Zeus a Leng, he immediately understand the context of the matter. Naturally, he didn't think Poseidon was lying. Zeus knew something about his brother.

Of course, this is not the time to pursue this. Zeus said, "Poseidon, give this monk to me."

Poseidon said rudely, "why? Why should I give it to you? "

Zeus said, "Apollo was captured. There is a very important clue in the monk. As you can see, these people from the East are all powerful. My two sons and four constellations are not rivals when this monk makes a move. And Apollo's cultivation had reached the starry sky, he hardly held a face to face in the hands of the two Oriental women, and then he was captured. People from the East suddenly broke in with ulterior motives. This is about the whole Olympian gods. Do you think this reason is enough? "

Poseidon said, "this monk, I can take you to see him. But you can't take him away, and I can assure you. If I get anything about Olympus, I will tell you at the first time. Zeus, you should know that I am a man who speaks and practices. "

Zeus's eyes twinkled for a moment, and then he said, "OK, now take me to see the monk."

Poseidon said, "good!"

Then, under the leadership of Poseidon, Zeus met the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet.

Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, was imprisoned in the side hall. In the side hall, Poseidon imprisoned Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, with a pearl of water. The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is in the water drop. The water drop is mellow and as big as a small house.

"Take away your magic weapon." Zeus said to Poseidon.

Poseidon nodded.

As soon as he waved, the Pearl of water came into his hands.

At this time, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet slowly opened his eyes.

"Amitabha!" The Bodhisattva king of Tibet chanted a Buddha's name.

Zeus asked coldly, "you monk, what's your name?"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibetans, said, "poor monk, Dharma name, Tibetans, master of Tibetans!"

Zeus and Poseidon looked at each other.

They had not heard of the name, and they did not know much about Zeus and Poseidon. Moreover, when the Bodhisattva became famous, Zeus and they had already established the Western kingdom.

"Dizang?" Zeus said, "dizang, you people suddenly came from the East and abducted my son. What's your plot and purpose?"

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, looked at Zeus and said, "poor monks and others have traveled all over the world and come to the Western kingdom. They have also heard a lot about the splendid history of Western mythology. My two friends wanted to see the legendary Mount Olympus, but they didn't know why they had a conflict with Apollo, so they had to be taken away. This is a misunderstanding. "

Although monks don't lie. But the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet is not that pedantic monk, so his lie is just coming. At least it is also a generation of people who come to work. It is impossible for the enemy to tell the truth immediately when they ask. If so, it's not honest, it's stupid.

The Bodhisattva of dizang king is proficient in Tianyan, tianer, fatalism and so on. Therefore, he is clear about what happened in Shenshan mountain.

Zeus looked at the king Bodhisattva of Tibet. Although he was a big turnip and a good girl, he was extremely shrewd. Naturally, he would not believe what the Bodhisattva said.

"Dizang, I can ignore the rest. But your people dare to kidnap my son, which is to offend the dignity of the whole Olympus. Can you reach them now? "

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "I can't get in touch with you. Presumably, they also know that they have caused a great disaster, so they use magic to block the divine rules between heaven and earth. In this way, you can't find out where they are. If you can't find it, I can't feel it. "

Zeus gave a cold smile and said, "you monk, you look honest, but in fact you are very crafty. Do you think I can't help you if you say that? "

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "I've always told you the truth and never lied."

Zeus said, "I have a magic called alchemy. Refine your soul so that all your memories will be known to me. What's more, you'll suffer the most in the world. "

The Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet, said, "since the God King has such magic, why should he talk to the poor monk?"

This sentence immediately stopped Zeus.

Zeus does have alchemy, but alchemy works for the weak. It takes a lot of energy and effort to refine such a master as the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. Zeus didn't want to go this way until he had to.

"Dizang!" Zeus said, "you are a wise man. You must have guessed it. It's really hard for me to refine you. It even costs a lot of energy. But that doesn't mean what I said is false. You'd better not make a mistake. "

"Amitabha!" The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet simply chanted a Buddha's name and then shut up.

At this time, Poseidon said to Zeus, "the origin of this monk is really strange. In this case, I will use alchemy with you to refine him. You have his memory, I have his strength. ""You have a good idea." Zeus said coldly.

