perfection. But in front of Su Baicheng, he was just a little confused for a moment, and then his eyes became clear.

"I Pooh!" Su Baicheng sneered and said, "little thief, do you think you can subdue me with this method?"

Chen YANGSEN said coldly: "if you don't open your heart and accept my degree, I will make you unable to survive or die. I'm going to kill you now. It's as simple as killing a dog. "

Su Baicheng snorted coldly and said, "I would rather die than be your puppet. You're going to transform me and dream about it. "

"Amitabha!" Monk Linghui immediately appeared in the void, and he said: "Daoyou, you are too addicted and have too many delusions. You'd better go back as soon as possible. I can't bear to see you sink in the sea of misery. I still don't know. "

Su Baicheng said, "go away!"

Monk Linghui said, "Daoyou, why are you so persistent. If you die, nothing will exist. There is no sign of your existence in the world. If you live, you can enjoy the bliss. Is there any hesitation? "

I have to say that Linghui monk's words are very attractive.

Su Baicheng said: "if you are the puppet of this man, you might as well die. Hum, if you have the ability, you can help my father

Later, Su Baicheng simply shut up.

Chen Yang and monk Linghui look at each other, and then monk Linghui commands the demons to pray devoutly. The golden light suddenly flourished!

Chen Yang later sacrificed the talisman of little fatalism!

"Great destiny, you are the master of heaven and earth, you are the God of destiny, everything is your will!" Chen Yang exerts a little fatalism.

The grey atmosphere surrounds the city of Su Bai. Su Baicheng wanted to wave away the breath of fate, but it didn't help. No force can resist the breath of fate.

The breath of fate intruded into the brain of Su Bai city.

"Is that fate? Is that my destiny? " Su Baicheng began to laugh wildly. He said angrily, "but I don't believe in fate!"

Chen Yang and monk Linghui made a lot of efforts, but in the end, they failed to successfully transform the city.

Su Baicheng's willpower is too tough.

"Su Baicheng, do you really want to die?" Chen Yang said angrily.

Su Baicheng laughed wildly and said, "if you want me to be your puppet, you can't!"

"You really want to die!" Chen Yangyi points out Su Baicheng's eyebrows and ends Su Baicheng's life.

Although most of the magnates with high accomplishments are afraid of death, this Su Bai city is known as a crazy man in white. He is really not afraid of death.

"Su Bai Cheng's accomplishments are too much higher than you. It's normal that he can't be cultivated." Linghui monk said: "if he is afraid of death, he can force his mind to open up. Unfortunately... "

Chen Yang said: "it's no pity that everyone can't be changed by me. I'll see what's good about him. "

After that, Chen Yang collected the nine Yin chart of the nether world. The battle just now took place in the nether world.

Chen Yang drives the throne of heilian to a more remote place. After that, he puts Su Bai city into jiexumi. He himself and Linghui monk got into jiexumi.

Chen Yangxian held the sword washing pool of Su Baicheng in his hand. Naturally, the treasure of the sword washing pool is needless to say. Although there is the spirit of Su Bai city on it, it doesn't matter any more. Chen Yang forced to erase the spirit mark of xijianchi. At the same time, Chen Yang also found the existence of Qi Ling in the sword washing pool.At this time, the spirit was in a state of no owner, and Chen Yang directly offered a sacrifice to Da Lei Yin and Pu Du Jin Guang, forcing the spirit of the instrument to be changed.

Chen Yang is already very familiar with all this.

The weapon spirit of xijianchi is called Jianyi.

As soon as the sword was transformed, he was in touch with Chen Yang. Chen Yang quickly put the sword washing pool into the nether world.

Xijianchi also guards one side.

Monk Linghui immediately laughed and said, "after our refining, this dark nine Yin chart is more and more powerful. The only drawback is that we still lack a master to run the battle. The power of the poor monk is always out of place with the nether world

Chen Yang said: "it's a pity that the city of Su Bai is stubborn. If you make him run the nine Yin chart for me, my strength will increase greatly."

Linghui monk said, "but there will always be opportunities in the future."

