Qiao Ning is full of thunder magic power. Her thunder magic power is related to her thunder constitution. No one else can practice this magic power. Qiao Ning's ability to achieve Lei FA's magic power is also a result of her near death. And the Magic Seeds of the heaven and the Dragon cultivation world taught by Mingyue xianzun were integrated into Lei FA by Qiao Ning.

There is no way to give this seed to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang knows this in his heart. So he never wanted to learn Qiao Ning's nine sky god Lei Daofa, and also wanted her these magic power seeds.

At this time, Qiao Ning showed her consistent style of violence.

The thunder pool hit the center of the neck with a ferocious force. Qiao Ning is the peak of jiuchongtian, and her ancient Leifu is also a magic weapon. So Qiao Ning's attack, Xiang Yang can not wave to resolve. He had to slow down his attack on Chen Yang, and Chen Yang immediately felt the pressure subsided.

The thunder pool is like a thunder tsunami, and the thunder contains infinite power and the law of mystery!

Xiang Yang snorted coldly. He made a seal on his finger. The ghost particles quickly formed a huge fist seal!

Leichi was originally 300 square meters in size, just like a big house. The whole building was hit and killed. But Xiang Yang's fist is twice as big as that Leichi's.


Leichi and fist seal collided and killed together, and the thunder and lightning in Leichi became violent.

Qiao Ning quickly cast all the dragons in the sky to refine the world.

In an instant, the Dragon Power rolled, ten thousand thunder dragons roared out. Every Thunder Dragon is as long as 100 Zhang, and the dragon power on the Thunder Dragon is fierce. Ten thousand thunder dragons split the Youming fist seal into pieces in a flash.

All over the sky are like waterfalls and sand rivers of the netherworld particles flying furiously.

Qiao Ning cast the spell quickly. The ten thousand thunder dragons roared again. In a moment, they all shot to Xiang Yang.

It's like ten thousand thunderbolts are killed together.

Let all the power go!

At this moment, the sky was gorgeous to the extreme, and the lightning reflected the whole dark and dark space into a dazzling white!

The power of dragon power, dragon breath, and the spiritual law of the Heavenly Dragon are incomparable.

At this time, Xiang Yang must also work hard to deal with Qiao Ning.

When Chen Yang saw the opportunity coming, he quickly turned on the emperor's mirror.

So suddenly, the great black elixir shot out a stream of emperor's essence, which quickly disintegrated the black Youming particle fingerprints like the sun's essence.

Chen Yang got a gap and instantly used his big move. In a flash, it was 300 meters away.

Then, Chen Yang made a big move to pursue and kill.

Xiang Yang couldn't help but be very angry: "Damn, if you didn't want to refine these monks and run the Youming yuan mansion at will, you ants would be rampant."

As he spoke, his hands quickly sealed.

He is powerful and ferocious, spreading out like a torrent of mana.

In front of him, there were thirty-six ghost particle barriers!

The thunder and lightning rushed up, layer by layer of crushing the netherworld particle barrier, overwhelming!

However, in the netherworld particle barrier, layers of laws and mysteries spread to dissolve the spirit of Thunder Dragon.

By the time of the last floor, ten thousand thunder dragons finally appeared the weather of exhaustion. Xiang Yang yelled angrily, and his clothes were calm. "Silver shark king, how dare you resist me. Today, I want you to live or die. I want you to be the lowest slave, and I want you to be ridden by thousands of people. "

Xiang Yang said the most vicious words, he is the supreme existence. But is ten heavy days peak giant, unexpectedly is forced by Qiao Ning to be in a mess, this simply is to his majesty biggest challenge.

The most important thing is that Xiangyang has reached the most crucial time. He is refining 300 monks. He wants to improve the quality of Youming Yuanfu again. This time Xiang Yang was attracted by many monks who came to pay homage to Mingyue immortal, so he and his four subordinates set up the netherworld yuan mansion and plundered the monks all the way to build a magic power.

If Xiang Yang could not mobilize the power of Youming Yuanfu at the moment, how could he allow Qiao Ning to be rampant in front of him.

"The hand of the dragon!" Qiao Ning shows her magic power again.

Ten thousand thunderdragons rushed together and finally formed a huge hand of thunderdragons.

It takes a lot of mana to use this kind of magic power, and Qiao Ning seems to be struggling at the moment.

Chen Yang had already killed him by this time, and he was in charge of the array himself.

"Curse of the gods!"

In an instant, the netherworld nine Yin chart will cover the sky.

With Chen Yang's full support, many demons, the devil king, launched their forces together.

All kinds of music are pouring out.

At present, Qiao Ning's main force is to contain Xiang Yang, and Chen Yang's array is fully controlled. Its power can't be underestimated.

The gray fog is like a raging sea, rushing into Xiang Yang's heart wave by wave.

Xiang Yang immediately felt the power of the ghost curse, waves of waves, like a variety of demons in the impact of ghosts on him.

Fortunately, Xiang Yang was a giant with the highest accomplishments, so for a moment, the curse of ghosts could not shake his heart.Chen Yang also has some headaches. He doesn't dare to use the big thunder sound Purdue method to Xiang Yang. If it's not good, maybe he'll turn him around.

