Mingyue xianzun immediately said, "I'll go in and suppress him."

Blue purple clothes a smile, say: "my lord rob in the idea, can't stand you two people's mana collision.". Or you and I will go in and hold him down. "

Monk Linghui was on the shoulder of blue and purple clothes. He said: "it's a pity that the nine Yin chart of the nether world is in the hand of benefactor Luo Feng. Otherwise, with the great power of you two, you can use the great thunder sound universal method to make Apollo more perfect. After Apollo, we'll get twice the result. "

Blue purple said: "not necessarily. I know something about the big thunder Purdue method. When it comes to Apollo's cultivation, it can't be standardized. Du Hua also pays attention to a fate, unless there is a magic power ten times more powerful than ours, we can Du Hua Apollo

Linghui monk said: "can let Apollo open the mind to accept the degree of."

"Blue purple clothes said:" that pour can try. But before you know it, you have to surrender Apollo first. "

Then, the blue purple clothes took out the main idea from the eyebrow.

Then LAN Ziyi and Mingyue xianzun went in with Linghui monk.

This is south Pluto. After all, it is in the Western kingdom. So blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun dare not fight, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

After entering the mystery of the birth, blue purple first went to see Chen Yang. Chen Yang's situation is the same and stable, but he is not angry at all.

Blue purple clothes slightly sighed a tone, now Chen Yang and Si Tu Ling son also can be regarded as general appearance. This pair of people, really hard!

Apollo flew wildly in the boundless darkness, and his golden chariot blazed brightly, illuminating the whole night sky. In the void, the dark lotus slowly rotates. No matter how Apollo attacks, his attack seems to never reach the dark lotus.

"Apollo At this time, blue and purple clothes and moon fairy appeared in front of Apollo.

When Apollo saw the blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal, he was furious. "Who are you? Why did you arrest me? What do you want to do? "

Mingyue xianzun was confused again. She asked lanziyi, "what did he say?"

LAN Ziyi was not in the mood to translate. She said, "he asked us who we were and why we wanted to arrest him for no reason."

Mingyue xianzun said, "didn't he speak rudely first? I Xiao Mingyue to do warm foot maid for him? Who dares to say such a thing in this world? Since he dares to be so disrespectful, I will certainly teach him a lesson. "

Mingyue xianzun is serious.

Blue and purple clothes are a little afraid to expose their lies, she said: "yes, heaven and earth, the moon is the biggest. But you are the moon, others are the sun

Mingyue xianzun said, "you..."

Blue purple clothes puffed a smile, then said: "OK, you stand aside, I want you to do it, you do it."

Apollo also looked at the blue and purple clothes and the Moon Fairy talking and laughing. He was about to get angry when the blue and purple clothes looked at Apollo.

At this time, blue and purple's face was cold.

Her expression changes very quickly.

"Apollo, you ask us what we're here for. I can tell you responsibly that we are here to deal with your father. I want the jewels in your father's crown Said blue purple.

Apollo was surprised and said, "do you want to take the star stone?"

"Star stone?" Blue purple clothes murmured. She immediately understood that the star stone was what Zeus called it. The name on my side is evergreen fruit.

"That's right!" Said blue purple.

Apollo said, "the source of my father's strength comes from the star stone. To ask for the star stone is to ask for his life."

Blue purple said: "you can think so, but we don't have to kill him. When we get the stone, we'll leave at once. "

Apollo looked strange and said, "what do you mean by telling me this?"

Blue purple clothes said: "what do you mean? You know in your heart that your only life is to cooperate with us to get the star stone. Otherwise, we must not let you leave alive. If you want to die for your father, you can. If you say a word, I will kill you now. Anyway, I don't know it

Apollo's heart suddenly jumped, he could not help but back two steps.

Blue and purple is a step forward.

This is a good psychological hint.

Apollo's body bristled with sweat. He is a God, the God of starry sky! It's almost immortal, with a life span of ten thousand years.

He is immortal in this western kingdom.

It was the first time he felt the threat of death.

"Why, do you want to resist?" Blue and purple clothes took another step forward.

There was a flash of pain in Apollo's eyes, and he said, "how can I believe you again? In case I cooperate with you. After you get the star stone, you still kill my father and me. What should you do? "Blue purple said: "I don't know. But I can promise you, if you don't believe me. Because I have no better way to assure you. "

Apollo said, "I can work with you."

