The power of the East and the west is the same, and the power of the East and the west is to control the surrounding Dharma. However, there are some differences between the West and the East, that is, people born of Western gods are born with abnormal mental power. It's a purity of blood!

It's not like being an expert in the East. No matter how powerful I am, my son may be born an ordinary man. Because most of the masters in the East are trained by ordinary people.

Apollo practiced the great light golden Scripture. He condensed the true fire of the sun and mastered the power of the sun god. Apollo was born by Zeus and Leto, the goddess of the night. Apollo inherited the fine blood of Zeus, the Father God. When he was born, he was predestined with the sun and could gather the true fire of the sun.

To some extent, this great bright gold Sutra is similar to Chen Tianya's Taiyi Xuanjin Sutra.

Apollo at this time in the crisis to display a meteoric star, in a moment, the sun's Golden Wheel burst open, into ten thousand stars, each star burst out of unparalleled explosive power. Every star can flatten a mountain!

Apollo was really desperate.

The comer is too tough for him to hold on at all. Normally, Apollo met those underground demons, as well as the demons of Jiuyin mountain. He let each other fly away with a wave of his hand.

And today, it's almost the first time that he's had such a hard time.

In Apollo's memory, it seems that he was forced to this point only when he fought pan Shen. But the pan God is a God who has been famous for a long time and is fierce and powerful. The woman in front of her is unknown. Why is she so fierce. By intuition, Apollo felt that the woman's cultivation was still above pan Shen.

"When did the number one figure emerge in Olympus?" Apollo was secretly frightened.

At this time, blue and purple frowned.

"Anyway, it's already frightening. Let's take this guy directly." Blue purple clothes says to bright moon immortal Zun.

Mingyue xianzun said: "blue purple clothes, you say a fart, can I catch it alone?" Her fingers flicked as she spoke. Her mana moves around her body, surging like the tide.

The hair of Mingyue xianzun is scattered and straight. She is also desperate!

In a flash, the hand of Thunder Dragon changed rapidly!

Great phagocytosis!

Thunder and lightning flow, magnificent.

Most of those broken stars are directly engulfed by the great phagocytosis.

"What?" Apollo immediately felt the sharp disappearance of his own solar energy.

"That's enough." Apollo was stunned.

That is at this time, blue purple clothes also shot. Blue and purple clothes appear behind Apollo, and she grabs and shoots Apollo.

Apollo was also on guard against the blue and purple clothes. He immediately pointed out his finger, and the seal in his hand was used one after another. Then all the sun and stars are condensed into a chariot of fire.

Even the power engulfed by the moon god was forcibly pulled out by Apollo.

Apollo's chariot of fire suddenly turned into a rainbow and tried to escape.

"Stay!" The blue and purple clothes of the main idea of robbery, Apollo only feel in front of a black, then fell into the boundless darkness. Chen Yang is also hiding in this idea. But the mystery of blue and purple clothes in the womb is vast and mysterious, and the place where Chen Yang was hidden was never found by Apollo.

"Who?" Finally, there was a reaction on the holy mountain. In an instant, countless figures flashed, all rushing to this side.

"Go Blue purple clothes says to bright moon immortal Zun.

Two people looked at each other and immediately performed a big move. In a flash, it was eight thousand miles away.

The other side can't catch up even with the horse.

"What?" Within the temple, Zeus, the God King, was extremely angry.

Because he didn't feel Apollo. And some divine officials came up to report it.

This God official prostrated on the ground and reported: "Qi Bao God King, just now Prince Apollo, the God of light, was patrolling outside the mountain as usual, but he was ambushed. Fierce fighting took place outside the holy mountain, but the fighting time was very short. When the guard master of Shenshan rushed by, the other side had disappeared. Along with Apollo, the prince is missing. It's very likely that Prince Apollo has been They've taken it away

Zeus' eyes were full of anger. "Heaven and earth, who has the ability to capture Apollo in such a short time, you tell me?"

With a sad face, the God official said, "Prince Apollo is the most powerful man in the world. There is no match for him. Unless, unless... "

"Except for what?" Asked Zeus.

"Only Hades, the underworld, could capture Apollo so quickly." He said.

"Hades? You mean my brother, why did he take my son away? " Zeus said, "no, I don't think he has the courage."

It was also at this time that Hera came slowly.

"Great king, have you forgotten Apollo's warning..." Hera came in, saluted Zeus, and said."The gods of the east?" Zeus frowned. "I can't stand them if I start so soon."

