If LAN Ziyi realized something, he said, "what you said is reasonable. In the fairyland, it is closely related to the earth. So the immortals can't escape from heaven. Many years ago, they closed the fairyland passage to weaken the control of heaven. But now, killing and looting are coming, so they reopen the fairyland passage again. Maybe they want to see what good they can get for fairyland in this killing and looting. "

Linghui monk said: "I have been in the fairyland. The fairyland has its advantages, but the fairyland also has its weaknesses. The root is still on the earth. They can't close the fairyland passage forever. I'm afraid they are solving their own energy crisis by opening the fairyland passage this time. "

Blue purple clothes said: "probably."

While chatting with monk Linghui, the sound of footsteps came from outside. Blue purple clothes don't need to see, then know is Luo Feng and Qin Lin come.

Blue and purple received the two.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin have dignified faces. They first clasped hands and said, "I've seen master LAN!"

Blue purple dress sits down, say: "you also sit."

When they sat down, Qin Lin could not help but ask, "master, my third brother?"

Monk Linghui shook his body and turned into a nice sapling, two meters high. The branches grow hands, feet, even the face and eyes. Although the goods can have many changes, all the changes are limited to the tree.

Monk Linghui said: "don't worry too much about the two Taoist friends. At present, although Chen Yang's Taoist friend can't say that he is still alive, he is not dead. This is his doomsday. As for whether he can survive this doomsday, it depends on whether the future master of the star master can find a way to reverse his destiny in this celestial world. "

"Lord of the future?" Luo Feng and Qin Lin are confused.

Blue and purple clothes explain the existence of the future Lord.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin suddenly realized that, at the same time, their hearts also rose out of infinite hope.

"The third younger brother is the king of destiny. He will never have such a short life. If he dies like this, isn't the way of heaven beating himself in the face? " Said Lin ruqin.

One day later, blue purple clothes went to the first Hall of stars to see the star master.

"Star master!" Blue and purple clothes slightly embrace fist.

The star Master said: "blue girl, in this world of heaven, I have seen countless people and demons, and even said that I have seen all the creatures of heaven. I have experienced a long time, and among them, blue girl, you are absolutely the best. I know that there are many people in the fairyland who are much higher than blue girl in your cultivation. However, blue girl's current cultivation is just limited by the earth. When you get to the fairyland, you can still make great progress. "

Blue purple clothes said: "I don't know, star Lord, what do you want to express?"

The star Master said: "I want to say that you are such a proud person. You should know that a humble creature like Chen Yang is just a grain of dust in the universe. You have seen the vastness of the desert and the subtlety of the heavenly world, but it is not in line with your identity and insight that you have taken so much trouble for a grain of dust. "

The blue purple clothes lightly smile, say: "the person that cultivate a way, most disdain is affection.". What the cultivation pursues is the state of selflessness, asexuality and great freedom. Seven emotions and six desires are poisons. They can only be used without friends. For the sake of need, brothers kill, parents kill, because they are dust, everything is empty, the road is real. These things, I read a lot, but also too understand. We are born with love. The road makes us heartless. And then I found out, what is the main road? Is it immortality and longevity? Take the sun and the moon, catch the stars, and rub the universe? What if we really get to that point? "

"Only if you don't forget your original intention, can you always do it." LAN Ziyi said: "I think this word is very good. After reincarnation, I realized the beauty of family love. So now, I don't want to understand the general principles or the main road. "

If the star master was thoughtful, he said: "the goblins need to practice for many years to realize the feeling of seven emotions and six desires. However, human beings try to forget the seven emotions and six desires. Who is right? " He pauses and says, "blue girl, you live a thorough life."

Blue purple clothes says: "star Lord flatters, I am just a person who does not ask for progress."

The star Master said, "well, my doubts have been solved. And what you asked for yesterday, Miss blue, I already have the answer

Blue purple clothing slightly a joy, said: "thank you for the star master."

The star Master said, "there is indeed a way to cure Chen Yang in the universe."

Blue purple clothes said: "wish to hear its detailed."

