Chen Yang put on a five color feather coat. He immediately felt the magic of the five color feather coat. There are thousands of rules flowing in the five color feather coat. It looks like a feather coat. But there are a lot of Dharma arrays and the original Qi of blue and purple clothes.

"No wonder this magic weapon can resist many powerful attacks." Chen Yang knows it.

Chen Yang and LAN Ziyi are surrounded by ten gods.

The war between the two sides started rapidly, and the ten gods suddenly fell into the magic fog. But the magic fog suddenly fierce up, in all directions, dozens of miles around, all are the sea of magic fog. Around, suddenly there were ten demons, which were formed by the condensation of magic fog. Every demon king is as tall as a hundred feet, just like a towering mountain.

The strong cold breath erupted from the demon king.

"Devil's claw, heaven and earth!"

A ghost gave a big drink.

Ten demon kings were originally closed eyes, suddenly, they opened their eyes. As a result, a tsunami of resentment rushed over. This kind of resentment was so strong that it turned into a sword.

Tens of thousands of swords were killed.

These swords are not substance, but air to the touch. But if you go through the human body, it will immediately turn into cold resentment and devour the human viscera.

Chen Yang felt the power of the sword, and he didn't think about anything at this time. I just covered myself with my five color feather coat.

This kind of sword, power and rules are too strange. It can't be offset by pure force.

The sword was killed on the five color feather coat. The light on the five color feather coat immediately flashed, and the array power also followed the riot. The sword was quickly shot out.

To blue purple clothing, blue purple clothing is to cast a big phagocytosis.

Those swords were immediately engulfed by blue and purple clothes, and quickly turned into pure energy, and then absorbed by blue and purple clothes.

Also at this time, ten demon kings waved their huge claws and patted them down.

This is the magic claw of heaven and soul.

The sword was just a drizzle.

Ten magic claws cover the area for tens of miles. The rolling magic Qi and death rules emerge.

This is the rule of the destruction of heaven and earth. This is the demon God within nine days and ten lands.

The majestic evil Qi emerges, and every evil Qi is as heavy as a thousand.

This kind of repression, terror to the extreme.

Seeing this, Chen Yang immediately performed the great phagocytosis.

"Well?" The evil spirit is inhaled by Chen Yang, and he immediately feels uncomfortable.

"I can't swallow it, can't consume it? Why? " Chen Yang is very strange.

Monk Linghui came out of blue and purple's idea of robbing. He went to Chen Yang's shoulder and said, "it's not surprising, because this power is not the original power of Hades. This is the power of the hell tower. "

"Why must Hades be the source of power?" Chen Yang is not surprised.

Monk Linghui said, "I'll explain to you later. You are fit to fight hardis head-on today, but now we can't find where hardis is. "

Also at this time, it was a close call.

Blue and purple eyes are red with blood.

She made a seal on her hands.

"If you look at fire, you will never die!"

With her breath out, and then add fingerprints with.

There are so many flames flying out in the air. These flames are countless, and there are millions of them in an instant.

The dark sky is illuminated by these flames. Every flame is like a lotus!

"If I have my life, I can plant golden lotus in the fire!"

The blue and purple body burst into flames.

An immortal Phoenix appeared.

Fire phoenix!

The Phoenix bathing in fire has a huge body and a hundred feet high. The fire on her body became nourishment and spread out quickly.

At this time, blue and purple is like a sun.

The flames all over the sky are 1000 meters, 10000 meters, 100000 meters.

The whole hell tower becomes a sea of fire. These flames were so strange that they turned into golden lotus. The longer the lotus grows, the bigger it is.

This is an extremely spectacular picture, full of golden flame lotus, each lotus is about ten meters high.

It's like a golden forest.

The ten claws were suppressed, and the golden flame lotus rooted in it and burned it quickly.

The evil spirit poured in and kept crushing the Golden Lotus. Golden Lotus is dead and reborn, continue to take root and enter, burning heaven and earth.

In the field of immortality, a piece of vitality!

The golden lotus is immortal.

"Broken!" Blue purple Yi Li drinks a, her eyes shoot not dead god mang.

Two immortal gods cut through the sky and directly burned the two demons into ashes. The undead light the devil's body directly.Then the undead continued to shoot. All the ten demon kings were burned in blue and purple.

In the field, the ten gods were shocked.

The blue and purple clothes stand aloof, and suddenly her wings flutter.

All the flames suddenly condensed and finally became a golden lotus.

The golden lotus is a hundred feet high. It has six leaves.

