My Buddha is merciful!

But the Buddha also subdues the devil, and the Buddha also has anger. The Bodhisattva of Tibetans was repeatedly forced by Ares and others, and he finally got angry.

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibetans exerts endless golden runes, and finally forms a big "卍"!

The word "zhe" radiates the anger of the sky. The golden light on the word "zhe" flourishes. In an instant, the golden light of the word "zhe" envelops the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet.

Subsequently, the body of the Bodhisattva changed.

In the void. After that, a dragon Bodhisattva appeared.

This dragon Bodhisattva is full of golden light. He sits in the middle of the sea. He is as lofty as Leshan Buddha, overlooking the world.

The sea is surging up, all the power in front of the Dragon Bodhisattva seems to become particularly weak.

"Mountain axe!" Ares roared, the void grasped, and the sky axe chopped down. The axe was 3000 feet long. When it was cut down, the waves on the sea were turbulent, and the strong wind and vigorous Qi completely disturbed the sea.

Hephaestus also showed the fury of Vulcan!

Each of the four constellations launched a killing move.

At that moment, the moon destroyed, the stars sank, and the sun and the moon disappeared!

Huge eddies were set off in the sea, and infinite force exploded, smashed, and burned to the Dragon Bodhisattva.

Infinite rules such as plowing the fields and sweeping the holes, rush to Tianlong Bodhisattva!

There are 18 halos behind Tianlong Bodhisattva. At this time, Tianlong Bodhisattva claps out.

The 18 halos behind him were all blasted out with the palm of the Dragon Bodhisattva.


All forces and attacks begin to melt in the palm of the Dragon Bodhisattva.

The huge palm print smashes all the attacks, and then the Dragon Bodhisattva grabs Ares.

Hand of God!

This palm down, like the whole sky down, which makes ares do not know how to dodge and fight back. The endless power of Buddhist rules rolled down!

Ares was stunned.

"Mountain axe!" Ares in the crisis, split an axe.

The palmprint was covered with golden light. In the palmprint, the sky was full of empty shadows.


The mountain axe was directly crushed into ashes.

Hephaestus, the God of fire, immediately took the hand, and the four great gods also took the hand. But their attack was like ice and snow in a big oven. This oven melts heaven and earth.

At this time, Ares felt despair.

"How can this monk be so powerful? This kind of strength can already compete with the father. " Ares has a splitting liver and gall. He has killed countless people in the sky and on the earth, and has never met an enemy. I didn't expect to be forced by the monk today.

It was also at this time that huge eddies suddenly appeared in the sea.

Within hundreds of miles, the sea water suddenly wants to be drained.

Then, a drop of water shot at the Dragon Bodhisattva between the lightning.

In an instant, this bead of water condenses the sea water in a radius of 300 Li into a bead of water. All of a sudden, it'll come out again!


Landslides and tsunamis!

The terrible power of destroying the universe, the water burst out of the mountain torrents and tsunamis.

The rules of the sea burst out.

Tianlong Bodhisattva's body was finally exploded.

"It's the second uncle. Poseidon is coming." Ares felt relieved and overjoyed.

The figure of the Bodhisattva appeared in the air, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibetans did not hesitate to expend his essence just now to display the great dragon Bodhisattva's magical power. Ares and his group are really too strong. If they fight alone, the Bodhisattva of dizang can surely win. But in this case, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet had to work hard. Seeing the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet, he can seriously injure all the people of Ares.

But at this time, Poseidon made a move.

The strength of the sea god is comparable to that of Zeus, especially at present. That is the world of Poseidon!

Therefore, Poseidon directly broke the most powerful power of Tianlong Bodhisattva of dizang King Bodhisattva.

At the same time, Poseidon appeared from the bottom of the sea. He came up step by step, with a crown on his head and a solemn expression.

Poseidon's majesty is extremely strong, so that ares such a bloodthirsty person in front of him, there are some panic.

"Second uncle!" Ares and others called out respectfully to Poseidon.

Poseidon glanced at the Bodhisattva, who suddenly pointed out. A drop of water immediately envelops the Bodhisattva, and the Bodhisattva is received by Poseidon.

Poseidon looked at Ares and others and said coldly, "what are you doing? So many people besieged a monk. What's the point? "

Ares said, "second uncle, the monk came here secretly from the East. His companions also captured Apollo. My father ordered me to arrest the monk and go back to ask questions. Please give this monk to us and take him back to Olympus. "Poseidon was slightly stunned. He didn't expect such a thing to happen at Olympus.

