After some understanding, LAN Ziyi gradually had a general outline of the Western Royal boundary. Within the Western Kingdom, there are four continents, which can also be said to be four oceans, dividing the Western kingdom into four plates. At present, people are in the plate is east Olympus.

In East Olympus, the sacred mountain of Olympus is the highest belief of the people.

There are about three billion people in this western kingdom.

They are East Olympus, West posea, North Athena and South Pluto.

As the name suggests, in the east of Olympus, it is headed by Zeus. In the west, Poseidon was the God of the sea. Athena's to the north, Hades's to the south.

On the top of Olympus, there are twelve main halls, which are the palaces of the Twelve Gods. But except for Zeus and Hera, the other gods did not live in the twelve main halls.

Every year on the winter solstice, there will be a meeting of the gods. At this time, all the gods will come to Mount Olympus to worship Zeus.

In the Western Kingdom, there are people of different colors. There are also Asians, such as the yellow people in blue and purple, who are called Asia Pacific people here. Asia Pacific people do not have a high status in the Western Royal world, but it is good for them in blue and purple, that is, they will not look too conspicuous after they go out.

"I checked..." In the hotel room, blue and purple clothes also entered the Duobao pagoda. She discussed with them, and then said, "I found out that on Mount Olympus, Ares, the God of war, and Hephaestus, the God of fire, were loyal supporters of Zeus. They were the sons of Zeus and Hera. Besides, there are thirty-six Olympians, thirty-six gods, and thirty-six gods. Zeus, the king of God, was still making space in the crown, carrying 16 alchemists. Every Alchemist is extremely strong. Not to mention, there was a temple Presbyterian Church behind Zeus, and there were many experts in the Presbyterian Church. There is also a Knights of the round table. They are all masters. Therefore, it is basically impossible for us to rush to Olympus. There is absolutely no return! "

"These are probably confidential. How did you find out about blue and purple clothes?" The moon immortal is not surprised.

"It's not a secret. Olympus always declares its sovereignty and shows its muscles at the winter solstice every year," Lan said. On my way back from buying clothes, I searched the memory of ordinary people with soul searching, so I got these conclusions. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "that is to say, there may be some boasting elements of Olympus in your data."

Blue purple said: "indeed. But it's not all bragging. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "we've been discussing here all the time, but we can't come up with any results. Well, let's split up. "

"What's the split action?" Said blue purple.

Mingyue xianzun said, "I'll go with you to explore around Mount Olympus. If we can't fight, we can go. And the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet takes Qin Lin and Luo Feng here to wait for us and watch the change

Blue purple clothes said: "also OK."

The proposal was approved by everyone.

Then, Mingyue xianzun and lanziyi left the place with their big move.

The magnetic field, molecules and climate in the Western kingdom are not very different from Tianzhou. However, the rules of space, as well as all kinds of strict rules, have the breath of God.

This is not available in Tianzhou.

The God here is the absolute master.

This city is called Lucie City, all the way East, to the city of Olympus. Behind the city of Olympus is the towering mountain of Olympus.

It was evening, and the sun was setting.

Apollo, the God of light, is patrolling the air in his golden chariot.

Apollo's golden chariot blazed, bringing light and justice to the sky. While guarding Mount Olympus, he also declared the existence of God to people all the time.

At the same time, Apollo also prevented all demons from approaching Olympus.

In a flash, blue and purple clothes and moon immortal statue were close to Mount Olympus. Four weeks later, they watched from a distance, sensing the existence of Mount Olympus.

After a while, Mingyue xianzun said, "no wonder this mountain will be moved by the God King. The material of this mountain is extremely rare. A small piece of rock can be used to make magic weapon. And the power of the Olympus Tiansha array composed of such a whole mountain is unimaginable. Let's not talk about the power of Zeus and the power of the temple. Zeus alone, relying on the power of this mountain, is enough to trap you and me in it

LAN Ziyi nodded and said, "it seems that what we are going to do is very difficult."

Mingyue xianzun said, "I'm angry. I'll send all my disciples to Mingyue palace. If you don't believe me, you can't take Mount Olympus."

