The Moon Fairy nodded.

Blue purple clothes then began to feel the Bodhisattva with heart. She and the Bodhisattva of dizang left their own marks for the purpose of connection. But at this time, she did not feel the existence of the Bodhisattva.

Mingyue xianzun saw the blue and purple eyebrows locked, and asked: "what's the matter?"

LAN Ziyi took back her mana and said, "there's something wrong with the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet. I can't feel his existence any more."

"What do you mean?" Mingyue xianzun was also surprised and said, "do you think the Bodhisattva is dead?"

Blue purple clothes said: "that's not true. The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet doesn't die so easily. But obviously, after we captured Apollo, we alerted Zeus. Maybe Zeus couldn't find you and me, so he went to the Bodhisattva of dizang to vent his anger. I don't know what the situation of the Bodhisattva is now. "

Mingyue xianzun raised his eyebrows and said, "shall we exchange Apollo for Tibetan Bodhisattva?"

Blue purple clothes said: "once we contact with them, the God King will strangle you and me with thunder. Do you think the two of us can compete with the power of the whole state of Olympus? "

Mingyue xianzun said, "what do you say to do?"

Blue purple clothes said: "it seems that our breakthrough is still in Apollo, as long as Apollo does not go back. They will not easily lay hands on the Bodhisattva of the king of Tibet. In addition, I know that the Bodhisattvas of the king of Tibet still have some means to save lives. Maybe they don't have the Bodhisattvas of the king of Tibet at all. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "this Apollo is not very honest. It's a pity that you and I don't know the magic power of other people's thoughts."

"Blue purple clothes said:" slowly forced to ask it, there is always a way

Later, the blue purple clothes and the bright moon immortal Zun took the Linghui monk to enter the main idea again.

Apollo sat on the ground with his knees crossed.

Blue purple clothes and Moon Fairy came to Apollo, blue purple clothes said: "Apollo, you have a lot of tricks. But in front of me, you are too young. Life in Olympus is so comfortable that you don't know how dangerous people are outside. So, it's just humiliating for you to play with me. You should have guessed by now that I don't have the power to control your mind, so I don't have much patience now. You are the God of the west, the God above. If you die, there will be no more Apollo between heaven and earth. If you are now bent on death, we have no way to take you, then we have no choice but to refine and devour your flesh and blood. Do you really want to choose this way? "

Apollo looked at the blue and purple clothes full of hatred and said, "kill me. If you want me to betray my father, it's impossible."

Mingyue xianzun said, "what did he say?"

Linghui monk said: "he said he would rather die than betray the father."

Mingyue xianzun is a violent temper, she said: "then complete him."

Blue purple dress nods, say: "since so, that is as you wish." After she finished, she said to Mingyue xianzun, "swallow him up."

After that, blue and purple turned around.

She was cold as a cucumber.

Mingyue xianzun was a little embarrassed and said, "it's not very good, blue and purple clothes. He's a great tonic. Well, I'll swallow half and leave half for you. " After she finished, a dragon sword came out of her hand.

The dragon sword was aimed at Apollo's head.

Mingyue xianzun intended to split Apollo into two.

Bang, Apollo's head was incredibly strong. The sky dragon sword is directly broken.

"Hey Mingyue xianzun said, "my head is hard." With a flick of her finger, she immediately gathered a dragon sword again.

This time, Mingyue xianzun infused Tianlong law and Tianlong power into Tianlong sword.

A cold and majestic breath of Tianlong comes out from Tianlong sword.

This breath made Apollo shudder.

Mingyue xianzun wanted to kill Apollo. At this time, Apollo was sweating. At that moment, the spirits of the dead all came out. He couldn't help saying, "wait a minute!"

As a matter of fact, Mingyue xianzun is also putting on airs. Her first sword is deliberately useless.

Such two times really gave Apollo an indescribable pressure.

As a God, Apollo obviously knew the meaning of death better than mortals.

It's an eternal dissipation.

So at this moment, Apollo finally gave in. All the strength and backbone are dissipated under the second sword of Mingyue xianzun.

LAN Ziyi and Mingyue xianzun have been friends for many years. They know each other well, so they have a tacit understanding.

At this time, the blue purple clothes turned around and said coldly: "how?"

