"This little beast, how can he burn his own life like this. What kind of magic power is this? " Chen Tianya was shocked. Then he turned and left.

If he doesn't go, he feels that he will be hurt forever. If this fatalism is allowed to make a mark in his brain, it will be difficult for him to improve his cultivation in the future.

Chen Tianya immediately turned and left.

He walked very fast.

After Chen Tianya left, Chen Yang gushed blood. He stopped casting and the talisman immediately returned to his brain.

After that, Chen Yang quickly found out a god pill from jiexumi and swallowed it.

Infinite nutrition immediately moistens his whole body.

After a long time, Chen Yang finally calmed down. There is no harm to his body, and his mana is still the same. Fatalism has become more profound than before. The power is greatly increased.

He beat back Chen Tianya!


Chen Yang's life span has been burning for 1973 years.

Chen Yang clearly feels that his life span is only three months.

Three months later, Chen Yang will die immediately. It's the price of burning his destiny and getting the power of his empty destiny.

Power from burning life.

Chen Yang can't think much. He leaves the city of death quickly.

For a moment, he was a little confused.

After many hardships and dangers, I never thought that one day I would count the days again.

Because death is not far away.

Although Chen Yang has many elixirs, Tiandan. But he also knew clearly that Shendan and Tiandan could not make up for the life lost by casting small fatalism. In fact, this contract gives you an invisible life.

The stone is ineffective.

Chen Yang once again finds a desolate place to rest. He hides in jiexumi.

"Monk Linghui?" Chen Yang decided to have a good discussion with monk Linghui. After all, Linghui monk is a man of great powers and wide knowledge.

It's just

Chen Yang soon fell into silence again.

Because Linghui monk has become a green seed, lying in the xuanhuang Valley seed.

He once again lost any breath, in the end he is dead or alive, Chen Yang is not clear.

This is the result of Chen Yang and Chen Tianya's confrontation.

The life and death of Linghui monk are unpredictable. He has only three months left in his life.

If Chen Tianya stayed a little longer, Chen Yang would die directly.

Chen Yang took a deep breath. He just sat on the bed with his knees crossed and began to meditate.

There's no way to deal with this matter. I have at least three months to live. There is still room for effort and breakthrough. If you feel sorry for yourself, you are not far from death.

And now, he is going to pay homage to mingyuexian.

As long as you're alive, you have to do what you need to do.

After a night's rest, Chen Yang went to a nearby city for a meal. Good wine and good food to eat, this is just pure to satisfy the appetite. If you really want to add, it will be much better to eat some julingdan.

Chen Yang can't help monk Linghui. However, Chen Yang has a hunch that monk Linghui has nothing to do, but needs to rest for a while.

Under the sunshine, Chen Yang began to go to overseas fairyland. At this time, it was only half a month before the birthday of Mingyue xianzun.

What reassures Chen Yang a little is that monk Linghui's Lingtai formula is still there. In this way, the star shuttle and other magic weapons on his body are not easy to be found by the eclosion gate people.

"If I really only have three months to live, what else should I take into account in these three months? Just be vigorous." Chen Yang then thought.

"Here, if I finish the work of Mingyue xianzun, I have to go back to the star hall to find the star master. If you want to die, you have to save ling'er first. " Chen Yang's mind turned.

If he is going to die immediately, there is no doubt that ling'er is the most important thing in his heart.

He knew that his daughter would live well in the parallel world. He knows Su Qing is also living well in the world. His regretful mother had already gone to bed. I also know that song Ning is OK, so will Shen monong. The only thing he can't rest assured about is two things.

One is revenge for Luoning. The second is to save ling'er!

And which of these two things is more important, he naturally wants to choose to save ling'er first.

The living are the biggest.

sunny, Chen Yang put on a polymer mask, soon arrived in Beihai.

The sea breeze blows across the face. The blue sky and the sea set off each other. It's really a beautiful natural scenery.

Chen Yang then went into the clouds.

He felt that life was wonderful. What had happened in the past four years was like a dream.

It seems that after four years, he has already gone through 30 years.In the lost continent, the ten years in the Taiyu scepter, and the twelve years in the parallel world.

Chen Yang thinks that the dream is that he once thought that the world he thought was that world. But then everything that happened turned upside down.

He had also imagined that he was the monkey king, and that he could do a somersault for a hundred thousand miles, and that he could have boundless power.

Today, he can fly in heaven and earth unconsciously.