"The soul sucking Dafa, the ghost curse of all heaven has little effect on Si. His mind is too strong." Chen Yang's heart turns. Quickly hand over the array to monk Linghui. As soon as he dodged, he quickly cast his hand.

Ten in one!

Chen Yang didn't have much power in the netherworld Sutra and Tianxiao Sutra. In addition, the netherworld Yuanfu was shrouded, and Tianxiao sutra was restrained.

The vast spirit of martial arts soars out of the sky!

A thousand martial god palms kill Xiang Yang as if they don't want money.

The power of every palm can shake the universe!

Xiang Yang's body was shocked.

A thousand martial arts palms into his body, immediately is like a cow into the sea in general, no response.

Chen Yang can't help talking.

Facing such a master, Chen Yang felt powerless again.

And Xiang Yang faces Qiao Ning's hand of refining the dragon, and he hits three fists in a row.

There are many changes in the three huge fist seals, and each fist seal contains innumerable Youming particles. These neon particles are the essence of the nether Yuan government.

In the operation of these Youming particles, their life spirits and supernatural powers are revealed.

These dark particles are all transformed by supernatural monks.

Countless runes run in the nether particles, bursting out with unprecedented brilliance.

Fierce, towering, majestic, vast!

These three fists became the power of history books.

Boom, boom, boom!

The hand of refining the dragon was directly smashed.

Qiao Ning spat out a mouthful of blood. Although she has great powers now, she is still hard to compete with the top ten experts!

Although Qiao Ning and Chen Yang once killed Xu Bowang in the middle of shichongtian. However, there is a huge gap between the mid-term and peak of shichongtian.

The difference between the initial stage and the middle stage is 700 million and 1.4 billion.

The difference between the mid-term and the peak of shichongtian is 1.4 billion and 2.8 billion. What's more, the top ten Heaven top experts can develop more than 3 billion brain cells.

It can crush the mid-term master of shichongtian.

"Silver shark king, ha ha..." Xiang Yang laughed. "I want you to be ridden by thousands of people! You dare to fight against me. I want you to know that the so-called four demons are just like dogs in front of me. "

At this time, Chen Yang made another move.

Chen Yang condenses Zhongzhou Zhentian seal, and then condenses Zhongzhou Zhentian seal, but his strength has reached hundreds of millions.


The whole Heidan is just like a comet hitting the earth. It's thunderous, moving mountains and seas, and the sun and the moon are not shining.

The vigorous wind is rolling, and the particles of the nether world are squeezed and splashed everywhere. The whole space presents a state of collapse and explosion, like the coming of the end, earthquakes and volcanoes.

This is Chen Yang's most ferocious blow.

Even Xiang Yang was awed by this power, and he frowned slightly. Then Li laughs and says, "well, I will kill you first."

Xiang Yang also hit Chen Yang three times.

These three fists are just the boxing skills that Yang settled down and made his life. They are called Huangtian boxing!

He broke Qiao Ning's dragon training hand with this imperial boxing. Huangtian boxing combined with Youming essence of Youming Yuanfu is absolutely terrifying and invincible.

Infinite runes and Youming particles make up Huangtian boxing. The three fists are vast and surging, just like the great biography of historical books, with dignity and spirit soaring to the sky.

Chen Yang was quickly submerged in the sea of boxing.

Fear, despair, waiting for death, many emotions rush into Chen Yang's heart.

Chen Yang naturally did not dare to die, he quickly ran out of the big phagocytosis.

At the same time, he risked to shrink the great Heidan infinitely and directly absorbed it into the center of his eyebrows.

In this way, the great Heidan and xuanhuang Shengu seeds were absorbed together.

The great phagocytosis was launched, and the power of three fists was quickly blasted into the great phagocytosis.

The great phagocytosis can't digest the fierce fist power naturally, but at this time, the unprecedented power broke out in the seeds of xuanhuang holy valley. The chaos in the seed suddenly became violent, just like a long drought with rain.

The great phagocytosis is combined with xuanhuang Shengu seed.

The fist force surged into the seeds of xuanhuang holy Valley, and was immediately refined by the chaotic Qi. Chen Yang felt the endless purity, and the powerful dark power poured in.

Chen Yang can't help ecstasy.

If there is no big phagocytosis, then the seeds of xuanhuang Valley can't refine the power of the nether world so quickly. The combination of the great phagocytosis and xuanhuang Shengu seeds is perfect.

Chen Yang quickly injected this powerful pure power into the nether world.In the netherworld nine Yin picture, many ghosts, gods and Demons cheered. It was an unspeakable joy and excitement!

They absorbed the power of the nether world crazily, and the black devil, the blood devil, the nether primordial God, and the star primordial God expanded rapidly and became powerful.

The shape of the demons is unprecedented, and there are circles of power ripples on them.

They keep evolving.

Chen Yang digested the strength of the three fists, and it was like pouring water into the nether world.

"How could it be?" Xiang Yang was shocked.

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