Cut off the water in yanyunyue's side, his face is not good-looking.

Chen Yang took out the snake evil sword and said, "Yunyue Taoist friend, this sword will be returned to you."

Yanyunyue, duanshuishui and other disciples were surprised. Yanyunyue was annoyed that she cut off the flow of water and lost the best magic weapons such as Teng snake evil sword and Huaxing Shendao. But yanyunyue is also embarrassed to ask Chen Yang for it. After all, this is fair competition. The other side can subdue your magic weapon, that is also the ability of the other side.

They never expected that Chen Yang would be so generous.

"Are you sure?" Smoke cloud month sink a voice to say. Chen Yang said with a smile, "don't I come here specially to make such a joke with Daoyou?"

Yanyunyue took over the snake evil sword at the moment, and then cut off the water flow with the sword. He bowed deeply to Chen Yang and said, "thank you, Taoist brother!"

Chen Yang smiles and says, "I've taken away all the marks that belong to me on this sword. Just use them again."

The Teng snake evil sword was originally transformed, but Chen Yang sucked away the golden light, which meant that Teng snake evil sword was still popular.

Chen Yangshi's magic, naturally, has a way to make it return to vulgarity. However, monk Linghui doesn't have this ability, and he definitely won't do it. Because he belongs to the game.

How can a person who worships my Buddha sincerely betray my Buddha?

So unless Chen Yang let monk Linghui return to the secular life, monk Linghui would never return to the secular life.

Yanyunyue's eyes were a little complicated at this time. She said, "you don't have to do that."

Chen Yang said: "I do things in a congenial way. Taoist friend Yunyue has also helped me. If I still rob your disciples of their magic weapons, it would be too unfriendly to do so."

"Friends?" Yanyunyue said: "Qianshan Daoyou is a very special person."

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "if you really want to be greedy, I will kill your Qinglian lamp and your disciples that day. And I don't know, I don't know. " He turned and left.

On the spot, all the people stood in a daze.

"Master!" Duanshuiliu could not help but said: "brother Lin is really a strange man!"

Yan Yunyue said, "yes, I'm the first time to see such a person as a teacher."

Chen Yang said goodbye to yanyunyue and went to Mingyue palace with Qiao Ning. Qiao Ning is also a distinguished guest of Mingyue palace.

At the same time, Chen Yang wondered why he had not seen Hu Changchun and Zheng tianlie. They should be hiding in sanxiu. Why didn't they come? Is something wrong?

Chen Yang takes a deep breath. He has no time to think too much.

Because Mingyue xianzun is going to summon him.

Qiao Ning is arranged in the vice hall. Xianzun only summons Chen Yang, but he doesn't say that he wants to see Qiao Ning, so Qiao Ning can't enter. In other words, Qiao Ning has been following Chen Yang, but it makes some temple owners of Mingyue palace confused and don't understand the relationship between them.

But naturally, no one will ask this question.

People who practice Taoism, there are so many gossip.

Mingyue xianzun summoned Chen Yang in Qingfeng Pavilion.

The first disciple Li tianruo and the second disciple Jian Hongchen are guarding xianzun.

Inside the Qingfengge, it is magnificent and elegant in luxury.

Sandalwood is dense and elegant.

"I'd like to see you, Mr. immortal!" Chen Yang bows respectfully.

The bright moon immortal wears white clothes like a beautiful lady. With a faint smile, she said, "Lin Qianshan, what is the purpose of your painstaking efforts to get the star shuttle to please me?"

Chen Yang looks up at Mingyue xianzun. He can feel that although xianzun is as gentle as jade, his eyes seem to have insight into the world of heaven.

He immediately told the truth, saying: "I'm just a casual practitioner. If I don't come up with some unique birthday gifts, I'm afraid I won't get the great phagocytosis of the immortal."

Mingyue xianzun said: "that can also think of other ways to offend such a giant as eclosion gate. It's always not worth it." Chen YangZheng wanted to speak, Mingyue xianzun said: "maybe you have something to rely on, just like what you are showing in front of me now, is not your true colors."

Chen Yang was surprised. He didn't expect that his fake body was seen through by xianzun.

"I have no disrespect for xianzun." Chen Yang said immediately.

With a faint smile, Mingyue xianzun said, "don't be nervous. I don't mean to blame you. However, although you use a fake body, the eclosion door may not always be able to find out your true identity. "

Chen Yang couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "it doesn't matter. Maybe I can't wait for that day."

Mingyue xianzun said, "you mean your life span?"

