There are 30000 disciples in Mingyue palace, and there are 18 halls in the palace. The master of every hall is the highest in the world!

This time, the great hand of Mingyue xianzun is a grand event of Mingyue palace. At this moment, Mingyue xianzun didn't show up. All the reception was done by the disciples.

Chen Yang entered the Moon Palace with Yan Yunyue and others.

Inside the Moon Palace, surrounded by mountains and forests, from the air overlooking the eighteen halls, it is like a star checkerboard. The eighteen halls are surrounded by the magnificent Moon Palace.

It was Zuo Xiaoqing, the first disciple of bailiyue, the master of Minghui hall, who received yanyunyue. Zuo Xiaoqing seems to be in his twenties. His cultivation is the peak of jiuchongtian. All the people in Mingyue Palace are not ranked in the list of heaven. Overseas immortals do not show mountains, do not show water, and do not participate in the right and wrong of China.

This Zuo Xiaoqing is so cultivated that his appearance is just like heaven and man. A white dress, spotless. When she received yanyunyue, she was neither humble nor overbearing, polite and chaste.

"There is a day out there, and there are people out there!" When Chen Yang entered the Moon Palace, he could not help feeling.

After that, a crowd flew to the Ming Hui hall.

Minghui hall is in the south of the mountain forest. The green forest surrounds the Minghui hall in the middle. The construction of Minghui hall is magnificent. The ginkgo tree in front of it is as beautiful as a fairyland. In the Ming Hui hall, there are more than 300 rooms for disciples, and the Ming Hui hall in the middle is like a Western Palace.

As long as Chen Yang comes to such a place, he can't help feeling the spirit of the immortal family.

These styles are incomparable in the secular world.

After arriving at the Minghui hall, yanyunyue took the eldest disciple Duan Shuishui to see bailiyue, the master of the Minghui hall. Chen Yang and his party were arranged by Zuo Xiaoqing to stay in the guest room.

Zuo Xiaoqing asked her subordinates to arrange one by one, and then she left.

Chen Yang took a rest in the room, which was spacious and tidy. Sandalwood in front of the windowsill makes the whole room feel very comfortable. Open the window and you can see the woods outside. Such an environment is hard to experience in the modern society of the world.

Chen Yang didn't think much. He sat on the bed with his knees crossed and began to practice meditation.

There are many imperfections in the array in the netherworld nine Yin chart. In addition, he scattered the spirit gathering elixir to let the ghosts devour it. The blood demons and the dark demons devoured fiercely. Youming Yuanshen and Xingchen Yuanshen also ate more.

After eating, the ghosts began to pray and make wishes to the golden light talisman of the great Purdue.

The golden light talisman is growing stronger and stronger.

There are 100000 ghosts praying every day, which is Chen Yang's great capital.

After a short time, a female disciple of Minghui hall brought some tea and food. The food here is very delicate. The peach is big and round, and it gives off fresh air. At first glance, it is the product of the immortal family, and the tea is cooked with morning dew and petals. If you eat this kind of tea and things from the immortal family, even ordinary people can become extraordinary.

Thus, the difference between ordinary people and immortal families is obvious. From the food above, has been doomed to a huge gap between each other.

Chen Yang also remembered what Cheng Jianhua had said a long time ago.

"The meat eater is brave and brave, the grain eater is wise and skillful, and the gas eater is immortal. How successful a species is has a lot to do with what it eats. "

When Chen Yang jumped out of the ordinary circle, everything around him was very different.

In the vast world, Shendan is a God that can be met but not sought. But when he arrived at Tianzhou, there were no more Shendan and Tiandan. This is because of the change of the circle!

In the vast world, a master of Taixu bachongtian can almost walk horizontally.

But Taixu eight heavy sky master to Tianzhou, but is a third rate role.

This is just like the wealth circle in the world. When your salary is only two or three thousand, most of the wage earners around you are also like this.

When you are a million years old, your circle will change.

As you can see, many people are less than a million, even tens of millions.

When you rise to the top of the list, all you see are the richest people on the list.

Circle culture is of the same origin. It's the same for tiantianzhou.

For example, people like Shendi don't like to play with people like Chen Yang. What they yearn for is the fairyland, what they see is the ancient holy emperor, and what they see are the peerless masters with great powers.

The female disciple is pretty, but her cultivation ability is too weak. If the cultivation level is low, it's the only one who can serve people.

Taixu four heavy days in the world is still very good, but in the Moon Palace, the status is really low.

Think about it, they have been taking pills since childhood, and they have received strict training and so on, and now they are just too empty four heavy days, the progress is really slow.

Chen Yang smiles at the female disciple and says, "what's the name of the little girl?"

