In the main hall, there is a golden carpet with Dragon carving and purple gold.

The seat above is very noble. A carved dragon surrounds the seat, which is the breath of the king. The seats below are made of gilt, and each seat is full of pressing noble spirit.

Many guests have been seated in turn. All the owners of the eighteen halls also came. On the eve of the master's birthday, all the disciples will come back no matter how busy they are.

Chen Yang is sitting at the bottom of yanyunyue. It can be seen that although yanyunyue has entered the Mingyue palace, she is not in a high position among the people who come to pay her birthday. Just sitting in the middle.

Orchestral sound, xianle bursts, wonderful extraordinary. In the middle, there are a group of dancers dancing to cheer the guests.

Next to each seat is a small tea table, which is also made of Phoebe, and the carving on it is even more lifelike.

On the tea table, good food and wine have been prepared.

Chen Yang is in a trance. He looks at the dancing girl in the middle and the golden mist around him, just like a fairyland. He couldn't help but wonder where he was?

Is this illusory or real?

Chen Yang, who has been living in the physical world since he was a child, has suddenly come to this point. He would sigh from time to time.

The monks in Mingyue palace grew up on this land since they were young. Naturally, they are not surprised.

Smoke cloud month light cold, not many words. Chen Yang is sitting at the bottom of duanshui's head, and his eyes are cold.

Chen Yang looked around with interest.

Also at this time, a woman in green robes appeared. She came out of the side hall.

As soon as she came out, the whole room was quiet. The dancers stopped performing.

The woman went to the top of the throne, and then a long sleeve, straight down the seat.

All the monks stood up at the scene, and all the hall owners saluted and said, "see you, elder martial sister!"

Many guests also saluted slightly to show their respect for the woman.

The woman's hair is very high, her face is beautiful and cold, her eyes are as broad and deep as the sea of stars. Her majesty is so strong that people dare not look her in the eyes. She just appears, does not make any movement, actually lets the human feel that she is the master of this hall.

Chen Yang then knew that this woman was the leader of the Li Tian Temple. At the same time, she is also the first disciple of Mingyue xianzun.

Chen Yang said in secret: "this woman is so powerful and dignified. If I hadn't heard the news in advance, I would have thought she was the moon immortal. This first disciple is still so dignified. How strong is the moon immortal

Li Tian Ruo is not arrogant. She slightly presses her hand down and says, "you younger martial sisters don't have to be polite. Please sit down." After many Temple owners took their seats, Li tianruo stood up again. She saluted many guests and said, "I'm very grateful to you for coming all the way to celebrate your teacher's birthday. Today, I'm going to offer you some wine. If there's anything wrong with it, I hope you'll forgive me. "

"You're welcome. Heaven is like a Taoist friend. It's also our blessing to be able to pay homage to xianzun." Some old friends said one after another.

After that, everyone was seated.

Chen Yang has been observing Li tianruo, and he can't help admiring Li tianruo's courtesy. She sits down first, and everyone worships her. This is her majesty, and also everyone's respect for Mingyue palace. She sat down to let the younger martial sisters sit down, which is the style of the elder martial sister. She then stood up to be polite to the guests, which is the etiquette of Mingyue palace.

"What a leak Chen Yang said in secret.

Under Li tianruo's chairmanship, this banquet was also regarded as a feast for the guests and the host. There is also a woman standing beside Li tianruo, who is already in the early days of shichongtian. This woman is Li tianruo's eldest disciple. Her name is Li Renfeng.

Just at the end of the party, an accident suddenly appeared.

Li tianruo sits on the top of the table, her eyes are cold, she glances at all the people present, and suddenly shouts: "get out!"

Everyone was surprised and didn't understand why Li tianruo was angry.

"Want to go?" From the day if eyebrows pick, fingers rub, suddenly, magnetic field surge. The wind burst at the gate, forming an invisible net.

"This Tiangang sword net is the Dao field of Li Tian Temple. If you break through, I will turn all my strength into one point and point it into your body." From the sky if cold voice said.

People are not sure, so they don't know what happened at the scene.

Also at this time, a person appeared out of thin air in the field.

The music of Guan Zhu and Si Xian has stopped, and the dancers are in a panic. The man who appeared out of thin air was an old man. He looked like he was in his sixties, wearing a thick cloth shirt.

The old man's cultivation seems to have reached the top of the ten heavens, and he is an absolute strong man. At this time, his body radiated dignity. Before that, he had been introverted.