However, Poseidon did not hand over the Bodhisattva. He was silent.

Ares and others immediately worried, in fact, they also know that the relationship between ER Bo and Father God is not so harmonious.

"Second uncle?" After a long time, Ares could not help shouting.

Poseidon said in a deep voice, "well, Ares, go back. You can't catch the monk without my help. Even you may fall. I will take this monk back and ask him. Once there is any news, I will send someone to tell your father. That's how it's decided. "

"Er Bo, how can this be done?" Ares is in a hurry.

Poseidon raised his eyebrows and said, "why not? If I don't, can you hold him? If I don't think you're my nephew, I'll take a moment off. Can you still stand in front of me now? Don't be ignorant, Ares

"Second uncle..." Ares couldn't say a word.

Poseidon then returned directly to the bottom of the sea.

And the sea quickly returned to calm. Ares had no choice but to lead the God of fire and others back to the mountain.

"Brother, what do you mean that Poseidon took the monk away? Does he have to have a hard time with our father? " Along the way, they take the ancient shuttle back to Olympus. On the way, hephaestos asked Ares.

There was a chill in ares's eyes. He said, "Poseidon doesn't want to be kept in the dark. He has to make things clear first. Maybe we can find a way to attack the father in a certain event. And then he'll be in Olympus. Over the years, Hades, Poseidon and Athena have been staring at the position of the king of God. "

"Athena?" Hephaestos said angrily, "well, she's our sister, so we should listen to her brother. But how can she occupy a continent and be equal to father, Pluto and Poseidon? "

"Do I need to ask my brother? She is not under Hades and Poseidon by her ability Ares said with a cold smile.

Hephaestoston's time is short.

After Ares and others returned to the holy mountain, Ares and Hephaestus immediately reported to Zeus.

"Father, we went after the monk to the sea. Seeing that he was about to catch the monk, the second uncle Poseidon suddenly killed him. Now that the monk is taken away by his second uncle, we have no choice. " So said Ares. He put all the blame on Poseidon.

Hephaestus and four constellations will not come to destroy Ares.

"That's ridiculous!" Zeus was furious when he heard the words. "Damn Poseidon, what does this have to do with him? What's he doing here? "

Then Zeus flew out of Olympus.

Zeus also had an Archean shuttle in his hand. He took the shuttle path straight to West posea.

Of the four continents, the west coast is the most eccentric because most of its territory is the sea.

Poseidon's men were not many. He occupied the palace on the bottom of the sea and took the whole sea as his domain and strength. In the sea, no one dares to be presumptuous with Poseidon. Even Zeus was deeply afraid of this brother.

But Poseidon did not dare to go to the sacred mountain and Zeus higher and lower.

Zeus on the holy mountain is almost invincible.

Zeus shuttle the sea, into the sea, soon came to the bottom of a palace.

Poseidon was born to breathe freely in the sea. Between the sea and him, it's like a mother and a son. Between each other, cordial and intimate.

The palace is magnificent and wonderful under the sea.

No matter how strong the sea pressure is, the palace is not affected at all. There was not a drop of water in the palace. It's dry and airy, just like a normal palace.

Zeus came to the palace, and there was no guard outside.

Poseidon had four dead men and twelve maids in waiting for him. His life is very simple, and he has always been aloof from the world.

But Poseidon can still control the sea monsters. In case of war, his combat effectiveness is unimaginable.

But this kind of strength is also limited in the sea.

As soon as Zeus entered the palace, a maid of honor came forward. The palace maid knew the king and saluted immediately.

Zeus was always pitying for jade, but he was not in the mood at the moment, so he said, "I want to see my brother Poseidon."

The maid said, "yes, Wang. I'll inform you right away."

Poseidon soon came out to meet Zeus himself.

"It's the king of God." Poseidon came out and said with a smile.

Zeus suppressed his anger and said, "Poseidon, many things have happened at Olympus now. These things have nothing to do with you. What did you do when you arrested the monk? Give him back to me at once. "

Poseidon said, "God, you are unreasonable. I caught the man. Why should I give it to you? ""You..." Zeus couldn't help saying. "What do you want?" he said angrily

"I didn't think about it." Poseidon said, "your two sons and their hands have come down to catch this monk. If I didn't do it, they would be dead. I saved them and caught the monk by the way. Why do you blame me if you don't thank me? "

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