Apollo looked at the blue and purple clothes and said, "I can cooperate with you, but you have to promise me two conditions."

Blue purple clothes said: "you say."Apollo said: "first, only take the star stone, do not harm my father. Second, save my life

Blue purple clothes said: "this is no problem."

Apollo said, "swear."

The blue purple clothes swore calmly, and then the moon immortal also swore.

When the cultivation reached their point, the oath was absolutely binding. Otherwise, in the next promotion and breakthrough, the cause and effect of breaking the oath may come.

Then blue purple said to Apollo, "the oath has been made, and the conditions have been agreed. If you still dare to fool us, Apollo, you are looking for your own death

Apollo turned blue and said, "I know."

Blue purple clothes said: "you say."

Apollo said, "I have several ways. First, you let me go, and then you hide in my car. Although my golden flame chariot has been devoured by you, it can also evolve. After that, I will take my chariot to see my father, find a chance to attack him, and then take his star stone

Blue purple said: "Apollo, I don't know if you are looking for death or you want to take us to death. Attack Zeus. You're kidding. He knew it before you thought about it. Besides, you can't hide us. Therefore, this method will not work. "

Apollo continued: "I know that you will not agree with this method. That's the second way

"You said Said blue purple.

Apollo said: "I know my father's cultivation very well. Even if you two work together to defeat him and catch him, there is not much possibility. The father left Olympus. So, first, you need to find someone to work with. This man is Hades, Hades is my father's brother, but he has been suppressed by my father for so many years. He is the one who wants to take my father down from the altar

After a pause, he continued: "my father loves beauty. As long as he hears that there are beauties in the world, he will be interested. You can look for beautiful women in the world, or change them into beautiful women by magic power, and then, after much exaggeration, lead my father and God to come here. At that time, we will set an ambush and cooperate with Hades, so that we can successfully capture my father. "

Blue purple looked at Apollo, she said: "this plan is very simple, but the key point is Hades. According to what you say, Hades and your father are enemies, so why doesn't Hades use this plan to deal with your father? "

Apollo said, "first of all, it's very difficult for this project to succeed. My father is not stupid. He won't fall into the trap so easily. Secondly, Hades did not dare to act, because if he killed the Father God, he would become the target of the attack of the gods after the news spread. And if you cooperate with Hades, Hades can put all the blame on you. I believe that in this way, Hades will be very interested. "

Monk Linghui translated for Mingyue xianzun on one side.

Blue purple asked the moon immortal, said: "what do you think?"

Mingyue xianzun said, "you can try to get in touch with Hades. It's all about taking risks. It can't be so easy to succeed. "

Blue purple nodded, she said: "well, then, I'll go to see Hades alone. Apollo is in your hand. If Hades had any other ideas or dealt with me, I didn't escape... "

Mingyue xianzun said, "I think I'd better go to see Hades."

Blue purple clothes said: "you have seen fart, you and his language are not."

"Monk Linghui can translate for me." The Moon Fairy said.

Blue purple clothes said: "don't be so troublesome, this matter is I call you to come. I'll let you do the things you can't take risks. I'll sit in the back and enjoy the success. "

Mingyue xianzun took a deep breath and said, "well, if Hades dares to be against you. I'll go to my moon palace to gather my disciples, and then make hell out of Hades. "

Blue purple clothes says: "so decided."

Later, blue purple clothes will Apollo to the moon xianzun care. Linghui monk also left Mingyue xianzun, because Mingyue xianzun also needs a translator. Moreover, although Linghui monk is not bad, he can't help much in the battle of blue and purple clothes.

The southern underworld is also a vast territory, but most of it is waste land and waste city. Demons are rampant in the waste City, which is dark and lawless.

Hades, the underworld, was born to control the forces of the dark, and he could not manage this place more properly.

Blue and purple path to the underworld city.

A moment later, she arrived in Hades.

Land directly in Hades.

In the city of Hades, there are many people in strange clothes and many demons in the market. These demons are good people, who were tamed by Hades.

In the street, there are many Hades soldiers patrolling.

There are laws of Hades in the city of Hades, and black fog is a kind of ghost law of Hades. These things are the special power of Hades and are regulated by Hades.Blue and purple came straight to Hades' palace.

The black fog over the palace is particularly strong. At first glance, the bronze palace looks like black.

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