The star Master said, "among the heavenly worlds, there is one world which is the Western kingdom. The origin of Greek mythology comes from the Western kingdom. In the Western Kingdom, there is a holy mountain called Olympus, on which there are temples. In the temples, there is a gem in the crown of Zeus, the king of the gods, which is called the evergreen fruit. If you get the evergreen fruit, you can break the power of destiny and revive Chen Yang. Chen Yang's life span can reach ten thousand years. "

Blue purple clothes can't help but be surprised and say: "is changshengguo so strong? My life span is less than ten thousand years. One long fruit can break the shackles of fate and stretch my life span to ten thousand years? "The star Master said: "the immortal fruit is the source of Zeus' power, but if it is given to Chen Yang, it will break the prohibition of fate. So Chen Yang won't get the power of longevity, just get some life. If you ask for the fruits of longevity, you want to seize the power of Zeus. This means that you are against the gods of the whole western kingdom. Blue girl, although your cultivation has become lawless on earth, you can't compete with the whole western kingdom. It's even more difficult for you to cope with the holy mountain of Olympus. "

Blue purple clothes said: "thank the star Lord to remind, I have this preparation in my heart. It is not easy to break the fatalistic prohibition. "

The star Master said, "I wish blue girl good luck."

Blue purple clothes then said: "however, I am curious about one thing. Since the Western kingdom is the origin of Greek mythology, do these gods appear in Greece? "

The star Master said: "yes, when the secular civilization has reached a certain stage, the gods of the Western Kingdom created the Western kingdom in order to isolate themselves from human beings. This is also the reason why there are no such gods in today's secular world. "

Blue purple clothes said: "so it is."

The star Master said: "blue girl, I didn't want to interfere in this matter. But I have some friendship with you, so I hope I can help you. " "It turns out that a lot of things can't be done with great power," he said. It will take some luck. I'll send Luo Feng and Qin Lin to help you go to the Western kingdom. "

"Thank you, master!" Blue purple clothes smell speech after Zheng for a while, then say.

In fact, LAN Ziyi thinks that she doesn't pay attention to Luo Feng's and Qin Lin's ant like accomplishments. But Luo Feng and Qin Lin are Chen Yang's brothers. They must also want to do something. So blue and purple clothes didn't stop them.

So soon Qin Lin and Luo Feng were ordered to go with LAN Ziyi to the Western kingdom to help LAN Ziyi capture the evergreen fruit.

Of course, this time, it's not based on the jade slips mission. Because once the star master has given the jade slips mission, there will be a mission deadline. Once the mission is not completed, the fate of Qin Lin and Luo Feng will be miserable.

Chen Yang was miserable enough. If Chen Yang didn't succeed, he would be frozen by the two brothers of Chen Yang. I can't say that!

Blue purple clothes to go, first and Luo Feng and Qin Lin meet.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin also received the task. Luo Feng said: "master LAN, thank you for thinking of a way to save my third brother. This time I went to the Western Kingdom and went through fire and water at the command of my predecessors. "

Qin Lin has the same attitude as Luo Feng.

LAN Ziyi glanced at them and said, "this trip to the Western kingdom is against the whole western divine world. Among them, it's very dangerous. You should be prepared to go with me this time. "

Qin Lin and Luo Feng said: "in order to save the third younger brother, I will not refuse."

"Before I go to the Western Kingdom, I will make some preparations," said LAN Ziyi. You can go back to the world and tell us something

Qin Lin and Luo Feng nodded. Their faces were dignified, but they never hesitated or regretted.

"By the way, master..." Luo Feng thought of something and said, "before he left, the third brother told us to give you something."

"Oh, what?" The blue and purple clothes are slightly strange.

Luo Feng sacrificed two golden talismans in an instant. There are mysterious patterns on the talisman. If you look at each pattern carefully, it seems that there is a small world in it.

"This is the great phagocytosis and great migration among the three thousand avenues. After the third brother got it, he gave it to me and the second brother. He has explained that he will give you the source of these two kinds of magical powers. " Luo Feng said so.

"Big phagocytosis, big shift?" The blue and purple clothes shocked her body.

Other messy treasures, such as pills, magic weapons and so on, are not interested in blue and purple clothes.

But these two sources of magic power shocked blue and purple clothes, because these two sources of magic power were too precious for her.

With a flick of the blue and purple fingers, the two magic talismans were captured in the center of the eyebrows. Her heart to save Chen Yang's mind will be more determined.

After that, blue and purple set out in Prajna sky boat. In this way, although Tianzhou was not given to lanziyi by the star master, lanziyi had the right to control and did not need to report.

LAN Ziyi first sent Luo Feng and Qin Lin back to the world. Then she went to Tianzhou first.

To Tianzhou, blue and purple clothes are going to overseas fairy mountains.

The person she's looking for is Moon immortal.

Although Mingyue xianzun doesn't show mountains and dew in Tianzhou, lanziyi and Mingyue xianzun have known each other for a long time, and they are even good friends.

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