Linghui monk said: "but there are still disadvantages in this way. If others try to win over you, at least they think your strength is higher than yours. Just like Daoyou, you won't take the initiative to fight for an expert at the top of jiuchongtian. "

Chen Yang said, "I know what you mean, but it's better to be a man with peace of mind. I still need to get used to the law of the monastic world. "

Then Chen Yang flew to the city of death.

As the sky darkened, death city became extremely cold at night.

After Chen Yang came to Tiandao League, there were bright lights in it that day.

But tiandaomeng doesn't close at night.

Chen Yang joined the alliance of heaven and gave a magic pill to the emissary in black. After that, he found Lu fatty with ease. Fat man Lu is packing. It seems that he is going to clock out. Tiandao League is quite a world-wide commuting style.

Lu pangzi was surprised to see Chen Yang: "master, do you want to exchange pills again?"

Chen Yang nodded and said, "as soon as I got out of Tiandao League, someone wanted to rob me. In desperation, I had to rob him. This harvest is good. I have 5000 Tiandan here now. You can exchange them all for julingdan. "

"Five thousand?" Fat Lu was surprised.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "that's right. Why can't I change it? "

Lu fat man said: "no matter, we Tiandao League open the door to do business, this pill can't digest, isn't it a joke." He paused, said with a smile: "but most of them use julingdan to exchange Tiandan, few people use Tiandan to exchange Baodan."

Chen Yang smiles.

The transaction here is very smooth. Chen Yang directly added another five million pieces of julingdan. Within half a year, there's no need to worry about kids' lack of nutrition. However, Chen Yang still wants to find a place of extreme Yin to replenish the ghost spirit.

After this is done, Chen Yang is ready to leave Tiandao League. At the time of the alliance, a man came in.

When Chen Yang saw this man clearly, he couldn't help shaking his body and soul.

Because the man was dressed in black, his face was cold, and his eyes were chilling. This man is His biological father Chen Tianya.

Chen Yang's mood immediately fell into Chen Tianya's eyes.

Chen Yang immediately converged, looked away, and then calmly left Tiandao League.

Chen Tianya stayed for a moment, and he seemed to have some doubts.

After Chen Yang left Tiandao League, he quickly controlled the throne of heilian and left. Just, he didn't fly far, behind came a strong sense of oppression.

"Rebellious son!" Chen Tianya gave a cold hum. He suddenly appeared in the sky of Chen Yang, and then split his hand.

The power of the palm is powerful, just like the sky is falling apart!

Chen Yang was surprised. He was recognized after all.

"Boom!" Chen Tianya struck Chen Yang with one hand, and he knew it was empty. It's just an illusion made by the emperor's mirror.

Chen Yang has landed on the ground for one second.

Today, he didn't want to escape. He wants to see how far away he is from Chen Tianya. Moreover, even if you want to escape, you can't escape.

One of the functions of the emperor's mirror is to create a real fake, which can exist for ten seconds and has Chen Yang's mana. The rest are fake bodies and illusory shadows, without any attack power.

Chen Yang and Chen Tianya stand opposite each other, only ten meters apart. At this time, Chen Yang simply stopped hiding and directly tore off the mask on his face.

Facing Chen Tianya again, Chen Yang's feelings are full of complexity.

In the parallel world, he realized Chen Tianya's fatherly love.

But at this moment, he clearly realized one thing. That is, the person in front of us has nothing to do with the father in the parallel world. Ironically, the man in front of him is his real father.

Chen Yang stares at Chen Tianya coldly. Then he sneers and says, "today, do you want to kill me?"

Chen Tianya's eyes were cold, and he said, "you rebellious son, I tolerated you to live before. If you are honest, then it's OK. Now, what you're doing is looking for death. "

"Bear me alive?" Chen Yang laughs and says, "live like a dog. That's what you want, right?"

Chen Tianya said: "today, Chen Ling and obtuse day are not here, no one will come to save you. I'll see if you, the king of destiny, can get out of my hands alive today. "

"Today, I don't need anyone to help me." Chen Yang said coldly, "sooner or later, I will make you tremble."

Chen Tianya laughed and said, "it seems that your accomplishments have increased, and your courage has also increased. Do you really think you can compete with me with your little skill? "

Chen Yang cheered coldly: "what nonsense? Let's do it."

"Well, I'll take you on the road!" Chen Tianya no longer talks nonsense. He is ruthless!"Great thunder sound skill!"

In an instant, countless golden talismans floated out of Chen Tianya's mouth.

Golden talismans are all over the world, and the sky is full of golden talismans. Then, Chen Tianya grabbed it, and all the golden talismans condensed into a towering mountain like Xumi Buddha.

The Buddha gave Chen Yang a big drink.


The pure Yang sound wave is like a tsunami pouring in towards Chen Yang.

