Blue purple clothes slightly a Zheng, then say: "hurt his heart?"? What have you done? I know something about Chen Yang. He's open-minded. I won't care about him like you. "

"It's not like that..." Shen also had doubts in his heart, so he immediately told the cause and effect of the matter. After she finished, she couldn't help wondering and asked: "master LAN, Chen Yang has no intention to hurt my fetus, but why do I have such nightmares? If it wasn't for this strange dream. I definitely will not treat Chen Yang like this. "

LAN Ziyi said: "it's really weird. I think the fetus in your abdomen is a natural spirit, and you feel some danger. That's why. "

Shen said, "but Chen Yang didn't want to hurt his son. Where is the danger?"

LAN Ziyi said: "that's not true. Chen Yang certainly won't hurt his own son. I know that. But he may not have never had this idea in his heart. In the end, heaven and man fought, but he inevitably chose to sacrifice himself to complete his son and situ ling'er. "

"How smart is this child?" Shen said in surprise.

LAN Ziyi said: "since ancient times, there has been the theory of fetal dream. The fetus is very intelligent in the fetus. When it is born, it will lose its sensitive sixth sense because it absorbs the filthy air. "

The doubts in Shen's heart are finally solved.

"This child, will he hate Chen Yang in the future?" Shen said.

Blue purple clothes said: "you don't think too much, little guy in the abdomen is unconscious, just an instinctive reaction. This instinct is like a dog born to like people. Rabbits are born afraid of people. Besides, Chen Yang didn't apologize to his son! "

Shen Molong said: "thank you for your help."

Blue purple clothes said: "well, I also should go."

Shen Molong said: "Chen Yang asked his predecessors more." LAN Ziyi said, "well, don't worry. I'll try my best to do his job." After a pause, she said to the monk Linghui, "do you want to go with me?"

Linghui monk said: "I converted to Chen Yang's Taoist friend. Chen Yang's Taoist friend is there. Naturally, I want to follow him there."

Blue purple clothes said: "good, in that case, you also come in." As soon as she thought about it, she took monk Linghui into her mind.

After the Linghui monk went in, he immediately exclaimed that it was wonderful.

Blue purple clothes and Shen monong say goodbye, and then the body flash, the next second, she is no longer in the Pearl building.

Blue purple clothes back to Mars is to rely on the Prajna boat, she is to find the master borrowed a Prajna boat. Although she had excellent accomplishments, she couldn't return to Mars by relying on her physical strength.

Ten hours later, blue and purple clothes smoothly returned to the hall of stars.

The reason why blue and purple clothes can come here smoothly is that she has finished what the star master told her and then returned to the hall of stars. After returning to the star hall, she immediately learned about Chen Yang from the star master. So the blue purple clothes rushed back to the world without saying a word. The reason why she can accurately find Chen Yang is that Chen Yang has a dark Mandala. The dark mandala is transformed by her thoughts, so even the Linghui monk can't hide the breath of the dark Mandala.

After returning to the hall of stars, blue and purple clothes went directly to see the star master.

In the hall of stars, the status of blue and purple clothes is aloof, and they talk with the star master. No one dared to stop her when she arrived at the first Hall of stars.

"Star master!" Blue purple clothes come to star one temple, shout a way.

The puppet sculpture immediately had a reaction, although still can't see its expression clearly. But you can clearly feel that the voice of the star master is a little gentle.

"Blue girl, you're back!"

Blue purple clothes slightly a hug fist, said: "star Lord, Chen Yang now has broken six knowledge, no life, his situation, is not optimistic."

"This is his destiny," the star said

Blue purple clothes said: "this fate and that fate, after all, some different."

Chen Xingyang said, "do you want to save the master? But I have no way to save him. "

Blue purple clothes said: "all things grow and conquer each other, there is no absolute invincible, there is no absolute unbreakable.". I believe that there must be another way to revive Chen Yang in this heavenly world. "

The star Master said, "how do you want me to help you?"

LAN Ziyi said: "I know that you have a magic weapon called the future master. The future master has the magic power to calculate the past and future. I want to ask the star master to use the future master to find out how to save Chen Yang. "

The star Master said, "I didn't expect that the blue girl even knows the future master."

Blue purple dress light a smile, say: "but is to live of years big some, so understand also more some."

