Apollo took a deep look at Hades and nodded.

Hades's eyes became cold. Obviously, just now, his reaction was really theatrical.

Then Hades said, "all right." He paused and said, "it's not convenient to talk here. Let's find a safe place to talk."

"I'll arrange this place." Said blue purple.

Hades said with a smile, "it seems that you can't trust me."

LAN Ziyi said: "there is no trust at all. We are not old friends. It's always good to be careful with each other. "

Hades spread out his hand and said, "all right."

Then, blue purple clothes will be the main idea of robbery out, and then lead Hades in.

Hades is very atmosphere, directly into the main idea.

Blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun then took Apollo and went in with them.

"This is a wonderful place." When Hades came in, he looked around. He said, "there are many mysterious principles in it. Even I can't understand them for a moment."

Blue purple clothes says: "everybody still sits down to talk business." She doesn't pick on Hades at all.

Hades laughed and sat cross - legged.

Blue and purple clothes, moon immortal and Apollo all sat down with their knees crossed.

Blue purple presided over the meeting, she said: "Apollo, tell Hades about your plan."

Hades looked at Apollo with a smile. Apollo bowed his head a little guilty. To think of it, Apollo, the God of light, who has always been known for his justice, bravery and impartiality, is now helping outsiders to plan their own father God. This makes it difficult for Apollo to bravely raise his head in front of Hades.

However, the world will always stand at the commanding height of morality to blame others for their cowardice.

As a matter of fact, Hades may not be stronger than Apollo if he changes his location. Even Zeus, and other gods, and even the eastern gods and so on, in such a situation, they may not do better than Apollo.

Apollo just to live, but he is still trying to save the father's life.

Apollo lived for a long time. He was afraid of death because he knew how hard it was to live and what death meant.

The greater one's achievements, glory, power and wealth, the more difficult it is to give up.

Therefore, the first emperor of Qin, even Zhu Di, Emperor Jiajing, and Emperor Yongzheng all tried their best to live forever.

Sometimes, Chen Yang is afraid of death. Sometimes he would rather die than do something because he cares about that person. Obviously, Apollo didn't care more about the father than his own life.

Apollo bowed his head for a long time.

Blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun did not urge Apollo, nor did they mean to laugh at him.

Apollo finally got up his courage. He took a glance at the crowd and said, "I mean, we made a wonderful beauty, and then we moved my father to come. He will certainly turn into a mortal, though few people can recognize the magic power of his dressing and changing his appearance. But I'm sure you can recognize it, uncle

Hades said, "Zeus had a magic power called great change. In fact, I can't recognize his change. "

"Great change!" The blue purple clothes and the moon immortal look at each other. They knew immediately that this magic power was one of the three thousand avenues.

Hades continued, "but I know Zeus too well. His eyes can't deceive me. At that time, I will observe in the dark. As long as he appears, I will be able to recognize him. "

Apollo said: "in this case, what we need to do now is to find a woman who will make my father's heart beat. Although the arrival of the Oriental gods is upsetting the father, he can't bear loneliness and won't stay on the mountain for a long time. "

Blue and purple said, "Hades, why haven't you implemented this plan all the time?"

Hades laughed and said, "it's not that I don't want to do it. First of all, Zeus won't go to my South Hades to pursue women. Because there are no such resources in South Pluto. If there are, he will be able to guess that I did it. Although my brother is greedy for beauty, he is actually extremely intelligent. Second, as long as he's not in South Pluto, I'm not his rival anywhere else. I can't take my men. He's too strong. What's more, he also carried 16 alchemists with him. In addition, the third and very important point. If Zeus died in my hand, Athena, Poseidon and Hera would not let me go. At that time, I'll have to suffer. "

When Hades spoke, Linghui monk was translating for Mingyue xianzun.

Blue purple clothes said: "so say up, if we hand, you in the side to help, you are sure to subdue Zeus?"

