Linghui monk is holding the snake evil sword in the dark, when Chen Yang comes.

"How did you tame the evil sword?" Chen Yang saw that Teng snake evil sword was already very clever, so he asked strangely. Monk Linghui laughed and said, "Taoist friend, your golden light talisman is here. I borrowed it and forced it to be used. Today, the golden light talisman absorbs the ghost's power every day to subdue this magic weapon. There is no problem at all. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized that he took a deep breath and said, "I was poisoned by the Teng snake evil sword. It seems that the poison is very strange. I can't help it

Monk Linghui was surprised. He immediately summoned the spirit of Teng snake evil sword.

"Daoyou!" After the snake came out, he immediately showed respect to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can't help but feel funny, but he can't delay at this time. The water is still chasing him. Fortunately, there are many rules and lots of space in the netherworld nine Yin chart, so the water cut-off flow can't catch up for a moment.

Chen Yang then asked: "how to detoxify?"

Teng snake uses idea. It says, "there is no solution to snake venom, but I can help Daoyou suck it out."

"OK, hurry up!" Chen Yang said.

The snake immediately came forward and said, "Taoist friends will sacrifice the Heidan." Chen Yang immediately sacrificed the great Heidan. As soon as the snake sucked, all the toxins on the Heidan were sucked out.

Chen Yang immediately felt refreshed.

Chen Yang also knows that the reason why Linghui monk can use the Teng snake evil sword is that Linghui monk forcibly takes the Teng snake evil sword so far away. In this way, he can't infuse the mana into the past by cutting off the flow of water, which makes Linghui monk successful. If Teng snake evil sword is always in the hands of Duan Shui, then Linghui monk is very difficult to transform this Teng snake evil sword.

Chen Yang said to monk Linghui, "let's go out and see you again. We'll cut off the water."

Linghui monk said: "good!"

In the endless darkness, the water cut off as fast as lightning. At this time, Chen Yang flashed in the void and appeared in front of the water.

"Cut off the water. Keep the change. I'm here." At the same time, Chen Yang has sacrificed the sword washing pool!

In the magic pool of sword washing, the golden light magic sword has thousands of ways, and a blade storm is instantly twisted! Every sword light contains endless fierce power!

The blade storm is fierce, and it pours at the broken water.

Duan Shuiyuan was surprised by the power of the blade storm. Naturally, he knew that the power could not be ignored.

In the blade storm, every sword light contains profound and incomparable Kendo spirit!

Every sword light is equal to a Kendo master!

"Very good!"

There is a light in my eyes.

"Lin Qianshan, I didn't want to kill you. You forced me." Cut off water current to shout a, way: "various gods Luo Tian sword skill!"

In this instant, the shape changing Sabre also changed into black clothes, and Chen Yang was locked in by using the infinite Xiao Sha rule!

The power of the emperor's mirror lies in its surprise, but duanshuishui won't give Chen Yang another chance after knowing Chen Yang's magic weapon.

Black clothes in the sky, Xiao kill law lock Chen Yang, at the same time, also ready to launch a fierce attack on Chen Yang.

He opened his mouth and spat out a blood sword.

This blood sword is not a real sword, but the soul of ten thousand swords!

It's also the original power of Luotian's swordsmanship. It's to cut off the water from an ancient cave and absorb countless sword spirits by itself.

"Out!" Cut off the flow of water, cast the formula and run the mana.

At the same time, the Blood Sword turned into thousands of bloody sword lights.

The blood color immediately surrounded the swords in the sword washing pool and killed the monstrous people. There was a terrible spirit in every blood sword.

Ten thousand blood swords gallop freely and quickly form thirty-six Luotian chessboard!

A vast breath of ancient vicissitudes erupted from the luotian chessboard, which locked the swords of Xijian Shenchi. Every Blood Sword is a master of killing gods.

After a while, with a click, the sword washing pool began to shake violently, and then it burst open.

Xijian Shenchi could not bear the power of Luotian's swordsmanship and was destroyed directly.

Then, the sword power of the bloody sky changed vertically and horizontally. The thirty-six sword bundles were like dragons and chessboard, which enveloped Chen Yang!

At this time, the black clothes also broke out an incomparable knife!

The brilliance of that knife is as bright as the sun and the moon. The power of that knife can kill the Buddha!

The real power of the elder martial brother duanliushui is fully revealed, and this move is immortal.

Linghui monk was shocked, he said: "this killing God Luotian sword technique is too terrible. If I go out, I will die immediately."

At the critical moment, Chen Yang sacrificed the demon clock!

That day, the demon clock instantly enveloped Chen Yang, and all the attacks were killed outside the demon clock.Crackle, crackle!

In a flash, the turtle crack began to appear outside the demon clock.

Chen Yang runs ten demons out to tear, but they are directly torn by the killing God Luotian sword.

And a knife of black dress completely broke the sky demon clock.