"It's Taoist dragon." Li tianruoling said: "Taoist long, you must have relied on your Baise shadowless clothes to hide your figure just now."Chen Yang immediately remembered that he had seen Taoist long before. Taoist long specially chose a less prominent position to sit.

"This Taoist dragon is a top-notch master. No wonder he made small moves, but we didn't know it." Chen Yang thought to himself, "but after all, he can't escape from tianruo's eyes."

Taoist long rushed away from tianruo with a smile and said, "tianruo is a Taoist friend. It's not hard for me to tear your Tiangang sword net. But I didn't because I felt that there was no hatred between us. "

From the sky if cold hum a, say: "dragon Taoist, our bright moon palace and you have no friendship.". This time you are a guest, the Moon Palace also gives you respect. But you actually performed soul searching in secret and made some small moves at this banquet. Do you think the Moon Palace dare not kill you? "

Taoist long said with a smile, "it's really wrong for me to perform soul searching. I'm here to apologize to tianruo Daoyou. I'm here to pay my respects to the immortal. Is it because tianruo Daoyou is going to kill me? That doesn't make sense. "

Even if Taoist long was a giant, he did not dare to be arrogant under the close gaze of litianruo.

If Li Tian takes a look at Taoist long, she will be worried.

A top ten master, his strength is extremely terrible. Although there is only half a gap between the middle of shichongtian and the top of shichongtian, the top of shichongtian can crush two middle of shichongtian.

If Li Tian knew naturally, they could kill Taoist dragon with their full strength. However, we should also worry about damaging Mingyue palace in the fight with Taoist dragon.

It's unimaginable for a top ten Heaven master to protect his life and work hard.

No one is willing to tear the skin with the top ten Heaven experts.

Mingyue palace, which is far away from tianruo, can naturally suppress Taoist dragon, but considering some consequences, she doesn't think it's necessary to do so.

Taoist long also had his consideration. If he had just broken through, he would not be able to stop him with Tiangang sword net. Taoist long also knows that as long as he is soft, the Moon Palace is unlikely to kill the immortal before his birthday. After all, the strength of Taoist long is here.

"Taoist dragon!" Li tianruo said: "we all understand. I know whether you are sincere in paying homage to your teacher. As for the purpose of your coming here, I don't know. I don't want to know. Now please leave here. "

If we leave the sky, we can be regarded as opening up the net.

Taoist long didn't dare to be ignorant. He said, "in that case, I'll leave." He turned and went out of the temple.

Then the party broke up.

Taoist Long's appearance is a bit abrupt, but no one can tell what this guy is for. But obviously, he has a purpose. He seems to be searching for something.

Chen Yang became alert and thought to himself, "is this Taoist dragon related to the eclosion gate? Is the eclosion gate asking him to search? "

I have to say that Chen Yang's intuition is accurate.

He thought that if Taoist dragon really came from the eclosion gate, then Taoist dragon must have something extraordinary. Maybe he can break the formula of Linghui monk.

You may have been exposed.

Chen Yang thought to himself that he could not be alone. Otherwise, Taoist long will come back to kill him, and it's not clear how he died.

After the banquet, Chen Yang went back to Minghui hall with yanyunyue.

"Taoist long seems to be looking for something." On the way back, the water cut off flows to yanyunyue.

Yanyunyue nodded and said, "his soul searching skill is so powerful that he didn't even notice that he was a teacher."

"Soul searching, what is it?" Chen Yang can't help asking yanyunyue.

Yanyunyue said: "Taoist long is famous for his soul searching skills, and claims to be able to search all the heavenly worlds. There is nothing in the world that he can't find. Soul searching relies on the remains of something, and then it can search all the way. Moreover, his soul searching skills against the enemy, pull the soul of the living people. It's even more powerful to know your opponent's magic power

Chen Yang is worried.

Li Xian, yanyunyue's second disciple, said: "Taoist long has too much courage to perform soul searching under the eyes of Li tianruo."

Yan Yunyue said, "Taoist long must have come here to look for something. He has been looking for it but has not found it. Today, we all have a dinner together. But what on earth is it worth Taoist long taking such a big risk? "

Li Xian said: "there are many opportunities. It's not too late for xianzun to search after his birthday party tomorrow."

Cut off water current to say: "can be, what thing can't wait until tomorrow birthday party?"

Chen Yang was shocked.

At this moment, he was almost sure that the dragon Taoist was the eclosion gate. Please come to help find the star shuttle.

If Chen Yang thinks about yanyunyue, since this soul searching technique is so powerful, he is afraid that his details may have been made clear by Taoist long.Will Taoist long return to attack himself?

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