The star Master said: "the master of the future reckons the past, and has no plans. But we can't predict the future, because the future is changeable, and it's not a constant layer. It is not easy to figure out the way to save Chen Yang. Every time you use the future Lord, you will consume a lot of energy. The longer things are predicted, or the farther the future is predicted, the more energy they consume. The energy consumed is directly proportional to the difficulty of calculation. Now Chen Yang is dead on his fate. If we want to find something like this, we are afraid that the cost will be incalculable. "Blue purple clothes said: "star Lord, I know what you mean. Although Chen Yang is the king of destiny, the king of destiny is not the same. The death of Chen Yang does not mean that he is the king of destiny. When a king of destiny dies, another king of destiny will appear. So Chen Yang is not worth it. " She pause, said: "he is not worth it, but I blue purple clothes want to ask you for this favor."

The star Master said: "since the blue girl asks for the favor, I will do it for her once. Well, one day later, I will give you the answer. "

"Thank you, master!" Said blue purple.

Then blue and purple clothes left.

Blue purple clothes back to Tingtao Xuan, Lin Yarong, Lin Yasi come forward to serve.

Blue and purple waved to them to leave themselves alone.

Later, blue purple clothes get monk Linghui out.

The Linghui monk exclaimed, "what a wonderful mystery you are, benefactor! Even poor monks can't understand it all at once. "

Blue purple clothes a smile, say: "of course you can't so quickly penetrate.". Although you are an ancient insect emperor, your wisdom has a long history. But you have never been reincarnated. This is the secret that I realized in the womb in order to survive when I was reincarnated. "

"So it is," said Linghui monk

Blue purple clothes said: "by the way, I have asked the star master to save Chen Yang. Tomorrow he will give me the answer

Monk Linghui said, "it's a fateful thing. It's hard to find an answer! Poor monk, I'm afraid the star master may not have this ability. If he had the ability, he would have told Chen Yang last time. "

Blue purple clothes said: "fatalism is really hard to break, but what you can't do doesn't mean the star master can't do it. Just as you are sealed in a parallel world, he knows such a secret thing, doesn't he? "

There was a strange look in monk Linghui's eyes. "The things arranged by the way of heaven are really secret. In that parallel world, I feel like a dream, and it seems that I have done what I want to do. But later, I found that it was like a dream. I thought about it and realized that it was the star master who reversed time and space, right

Blue purple said: "yes."

Linghui monk said, "it's the way of heaven to cheat. Without the permission of heaven, who has the ability to disorganize time and space? The elements, magnetic fields and codes in space and time are infinite. The movement of a decimal point will cause immeasurable cause and effect. Even if the star master has great powers, he can't bear the consequences of the chaos of time and space. "

Blue purple said: "you are really smart."

Linghui monk said: "Amitabha, the past is just a cloud. My previous persistence is just a dream joke. Now, Chen daoyang has peace in his heart. "

Blue purple clothes smile slightly, say: "well, very good. Good conversion

"Have you ever heard of the Lord of the future?" In blue and purple, the story changes.

The Linghui monk was slightly surprised and said, "do you know the future master

Blue purple clothes said: "the star Lord reckons the past and the future, depends on the future Lord."

Linghui monk suddenly realized, said: "I see, poor monk said, why does the star master have such strong calculation ability?" Then he was also disgraced, and said: "the future Lord is the artifact produced in the chaos when heaven and earth were first formed. There were some powerful people in the world who wanted to take the future master, but they failed in the end. Even Emperor Qin Shihuang, the winner of that year, did not get the future master. This star Lord has subdued the future Lord. It seems that his ability is still superior to that of the emperor. "

Blue purple clothes said: "you really know a lot, now we all hope in the future of the Lord above."

Monk Linghui nodded.

He then said strangely, "this star is mainly made up of fragments. It wants the brain nucleus of poor monk. Everything he wants is mysterious and strange in the world. What on earth is he going to do? "

Blue purple clothes said: "according to him, he is to build a heaven and earth, and stars hall immortal artifact."

Linghui monk said: "I don't believe it. I can't die. There is still a way to suppress the poor monk. In the way of heaven, who can be detached? There is an artifact that heaven and earth perish, but he does not. It's not in the way of heaven. "

"On Mars, isn't it out of the way of heaven?" Said blue purple. She was a subconscious temptation. She knew that the wisdom monk's insight was not under her own. It's more ancient.

Linghui monk said: "from the earth, wherever you go, you can't escape from heaven. For the flesh is also a part of the way of heaven. However, away from the earth, the suppression of the way of heaven will become weaker. "

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