Xiang Yang nodded. Then he waved his hand and said, "it's unnecessary to say that you should be loyal to my son. I will also remember this loyalty for you. In the future, there will be endless benefits for you. " After a pause, he said, "but Jin Yuan, you say that you feel the smell of fairyland from this son. How can you say that?"

Jin Yuan said, "I heard the lady say what you said. After the immortals enslaved Kepler, a native alien on Kepler came to the earth to fight against this enslavement. "

"What does this have to do with this son?" Xiang Yang asked.

Jin Yuan said: "young master, what you don't know is that madam, although they were human beings a long time ago, they were a higher level than human beings. They are called the human snake race. The human snake race was born on earth. They are smart, intelligent and quick to learn. A wag of the tail can move thousands of miles in the water. Once the snake's tail is thrown, it can go straight to the Ninth Heaven. This kind of creature is almost invincible on earth. But since ancient times, everything has been mutually reinforcing. There can't be an invincible creature forever. In order to solve these problems, the alien aborigine from Kepler thought of coming to earth and finding a way to restrain them. "

"Oh, there is such a thing. My mother never said that to me Xiang Yang's eyes twinkled.

Jin Yuan said: "my wife also mentioned it unintentionally. She also thinks that it has been a long time. There's no need to mention it again. "

Xiang Yang said, "you go on."

Jin Yuan said, "yes, sir." He continued: "later that alien aborigine really found something to restrain the human snake race."

"What is it?" Xiang Yang was surprised and asked.

Jin Yuan said, "it's a magic tree. It's called the grain country tree. The alien aborigines brought the grain country tree back to Kepler. And called a group of Kepler natives to launch a counterattack. The grain country tree can absorb the magic power and flesh strength of the snake people. The flesh and blood vitality of the human snake clan can be refined into a heavenly fruit in the grain country tree. The more powerful the human snake clan is, once it is refined into the spirit fruit of heaven, the more powerful it will be if the spirit fruit of heaven is eaten by people. "

"What happened then?" Xiang Yang asked immediately.

Jin Yuan said: "later, the Terrans suffered heavy losses. At this time, the leader of the Terrans came up with an idea. That is to get involved in the secular world of the earth and cultivate experts among human beings. Although human beings are not as intelligent as the human snakes, they have learned the supreme fairy art after being cultivated by the human snakes. Finally, with the help of human beings, the people and snakes destroyed the grain, country and divine tree. After that, they completely enslaved Kepler. "

"After the event of grain, state and divine tree, the people and snakes went to the earth to search for this kind of thing, in order to completely destroy it. But later, we never found the grain country tree. It seems that there is only one grain country tree in the world. At that time, the grain country tree absorbed the blood of countless people and snakes, grew countless heavenly fruits, and created many Kepler Aboriginal experts. Later, the five grain country tree reached hundreds of millions of feet, towering from the ground into the nine sky sky, spectacular to the extreme

Xiang Yang frowned and said, "do you mean that boy has the smell of grain, country and divine tree?"

Jin Yuan said: "my subordinates do have this doubt. With his cultivation, it's impossible to absorb the power of the nether world."

Xiang Yang said: "but the grain, the country and the divine tree are huge and unparalleled. How could it be on him?"

"This I don't know how to explain it. " Jin Yuan said.

Xiang Yang said: "it really matters. I have to find a way to report to my mother. Otherwise, in the future, if it comes true, it will be a disaster for the immortals. But now, mother has taken advantage of the fairyland door open, back to the fairyland. But I still can't feel the gate of fairyland. How can this message be delivered? "

Jin Yuan said: "young master, now we really can't get in touch with fairyland. However, if we hold this boy in our hands, we will certainly get great benefits from the immortals in the future. This is a great achievement! "

The eyes of Xiang Yang are bright.

Jin Yuan said: "moreover, no matter what he has to do with the grain state tree or not, it must be a wonderful move."

Xiang Yang pondered for a moment, then said: "but the thing on him is really terrible. I still have a lingering fear. If he doesn't have that, I'll crush him like an ant. "

Jin Yuan said: "in the fairyland, there is the skill of restraining the grain, country and divine tree. Besides, you also have human blood. You won't be completely restrained by this kind of thing. Moreover, the netherworld yuan house is a magic weapon of the fairyland, which is full of the power of the human snake clan. So you will be restrained by him when you use Youming Yuanfu. Next time, you use other tools, and the effect may be very different. "

Xiang Yang said, "what you said is reasonable. This boy, I will never let him go. However, he seems to be hiding the truth. I'm afraid it's difficult to find him again. "Jin Yuan said: "this son is quite close to the silver shark king. If you want to find him, you can start with the silver shark king."

