Hades was in the temple and had his own plan for a long time.

Now, once the plan is launched, his action is amazing. Zeus was also an activist. He soon carried Hera on his back to earth.

The place is Phuket.

The crown on Zeus' head has been integrated with his head, which is his magic weapon. When he wanted to hide the crown, it shrank, almost invisible to the naked eye. When he wants the crown to be bigger, it can be made into Olympus. The crown can't be taken off. When the crown turns into Olympus, he himself becomes one with the mountain.

Zeus turned himself into a handsome nobleman by means of great change. He went to the mortal world to take his servant with him. You know, Zeus also had a lot of property and followers in the world.

After that, Zeus went to Phuket.

When Zeus arrived in Phuket, he met Lucia and the farmer. The farmer was very satisfied with Zeus, and Lucia was very pleased with Zeus.

Everything is going well.

Hades soon recognized Zeus.

As a result, a plan for Zeus quickly began.

Hades sent his ten great gods. This is what he carefully cultivated. Every Pluto's cultivation is almost the peak of shichongtian, and almost the beginning of shichongtian.

The ten gods disguised themselves.

During the night in Phuket, Zeus had a good talk with the farmer about how to marry Lucia.

Zeus had many wives in the mortal world. Anyway, he would buy a family business, and then he said he was going to do business, so he left. After a while, I will go back.

He has great change. It's the only way to get around freely.

At this time, Zeus suddenly found out that it was wrong. His eyes cold, cold look at the farmer. Although a big hand to grasp, will be caught in the crown of Lucia.

Then Zeus flashed into the sky.

The moon is full tonight, and stars are all over the sky.

As soon as Zeus arrived in the air, he was stopped by the blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal.

"I thought someone was scheming me. It was you." Zeus gave a cold smile. He gazed at the blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal, and his eyes suddenly burst into a trace of fanaticism.

Zeus was a man of great taste, but now, the beauty of blue and purple clothes and moon immortal completely aroused his interest. In particular, the two beauties have the ability to communicate with heaven, which makes him more crazy to conquer.

Zeus played with many goddesses. Leto, the night goddess, gave birth to Apollo.

"Two beauties, that's good. I can let bygones be bygones. But I must let you be my women. Ha ha ha... " Zeus burst out laughing.

"What is he laughing at?" Mingyue xianzun wondered, "are you sick?"

Linghui monk translated: "he said you two should be his women."

The Moon Fairy's eyes were cold.

Just then Zeus burst out laughing. The crown on his head has changed.

All of a sudden, the crown turned into a huge palace. The palace is resplendent, and it is thousands of miles in an instant.

In the sky, it is covered by this huge palace.

It's like the cloud top palace.

The blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal were also shrouded in the palace.

Two people's all around is empty, this gold palace, inside is also gold. But there was nothing else. The dome of the palace was so high that it could hardly be seen.

The ground is golden. The golden ground is as smooth as a mirror.

Look around. A piece of gold, between heaven and earth is gold.

Blue and purple clothes and moon immortal immediately felt that they were in the crown of Zeus.

It's surrounded by endless laws of God.

The situation is very bad.

Blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun look at each other, but they don't have any facial changes.

At this time, the soldiers came to block it and the water came to cover it. There is no reason for them to shrink back.

At the same time, the voice of Zeus appeared.

Zeus could not be seen. When his voice sounded, the whole palace resonated. It's like the whole palace is someone else.

"Two little beauties, I know you must have set a trap. If I'm right, Hades is around here Zeus said, "it seems that my son Apollo inspired you and went to Hades. But do you really think you can deal with me with the help of Hades? "

"When I came here, I expected this disaster. In order to put an end to you, I'm here. " Zeus continued: "Hades can't get into my crown of creation in a short time. When I arrest you. Hades found that things can not be done, he will only leave in frustration. I know him too well, and now, you two little beauties, please accept my caress to youThe blue and purple clothes and the bright moon immortal called the devil secretly.

In fact, in these moments, the thoughts of blue and purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun have spread to all directions. Neither of them found the flaw in the crown palace.

Zeus did not plan to go down with the blue and purple clothes and the Moon Fairy.

"The hand of nature! The fury of thunder Cried Zeus.

Over the palace, the wind and cloud suddenly surged, the magnetic field molecules became violent, and thunder clouds quickly formed.

The hammer of the earth appeared in the air.

The whole sky, it's full of thunder clouds. Among the thunder clouds, electricity and light roared.