Later, Zeus began to understand the law of heaven in Olympus!

The whole space was created by Zeus, and they also created the law. Rules, rules, they are the creator. Zeus controls the state of Olympus, and the rules of heaven in the whole state of Olympus are under his control.

Zeus began to find out who had captured Apollo.

It's a very exhausting act. Zeus had not been so eager to do this, but obviously at this time, the other side is trampling on his bottom line.

About half an hour later, Zeus stopped searching.

His forehead exuded fine beads of sweat, and his face was a little white.

"How's it going?" Hera asked Zeus.

Zeus said in a deep voice: "first, let Ares and Hephaestus lead the four constellations to capture..."

In the hotel, the Bodhisattva of dizang king suddenly felt the crisis.

It was already dark.

The Bodhisattva of dizang opened his eyes and left the Duobao pagoda.

Bruce Lee, Qin Lin and Luo Feng all follow.

"What's the matter, master?" Qin Lin asked.

Luo Feng also looks at the Bodhisattva.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said: "Amitabha, I see that there is a conflict between benefactor LAN and benefactor Xiao and the people in the holy mountain. They have nothing to do. The God King used the rules of heaven to find out what happened to benefactor LAN and benefactor Xiao. But I saw the poor monk and others. Now the God King has sent experts to pursue us. "

After a pause, he said, "master Luo, master Qin, you are still shallow in your cultivation, so you will hide in this golden pagoda. Poor monk and Bruce Lee will take you out of here first. "

Luo Feng and Qin Lin are strong now, but in front of the Bodhisattva, they really don't have the power to refute.

Then, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet let Bruce Lee come to him. The little dragon shrunk and grasped the shoulder of the Bodhisattva like a little snake.

Then, the Bodhisattva king of Tibet stepped out.

One step out, people are already 300 miles away. The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is proficient in the six magic powers of Buddhism, which is called tianzutong.

In one step, change the rules of space and shrink the ground to an inch.

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet walked quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he was three thousand miles away.

But even though the Bodhisattva of Tibetans is very fast, Ares and Hephaestus have also locked in the Bodhisattva of Tibetans. These gods control the rules in their own territory, which is not easy to deal with.

Ares, the God of war, Hephaestus, the God of fire, and the four constellations finally stopped the way of the Bodhisattva of Tibetans by the sea.

The sea tide is surging, and the sky and the earth are dark.

In the dark air, the sea breeze roared by.

Ares, the God of war, was very strong. He was wearing a cape and half of his arm was exposed.

Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera, and Hephaestus was also the son of Zeus and Hera. They are brothers!

Ares blocked the way of Tibetan Bodhisattva. His eyes were like ice. At this time, Ares said to the Bodhisattva, "are you a monk from the east?"

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet belongs to the world, so he has a lot of proficiency in language. He is also extremely quick to learn a language. Ares speaks English, and the Bodhisattva of Tibetans also knows this language.

"I really come from the East, but I don't know what the benefactor is doing to block my way?" The king Bodhisattva of Tibet also said in English.

Ares and hephaestuston are strange. They can speak English!

"Here we are, cut off from the East." Ares said, "why did you come all of a sudden? And why did you run away? "

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "Amitabha!"

But he refused to answer.

Ares snorted coldly and said, "good. I'll take you back to the temple for questioning."

Ares's four constellations immediately surrounded the Bodhisattva.

Ares had a spear in his hand and pointed it out. But nine hellhounds rushed out.

Nine hellhounds roared and rushed to the Tibetan Bodhisattva.

The spear in ares's hand was suddenly thrown!

This spear is called the spear of the gods. The spear is filled with the power and rules of the gods. It is said that it can exist throughout the world. There are few things that can not be broken when the spear of God is put out.

Hephaestus was lame and ugly. Although he is also Hera's son, Hera has some dislikes for him.

At this time, the four gods and hephaestos launched an attack on the Bodhisattva.

In an instant, all the Bodhisattvas of Tibetans were covered by their respective killing moves. At that moment, Bruce Lee suddenly became furious. He rushed out and devoured the hell's nine dogs. Bruce Lee rushes into the sky and turns into flames. The fierce nine hellhounds were directly refined by Bruce Lee."That's ridiculous!" Ares was furious.

At the same time, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet suddenly recited a mantra.

Endless wisdom!

The incantation in his mouth turns into infinite golden words, which are floating around the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet.

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