Xiang Yang can't help but be surprised. He feels that he has been swallowed by the other party.

This is his hard work!

"Damn it Xiang Yang was angry and resentful, and he was a little hairy.

In Chen Yang's nether world, the demons are extremely active. This is their happiest time. The power of many demons has been greatly improved.

Chen Yang laughs, his body a longitudinal, quickly flash to Qiao Ning side. The two worked together to deal with Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang is confused by Chen Yang's phagocytosis.

"How can it be? How can you swallow up the power of my son?" Xiang Yang was furious, and then he jumped into the sky.

"Four Dharma protectors, let me explode!"

Xiang Yang was furious and ordered the four Dharma protectors to fight together.

Then, the prison in the netherworld yuan mansion began to shine, and the monks exploded like this. Flesh and blood fly, but every flesh and blood melt into the netherworld particles.

Originally, Xiang Yang wanted to refine the essence of the nether world. But now it's outrageous.

But Xiang Yang couldn't take care of all this.

Then, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning see the dark storm rolling up in the sky. Hundreds of miles around, all become the netherworld storm vortex. This vortex force is full of fear, strictness, purgatory, torture of all kinds of terror spirit. In this spirit, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning feel creepy, as if heaven and earth have begun to degenerate into a nether hell.

The surging and powerful law of fear magnifies infinitely in the vortex of the nether world. At this time, the dark vortex formed a pillar of heaven like Hurricane and poured down. It's like the collapse of the Tianhe River, which makes people have nowhere to hide.

Under such pressure, Chen Yang quickly performed the great phagocytosis.

In front of his eyebrows, the great Heidan formed a huge red vortex.

After the storm of netherworld rushes in, chaos power and great phagocytosis cooperate closely.

As a result, Chen Yang got more massive pure power of the nether world this time. He quickly injected these forces into the nether world.

In the netherworld nine Yin chart, the imps have all rapidly evolved into demons, and the demons are in urgent need of promotion. They begin to have their own wisdom, and their mana also expands infinitely.

"How could it be?" Xiang Yang felt that the power of his Youming yuan mansion was being weakened at a terrible speed.

Xiang Yang was shocked and wanted to die. The netherworld Yuanfu and he had been integrated. His mana and Gongfa are all with Youming Yuanfu. Xiang Yang, the top ten Heaven expert, plus Youming Yuanfu, his strength has been comparable to that of the virtual fairyland expert.

According to the truth, Xiang Yang's killing of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning is as easy as his hands. But this situation makes Xiang yangbai puzzled.

Xiang Yang gave a cold hum, and he suddenly gathered all his strength.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning see that all the netherworld around them begin to contract, and the black fog quickly dissipates.

Then, the sky and the earth became clear.

There is no Xiang Yang in the field.

Blue sky, white clouds, blue sea.

There were gulls in the sky, as if nothing had happened.

Xiang Yang took the Youming yuan mansion with him I ran away.

Xiang Yang's ability to participate in nature, if he wants to go, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning are naturally unable to stop.

"What's going on?" Qiao Ning was also puzzled.

Chen Yang took back the great Heidan, and now he feels that the netherworld nine Yin chart has also undergone earth shaking changes. At least one third of the vitality of the netherworld yuan mansion has been lost.

One third of Youming Yuanfu's vitality is a great achievement of Chen Yang's Youming Jiuyin map.

At this time, nearly 100000 demons were born in the nether world.

Before the demons, the mana is surging, everyone has been equivalent to the master of Taixu eight heavy heaven.

Especially Youming Yuanshen and Xingchen Yuanshen, the cultivation of these two Yuanshen has reached the beginning of jiuchongtian.

Of course, they just arrived on mana. In actual combat, it's hard for even the eight heaven experts to fight.

This is a great transformation and promotion of the netherworld.

Chen Yang doesn't need these demons to have much actual combat experience. What he needs is that they can provide infinite willpower and show their powerful mana when they arrange the array.

At this moment, Chen Yang can be said to be the first person under shichongtian. This one hundred thousand demons cast the magic together, and the soul taking magic can instantly absorb the spirits of the mid-term masters of jiuchongtian.

However, it also means that Chen Yang's consumption will be more terrible.

At this time. Linghui monk also jumped out, three people have a kind of sense of survival.

"Can you still feel them?" Chen Yang quickly asked monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "I can't feel it. When the netherworld storm unfolded, all the monks were blasted by Xiang Yang. That is to say, they are all dead. ""Dead?" Chen Yang can't help but be surprised. At the same time, he can't help but feel sad and angry.

