Ye Ziqing went into the house. As soon as she entered the house, she felt an indescribable dignified atmosphere.

Ye Ziqing came to her parents. She took a deep breath and said, "Mom and Dad, I don't know what you're going to say. But no matter what you say, I have made a decision in my heart. I'm sorry. Please forgive my daughter for being unfilial. "

Ye Fu and ye Mu looked at each other, then ye Fu said, "today, your mother and I know the whole story completely. From a rational point of view, your mother and I don't approve of your being with Xiao Luo. Two different worlds can not be integrated by love and affection. Life has a long way to go, but Your own way, after all, is to go your own way. You have your ideas, and your parents can't force you. Anyway, your mother and I respect your choice. "

Ye Ziqing stayed for a while. She didn't expect that her parents would compromise like this.

"Dad, mom..." At this moment, ye Ziqing had a thousand words, but he didn't say a word at last.

Lanziyi and Mingyue xianzun soon find the Bodhisattva of dizang king. Lanziyi asks each other for help, which is related to Chen Yang's life and death. Therefore, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet did not say any nonsense, but directly joined the blue and purple clothes.

At the same time, the blue purple clothes, the bright moon immortal and the Bodhisattva of Tibetans meet Qin Lin and Luo Feng.

After that, the team will be complete.

Although the three people in blue and purple all think that Luo Feng and Qin Lin are a little superfluous together, since the star master has made such an arrangement, what role might it play.

Three big men, to Luo Feng and Qin Lin, that is not the trace despise! However, although Luo Feng and Qin Lin can feel this kind of contempt, they have no temper!

No way, who let the other side is so fierce.

And just after we got together, we were ready to go to the Western kingdom. Just then, the roar of the Dragon came from the distance.

Then, a flame dragon appeared. The flame dragon was thousands of feet long. In an instant, it lit the dark sky like day. Its whole body was full of flames, making it extremely hot for three hundred miles.

Fortunately, this place is relatively remote, so it did not cause any personal injury.

Luo Feng and Qin Lin turned pale. They would not know this dragon there! Isn't this the Dragon King who trapped them in the wilderness?

At the same time, they also know that Chen Yang, the third younger brother, created the Dragon King.

Blue purple clothes and the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet also recognize the Dragon King.

Because at the beginning, when dealing with Chen Tianya and others in the imperial city of Dakang, the Dragon King also took part in the war.

But Mingyue xianzun didn't know him.

It's no one else, but it's Bruce Lee.

The Linghui monk stood on the shoulder of blue and purple clothes, and he said: "dear, this dragon is not an ancient dragon! How can the breath be stronger than the archaic dragon? What kind of species is this

Mingyue xianzun couldn't help but be excited and said: "my all sky and ten thousand dragons refining skill is lack of a general outline of dragon. I think this dragon is very good. The energy in its body is unimaginable. I have to take it back and put it into my heaven and dragon cultivation skill. "

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet was about to speak, but the blue and purple clothes gave a dry cough, which stopped the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. She said to Mingyue xianzun, "Mingyue, this dragon is very big. I think you'd better not use it. Otherwise, it will hurt you, and you won't look good on your face! "

"You're kidding." Mingyue xianzun immediately dismissive, said: "I command Wanlong, this little bug can hurt me? You look down on me, too. "

Blue and purple clothes smile.

Mingyue xianzun did it immediately.

In the center of her eyebrows, there was an infinite golden light, which formed the field of Tianlong in the sky. For a moment, ten thousand dragons roared.

"The hand of the dragon, catch the picture!" Mingyue xianzun picks his eyebrows and makes a seal in his hand.

Then, in the air, a huge claw with golden dragon scales was suddenly formed.

This giant claw appears from the sky, directly enveloping the whole body of Bruce Lee.

Little dragon's body is thousands of feet long, huge and unparalleled. It winds in the sky like the golden Yulong mountains. But Mingyue xianzun caught it and covered it up and down.

When the unparalleled power of the dragon is suppressed, the hand of refining the dragon is like the weight of hundreds of millions of Jun. The endless dragon rule breaks out in it. Under this rule, any dragon clan must submit to it!

Bruce Lee was stunned for a moment, and then he became angry. It roared furiously, then looked up to the sky and spat out its unique skill, lightning god fire pillar!

Bruce Lee's body is composed of flames. It absorbs the essence of huosha, refines the flame Sutra, and absorbs the divine light of Dongtian. This spit out, absolutely strong fire evil power burning all the rules.

This is absolute power!

"My God, this little bug is still a little fierce!" Mingyue xianzun was also stunned.

