Blue purple clothes said: "nonsense, of course I know this is not the way. But now, the crown has been completely isolated from the outside world. You and I can't use the shuttle skill and the big move skill. The crown is so weird that it's hard to break it. "

Mingyue xianzun said, "it's better to kill Zeus."

"Blue purple clothes said:" can't kill, I saw, Zeus and crown completely integrated. To attack the crown is to attack Zeus. If the crown is broken, Zeus will be seriously injured. But the point is that the crown is so powerful that it's hard for us to break it

Mingyue xianzun frowned and said, "unfortunately, my net bottle has been destroyed. Otherwise, you can compete with the crown. " After a pause, she said, "don't you have any magic weapon against heaven?"

"Blue purple clothes said:" I always do not rely on magic weapon, the only magic weapon is my five colors

"By the way, I have one more thing." Blue purple clothes suddenly sacrificed a magic weapon.

That is the Tathagata cassock.

"This cassock? Tathagata cassock? A good thing in legend that can reach the other side? " The Moon Fairy's eyes brightened.

Blue purple said: "I don't know if I can reach the other side. However, the Tathagata cassock can't take us out. The space here forms a fault. "

Then she gave the Tathagata cassock to Mingyue xianzun and said, "try it and see if it can help."

Mingyue xianzun quickly took over the Tathagata cassock.

But monk Linghui said, "ha ha, this is a good thing."

The attack outside was extremely fierce, but the colorful blue and purple clothes were also the top magic weapon, so Zeus couldn't break it for a while.

"Alchemist!" Zeus was furious.

At the same time, with a loud drink, sixteen alchemists appeared.

The sixteen alchemists, each wearing a white robe. Their faces are invisible and their bodies are the same. Every alchemist has a strong breath.

But there is no human emotion in this breath.

Sixteen alchemists surrounded the colorful feather coat. They launched the mana, and immediately, there were sixteen giant hands of molten slurry.

In his hand, there was a fierce death, and there was a great power.


The colorful feather coat vibrated violently.

Blue and purple clothes turned pale.

Even though she had great magic power, she was trapped in the crown by the king of God today, and 16 alchemists attacked together. At the moment, even the wonderful colorful feather coat is hard to support.

"I can't last long." Blue purple clothes immediately said.

For the first time in her life, LAN Ziyi felt exhausted and helpless.

In this world, few people can force her to this point.

The hammer of the earth is also constantly attacking. And 16 alchemists immediately launched a second attack.

Mingyue xianzun is experiencing the Buddha's cassock. Monk Linghui said: "this Tathagata cassock is from the Buddha world. Almsgiver Mingyue, you can communicate with the Dragon world by relying on the cultivation of dragons in the heavens. If you combine the power of the Buddha Kingdom and the power of the Dragon kingdom to form the Tianlong Bodhisattva, it must have boundless power! "

"It makes sense!" Mingyue xianzun's eyes brightened, and then he said, "just in a hurry, I can't understand the mystery of Buddhism."

Linghui monk said: "poor monk knows." He then stretched out many tentacles.

These tentacles permeate green juice on the Tathagata cassock, and then a door appears on the Tathagata cassock.

"This gate is the gate of the Buddha world, and it needs a strong force to blow it open." Linghui monk said.

Mingyue xianzun nodded, and she immediately drove the mana to kill the door of the Buddha world.


The door of the Buddha kingdom is still.

Mingyue xianzun was slightly surprised.

Blue purple clothes said: "I have a way." She suddenly pointed to the colorful feather coat. At this time, the powerful attack outside suddenly penetrated in.

And it's directly to the door of the Buddha world.

This is the unique ability of the five colors divine light of blue and purple clothes. It can bounce and absorb attacks.


The mighty force came in and directly hit the door of the Buddha kingdom. Then, the door of Buddha world opens!

There is a door in the Tathagata cassock, which is full of golden light. Then, the infinite power of Buddhism leans out.

Mingyue xianzun quickly performed the great phagocytosis, greedily and fiercely absorbed the power of the Buddha world.

The power of Buddha is pure, so it is easy to absorb. Even if there is no master of great phagocytosis, he can absorb the power of Buddha.

Mingyue xianzun's fingers stirred up and directly turned into a thousand Tianlong Bodhisattvas.

Of course, the Tianlong Bodhisattva can't be compared with the Tianlong Bodhisattva of the dizang Bodhisattva. But the power of one thousand zuns is also incomparable.A thousand dragon Bodhisattvas sit in the air, their bodies are full of golden light, and their bodies are entangled with dragons. In an instant, all the forces in the palace became peaceful.

It's like going to the holy land of Buddha.