Another best magic weapon was destroyed.

For a moment, Chen Yang was in an extremely dangerous state.

At this time, Chen Yang was quick to sacrifice the emperor's mirror!

"Sun god!"

A dazzling golden beam of lightning shot directly through the black body. Chen Yangren also rushed out with lightning.

The black clothes blocked it. Chen Yang killed the black clothes in an instant, and then his body flashed away from Luotian sword.

"My shape transforming sword?" Duan Shuishui was furious when he saw that his sword was destroyed. He is really heartbroken. He has lost two treasures in this fight.

"Lin Qianshan, I want you to die, I want you to die, you know." Cut off the current and be furious.

As soon as his hand turned, all the blood light turned into a blood sword, which quickly shot at Chen Yang. In a flash, he will sacrifice the swordsmanship of Luotian!

Once the luotian chessboard came out, life was better than death.

Chen Yang could not use the emperor's mirror at this time, because he used the emperor's spirit, after the sun god mang. The sea of clouds inside is in chaos, so the molecules are in chaos. It is absolutely impossible to shuttle at this time.

"Monk Linghui, set up the array!" Chen yangpao drinks.

It has to be desperate.

Thirty six dragons quickly formed Luotian chessboard, and then killed Chen Yang in the void. Just then, Chen Yang suddenly disappeared.

Under the guidance of monk Linghui, the formation of the nether world on the 18th floor was completed.

In the black vortex, ghost gas and black particles burst apart.

Ten thousand blood swords immediately went in to fight.

It's impossible to resist the sword technique of killing God Luotian at all, but this array has 18 layers. It takes some time for Zhushen Luotian sword to break it.

At this time, Chen Yang runs big Heidan to fight with the blood sword.

His ten kinds of supernatural powers were wildly spread out, so these blood swords had to deal with the 18 layers of heaven and the nether world array, and also with Chen Yang's supernatural power attack.

For a while, the two sides fought each other.

And martial arts people are crazy to absorb the spirit of martial arts!

Breaking off the current and running the mana desperately, he also felt headache at this time. The dark sky formation was like a bottomless cave, and there was no sign of breakthrough at all. On the contrary, Chen Yang was more brave in the war.

"Great thunder, universal salvation, golden light talisman!" Chen Yang waited until the attack of the Blood Sword slowed down, and immediately commanded monk Linghui.

So the ghosts immediately prayed together, and the endless golden light covered the blood sword.

Duan Shuishui was shocked, and he felt that his gods Luotian blood sword was greatly seduced. He must inject his spirit and mana madly, so as to keep Luotian Blood Sword from being standardized.

"That's ridiculous!" It's almost crazy to cut off the flow. Chen Yang's methods are endless!

In this case, Chen Yang suddenly turned the spirit of martial arts in the great Heidan!

Ten in one!


With the fierce spirit of martial arts, the thousand blood swords were directly torn apart.

The cut-off water spat out a mouthful of blood, and he urgently recalled the Blood Sword and swallowed it. He felt that if he was a little later, his original blood sword would be changed. If that's the case, he thinks he's going to have to hit the wall and die.

"I give up!" Duanshuishui's face turned red. He cried to Chen Yang in a panic.

Chen Yang didn't want to kill him. After all, yanyunyue, the master who cut off the water, treated him well.

Chen Yang gave a cold smile and then said, "let's go!"

Two people quickly out of the netherworld nine Yin map, and then Chen Yang will take the netherworld nine Yin map into the ring Xumi inside.

On the challenge arena, a pure brightness was restored.

"I lost." Cut off the current and get down from the challenge.

Chen Yang is fresh and fresh.

At this moment, Qiao Ning was relieved.

This is the end of the challenge arena. No one will challenge Chen Yang any more. But there are good people calling silver shark King up, Qiao Ning says that he doesn't think he is Chen Yang's opponent and gives up.

Cut off the water back to the side of yanyunyue, he was very ashamed. "Master..."

Yanyunyue's face is also a little strange. She never thought that her apprentice would lose. I can't help thinking that I had said before that I would help Chen Yang get a gift from xianzun. Now think about it, it's ironic!

"Don't say anything." The misty moon did not blame the interruption of water flow.

After Chen Yang stepped down, he nodded with Qiao Ning, and then went to Mingyue xianzun.

On the spot, Mingyue xianzun points the power source of great phagocytosis into Chen Yang's brain, and then gives Chen Yang the fragments of nature.Chen Yang felt a little relieved. He also knew that things were not finished here. How to leave safely is also a big problem.

The birthday party ended in such an atmosphere.

Friends from all walks of life have left.

Of course, many of them may just be outside watching Chen Yang. These are beyond Chen Yang's control. Yanyunyue then prepares to take all the disciples away. Chen Yang and Qiao Ning shout yanyunyue together.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Yanyunyue looks at Chen Yang, her face is not very good-looking.

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