"I'll do it!" At this time, Chen Yang was wearing a five color feather coat, and immediately intercepted in front of blue and purple.

LAN Ziyi also knows that Chen Yang seems to be eccentric, so she simply takes up the field of immortality. As soon as the undead field closed, all the flames went out. The huge golden lotus also dissipated.

It's the devil's dark world.

In the abyss throne, boundless evil spirit rushes to Chen Yang. This evil spirit is the original force of hell, which suppresses the undead field of blue and purple clothes to death.

If it had not been for blue and purple clothes to rely on the origin of life and revive Jinlian infinitely, it would have been unable to resist the power of the abyss throne.

From this, we can see that the evil spirit of the abyss throne is more powerful.

The abyss robe is the combination of Hades' original power and Hell's original power. Hades was born close to dark creatures, and was born to control some low-level dark creatures. The origin of his body is related to darkness. Therefore, Hades became the underworld and controlled the dark world.

And the cooperation of Hades and the abyss robe is absolutely invincible.

At this time, facing the infinite abyss evil Qi, Chen Yang finally performed the great phagocytosis.

At this time, Chen Yang's heart is also bottomless. He didn't know if the great phagocytosis could work, but Linghui monk was well-informed. Since what he said worked, he had to believe him once.

Blue purple clothes also bet on Chen Yang.

The realm of immortality just now has lasted too long, and the vitality of blue and purple clothes has been consumed seriously. The source of life is also consumed too much, and if you go on fighting, there is a real risk of falling. She had to put the pressure on Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's great phagocytosis unfolds.

Infinite magic gas quickly poured into the great phagocytosis.

Xuanhuang Shengu seed also immediately cooperate with the launch.

"Useful!" Chen Yang can't help ecstasy. He immediately felt that the infinite pure power was absorbed into the seeds of xuanhuang valley.

Inside the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu, the seed suddenly took root and sprouted, and quickly grew into a green sapling. Flowers began to bloom on the saplings.

With the crazy influx of evil spirit, the more quickly the flowers bloom and the more luxuriant the trees grow in Chen Yang's xuanhuang Valley seeds.

Hades immediately felt the original power of hell, and the evil spirit of the abyss was rapidly disappearing.

"What? What's the situation? " Hades turned pale in horror.

He didn't care about anything else. He immediately waved the abyss magic robe and forcibly cut off the attack.

The abyss evil Qi has been collected into the magic robe. The Hades turned in the air and quickly disappeared into the magic fog.

In Chen Yang's xuanhuang Shengu seeds, the saplings began to shrink. Soon it shrinks and disappears, and returns to the shape of a seed. But in xuanhuang Shengu, there is a black fruit. The black fruit is a little small, much smaller than the long fruit and chaos fruit. But it's also black and shiny.

Blue purple Yi slightly relieved, she also some strange asked Linghui monk. "What's the matter with him?"

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "wait till you leave here."

After a pause, he said, "Chen Yang, Daoyou, you are familiar with the array. You quickly find the core of the hell spirit tower, which is also the source power of Hades. If you absorb the source power, the array will be broken. Ordinary attacks are resisted by benefactor blue. The most powerful thing for Hades is the exertion of original power, but this original power is the nourishment of Chen Yang Daoyou. This time, it's really better to be human than to be human. Ha ha ha... "

Chen Yang had a good idea and immediately took action.

Although there is a lot of magic fog in the hell heaven soul tower, Chen Yang's understanding of the array is beyond Hades's dream. He soon found the core of the array.

"Come with me!" Chen Yang waves his hand.

Blue and purple clothes immediately followed.

Just then, Hades' voice appeared.

"Blue and purple, star stone, you've got it. As long as you hand over Zeus and Apollo, I can let you go now. " Hades said in a deep voice, "it's no good for you or me to keep pestering like this. Do you think Zeus will appreciate you if you save him? You have made him lose the star stone, and he will only hate you. "

With a cold smile, blue and purple said, "Hades, there is a way to steal. You just wanted to kill me, but now you can't kill me. Let's talk about cooperation. There is such a good thing in the world. "

Hades said, "what do you want? Do you have to save Zeus? Blue and purple, don't be too proud. Although I don't know what's strange about the power of the boy around you, I don't think there are any other killing moves to deal with you. "

Blue purple clothes cold voice says: "nonsense says less, have what trick to use."

At this time, Chen Yang had already brought blue and purple clothes, a big move to the core of the array of the hell heaven soul tower.