"It makes sense!" Xiang Yang patted Jin Yuan on the shoulder and said, "OK, Jin Yuan, you're fine. I will reward you well. " With that, he took out a thousand Tiandan and said, "these are shared with my brothers."

Jin Yuan and others were overjoyed and said, "thank you, young master!"

After Chen Yang and Qiao Ning arrived in Dashun, Chen Yang said to Qiao Ning, "I'm going back to Zhongxing hall now."

Qiao Ning has agreed with Chen Yang that she won't go with him. She has to respect Chen Yang at this time.

Chen Yang then said: "Qiao Ning, there is something I hope you can promise me."

"You said Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang said: "this time, you and I have offended the central government. Also, in the moon, you may be the target of public criticism. I'm afraid yuhuamen, other monks and Xiang Yang will trouble you. So, I think you'd better join Meiniang and stay in the imperial city of Dakang. At least in there, the emperor can protect you. "

Qiao Ning was slightly stunned, she said: "at this time, you should care more about yourself. If the three-month period is up, and you still haven't cracked it, what can you do? You are far away in the hall of stars. I can't reach you at all. "

Chen Yang said, "then you have to be content with your destiny. I don't believe I will die so early. If I die, it's nothing. And if I'm not dead, don't worry, I'll come to you. "

Joning was silent.

She felt very sad. Before she knew Chen Yang, she was the king of silver shark and the best of the four demon fairies. But after knowing Chen Yang, she became sentimental.

But Qiao Ning doesn't regret knowing Chen Yang. Since she has become a person, she should experience the taste of being a person.

"I promise you, I will go to the imperial city. I'll wait for you there, and you must come back. " Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang nodded.

"In three months, if you don't come back, I'll come to you." Said Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang was surprised, he said: "no, if I really die. If you fall into Xiang Yang's hands because you are looking for me, I will not be at ease even if I die. I will try my best to find you, but if you don't practice until the middle of shichongtian, if you don't have the ability to protect yourself and fight against them, you can't leave the imperial city. "

Qiao Ning said: "I..."

Chen Yang said: "Qiao Ning, you and I are not worldly people. Each word has its own understanding. You and I can't be husband and wife, but you are in my heart. Whether I live or die, I hope you will be well. I know, my heart is like your heart, and I don't want to die. I will never give up the chance to live. Because there are so many things waiting for me to do

After a long silence, Qiao Ning said, "OK, I promise you."

After that, Chen Yang said, "I'll give you another piece. When you enter the Imperial City, I'll go."

"Good!" said Qiao Ning

One day later, Chen Yang smoothly returned to the star hall, and handed in the task.

His task takes a long time, but he turns it in very quickly. He is also the first one in the immortal list.

After that, Chen Yang got the star master's reward, which was also a few crystal stones.

Chen Yang doesn't care much about these crystals now. He also asks the star master for help on this day.

In the hall of stars.

Chen Yang asked, "the star Lord is above me. I have one thing to ask."

The star master is still the sculpture. It seems that there will never be any human feelings.

Hearing Chen Yang's request, he said, "you say it."

Chen Yang said: "you should see that his subordinates are now short-lived."

The star said, "that's your business."

This sentence is cold and impersonal.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and at the same time, he laughed bitterly. Yes, the star master is such a person.

Chen Yang said: "my subordinates want to revive ling'er before they die. Please tell me how to do it. "

The star master was silent for a moment, and then said: "at this time, you don't ask me to help you revive your life, but you ask to save situ ling'er. Is it not putting the cart before the horse? "

"Does the star master have a way to continue his life for his subordinates?" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

"No!" Said the master.

Chen Yang said in his heart: "my day!"

Isn't that a joke?

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said: "I know that time is running out, so I just want to revive ling'er before I die. I hope the star master can make it

The star Master said: "I have promised you to help you revive situ ling'er. Now, it's true that you're going to die soon. But it's a fact that the time is not yet ripe. It's because you're out of order. If you can't save situ ling'er, you have to blame yourself. "

Chen Yang said: "naturally, I dare not blame you. But, master, you have great powers. There must be a way to save ling'er, right

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