Poseidon laughed and said, "if you don't want to, then you'll think I haven't said anything."

Zeus snorted coldly and said, "OK, I promise you."

Zeus and Poseidon performed alchemy together.

They had the same seal in their hands. Then, their eyebrows opened, and each of them emitted a red gold light.

The two rays quickly merged to form a red gold mirror.

The mirror radiates red and golden light, and then covers the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet.

At this time, the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet recited the moving mantra.

So, again, there are countless golden runes flying out. These golden runes surround the Bodhisattva, and then surround the Bodhisattva like silk.

Soon, the Bodhisattva was wrapped in silk.

From a distance, it looks like a super large silkworm.

Zeus and Poseidon continued to perform alchemy, but both found that the power of alchemy was isolated from the golden silk.

"That's disgusting Zeus couldn't help being furious. He immediately killed him. See him bend a finger to flick, immediately hook move a thick have ten Zhang of thunder and lightning to cut down. Zeus is the God of thunder, he launched the power of thunder, the vast law of thunder, the law of the gods are extremely fierce!


After a lightning cut, the golden silk did not move.

Zeus was unwilling, and then a black hammer appeared in his hand. This is his magic weapon, the hammer of the earth.

The hammer of the earth is as light as a feather in the hand of Zeus. But in the hands of the enemy, there are hundreds of millions. Once an attack is launched, there will be 1.8 billion horses galloping in an instant.

Zeus struck down quickly.

The whole undersea palace was shocked suddenly. This kind of power was extremely terrible.


The hammer of the earth killed the golden eggs, and the eggs whirled violently. After the peace was restored, there was still no damage.

Before Zeus could continue his attack, Poseidon said, "Zeus, you don't have to waste your efforts any more. The monk's cocoon is very strange. If we don't find the trick, I don't think the silkworm egg will be destroyed even if heaven and earth are destroyed. "

Zeus said, "what do you say to do?"

Poseidon said, "go back first. I'll study it carefully. If there is any new news, I will let you know immediately. By the way, try to save Apollo. "

Zeus said: "this silkworm egg, I will take it back to Olympus is the safest."

Poseidon said, "I caught people. There are so many strange things about this monk that I have to study them carefully. I said, if there is any progress, I will let you know. Zeus, don't deceive too much. "

"You..." Zeus was very angry. He took a deep breath and then walked away.

Later, Zeus returned to Olympus by the ancient shuttle.

The reason why Zeus could not feel the existence of Apollo, nor could he trace the blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal. But it is because the blue purple clothes and the bright moon immortal Zun have left Olympus in a short time. They know very well in their hearts that on the side of Olympus, Zeus, the God King, has a terrible grasp of the rules. In Olympus, they can't hide Zeus's pursuit.

Blue and purple clothes and moon immortal came to South Pluto.

The two crossed the sea of South Pluto and came to Hades.

In the underworld, there is a huge underworld City, which has been dark and foggy for a long time.

In the city of Hades, almost all ghosts are gathered, which are the power of Hades. Hades will not be responsible for reincarnation, reincarnation and so on. That is nonsense, ordinary ghosts reincarnated, born will only be a fool.

Beyond the city of Hades, there is the abyss of seclusion.

There are countless demons in the abyss of seclusion. There are ten levels in the abyss of seclusion. The spirit of the top level is the weakest. The lower it goes, the more powerful the spirit will be.

Hades suppressed the demons and became the underworld.

Whether it's Hades, or Poseidon, or Zeus. They are almost invincible in their own field. But once they leave their own fields, they will be weakened a lot. This is also the reason why Zeus has been the king of the gods for so many years. As long as Zeus is still on Mount Olympus and Zeus relies on the power of Mount Olympus, then Hades will never have a chance to take the God King instead.

LAN Ziyi and Mingyue xianzun found a remote location in the east of Hades city. This location, a desolation, the ground is black soil. I don't know how vast the black soil is. The only plant on it is an unknown black plant.

After the two fell, blue purple clothes said to Mingyue xianzun: "this Apollo's magic power is very strong, and my idea of robbing him can't be trapped for long."

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