Shen can't help worrying. She frowns and says, "are the people in the dragon soul group Chen Yang's opponents?"

That Guoan member said: "although he is very powerful now, you know the experts in the dragon soul group. Although the true God retreated because of ZuLong's spirit, some of the experts left behind were good. It is not only the true God that ZuLong's Qi should be restrained, but also Chen Yang. "

Shen said, "he is the king of destiny and has little restraint on him." She took a deep breath and said, "forget it, anyway. It seems that I have to go this time. Let's call some experts of the dragon soul group

The night is as dark as ink.

When Shen monong and his party arrived at the underground base of Mingzhu building, Chen Yang's situation was not good.

His muscles began to atrophy, and his life was losing rapidly.

But the mana in his brain is still strong. Chen Yang can feel the threat of ZuLong's Qi. That ZuLong's Qi is like a powder keg. If one is careless, he will burn himself to death.

Fortunately, Chen Yang is the king of destiny. His breath has something in common with ZuLong's, so he can stay in the capital for so long.

In the hall of the base, Shen monong comes with eight dragon spirits experts.

Chen Yang controls yuan Xingyun and looks coldly at Shen monong. His hair turned gray quickly, and his face was wrinkled like an old man.

This is not the first time for Chen Yang. In that parallel world, he went through once. But that time, he clearly knew that monk Linghui was in control. Monk Linghui would not have let Chen Yang die.

But in the current situation, Chen Yang has nothing to do with it.

When Shen Molong saw Chen Yang's situation, her heart was sour and her tears almost fell. But then she thought of the cruelty Chen Yang was going to do, and her heart hardened again.

She believes that the father, mother in their children, that kind of love is absolutely selfless. But in order to revive situ ling'er, Chen Yang did not hesitate to attack his own son. It's selfish.

This selfishness is absolutely unacceptable to Shen.

"I have come. Can you release Yuan Chu?" Shen Murong said in a cold voice.

Chen Yang immediately let yuan Xingyun go.

Step by step, he went to Shen monong.

"Stop him!" Shen monong orders coldly. A woman is willing to be the enemy of the whole world for the sake of her children. Including the father of the child.

The eight dragon spirits quickly surrounded Chen Yang.

"Eight trigrams sword array!" The eight dragon soul masters quickly occupied their positions and sacrificed the eight trigrams sword array!

At that moment, eight swords flashed out.

The eight swords shot Chen Yang like streamers. The magic power of these people was not so profound. But Chen Yang's mana is also controlled by ZuLong's. If one is not careful, it will go up in smoke.

So at this time, Chen Yang will not be too easy to deal with.

He sacrificed the great Heidan in this instant.

In an instant, the great phagocytosis is displayed.

Eight sword light cut into the big phagocytosis, quickly swallowed clean.

The eight trigrams sword array was broken in an instant.

Chen Yang goes on. He is like an ugly monster, his eyes are red and his body has a breath of death.

The eight dragon soul masters, including yuan Xingyun, were stunned and shot again.

Chen Yang's great Heidan immediately exerts his magic power, which is very low. However, when he exerts his magic power, he immediately flies yuan Xingyun, the eight dragon soul masters.

For a moment, there was no obstacle in front of Shen.

Shen Mo Nong's face was icy cold, and she sacrificed Yingxue sword in her hand.

"Chen Yang, don't come here again. Don't force me." Shen Mo said in a cold voice.

"What about forcing you?" Chen Yang sneered and said, "I gave you the sword in your hand, your accomplishments and your life. Including the baby in your stomach. Don't you want to protect him? I really want to do it. Can you protect it? "

"Unless I die!" Shen Mo Nong said: "otherwise you don't want to hurt him a hair."

Chen Yang goes forward step by step.

The cold light in Shen's eyes flashed, and Yingxue sword flew out in an instant.

The sword is soaring. It's icy and cold. It's very exciting.

Chen Yang grabs the Yingxue sword in his hand. He discards the Yingxue sword and comes to Shen Mo Nong with a flash. Then Chen Yang grabs Shen's shoulder. Shen monong felt paralyzed and couldn't move.

"I'm going to kill you. Can you stop me?" Chen Yang harshly questioned.

"Chen Yang, don't mess about." Yuan Xingyun forced himself up and said harshly, "don't forget, she's your woman. The child in her stomach is also your own son. How can you do it? "

Chen Yang let Shen monong go, and he burst out laughing. "Shen Moneng, what do you think I came to Yanjing for? You are too self righteous and you don't know me wellThen Chen Yang took a deep breath. He took out the ring Xumi in his hand and handed it to Shen monong. "I came here just to give you this. Unfortunately, you didn't give me the chance. " He then threw out the Jie Xumi.