Blue and purple clothes spit out a flame. The six leaves flew out and quickly killed six of the ten gods.


The six golden leaves fell into the heart of the God. No matter how he used his power to resist, his body was soon burned to ashes.

The rest of the four gods were stunned.

At this time, the six petaled leaves flew out, and quickly flew to the four gods.

In the blink of an eye, the last four Hades were burned to ashes.

"Break the blind in front of me!" The wings of blue and purple are dancing. The golden leaves and the lotus merge together, and the blooming lotus leans forward.

All of a sudden, in front of all kinds of magic fog quickly dissipated.

At this time, the battle between Zeus and Hades also appeared in front of everyone.

Hades has killed all the sixteen alchemists. At this time, Zeus could not resist the attack of Hades.

Hades was not under Zeus.

The strength of Hades can't be compared with the ten Hades.

LAN Ziyi has never used the immortal realm, but she doesn't want to treasure it. But before in the face of the stars virtual shadow, her immortal field also has no way.

What's more, once this undead field is put into practice. It's burning the source of her life, and she doesn't want to show it until she has to.

This is the biggest secret of blue and purple.

And now, blue and purple clothes show it.

Zeus's power was greatly damaged, and he was defeated by the attack of Hades.

"Boom!" Hades' hand of Hades attacked Zeus for tens of thousands of times, and finally hit Zeus at the time of the 10000th.

"Poof!" Zeus spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Go, my brother Hades chuckled and his fingers popped.

In an instant, ten Black Ghost swords were killed by lightning, and Zeus would be cut to pieces.

Just then, the huge golden lotus came.

The Golden Lotus rotates slightly, and a delicate flame entangles the ten ghost swords and quickly burns them to ashes.

Then the Golden Lotus whirled violently. The flames all over the sky are burning the hell demons around.

The demons were soon ignited and roared bitterly.

"Zeus, go to my master's house and rest. I'll deal with it here." The blue and purple clothes captured Zeus directly.

Blue and purple clothes have the consideration of blue and purple clothes.

At this time, if Zeus died, then Hades would buckle all the dung pots on her. But if Zeus could return to Olympus alive, the man Zeus hated most was Hades.

This is good for blue and purple clothes.

In addition, blue and purple clothes is also a person with a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. Zeus and himself had no grudge, and now he took his most precious star stone. There's no reason to kill it.

Of course, if hadith wasn't here. Blue purple clothes also can't save Zeus, cut grass root of the truth, blue purple clothes also is not don't understand.

"I underestimate you." When Hades saw the blue and purple clothes, he couldn't help exclaiming.

He really didn't expect that blue purple clothes could break the array of ten gods of the underworld, and kill all the gods of the underworld so quickly.

"However, your current skill seems to be burning the source of your life. If you persist for a long time, I'm afraid you will die without me." Hades sneered.

Blue purple clothes coldly said: "then you die first."

Then, a wave of blue and purple wings.

Then, the hurricane started a prairie fire.

The flame lotus forms a huge palm print and pats Hades.

The realm of immortality is formed. Within the realm, immortality is king!

This flame is not an ordinary flame, but a flame containing thousands of rules. A trace of flame can burn an ancient beast into ashes. It's absolute ashes!

Hades sneered and said, "blue and purple clothes, how can you be arrogant in this king's hell heaven soul tower. I've been calculating for hundreds of years that you can destroy it so easily. That's a joke. "

At that moment, Hades sacrificed the abyss robe.

The magic robe danced, and the nine skeletons on it suddenly became clear. They were actually demon gods tied to the pillars, supporting a huge array.

In front of the array is a throne. The throne suddenly opened its mouth, and infinite evil spirit spewed out.

The huge palmprint is quickly wrapped by those wonderful magic Qi. In an instant, the magic Qi will disintegrate the palmprint of blue and purple clothes.Blue and purple quickly cast the spell.

Those palmprints turned into endless flames, which danced and quickly formed a more huge palmprint.

"Bang bang!"

Such cyclic change, collision.

The flame on blue and purple clothes began to weaken.

She had lost her strength before. Now she is fighting for Hades alone. It's a matter of course that she fails.

"Blue and purple clothes, you must die!" Hades' voice was cold to the extreme. "The source of your life has burned too much, and your immortal body comes from the source of your life. When the source of your life is exhausted, it is your time to die. Within the robe of the abyss is the throne of the abyss. This throne is the origin of hell. You can not compete with the original power of the whole hell. "

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