Hades said: "I dare not say that there is a 100% assurance, but there is a 70% assurance. Then I will send my hand down to suppress the sixteen alchemists. "Blue purple clothes said: "well, success or failure, all in this fight. The life and death of Zeus is not my concern. After Zeus lost his power, the king of the gods could not be. It's up to you and Apollo how you deal with it. We will leave the Western Kingdom immediately, and of course, you are welcome to come to our world to seek revenge for us. "

Hades said, "Gaia, the mother of the earth, has long warned us that the East is a place not to be provoked and not to go. So you don't have to worry about this. " Blue purple clothes a smile, say: "originally didn't worry."

Hades said: "in fact, the temptation of Zeus woman, I have long been ready." He paused and said, "I've been waiting for a chance. Now, it seems that my chance has come."

In the temple of Olympus, the God King Zeus has been exploring the existence of Eastern gods.

But LAN Ziyi and others are like a bull in the mud. There is no news at all. And Bodhisattva, the Tibetan king, has always been in Poseidon's hands. Poseidon thought of many ways, but could not break the cocoon of the Bodhisattva.

Zeus came to ask Poseidon several times. Poseidon had no choice but to let Zeus take the Bodhisattva away.

Zeus took the silkworm egg back to Olympus and invited the gods to crack it, but there was no way to break it. Zeus even wanted to use the power of Mount Olympus to break the eggs. Hera was stopped.

"The power of holy mountain can't be moved easily. This is what my grandmother told me. If you move it once, you will have an impression of Shenshan. You know the horror of that power. Even if you break the egg, so what. What else can you do when the Tibetans are dead? "

Zeus was so angry that he decided to suppress the silkworm eggs into the 18 layers underground. The 18th floor under the earth is the land of the devil abyss, where demons are rampant, and the demons there are extremely powerful. There is also the existence of the emperor demon!

In the western world, demons were rampant. That's why there are gods. Shi, the mother of the earth, displayed the supernatural power, changed the rules of space, and put all the powerful demons into the underground. Only some demons with shallow practice can come out, because the rules of space have little effect on them. The more powerful the cultivation is, the more the demons can't stand the rules made by Gaia, the mother of the earth.

And mother earth transformed Southern Hades to let Hades suppress the demons on the ground.

Only in this way can the world be quiet.

As for the fate of the Bodhisattva, it is not known. The eighteen layers of the earth's magic abyss will undoubtedly be a disaster for the Bodhisattva, the king of Tibet.

The Bodhisattva of the king of Tibetans has been ready for the great calamity for a long time. He is not angry, angry or happy. He faces everything calmly, fearless or sad.

A month passed quickly.

In this month, one thing happened, that is, there was a commotion in the dragon clan, but nothing happened in the end.

At the same time, Zeus also heard that a woman appeared in the mortal world of northern Athena.

The woman's name is Lucia. It's said that Lucia is 18 years old and is the daughter of a farmer in Phuket. She has long golden hair, her eyes are blue, and her smile fascinates every teenager in the town.

Now, Lucia's father, the farmer, decided to find an excellent husband for Lucia. By the way, someone will inherit his family.

All of a sudden, Phuket became very lively.

Many young people come all the way to get the favor of farmers.

I don't know how the news got to Olympus.

Zeus knew about it only when he heard the comments of the maids.

"How do you know about the lower world?" Zeus felt a little suspicious.

When the maids saw the king, they were terrified and immediately fell on their knees.

"Ares told us that." The palace maid said, "the God of war said that he would go to see how touching the woman is."

Zeus suddenly realized. He nodded and walked away.

It's not surprising that ares has been around for years and knows these things. What's more, ares is not on the holy mountain at this time. But if Zeus needed Ares, Ares would come back immediately.

So Zeus did not bind Ares.

Just at this moment, Zeus' interest was also hooked up.

During this period, he was always nervous because of the Oriental fairy. He's really suffocating on this mountain.

Although Hera is gorgeous, men always think the flowers outside are more beautiful. What's more, Zeus has always been a big turnip character. Otherwise, how could most of the gods in the sky be his children.

Athena was his daughter and Apollo his son. Hephaestus and Ares are also his sons.

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