The pure Yang sound wave contains the spirit and rules of sun god Mang, which is the spirit of crushing all the furtive materials in the world.

With such overwhelming power and such terrible crushing power, Chen Yang finally realized the horror of the devil emperor Chen Tianya.

It seems that all the magic powers have lost their function at this moment.

At that moment, Chen Yang was confused.

He can't find any way to fight back and fight back under Chen Tianya's attack.

At this moment, Linghui monk suddenly rushed out.

His tentacles grow by millions, forming a green vine wall with a depth of 100 meters in front of Chen Yang in an instant.

Linghui monk's tentacles are growing crazily, but when the pure Yang sound wave comes, the tentacles will be burned up immediately.

"Run quickly, Daoyou, run with your mirror!" Linghui monk roared.

His tentacles grow fast, but they are destroyed faster.

Pure Yang sound wave is like the invincible God of war, killing God when meeting God, killing Buddha when meeting Buddha.

Chen Yang didn't choose to run away. He knew that he couldn't run away.

Linghui monk also can't resist it. He is about to disappear. Chen Yang said, "come in!" In an instant, he opened the door of xuanhuang Shengu seed. As soon as monk Linghui flashed into the seeds of xuanhuang valley.

As for whether to die or to live, Chen Yang is not clear.

There is no doubt that the injury of Linghui monk this time is unimaginable.

This is the first time for Chen Yang to face the top giant himself.

Although it doesn't seem very good for them to fight with blue and purple clothes every time when they are in cloud shadow, in fact, the power of these giants in front of Chen Yang is absolutely terrifying.

That pure Yang sound wave continues to attack to kill to come over!

Chen Yang quickly offered a picture of the nether world.

In fact, he did not dare to use the nine Yin chart of the nether world, because the nine Yin chart of the nether world is full of ghost Qi, which is extremely Yin. But Chen Tianya's power is pure Yang. He was afraid that the nether world would be destroyed.

The nine Yin chart of the nether world is open, and the great array of the nether world in the 18th floor is unfolded!

The pure Yang sound wave booms the bombing to come in, Chen Yangxian commands the xijianchi to resist.

With the help of Chen Yang's mana, Qi Lingjian Yi of Xijian pool quickly sacrificed his sword array.

Ten thousand swords, strangle Chunyang sound wave!


The ten thousand swords in the sword washing pool were quickly smashed by the pure Yang sound wave, and those golden swords turned into golden liquid and returned to the sword washing pool. Jianyi was also seriously injured.

"Is it really so terrible and irresistible?" Chen Yang was shocked.

"Emperor's mirror, Sun God's awn!" Chen Yang used the emperor's mirror which he refused to use.

The infinite sea of cloud power converged into a point, under the control of Chen Yang's mana. Suddenly, a bunch of golden God awn shot out.


The pure Yang sound wave was finally dispersed.

Chen Yang immediately manipulates sun god mang to shoot Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya frowned slightly. He felt the power of sun god mang. There is also the spirit and dignity of the emperor in the sun god mang.

"Hum!" Chen Tianya snorted coldly and said, "I don't care if the emperor comes."

At the same time, the Xumi Buddha gave a big drink again.

So, a more intense pure Yang sound wave again killed. This pure Yang sound wave is as powerful as a tsunami.

Sun god mang was crushed by pure Yang sound wave in an instant.

When Chen Yang saw the pure Yang sound wave, his mind was filled with fear and death.

"Is that my destiny?"

Chen Yang can't think of any way to resist the terrible pure Yang sound wave.

Chen Tianya's strength is terrible.

"Little fatalism!"

"Great destiny At this time, Chen Yang was in a hurry to go to the doctor.

The fatalistic talisman appeared, which was originally illusory, burning like a flame, lingering like the wind, crying like ghosts, and loving like lovers. But at this time, fatalism talisman is extremely strong, a gray breath formed a vortex.

Pure Yang sound wave blows to kill to come over, Chen Yang immediately feels in the dark void, fatalism talisman is pulling strength to come over.

At the same time, Chen Yang feels a terrible thing.

That is, he can feel his life being burned

Chen Yang's life span is two thousand years now. But at this time, life is extremely fierce. The strength of little fatalism is to catch the fatalistic power in the void by burning Chen Yang's life.The fatalistic talisman sent out a gray breath, instantly devouring the pure Yang sound wave.

Then, the gray breath of this fatalistic talisman quickly covered Chen Tianya.

Chen Tianya immediately runs Taiyi Xuanjin chop, several thunder light chop over. But it can't hurt fatalism. It seems that these two forces have nothing to do with each other. It seems that it is not the power but the destiny that the fatalistic talisman sends out.

Who can resist fate?

What powers can resist fate?

Who can escape fate?

Chen Tianya couldn't resist the invasion of fate. He tried his best to run the mana, but the breath of fate was always lingering.

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