It's a fantastic thing. Sometimes he felt like he was dreaming. Will a dream wake up and find that everything is just a dream?

It's just This dream is too long, too real.

It takes about five days from Beihai to Mingyue palace.

In the evening, Chen Yang is going to find a desert island to rest. Although he has profound mana, he should keep enough physical strength, otherwise he will have a hard time dealing with sudden situation.

There are still many desert islands on the sea.

Just as Chen Yang is about to go to the desert island to have a rest, he suddenly feels the breath of fighting in the kilometer ahead. Chen Yang looks up at the sky and the lead cloud rolls. It's obvious that someone is casting.

"Go and have a look. Maybe there are opportunities and bargains to pick up." Chen Yang is not afraid of things. Moreover, he now deeply understood the principles of cultivation, so he felt that as long as it was not against morality and justice, you should not be polite.

This is the age of cannibalism.

Chen Yang stepped forward quickly and didn't move easily, just hiding in the dark to watch.

Soon, Chen Yang saw clearly.

Ahead is an old man with silver hair dealing with six young monks. The old man with silver hair was thin and gloomy.

The six friars were five men and one woman. The woman only looked eighteen years old, young and beautiful. She was as bright as an elf in green.

But now the girl was unhappy.

Because the old people with silver hair are very aggressive, they have a hard time coping with it.

The silver haired old man's cultivation is the peak of the Ninth Heaven, and he has a magic weapon that is extremely powerful. That magic weapon is called TIANYAO clock!

At this time, the demon clock has covered the people.

Half of the sky was covered by the demon clock that day. In the demon clock, the sea rolled and the hurricane exploded. On the surface of the water, about a hundred celestial demons formed by sea water launched a fierce attack on the six monks.

There are thirty-six principles in the demon clock, all of which are profound and vicious. Every time the demons attack, they can leave eternal damage to these monks.

Among these friars, the highest one was a man in the early days of the Ninth Heaven. The rest are eight days or seven days. They couldn't make it to each other under the old man with silver hair. Fortunately, these people also have magic weapons in their hands.

In the early days of the Ninth Heaven, the friars had a magic weapon called the green lotus lamp.

At this time, under the urging of the six monks, the green lotus lamp bloomed nine layers of halos, which were stacked one after another, blocking the attack of the demons.

The holy lamp of green lotus is a top-quality magic weapon. Green lotus is bred from the chaos of green lotus. This light contains the law of chaos. Under the urging of mana, it can have thousands of changes. It can also change into Pangu God Zun to capture the sun and the moon. It's just a pity that these disciples can't give full play to the power of Qinglian holy lamp.

The reason why the old man with silver hair gave them a hand was that he took a fancy to the green lotus lamp.

At this time, although the green lotus lamp did not play the greatest power. But the nine layers of halos are overlapping, like an infinite space overlap, and there are turbulence storms in space and time.

For a moment, the demons could not break the defense of the green lotus lamp.

However, most of these friars can't fly yet. They fly by the sky warships condensed by the green lotus lamp.

At this point, they all rely on the halo to support their bodies.

Under the attack of the old man with silver hair, several disciples with low accomplishments have vomited blood. They vomited blood, and their magic power was unsustainable. Instead of helping, they became the burden of the friar at the beginning of the Ninth Heaven.

This group of people are going to die.

At this time, the silver haired old man sneered and said, "you Tianshui disciples are really vulnerable. Yan Yunyue, your leader, gave you the green lotus lamp. It's so stupid. Today, I will seize the holy lamp of the green lotus, and refine the muscles and flesh of you men into human bone elixir. This female disciple is very smart. I only have thirty-six concubines, so I'll add one more. Ha ha ha... "

"Old man cangyun, you are despicable The young girl was impatient, but at this time, she was helpless.

"Hum!" Chen Yang hummed coldly. He knew that now was the best time to make a move.

"The old man's magic weapon is good. Since he is bullying the weak, I will kill him. If you take his magic weapon and luggage, you will be acting on behalf of heaven. " Chen Yang has made up his mind.

Under the influence of Linghui monk, he has gradually adapted to the law of cultivation.This time is the best mobile phone meeting. Once the Qinglian lantern is broken, then Cang yunsou can free up his hand.

"Hey Chen Yang suddenly moved, and with the help of the emperor's mirror, he came to Cang yunsou's back unconsciously.

He generally does not use the sun god awn in the emperor's mirror, because it takes a long time to recover after one use. The emperor's mirror is a sharp weapon for him to escape!

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