Blue purple clothes said: "if you fight hard, it is likely that the God King will mobilize the main gods of other continents to fight. Although Mingyue palace is powerful now, it is not enough to deal with the Western gods. Moreover, it will also bring you extremely heavy losses. I can't make this move! "Mingyue xianzun said, "I'm just talking about it. Too many people come here and the goal is too big. The sky already has God's rules in it. It's worthy of being the space created by the God King. My people come to fight in different places, and they don't have any magic calculation. "

The so-called rule of God is in this space. If you abuse God, you will be killed by lightning. If you are religious, you will be heard by God, and maybe God will satisfy your wish.

Blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun have sealed the rules of God when they speak, so their conversation will not be heard by God. Moreover, there are so many words in the human world, just like the endless flow of information, so God can't hear everything.

But just like the network management in the world, some sensitive words will be set. For example, abusing national leaders and so on may be targeted.

"It seems that the best way for us to do this is to take advantage of Zeus' absence. I found out that Zeus, the God King, was extremely playful and beautiful. He often disguised himself as a mortal and fell in love with a beautiful woman. " Blue purple clothes then a smile, said: "moon, you look very good, I think you come to seduce God King."

Mingyue xianzun rolled his eyes and said, "I can only seduce women, men or you."

Blue purple clothes laugh.

At this moment, Apollo, the God of light on Air Patrol, and his chariot suddenly disappeared.

Blue purple dress and bright moon immortal Zun's heart immediately gave birth to a delicate feeling. They immediately understood that they had been found.

"It's not suitable to stay here long. Let's go!" Said blue purple.

The Moon Fairy nodded.

They wanted to move away, but at this time, they found that the rules of the surrounding space were constantly changing, and the rules of the gods were rapidly strong. They couldn't even use the big move.

"It's too close to the holy mountain to stay here for a long time. Let's make a quick decision!" Said blue purple.

Mingyue xianzun said, "if you are anything like ants, you dare to come and fight with me."

Just then, the flaming golden chariot tore out of the air. Apollo drove his chariot and blocked the way of blue and purple clothes and moon immortal Zun.

Apollo spoke English, he began to shout: "you two women are not gods, how can you fly in the void, who are you?"

"What's he babbling about?" Mingyue xianzun couldn't understand English, so he looked at the blue purple clothes.

Blue purple clothes very serious said: "he said you this little lady thin skin tender meat is very good, let you go home to do a warm foot servant girl for him."

"To die!" Mingyue xianzun was furious, and the chill in her eyes burst out.

"The hand of the dragon!" Mingyue xianzun was so angry that he made a move to kill him.

Apollo was immediately covered in the dragon field, and then Apollo and his chariot were captured by the giant dragon claws.

Apollo is also ignorant, do not understand why this woman without a word will be angry.

But at the same time, Apollo also realized the power of this woman.

"What a powerful rule force!" Apollo was shocked, and immediately took the hand. All over him, the wind burst. Then Apollo was shocked.

His golden fire chariot turned into a flame God!

It's like the whole sun has been evolved, and the power of burning heaven and earth collides with the hand of dragon smelting. All the rules in Tianlong are burned by this flame.

This is Apollo's ultimate killing move, called the sun wheel!

This flaming gold chariot was originally formed by absorbing the power of the sun. Apollo seldom used the sun's Golden Wheel killing move. But Mingyue xianzun is too fierce.

In an instant, the hand of the sun turns into a wheel of gold.

The explosions in the air caused a sensation one after another, and the clouds in the air were ignited by fire.

It's like the whole sky is burning.

It was an extremely gorgeous and spectacular scene!

Mingyue xianzun's eyebrows are picked, and she changes quickly.

Then, the eyebrows opened, and the golden God awn shot out.

Rapidly, the field of Tianlong came into being again.

All over the sky are eternal dragons, which are stained with thunder.

Thunder is everywhere, and Thunder Dragon and sky dragon are intertwined with each other.

"The hand of Thunder Dragon!" Mingyue xianzun grabs it again.

Thunder power will divide all the rules of the gods, and the thunder dragon claw will grasp the whole golden wheel of the sun.

Apollo couldn't help losing face. He couldn't help cursing in his heart. "This is the woman from there. How can she be so powerful? If you do it twice, it's going to destroy heaven and earth."

Apollo was known as the God of light, and he was not easy. The power of the Golden Wheel of the sun can't tear the hand of the Thunder Dragon. Apollo cast the spell quickly, "kill the stars!"

In an instant, the Golden Wheel of the sun exploded

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