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

Mingyue xianzun said, "you don't have to be too pessimistic. The life span is limited, but the road is infinite. I'll see for you first, what's your situation like. "

Chen Yang's heart lit up a glimmer of hope and said, "thank you, xianzun."Mingyue xianzun said, "when I cure you, it's not too late for you to thank me."

Then, Mingyue xianzun asked Chen Yang to come near. Then, she said, "I will use my magic power to explore your physical condition first, and there will be a little discomfort."

"I understand!" Chen Yang said.

Then, the moon immortal points out a magic power. Chen Yang immediately felt that this magic power had entered his body. Like the holy light, his whole body was warm.

But soon, Chen Yang felt naked. It's like everything has been seen through by xianzun. All the secrets came to xianzun's mind.

Chen Yang was surprised.

At this time, the moon immortal took back his mana.

"It's just your illusion." Mingyue xianzun said, "I didn't pry into your secret, nor crack your memory and magic power. But I found the source of your lost life. "

Chen Yang quickly asked, "does the immortal master have a way to renew his life?"

Li Tian Ruo and Jian Hongchen also look at Mingyue xianzun.

Mingyue xianzun's face looked a little serious. She stood up and said, "I thought you were an ordinary life consuming spell. But I didn't expect it to be so serious. You have signed some kind of contract with destiny. The power of destiny helps you fight back the strong enemy. That is to say, your present life is your destiny. "

After a pause, she continued: "my generation has been fighting against fate all her life. But who can really grasp their own destiny? "

Chen Yang's heart sank. But it's not a big disappointment. It was expected.

It's ironic to think that this is the fate of the king of destiny? But what did I do wrong?

"If I don't use little fatalism, I'll die on the spot. But what about using little fatalism? " Chen Yang takes a deep breath. He still doesn't believe that things have not changed. He didn't believe that was his destiny.

"In the legend..." Chen Yang thought of something and said, "there are three thousand worlds and three thousand avenues. There is a road in every world. The great phagocytosis is one of the main roads. When a person practices all the three thousand roads successfully, all the rules and rules in the world will be destroyed. When the world is destroyed and heaven and man are in decline, the door of eternal life will appear. As long as you enter the gate of immortality, you will get immortality. "

Mingyue xianzun was slightly stunned. She said, "do you know this?"

Chen Yang said, "is it true?"

Mingyue xianzun said, "I just heard about it. But this rumor is not aimless, as you said. There are three thousand avenues in three thousand worlds. When one masters all the roads, one masters all the rules. All the rules of Qi transportation are on this person, then the other people's Tao and rules are plundered by him. At this time, it's not surprising that the world is destroyed and the five declines of heaven and man. When the world is destroyed, the earth will not be destroyed. Therefore, the gate of immortality is indeed possible. As for what is in the gate of eternal life, no one knows

After a pause, she said, "but it's basically impossible for one person to build all the roads. Especially the great destiny, which has not really appeared yet. "

Chen Yang was stunned. He wanted to say nothing.

Mingyue xianzun had a deep insight into people's heart. He immediately took a look at Chen Yang and said, "have you ever been in contact with the great destiny?"

Chen Yang pondered for a moment, thinking that his life was not long, so he shouldn't have anything to hide. "When I was lost in the mainland world, I had contact with the dragon people," he said. And they taught me the great destiny. When I was lost in the mainland, I used to cast the great destiny, and its power is really unmatched. However, the lost continent is very special. There are five elements for me to use, and my mana is endless. But beyond the lost continent, there is no element of the five elements, so I can no longer perform the great destiny

"It's impossible," said Mingyue xianzun After a pause, she said: "the great destiny is the general principle of the three thousand road. When the great destiny appears, you can control your own destiny. This avenue has always been in legend, never appeared. How can you say that you know the art of destiny? "

Chen Yang was stunned, and he couldn't tell for a moment.

The moon immortal also pondered.

After a long time, she said, "Lin Qianshan, I don't want to steal your mind. It's just that what you're saying is too strange. "

Chen Yang said: "the younger generation are just dying people. They don't care much about everything." He then said, "besides, I believe in xianzun."

Mingyue xianzun said, "can you show me your great destiny?"

Chen Yang said: "the younger generation can tell the older generation."

Mingyue xianzun nodded and said, "OK, OK." There was a look of excitement on her face.

Then, Chen Yang told the moon immortal all the secrets of the great destiny.

This is not that Chen Yang is heartless, but that he gradually feels that something is wrong with his great destiny. Because in the mouth of these great powers, great destiny is extremely mysterious. But there seems to be something missing in his great destiny.

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