In her hands of refining the dragon, the clouds immediately shrouded and the golden light twinkled. Infinite golden particles explode, decompose, and then form rules to crack lightning.Mingyue xianzun cracked it, but Xiaolong's lightning and fire seemed to be endless. The more he cut, the fiercer he was.

Mingyue xianzun was slightly surprised, and she also felt a little tired.

"I can't get a bug." Mingyue xianzun felt that she had no face. She yelled and said: "broken!"

The hand of refining the Dragon roared down, and directly cut the thunder and lightning into pieces. At the same time, it pressed Bruce Lee to the ground. The ground was immediately melted into liquid, and the ground within a hundred miles became extremely hot.

Bruce Lee struggles hard, but no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get rid of the control of the dragon's hand!

"Shrink!" Mingyue xianzun links the seal with his fingers.

The next second, strict rules come, and Bruce Lee's body shrinks rapidly. Finally, like a small snake, he was pinched by the moon immortal.

"You little worm, you are quite fierce!" Mingyue xianzun sneered and said, "OK, I'll put you into my all heaven and all dragons cultivation. I believe that with your participation, I will double the power of all heaven's ten thousand dragons refining world. "

"Damn it, you give it to the smelly woman. Let me go." Bruce Lee is so angry!

"How dare you scold me!" The Moon Fairy said.

"Well, well, bright moon, let it go. It's a spirit refined by Chen Yang. It's our friend. " Blue purple clothes says busily.

"What?" The Moon Fairy suddenly had some silly eyes. "If I don't say it earlier, I'll be happy in vain."

Blue purple clothes said: "Mingyue, I tell you, you can't refine it at all. Although you can suppress it, you can't refine it. Once you bring it into your Tianlong field, it will devour your Tianlong field. Then you'll cry. "

Mingyue xianzun is also a person with extraordinary knowledge. She immediately realizes the particularity of Bruce Lee. Of course, even if there is nothing special about Xiaolong, Mingyue xianzun can't really refine it at this time. A gentleman should do something, but not something!

Then, the Moon Fairy released Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee's body immediately expanded to about three feet, and his whole body was covered with golden scales, which were made of dragon grain steel. It's got all the energy in it.

Bruce Lee is very depressed, but although he is arrogant, he immediately finds out that he can bully Qin Lin and Luo Feng on this occasion. The other three, in front of them, he really can only be a man with his tail between his legs.

"How did you find it?" Blue purple asked Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee asked LAN Ziyi, "where's my father?"

Mingyue xianzun said, "can Chen Yang, the little posterity, create such a spirit? It's impossible. "

Blue Purple White Moon Fairy respect one eye, said: "he can create many miracles, later you can see." After a pause, she said, "yes, you are the spirit of Chen Yang's creation. You are separated from Chen Yang's brain cells. You feel like he's dying, so you're here, aren't you? "

"That's right!" Bruce Lee asked anxiously, "what's wrong with him? What's the matter? "

Blue purple said: "he..."

Later, LAN Ziyi told the story of Chen Yang.

Bruce Lee is furious.

"You don't have to go to Chen Tianya for revenge. You can't even beat Mingyue, let alone Chen Tianya." Said blue purple.

Mingyue xianzun was a little unconvinced and said, "blue purple clothes, you said that. The devil is just a new show. Am I afraid of him? "

Blue purple clothes said: "I can't take him, do you think you are better than me?"

The moon is short.

Blue purple clothes then continued: "now the most important thing is to go to the Western Kingdom and take down the evergreen fruit from the crown of Zeus. This is the only way to save Chen Yang. "

Surrounded by clouds and fog, a holy mountain stands in the sky.

The holy mountain is like iron, but it is dark. This material is very strange. Even a knife, axe and chisel can't hurt it. Moreover, there is another characteristic of this kind of holy mountain, that is, when the great master fights fiercely, the holy mountain can absorb the residual breath and strength of the fighter.

This holy mountain is the existence that mortals can only look up to. There were mortals who tried to climb it, but they all fell and died on the spot.

It is said that Zeus, the God King, lived on this holy mountain. Zeus was in charge of all the gods and had great authority.

This holy mountain is Mount Olympus!

Now, standing on the top of the mountain in the clouds, there are huge white palaces and clouds lingering around each other.

There was more than one palace, but there were twelve.

One of the main temple is the temple where Zeus lived.

In the temple, it is resplendent.

The ground of the main hall is like a golden mirror. In the main hall, there are 12 golden pillars, on which there are relief sculptures of gods.

At the top of the hall, a woman sat on the throne. The woman has long golden hair, which reaches to the waist. Her figure is extremely sexy. She is wearing a long blue skirt, but half of her snow-white shoulders are exposed.This woman is Hera!

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