In the core of that array, there are ten demons holding the Tianta. In the center of the Tianta, the demons are surrounded.

The evil spirit in the middle of the tower is more fierce. There are countless abyss rules in it. Even if the top experts go in, they will be hanged and smashed immediately.But Chen Yang didn't want to. He went into the center of the tower.

Immediately, all the evil Qi strangled Chen Yang in the middle.

Such a position, is blue purple clothes also dare not go in!

Because this is the power of Hades to connect with the dark creatures. There are ten demons in the tower of heaven, which are all powerful beings.

In particular, there is a soul stone in the array. Although the power of this soul stone is not as powerful as the star stone, it is also extremely powerful.

In other words, the core of this array, even Zeus did not dare to enter.

Besides, there is no reason to run into the center of the killing array when fighting. No one is a fool!

But Chen Yang ran in without warning.

In an instant, the killing array was completely activated.

Boom! The boundless and vast evil spirit, ten demons together.

At this time, Chen Yang also launched a big phagocytosis.

Infinite evil Qi is quickly engulfed by the great phagocytosis.

Ten demons fight together. The fierce and majestic evil spirit turns into countless fierce ghosts, sword spirit and killing stone. With such lethality, a city can be razed to the ground in an instant.

However, all the lethality is swallowed into the great phagocytosis.

Chen Yang feels more fierce and majestic than before. It's more ferocious than flash floods.

In the seed of xuanhuang Shengu, a green tree grows rapidly, and flowers bloom with it.

Hades immediately felt that the power of the tower was rapidly disappearing, which was a terrible speed.

"Damn, you brute, brute! How can you absorb so much evil Qi from my king? " Hades roared wildly.

It's hard for Hades to stop the array from starting. Hades's eyes were red with blood, and he was furious to the extreme.

"Blue and purple clothes, you forced me. Do you know that the king wants you to die and wants you to die? " Hades suddenly launched the abyss robe.

The throne of the abyss unfolds and floats in the void.

The throne of the abyss was huge, like a mountain.

"The gate of hell, open to the king!" Hades roared.

His sound waves vibrated, and the throne of the abyss began to spin in the magic fog.

Then, the whole hell tower began to move furiously.


Hell heaven soul tower suddenly a shock, the surrounding magic fog also began to surge up. The magic fog and lightning strike reversely, and the space-time outside the hell spirit tower changes constantly. It's actually going through space, and it's going underground.

One, two


Finally, in ten seconds, the hell heaven soul tower suddenly disappeared. As soon as Chen Yang's body was shaken, he was also shaken out. Blue and purple clothes were shaken out.

The environment has changed again.

In Chen Yang's xuanhuang Shengu seed, there is another black and bright fruit. This fruit is more than three times larger than the previous one.

If haddis didn't take measures in time, the end of the hell tower would be the same as the crown of creation.

It's dark all around.

In the void, there is infinite darkness. There is no grass in the wilderness.

The air was full of black mist.

"Where is this?" Chen Yang can't help but wonder.

Just then, in the void, the voice of Hades came. It was Hades' angry voice. "Brute, you little brute, have absorbed so much of my king's spirit. I want you to live or die. "

Hades was obviously in a bad temper.

Later, he said harshly: "blue purple clothes, give you a way to live, you don't go. Now you have been sent to the 18th floor of hell by our king. Here, there is the existence of the Emperor God demon, there are endless demons. No one can take you out except Ben Wang. All the rules of space you understand don't work. I will unite with the four great sages of the demon clan to kill you. When I know the boy's secret, I will make you regret why you live. I want you to live worse than a prostitute. Ha ha ha... "

Then Hades' voice disappeared.

Obviously, Hades left.

Everything was calm again.

The face of blue and purple clothes is not good-looking, white frightening.

"Here, is it really the 18th floor of hell?" Chen Yang murmured.

Blue purple said: "what Hades said, of course, can't be wrong. He's the devil in charge of the dark world. It's no surprise that he can send us to this place. " She paused and said, "I feel that the magic here completely insulates the rules of space from the outside world. If you can't find the right route, you really can't leave here. It doesn't work either. "When she said that, she gasped a little.

Chen Yang found out that there was something wrong with the blue and purple clothes, and quickly asked, "what's the matter with you?"

Linghui monk said: "benefactor Lan's use of immortality has burned a lot of life, which is a great loss of vitality."

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