Thousands of huge lightning at the same time to blue and purple clothes and moon xianzun kill.

At the same time, the hand of creation also appeared.

At the foot of the golden palace into a thousand big hands to pull to the blue purple clothes and the moon immortal.

The rule power of the air, the rule of God, is as heavy as thousands of mountains, squeezing to the blue purple clothes and the moon immortal.

Zeus was also merciless and used all the power of the crown of creation.

The power of the crown of creation also comes from that star stone. This star stone has a vast galaxy of power and rules.

The terrible pressure made the blue purple clothes and the moon immortal Zun feel choked for a moment.

At that moment, the blue purple clothes and the moon immortal finally understood why Zeus was the king of the gods. His strength is terrible.

"The crown must be broken." Blue purple clothes says to bright moon immortal Zun.

Mingyue xianzun nodded, she said: "I support, you break!"

"Well!" Said blue purple.

The cooperation between the two is very tacit.

Mingyue xianzun's fingers flicked and the hand of Thunder Dragon was sacrificed in an instant.

Thunder dragons are densely distributed. In an instant, there are thousands of thunder dragons in the whole palace.

The whole palace is in the realm of Thunder Dragon!

This is the magic power changed after Mingyue xianzun fused Qiao Ning's leidan.

Thunder Dragon fury support, roar impact, is to want to knock out a gap in the palace. However, the palace is extremely strong, no matter how powerful the Thunder Dragon field of Mingyue xianzun is, the palace is still.

At the same time, the hand of Thunder Dragon catches thousands of thunderbolts in an instant.

As for the capture of the hand of creation, Mingyue xianzun's great phagocytosis immediately engulfs the hand of creation.

Infinite golden vitality enters the great phagocytosis.

"Well?" Mingyue xianzun found that in the golden vitality, the rules of God are endless and constantly changing, and they can't devour and purify them.

Mingyue xianzun quickly stopped swallowing. She grabbed the hand of dragon refining and resisted the hand of nature.

At this level of fighting, monk Linghui can't help at all. He can only be in a hurry.

Blue purple clothes suddenly changed into the body of immortal Phoenix. At that moment, blue purple clothes burned all over her body, and her eyes shot out the magic power of immortal god mang.

Chen Yang once wanted to learn the immortal magic of blue purple clothes, but he was rejected by blue purple clothes. Only because, this magic power, only she can learn.

It's unique to her.

Two red gold immortal gods directly shot at the hand of nature.

These two immortal gods are not so dazzling and even ordinary. But the temperature in the undead is absolutely appalling.

Moreover, immortal god awn, God awn in the back, not in the front!

The death rules are vast and strict.

When the golden hand of nature touched the immortal awn, it immediately softened like a candle in the heat.

The moon immortal is a little more relaxed. She used the hand of Thunder Dragon to fight against Zeus' thunder.

At the same time, blue and purple clothes continue to display the immortal spirit.

The two immortals shot to the golden ground.

The ground immediately began to melt, and the golden ground began to soften like rubber clay. Then it was like boiling magma.

Blue and purple clothes want to chisel through the palace, and then take the opportunity to leave the crown. Just very soon, blue purple clothes found a sad thing. That's the ground of the palace. It's so deep.

"The palace is a replica of the interior of Mount Olympus. It is ten thousand feet deep. Do you think you can break it? " Zeus laughed.

"The melting pot of heaven and earth!" Then Zeus cast again.

At that moment, the whole palace found a change.

That is the golden ground began to melt, almost in an instant, the ground all became the gold slurry.

In the slurry, the temperature is amazing.

The ground became a sea and began to churn violently.

In the sky, thunder clouds are dense, and the hammer of the earth keeps releasing fierce thunder and lightning.

On the surface of the sea, the hand of the molten liquid grabs the blue and purple clothes and the moon immortal again and again.

Mingyue xianzun and the blue and purple clothes soared into the sky, and the sky kept shrinking, and the dome gradually shrank. In the end, the whole palace was submerged by the sea of melts, and the dome and melts together.The blue purple clothes sacrifice five colors of divine light. The five colors of divine light turn into colorful feather clothes, and then cover the blue purple clothes and the moon immortal.

In this way, the slurry will not be able to attack two people.

The hand of the molten liquid and the power of thunder and lightning attacked the colorful feather coat again and again, but the colorful feather coat bounced it off smoothly.

"This is not the way to go on." The Moon Fairy said.

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