Chen Yang said: "my little fatalism is still not strong enough. If I can get the big fatalism, maybe it will change."

Linghui monk said: "it's OK to deal with ordinary experts, but it's really hard to make su Baicheng accept his fate."

Later, Chen Yang found a Jie Xumi on Su Baicheng. After that, Su Baicheng had nothing else to collect. Chen Yang freezes Su Baicheng's body and puts it in another jiexumi to accompany the dead old man Biluo.

Think about this trip, what Chen Yang has done is shocking.

First, he killed old man Biluo, and then he went to feather gate to steal a large ticket. Finally, he killed another Su Bai city.

Chen Yang quickly cracked Su Baicheng's commandment of Su MI.

"Ha ha, it seems that I have made a lot of money again." Chen Yang can't help laughing when he sees the situation inside Su Baicheng's Jie Xumi.

So it seems that Su Bai city is much richer than that old man Biluo. There are only a few low-grade pills and some poor magic weapons and gold in the old man's commandment Xumi. It's not quite reasonable for old man Biluo to be a Protoss.

Chen Yang was also surprised afterwards.

There are ten thousand Tiandan and twenty Shendan in jiexumi in the city of Su Bai. In addition, the only copy of Tianxiao Sutra is also in it. As for the original power of Tianxiao Sutra, it is still sealed up in the brain of Su Bai city. Chen Yang must have great phagocytosis to devour its origin.

This is a matter of great urgency.

In addition, there are many magic weapons in Su Bai city. Such as qianyufan, Weiyang blood knife, flaming gold wheel, Vajra Ruyi, etc. And the two magic weapons that attract Chen Yang's attention most are. These two magic weapons are mietian sword and batian Dao.

The reason why these two magic weapons can attract Chen Yang's attention is that Chen Yang has a good memory. He remembered that blue and purple clothes said that a magic weapon was called Xuanguang Dongtian futu. Xuanguang Dongtian futu is composed of 33 treasures, and then it can emit 33 layers of Dongtian divine light. This is an extremely powerful magic weapon, and Chen Yang once got one of them. But he didn't care too much. At that time, he gave Shen monong the claw of stealing heaven.

"If I find these 33 treasures and refine them into Xuanguang Dongtian futu, wouldn't it be more powerful?" Chen Yang thought to himself. He then gave a bitter smile and said in secret, "forget it, it's too much trouble. The ends of the earth, three thousand worlds, who knows where the rest of the magic weapon is? "

Chen Yang finished counting things in Su Bai City, and he was very satisfied. With so many Tiandan, he won't have to worry about feeding the kids. What a windfall!

It's not surprising to think about it. This Su Bai city has profound magic power and has been living in the death city for many years. I don't know how many masters I robbed and how much wealth I looted. It's a pity that you will meet ghosts if you have a long way to go at night. In the end, all his gains are cheaper than Chen Yang's.

Chen Yang thought of old man Biluo again.

"Monk Linghui..." Chen Yang said.

Monk Linghui said, "hmm?"

Chen Yang said: "the resources of protoss are richer than eclosion gate. Old man Biluo has a high position in the Protoss. How can he not accumulate a little in his hands? " Monk Linghui said, "Amitabha, Daoyou, some of the things of the masters are not necessarily put in jiexumi. Maybe it's somewhere else in him. "

"Maybe." Chen Yang said, "I didn't find it anyway."

Linghui monk said: "after you get the big phagocytosis, you will know all the secrets of old man Biluo. So don't worry, Daoyou. "

Chen Yang said, "that's true."

Later, Chen Yang said, "it seems that I have to go back to Tiandao League. These 10000 Tiandan can be exchanged for many Juling pills."

With a smile, monk Linghui said, "maybe we can continue to catch big fish. Now you should know that pills are not a big problem. This is the same as in a parallel world. Ordinary people are confined to their own life circle and always find it difficult to earn money. But once you get to another circle, you'll find it very easy to get money. Another person's meal may be something you can't earn by working all your life. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "although I don't want to take the initiative to rob others, it seems that many people will come to the door under the law of cultivation."

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