Blue purple said: "Apollo, you are a smart man. I know at this moment, you must have a lot of ideas and tricks in your head. You're doing the right thing. But you're smart, and I'm not stupid. If you really cooperate, let go of your heart. I put a magic power in your heart. After this magic power enters, all thoughts in your heart will be known to me. If you deliberately cheat, then I will directly detonate this magic power and kill you. It's not hard for me to kill you, though. "

Apollo's eyes were wide open.

"I'll fight with you." Apollo's whole body suddenly burst into flames.

"Well, I'm really fooling you." Blue purple clothes sneer, say: "it seems that I don't let you suffer, you won't submit."

Apollo gathered a fire elixir from the fire chariot. Then, the fire elixir thundered and blasted at the blue and purple clothes.

This fire elixir contains all the magic power of Apollo. Once the fire elixir breaks out, its power is amazing.

All in the darkness is the power of fire.

The temperature is beyond imagination. Even if diamond is put in, it will melt into iron slurry immediately.

Blue and purple clothes are isolated, and the temperature here can't reach Chen Yang. At the moment, Chen Yang can withstand such attacks there.

Blue purple clothes sneer repeatedly, say: "want to go all out? No way

Then she performed the great phagocytosis.

The surrounding endless flame, temperature, and the pure Yang power burst out of the air were absorbed by the blue purple clothes.

"Blue and purple clothes, leave some for me." Mingyue xianzun also performed great phagocytosis.

Apollo burst roar, said: "I let you swallow, you swallow it?"

Apollo will directly burst out all the power, the pure Yang power in the big phagocytosis thunder beat, change. All of a sudden, like the devil, such as the immortal, such as the goddess, such as the flame, such as the ice constantly changing.

"Change everything, the rule of God!" Apollo roared again, and said, "broken!"


Apollo's pure sun flame exploded in the great phagocytosis.

Blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun concentrate, two people keep running big phagocytosis dissolve, and devour.

As soon as those pure Yang flames burst out, they were immediately transformed into pure Yang power.

"Damn it Apollo couldn't help despairing.

"The power of this guy is terrible." Mingyue xianzun said, "if I were alone, I would not be able to swallow it. The rules of God are so powerful. Fortunately, we did it together. "

Blue and purple clothes ignore the moon immortal.

The two women's faces were very charming and flushed. The flame of the pure sun was engulfed and transformed into pure power. It was really a great tonic!

In an instant, the power of blue and purple clothes and moon immortal once again rose a step.

Mingyue xianzun said: "purple clothes, let's devour this guy's flesh and blood and turn it into vitality. It must be more powerful."

Blue purple clothes said: "business matters, but not to your body.". If he's stubborn, it's not too late to kill him. "

The blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal are not like the Bodhisattvas of Tibetans. They are compassionate. They don't have any burden in their hearts. Whether you are the God of light or not, kill you.

Apollo lost his power.

Then, the blue and purple clothes display the immortal vacuum seal!

Fingerprints of four gods. Blue and purple clothes communicate the vitality of the fairyland, and the power of the four gods is greatly enhanced.

In an instant, the four gods clamped Apollo to death.

In the past, in the present, in the future, the eternal upanism rules intruded into Apollo's heart.

Apollo struggled violently. But at this time, he is at the end of the storm.

Apollo is a master of the astral realm, and can also communicate with the spirit of fairyland. But Mingyue xianzun and LAN Ziyi cast the great phagocytosis together, which caused great damage to him.

At the moment, if blue and purple clothes display immortal vacuum seal again, Apollo will come to a dead end.

"Why? Why is there such a skill? " Apollo roared. He was extremely indignant at the fact that power was swallowed up.

"Bright moon, put your dragon mark into his brain." The blue and purple clothes command the moon immortal.

"Good!" Mingyue xianzun immediately penetrated the Dragon mark into Apollo's brain. Then, the blue and purple clothes seriously injured Apollo's viscera. At the same time, a ban was placed in his viscera, which prevented Apollo from recovering from his injury.

After that, all the power of Apollo was imprisoned.

"Go The blue purple clothes and the bright moon immortal left the Lord. Blue purple clothes put the main idea of robbery into the eyebrow again."This guy is stubborn and a little afraid of death." LAN Ziyi said: "it's very difficult for us to ask him to cooperate. Now we'd better go to the king of Tibet Bodhisattva first. The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet has a magical power called his mind, which can be planted into his brain. So you know what he thinks. "

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