Linghui monk said: "we have angered Xiang Yang. He has been suppressing Youming Yuanfu and can't do his best. But after you irritated him, he blew up the monks and gave full play to Youming yuan mansion. It's just that he never dreamed that you, Daoyou, were his nemesis in the nether world. "

Chen Yang's heart is full of remorse. He didn't expect that this time, he would bury the lives of Hu and Zheng.

Qiao Ning sees Chen Yang reproach himself, sighs slightly, and says: "killing and robbing is coming, which is probably their doom."

Chen Yang sighed, he said no more, then left here with Qiao Ning. Qiao Ning is still staying in Chen Yang's jiexumi. Chen Yang's great moving skill is just a hundred miles away.

With the big move, Chen Yang left Beihai in just one day and reached the territory of Dashun.

In the process of flying back, Chen Yang and Qiao Ning still have many problems. "Xiang Yang was defeated and left. Does this mean that I don't have to be afraid even if I meet shichongtian peak giant in the future. No matter how many magical powers they have, I can use the great phagocytosis and xuanhuang divine Valley seeds to resolve all attacks? "

Qiao Ning said: "it seems impossible. According to the truth, the power of great phagocytosis depends on the practitioner's mana. You are unlikely to be able to swallow the power of the shichongtian master. "

It's like how can a small engine drive a big truck? This is going to be a problem!

Chen Yang said: "originally it was impossible, but after I added the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu, the Qi of chaos really produced wonderful power."

At this time, Linghui monk jumped out. "I've been thinking about it all the time, but it's not difficult to verify it," he said. Let Qiao Ning come to attack you. If you can swallow up her attack, it will be proved that there is a wonderful chemical reaction

"Chemical reaction, what do you mean?" Qiao Ning doesn't understand.

Monk Linghui was slightly stunned. Then he said, "well, it's a wonderful meaning."

He and Chen Yang have been in the parallel world for a long time, so they know these things. But Qiao Ning will understand there.

Monk Linghui's proposal is very constructive, so Chen Yang and Qiao Ning made an experiment on the sea. Qiao Ning knows that although Chen Yang's cultivation is worse than his own, he may not be his opponent if he really fights. So I will not show any mercy.

Qiao Ning launches a Leifa attack.

Like Chen Yang, he uses great phagocytosis and works with xuanhuang Shengu seeds.

But He can't swallow Qiao Ning's attack completely. It can only devour a part, and the part behind can't resist it.

This is a normal level.

"I can't understand this problem for a moment." Linghui monk analysis half a day later, can only say so.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning couldn't find out, so they had to let it go in the end.

As for that Yang, his Youming yuan mansion was greatly weakened. He was not afraid of Chen Yang, but the situation was so strange that he instinctively had a kind of fear.

It's like a rich man who sees a lot of money flowing out of his bank card. At this time, the subconscious is to freeze the bank card. The first thing he wanted to know was why.

After Xiang Yang escaped, he found a secluded place and left his feet. It's a desert island.

The North Sea is vast and boundless, and the desert islands are naturally like crucian carp crossing the river.

After settling down, Xiang Yang finds the four Dharma protectors.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Xiang Yang said: "since my debut, I have never suffered such a big loss. It's weird with that kid. And in his phagocytosis, there seems to be a kind of power that makes me fear instinctively. "

Jin Yuan, one of the four Dharma protectors, said, "young master, when he devours your power, I seem to feel the power from the fairyland."

"The power of fairyland, are you kidding?" Xiang Yang said, "if you don't feel the power of fairyland, can you have it? You shouldn't feel it either. "

Jin Yuan said: "young master, when my wife once communicated with her subordinates through yuan Shen's skill, they saw some clues of the fairyland."

"My mother communicates with you?" Xiang Yang looks strange.

Jin Yuan said, "you should know that madam is not an ordinary human. She was once the most advanced creature on earth. It was this creature that enslaved Kepler and built the fairyland. In your blood, there is a vein of our human beings, and there is half of the blood of those creatures. So when you practice, you can get twice the result with half the effort. In just five years, you have reached such a level of cultivation. "

"My mother was demoted to earth for more than a thousand years, and I only knew my life five years ago. It was my mother who opened the door for me. " Xiang Yang said in a deep voice, "my mother trained you to serve me. She's very kind to you, too. "Jin Yuan and others immediately said: "if there is no wife, we are just the lowest slaves. We are grateful for the great kindness of our wife, and we will be loyal to you forever. "

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