A thousand dragon Bodhisattvas suddenly put their hands together, and a thousand handprints gathered into a golden force.

The golden power was so vast that it instantly suppressed the fury of the whole palace.

All the melts freeze, as if they had been cast a great freeze. Even the sixteen alchemists were frozen. They were frozen in the rules, motionless, only their eyes rolling.

The world, calm down.

The Buddha power of the Tathagata's cassock and the moon immortal's all sky and ten thousand dragons refining skill are perfectly matched in the world.

"Broken!" Mingyue xianzun's eyes were cold, and then the golden power formed a huge palm seal of Buddha's hands. The palm print of the Buddha's hand is photographed in the sky.

That is to break the palace.

The power of Mingyue xianzun's palm has exceeded the limit.

Integrating the supreme power of Buddhism, this palm has the ability to break the crown of nature.

At this time, Zeus suddenly appeared in the sky.

There was a sudden crack in the middle of his brow.

"Star stone, star power, suppression!" Zeus burst out.

Then, in the sky, a star appeared. The planet is vast and infinite. As big as hundreds of millions of miles, as big as boundless. But cleverly, the planet is still in the palace.

Because this kind of big is the virtual shadow of the planet!

This star stone is condensed from the inner core of a star in the void, with infinite power.

Stars and shadows appear!


The palmprint was killed on the empty shadow of the stars, and the whole palace began to vibrate. The stars and shadows crush the palmprint inch by inch.

A thousand Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattvas also cracked with a bang, and endless golden fragments flew all over the sky.

Mingyue xianzun turned pale and spat out a mouthful of blood.

This time, Mingyue xianzun was injured a lot.

"Bright moon?" Blue and purple clothes were surprised.

"Two little beauties, you can submit to me and be my woman." Zeus laughed.

The sixteen alchemists were also free, and the molten sea roared again.

"Can this gate of Buddha let us shuttle out, Linghui monk?" Blue purple clothes asks urgently.

At the same time, the star shadow continues to crush down.

The five color feather clothes of blue and purple clothes are also spinning wildly. In an instant, 70 million rules will pop up, and the stars will be blown away. But the stars and shadows smash those rules one by one.

Linghui monk said: "the passage of the Buddha's gate is not open, so it can't pass through. We can only absorb Buddha Qi. Just like the gate of fairyland now. "

The five color feather coat of blue and purple clothes burst into flames, because the five color feather coat can't bear the power of the stars.

The blue and purple clothes faded in horror.

At this time, she has all kinds of skills, but there is no way to deal with the stars. The vast power in the shadow of the stars is like the suppression of a whole planet.

Zeus laughed, he said: "two little beauties, when I catch you, I will let you take off your clothes and take a bath together. It must be a very pleasant thing. I can't wait for it. "

His words were frivolous to the extreme, and at this moment, there was a bit of God King demeanor.

Mingyue xianzun completely lost his fighting power. In the blue purple crisis, he said to Mingyue xianzun, "go to my master."

When she finished, she caught Mingyue xianzun in the master's mind. Including Linghui monk also followed in.

Blue purple clothes face the crush of the stars' virtual shadow independently, but the only thing she can do is

"Great phagocytosis!"

The eyebrows of blue and purple clothes are open, and the great phagocytosis is displayed.

The idea of robbery was in her brow.

"It's too much, little beauty. With you, you can swallow the shadow of the stars? " Said Zeus.

Blue and purple clothes seized Apollo, she said: "Zeus, if you don't stop, I will kill Apollo immediately."

"Hey Suddenly a big hand came out of the empty shadow of the stars and captured Apollo directly. The blue and purple clothes can resist the virtual shadow of the stars, but they can't resist the big hand at all.

In a twinkling of an eye, Apollo has been swallowed by the stars.

After the star power is swallowed by blue purple clothes, it immediately destroys the big phagocytosis of blue purple clothes.

The power of the stars is vast, blue and purple clothes immediately blush, she really does not have the ability to digest the power of the stars. But now, she had no other way to resist the stars.

At this time, strange things finally happened.That is the sleeping Chen Yang, suddenly also showed a big phagocytosis. It was almost an instinctive reaction.

"Well?" Blue purple clothes don't understand. Linghui monk immediately yelled: "let him devour, quick!"

Blue purple clothes instinctively listened to Linghui monk's words. After all, at this moment, there is no time to delay.

At this time, it's like a flood break. All the power of the stars poured out to Chen Yang.

Blue purple dress is frightened, because she feels that she can't digest the power of the stars. With Chen Yang's accomplishments, isn't it a death seeking?

The power of the stars was swallowed by Chen Yang's great phagocytosis

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