Then, with a flash of his body, he left the Pearl building.

Ten hours later, Chen Yang came to a lake. This lake is a lake in the park. He stands in the local place. The poisonous sunlight shines in the park and on the lake. The lake is sparkling.

Chen Yang feels the tearing of the spirit, and the force of destiny is surging at his vitality.

Finally, it was dark.

All consciousness was completely lost, and Chen Yang fell into the lake.

"Someone fell into the water..."

There were tourists shouting in the park.

After Chen Yang lost his consciousness of life, Linghui monk finally regained his spiritual consciousness. It immediately jumped out of jiexumi and began to grow tentacles in the lake.

When the tourists came and were anxious about how to save people, the water was rippling. Then a big green tree grew out quickly.

It's a spectacle.

At the same time, the tentacles of the green tree firmly grasp Chen Yang and directly put him on the shore.

At the same time, Linghui monk found a chaotic fruit and quickly threw it into Chen Yang's mouth.

The fruit melts at the entrance.

Of course, Linghui monk also knows that chaos can't revive Chen Yang. But at present, he has only dead horse as a live horse doctor. Monk Linghui is always guarding Chen Yang. He has unspeakable sadness in his heart.

Shen Molong picked up the ring Xumi. She looked inside and immediately found that there were ten God pills, one hundred heaven pills and some good magic weapons. These things, each in the secular world are shocking wealth. This day, Dan gave yuan Xingyun such a master, that is to take all his wealth in exchange, are willing to.

As for Shendan, it makes people crazy.

At this moment, Shen Mo was full of tears. She finally knew that she was really wrong.

Guoan people soon found Chen Yang, Chen Yang was sent to the Pearl building.

When Shen Molong saw that Chen Yang had no breath, his throat was sour and he wanted to cry, but he couldn't make a sound.

Yuan Xingyun and others were also silent.

Also at this time, Linghui monk turned into a sapling, it stood in the same place, spewing words.

"Are you Shen Molong?" Monk Linghui's face was serious.

Shen monong and others were startled by Linghui monk.

"Are you..." Shen said.

Linghui monk said: "Chen Yang's Taoist friends have transformed me into a poor monk. I am a Linghui monk."

Shen Molong suddenly realized. Then, she was immersed in endless sadness.

Linghui monk said: "Amitabha, benefactor, don't be too sad. In the world, we can live up to the Tathagata and the Qing. This is Chen Yang's choice, and now he has achieved his wish. "

"His choice?" Yuan Xingyun said.

Linghui monk said: "yes, this is Chen Yang's choice. Chen Yang Daoyou must sacrifice his son to save situ linger. This is a dilemma. As early as in the hall of stars, Chen Yang had his own choice. On that day, he asked the star master, and then got permission to see the benefactor situ ling'er. Situ ling'er is in the ice coffin, and Chen Yang, a Taoist friend, says his choice before situ ling'er's ice coffin. "

"Daoyou Chen Yang was unfortunate all his life, and his father regarded him as an enemy. Therefore, he can experience this kind of pain, he definitely will not lay hands on his own son. Then his last choice is to die with situ ling'er. In this case, everyone will live up to it. It's the only thing he can do

"Chen Yang..." Shen monong lost his voice in pain.

Yuan Xingyun's face also changed dramatically.

After all, everyone is wrong about Chen Yang. That's why Chen Yang was so angry and miserable before he died. He just wants to give the prepared pills to Shen monong and say goodbye to his own woman and son. But Shen did not give Chen Yang this opportunity.

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help hating herself. She suddenly slapped herself in the face.

"Don't do that, naomo." Yuan Xingyun was startled and quickly dissuaded Shen monong.

Monk Linghui sighed and said, "at present, Chen Yang has not really died. Maybe there is still a ray of life."

"What?" Shen Molong and Yuan Xingyun were surprised. Shen monong said hastily, "tell me, how can I wake him up?"

Monk Linghui sighed and said, "if I had a way, I would have rescued my Taoist friend Chen Yang. It's just that I just ate a fruit of chaos for Taoist friend Chen Yang. I thought it had no effect, but I gave the mana in Chen Yang's friends. But it won't last long. Once the mana is broken, his soul will be destroyed. At that time, it will be really weak. Poor monk, this chaotic fruit can only last for three days. I have three chaos fruits. That is to say, it can last for nine days at most. Nine days later, once the soul dissipates, Chen Yang will be dead in the real sense. "

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