Although Shen is pregnant, her cultivation is now in the middle of the eighth heaven. So her body is still very strong. It's so much better than ordinary people. She knows that the only thing she can do now is to try her best to save Chen Yang.

Shen Molong summoned up his spirit and asked monk Linghui. "Is there any way to save Chen Yang?"

Monk Linghui shook his head and said, "in the world of heaven, there are many great powers who can't save Chen Yang. What can you ordinary people do? "

Shen Mo Nong couldn't help saying, "but he is the king of destiny. It shouldn't be his destiny."

Linghui monk said: "the king of destiny's life grid is given by fate, but Chen Yang Daoyou also uses small fatalism, so his life grid and life should be taken away by fate."

"Little fatalism?" Yuan Xingyun was puzzled. He and Shen are not very clear about why Chen Yang died so soon.

"What the hell is going on?" Shen asked.

Monk Linghui said the story at the moment.

Shen Mo Nong's delicate body was shocked and said, "I see. It turns out that Chen Tianya is responsible for everything." She pauses and tears fall down again. "So, he has had enough of being chased by his father. How could he be cruel to his son? I was the one who wronged him. I should die. How could I have thought he would attack his son. I'm really bewildered. He treats me like this, but I don't really know him until now. "

Shen Molong remembers last year when Chen Yang would rather die than touch his sister-in-law. He is such a persistent person, how could he do such a crazy thing?

In fact, it's not that Shen Molong doesn't understand Chen Yang and doesn't trust him. But everything is concerned about chaos, and the dreams of those dreams are too real, so that Shen Moneng can make a wrong judgment.

No matter how upset Shen monong is, Chen Yang, like situ ling'er, has been sleeping.

Moreover, Chen Yang can't hold on for a long time depending on chaos.

Linghui monk's words are right. In the world of heaven, there are many things that can't be solved by supernatural beings. Shen Mo Nong couldn't solve it.

But no matter what, Shen monong is still trying to protect Chen Yang in these days.

She didn't choose to tell Su Qing, because she didn't feel really desperate now. Maybe things will turn for the better.

Chen Yang's body has been stored in the Pearl building.

Shen Molong thought of many ways, but none of them was feasible.

Yuan Xingyun is also helpless.

Shen Mo Nong even asked Linghui monk in a whimsical way, and she said, "what if you give Chen Yang all these elixirs?"

Linghui monk immediately said, "how can we do that? The power of these elixirs will rush in. At present, Tao you Chen Yang has no consciousness to digest and resist. It'll burn him to pieces. You can't do that. "

Shen Mo Nong was startled, and she knew that her idea was really fantastic. If it was feasible, Chen Yang would have done the same when he was alive.

"Then what? Can't you just watch the last bit of life disappear? " Shen monong was in great pain.

Linghui monk said: "I don't know, and I can't understand the meaning of heaven's heart. I can't think of any feasible way. This fate, the arrangement of the way of heaven, I can't figure it out. Now, the only thing I can do is Let it be

In the seventh day of Chen Yang's eternal sleep, Shen Molong and Linghui monk finally ushered in a glimmer of light in the dark.

What Shen did not expect was that blue and purple clothes came.

Shen Molong of course knows LAN Ziyi, but in her impression, LAN Ziyi is the chairman of Zhongyu Tieying group in Huaibei City.

Shen mnong remembers that blue and purple clothes asked her to help her check some of her dreams.

At that time, the national security department did try its best to check. At this time, the final answer was that blue and purple clothes might be the reincarnation of an ancient demon God. Later, Chen Yang also said to Shen that blue and purple clothes are really the level of demons. He is the Phoenix King of the undead.

At present, Shen Mo Nong's cultivation has reached a certain height, so when she saw the blue and purple clothes, she immediately felt the feeling of standing on the high mountain.

In front of the blue and purple clothes, Shen monong felt that his cultivation was as humble as an ant. This is a spiritual feeling that only a monk can feel.

Blue purple dress a blue dress, her temperament graceful dust, cold in a kind of unspeakable noble.

LAN Ziyi arrived in Yanjing, but she also suffered from the suppression of ZuLong's Qi, but now because the door of fairyland is open, she has absorbed countless fairyland pure Yang's Qi. Her accomplishments soar again. Although she can't fight against the spirit of protecting the capital, she can also suppress her breath and prevent ZuLong's Qi from making an excessive reaction.

The spirit of ZuLong is a symbol of the prosperity of our country!

This is a kind of breath released under the maintenance of stability of the way of heaven. This breath is probably the top secret code of the way of heaven, and it can't be distributed on a large scale.Therefore, the prosperity of the country will have the spirit of ZuLong. When the national fortune is unstable, demons are rampant, and the dynasty is about to change, the spirit of ZuLong will naturally disappear.

