At this time, a handsome and strong young man with golden armor and golden hair came in.

The eyes of the blonde youth are like bright stars. Wherever he goes, it seems to bring hope and brilliance to people.

"Queen of heaven!" The young blonde stood in the middle of the hall, holding his chest in one hand, saluting slightly and shouting.

Hera's eyes turned. She looked at the blonde youth and said, "Apollo, what's the matter with you coming to the holy mountain suddenly?"

This young man is Apollo, the God of light. Apollo looked around, some strange said: "queen, I want to see the father."

Hera said, "the father is out and doesn't know where he is. You know the nature of your father God. He likes to turn into a mortal, have a good love with those mortals, and then give birth to some half human and half god children. It is your father who has destroyed the sacred blood of Mount Olympus. "

Apollo could not help frowning. Of course, he knew that the Father God was indeed what Hera said. He also hated that the Father God and those women gave birth to some half human and half god brothers. "Tian Hou, I'm here for something important."

Hera said, "if you have anything, you can tell me first. If I see your father, I will tell him. Apollo, don't you believe me

Apollo said, "I naturally believe that it's just that it's urgent. Because I recently observed the astrological movement, and found that there are gods from the East who want to intrude into our West. Their plan seems to be aimed at the father. "

"The gods of the east?" Hera said: "the eastern system is huge and chaotic, unlike our unification. What powerful gods can they have? "

Apollo said, "Gaia, the mother of the earth, told us not to offend the East. Therefore, we must not take the Oriental God lightly. "

Hera said, "you have a point, but now I really don't know where your father has gone. He will not tell me where he is going. So you have to worry about this. "

Apollo frowned and then said, "in that case, I'll leave." He finished with a slight salute, then turned and left.

Apollo seemed rude, but Hera was helpless. Although she is the queen of heaven, but Apollo is also a powerful existence. He is the God of light, and there is the temple of light behind him. There are countless strong men under him. Even Zeus, the God King, could not scold Apollo at will.

After Hera left, Apollo fell into meditation.

"Apollo was not only the God of light, but also a very accurate prophet. Since he said that there was a God from the East coming, it would not be wrong Hera could not help complaining. Because Zeus, the God King, was really at ease for a long time, and the more ridiculous he was. Zeus left behind in the world do not know how many species, this mountain, how many women are related to him. However, it seems that he is never tired of playing with women.

Hera didn't know where to look for Zeus.

But just at this time, her side suddenly appeared a layer of wonderful halo.

Then Zeus appeared. Zeus was wearing a purple robe and a golden crown. He looks like a rough man with a long beard. Zeus put his arm around Hera's soft waist, sniffed her white neck and said, "Hera, I just heard you talking about me. Do you miss me?"

Hera pushed away Zeus and said coldly, "do you know how to come back?"

Zeus laughed and said, "Hera, I went to earth this time and chose a gift for you. How beautiful is this crystal skirt? "

With a wave of his big hand, a set of long skirts full of crystal appeared in the air. This skirt is gorgeous and exquisite to the extreme.

Hera couldn't help but be stunned, and then the light came out of her eyes.

"It's beautiful!" Hera couldn't help saying.

Zeus said, "do you like it?"

Hera was about to nod, but soon recovered her indifference and said, "don't think I'll forgive you."

Zeus said, "well, Hera, come on, put it on. It must be beautiful. I've been looking for this skirt for a long time. Finally found, I think the end of the day, only you put on this dress, can show the beauty of this dress. Only this dress can set off your beauty perfectly. "

Hera's heart is still in her heart after all.

She turned, and then the crystal skirt was on her.

"How's it going?" Hera made a circle in front of Zeus and asked.

"It's so beautiful, Hera. I'm totally smitten by you." Zeus's generous praise. Then he hugged Hera and gave her a strong kiss.

Hera immediately lost in the kiss of Zeus. Zeus suddenly waved his hand and immediately opened a golden gate. He took Hera across the golden gate and into the bedroom.

Zeus pushed Hera to the bed.