The female disciple didn't expect that Chen Yang would take the initiative to speak. She was flattered and immediately said, "my name is Qiu Ling."Chen Yang said with a smile, "Miss Qiu Ling, thank you for sending me these things. For the first time, I hope you'll take it. " His hand is two days Dan, by the way also gave a fairy sword. The quality of the sword is very good. Chen Yang got it from the treasure Pavilion of the eclosion gate.

Qiu Ling was slightly stunned. Her eyes flashed with ecstasy. She took the gift and said, "thank you for your gift."

Chen Yang smiles.

Qiu Ling and her disciples are dedicated to serving the guests, and as guests, generous people will give some gifts. It's a matter of courtesy! But there are not many generous people like Chen Yang.

Such as Qiu Ling, they don't have much resources. And these two Tiandan may help her to make a breakthrough. It's a great gift.

"Master, if you need anything, just let me know." Qiu Ling said later.

Chen Yang smiles and says, "OK."

After that, Qiu Ling retreated.

Chen Yang has never been a stingy person. He knows the psychology of little people very well. Don't offend small people easily, because they may trip you unconsciously. When people travel in the rivers and lakes, they need to make good friends. Because maybe the opportunity lies in these good relationships.

Chen Yang's cultivation was not peaceful. After that, Yan Yunyue and her female disciple Ren Li came to visit.

Chen Yang got up to greet him and said, "cloud moon is my friend."

Misty cloud month light smile.

Ren Li said, "I've met you."

Chen Yang also faint smile.

After the two parties took their seats, yanyunyue said, "Qianshan Taoist friend, you are here to pay homage to Mingyue xianzun, probably for those two gifts?"

Chen Yang is slightly stunned, but he did not expect that yanyunyue would ask this question so directly.

But he did not shy away, said: "yes."

Yan Yunyue said: "you have your own means, I know that. But this time, there are not a few people coveting these two treasures. Qianshan Daoyou, it's not easy for you to win the first prize. "

Chen Yang said: "I naturally know this. There is something certain in the world. It's just doing everything you can to listen to fate. "

Yan Yunyue said with a smile: "our generation's practice is against the sky. Without this determination to go up, we can't get to this point. "

Chen Yang said: "Yunyue Daoyou, you suddenly came to talk about it with me. It's not just curiosity, is it?"

With a faint smile, yanyunyue said, "Qianshan Taoist friends are kind to Tianshui sect. Since you have something to ask for, Tianshui sect should do its best to help you."

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and he immediately understood the meaning of yanyunyue. Maybe yanyunyue wants to cut off the flow of water to help him beat some opponents.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "you are welcome. I always like to do things according to my own ability. If you can get it, you will take it. If you can't get it, you will accept your fate. " This is to decline the smoke and cloud month.

Yanyunyue didn't mind. She gave a faint smile, and then said, "Qianshan Daoyou, this is a little bit of meaning. Please accept it." After she finished, she put down a ring Xumi on the table.

Later, yanyunyue and Ren Li left.

Chen Yang no longer wanted to stay.

He didn't say no to Najie Xumi.

He thought, yanyunyue should not be too shabby.

After yanyunyue and Ren Li leave, Chen Yang holds the jiexumi given by yanyunyue in his hand. After exploring, he immediately found that there were 100 Tiandan and a lishuijian in it.

The quality of lishuijian is also good.

Although this gift is not bad, Chen Yang is still slightly disappointed. Think about it. After all, Tianshui sect is a small sect, and the leader is only in the middle of the tenth heaven cultivation. Its resources are not very rich. It's sincere to be able to take out these resources.

In this way, Chen Yang is satisfied to put these things into jiexumi.

Four days later, Chen Yang was calm and had a better understanding of Mingyue palace. A lot of his knowledge came from Qiu Ling. She also knew that Mingyue xianzun had gone out again. It was said that she would come back on the birthday party.

Chen Yang also knows that there are four elders under Mingyue xianzun, all of whom are the best. All the disciples of Mingyue Palace are female. Marriage is not forbidden in the sect, but even after marriage, the man can't enter the Moon Palace. Moreover, the married female disciples will be asked to leave the Moon Palace and only be allowed to come back on New Year's day.

That night, Li tianruo, the first disciple of Mingyue xianzun, the leader of Li tiandian, entertained the distinguished guests.

Tomorrow is the birthday party of Mingyue xianzun. Today is a small thank you party.

Li Tian Dian is the first of the 18 halls, and Li Tian Ruo is the top of the ten Heaven. He has been in charge of Ming Yue palace instead of Ming Yue Xian Zun.

It's unimaginable to be away from the sky.

Chen Yang was touched by the light of smoke and cloud, and was also fortunate to attend the dinner.The dinner was held in the Li Tian hall. The main hall from the temple of heaven is surrounded by golden light and pure air, which is a kind of immortal family atmosphere.

When Chen Yang, Yan Yunyue and others arrived at the main hall, guests had gathered in the hall.

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