The so-called three feet above the head has the same reason as the Qi of ZuLong.

Monk Linghui didn't know LAN Ziyi, but when he saw her, he immediately realized that her accomplishments were amazing. "Amitabha, this benefactor's cultivation has reached such a level, and she is still immortal."

Blue purple dress is tiny a Zheng, she looks at to Ling Hui monk, not from strange way: "aren't you that big Luo Xian Teng seed?"? How did you grow a sense of wisdom? So soon? It's unlikely that the spirit will have such self-consciousness. "

Linghui monk immediately said: "Amitabha, I am the insect emperor sealed up by heaven. Only because he was cultivated by Chen Yang's Taoist friends, the poor monk converted to Chen Yang's Taoist friends, so he integrated with this seed. "

Blue and purple clothes is a man of great wisdom. Once his head turns a little, he will guess things. She nodded and said, "well, you're blessed to be converted."

Linghui monk said: "exactly, since I converted to Taoist friend Chen Yang, many delusions in my heart have been eliminated. There is a real peace in my heart. It's just a pity that Taoist friend Chen Yang is in danger now. Poor monk Kong has wisdom, but he can't help Taoist friend Chen Yang through this disaster. "

LAN Ziyi said, "I'm here today just for Chen Yang."

Seeing the blue and purple clothes, Shen Mo Nong felt as if he had seen the backbone. "Master LAN, you must have a way to save Chen Yang, right?"

Blue purple clothes look at Shen Mo strong, she also immediately saw Shen Mo strong pregnant.

"Chen Yang's child?" Asked blue purple.

Shen monong nodded.

LAN Ziyi's face was milder, and she said, "don't be too sad. Chen Yang is the king of heaven, so she won't be able to break through this disaster. I'll look at him first

"Well," Shen said

Blue purple clothes came to observe Chen Yang's condition. Chen Yang was lying on the bed, his body was shrinking, and his appearance was almost lost.

Rao is blue purple clothes already had psychological preparation, but suddenly see Chen Yang like this, blue purple clothes heart is still sour to the extreme. Naturally, she has no love for Chen Yang, but she has a kind of apprentice and younger brother like attitude towards Chen Yang.

Blue and purple clothes crisscross life, few relatives. My sister LAN Hong is one, and so is Chen Yang. At that time, Chen Yang tried her best to save her life. At last, she successfully recovered. That friendship is unforgettable in blue and purple.

"Chen Tianya!" Blue purple clothes in the vision show gnash teeth hate.

"Master LAN, do you have any idea?" Shen Mo Nong asked immediately.

Blue purple clothes ignore Shen Mo strong, her eyes shoot out the idea, so sweep Chen Yang's body.

After a long time, LAN Ziyi said, "what kind of strange fruit is it that can support Chen Yang's powerful mana and hang his last breath for him

"This is chaos Linghui monk immediately said: "it's the poor monk who has absorbed the chaotic gas from the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu and made use of Daluo xianteng to breed it."

"I see." Blue purple clothes said: "this chaos fruit how many do you have?"

Linghui monk said: "poor monk can only breed one chaos fruit in a month. At present, chaos fruit has been used up."

Blue purple clothes face a sink, she then said: "at present, only I use the mystery of the fetus will seal Chen Yang, let Chen Yang's soul will not dissipate."

Linghui monk slightly a Zheng, way: "the mystery of the fetus?" Then he was surprised and said, "wonderful. The mystery in the womb is so magical that it must be able to preserve Chen Yang's soul for a period of time. "

Blue and purple nodded. Then her eyes were swept away. The next second, Chen Yang disappeared. But it has been captured by the blue purple clothes to her main idea of refining. That's the mystery of the fetus.

Shen monong was surprised. She wanted to say something, but she didn't say it after all. LAN Ziyi glanced at Shen monong and said, "I don't know if I can save Chen Yang. At the moment, his situation is very difficult. I'll try my best to revive him. As for success or failure, it's up to fate. "

Shen Mo Nong nodded and said, "I understand that. Anyway, thank you for your help. "

With a faint smile, LAN Ziyi said, "you don't have to be polite to me. Chen Yang is my friend. If a friend has something to do, he should help himself. "

After that, LAN Ziyi said, "now I'm going to take Chen Yang back to the hall of stars, and then discuss with the star master. Let's see if we can find a way to cure Chen Yang in this universe. If he is saved, he will come back to see you. If he is not saved, I will tell you about it. "

"I've broken his heart. I'm afraid that even if he wakes up, he doesn't want to see me," Shen said

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