So all Hera's complaints, and all his discontent, melted into Zeus's strong tenderness.The tide was strong, but it soon faded.

Hera curled up in Zeus' arms like water, and she felt very satisfied.

After a long time, Hera said, "by the way, Apollo came to you just now."

Zeus was slightly stunned and said, "Oh, what does he want me to do?"

Hera said, "Apollo said that gods from the East will come to our West. They seem to have an intention for you. "

"There's a plan for me?" Zeus gave a cold smile and said, "I am the king of the gods. Do they dare to have an attempt on me? Are they impatient?"

Hera said, "but you have to be more careful. Since the other party dares to come and plan for you, it must be something."

Zeus nodded and said, "don't worry, I have a sense of propriety in my heart."

The blue and purple people tore up the space and reached the Western Kingdom smoothly.

They landed smoothly in a prosperous city. However, in order to cover up, they chose a small forest.

It's sunny.

Blue and purple clothes feel that the time point here is the same as that of the world. In other words, the world is real.

When the time point is distorted, it means that the world is just a memory storage point of the way of heaven. It's like people watching TV and recording it on videotape.

But at this time, the world is the same. But the architecture here is still full of the style of ancient Greece.

Most of the buildings are built with stones.

Most of the people in the market are topless, with the style of Alibaba and the forty thieves.

"God does not fade, civilization does not progress." Qin Lin couldn't help saying.

Blue purple said: "this is man-made, the gods of Olympus limit the progress of human science and technology. So that their experiment can not be successful, so civilization has been stuck in the same place

Mingyue xianzun said: "I feel the vast territory of the Western Kingdom, no less than the continent of heaven! How did they do it? "

Blue purple said: "the Olympus and the Greek city were directly moved here to open up another space for human breeding. In such a long period of time, it is not impossible to grow up again. This is a complete separation between the Western Kingdom and the East. In this way, the absolute authority of the gods can be maintained. Maybe they foresee that the East will merge with the West in the future. If they want to rule for a long time, this is the most convenient way. "

"This is not to let ordinary people open their minds! The so-called God is just a selfish ghost. " Qin Lin said.

"God is also a man, and man is selfish." Bright Moon Fairy Zun eyebrows pick, said.

Bruce Lee said, "why don't we just go to Mount Olympus and catch Zeus. And save my father

It's straightforward.

Blue purple clothes rolled a white eye, said: "Bruce Lee, you are not very good, but the cowhide is blowing a lot! The gods of Olympus carry the city. They create their own space, which is equivalent to the existence of the God of creation. How dare you say you're going to kill Olympus just for us

Bruce Lee suddenly stops talking.

Mingyue xianzun said: "hard can't, it seems that only smart."

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet kept silent all the time. Blue purple asked the king of Tibet, said: "master can have any good way?"

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "Amitabha, I come here at your command."

Blue purple clothes knew that the king of Tibet would be the answer.

Linghui monk said: "I think we have to find a place to settle down, find out everything clearly, measure our strength clearly, and then take action."

Blue purple clothes said: "also good." After a pause, she said, "I don't know what the currency here is. I have prepared some gold. It should be universal. Let's go

Then, the group went out of the woods.

"Compared with the people here, our appearance seems to be strange." Mingyue xianzun said, "it seems that we have to change our dress first."

Luo Feng said: "why bother? I have jiexumi here. Let's live in jiexumi first. There are too many people, some of them are swaggering. "

Blue purple clothes said: "no need to quit Xumi. I have a magic weapon in my hand, which is called Duobao pagoda. There are many rooms in it. You come in and live. I'll get your clothes ready. After staying in the shop, we'll discuss it slowly. "

Blue and purple's proposal was approved by everyone. So blue purple clothes used Duobao gold pagoda to put people in. Later, blue and purple first went to the nearby chamber of Commerce to change the common currency here.

The common currency here is gold, silver, and copper.

Later, blue and purple clothes went to buy a lot of clothes. The languages here are Greek and English. Fortunately, LAN Ziyi's English is also very good, so it's not too difficult to communicate.

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