The Bear King is called ah Xuan, and the carving king is called Gu Nai. The language of ah Xuan and gunai is also English. This world belongs to the west, so language is also the language of the West.

Fortunately, LAN Ziyi and others can speak English, so there is no barrier to communication.

At the moment, ah Xuan and Gu Nai are extremely docile.

LAN Ziyi smiles and says, "this skill is very good, very good."

"It's really good," said Mingyue xianzun Then she snapped her fingers.

Blue purple clothes then said: "what's your name?"

Ah Xuan said his name truthfully, and LAN Ziyi said, "ah Xuan, I ask you, how can I leave the 18th floor of hell and get to the world above?"

Ah Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then said, "if you go back to Taoist friends, there are four great saints and the demon emperor who make rules in this hell. After ten days of cultivation, you can walk through hell, but you can't allow it or walk through it without permission. And I don't know how to get out of hell. We can't leave hell. The rules of the earth limit us

The answer was also expected by LAN Ziyi. LAN Ziyi said, "we want to leave this hell. Who do you think we should go to if we want to leave?"

Ah Xuan said: "before we converted to Taoist friends, Gu Nai and I were under Jin Prajna, the great pilgrim to heaven. King Prajna has a path. If he allows, he can send you to the ground. "

Blue purple clothes said: "pilgrimage to heaven? What is his accomplishments? "

Ah Xuan said: "the pilgrim has five million demon hands, and his cultivation has reached the fairyland of the cave. There are eight little saints under his command, and their accomplishments are all above the ten heavens. Among the four great saints, the strength is the strongest. In addition to the demon emperor, other people are not rivals of pilgrimage. Moreover, the pilgrimage also has an inferior tool, which is called Gewu Shenjian. "

"Dao Qi?" The blue and purple clothes frowned slightly.

"Dao ware, my clean bottle is also an inferior Dao ware. Its power is needless to say. I didn't expect that this pilgrim had a Taoist weapon. " The Moon Fairy frowned.

The hell heaven soul tower is also the inferior weapon.

And the crown of nature is a kind of medium quality tool.

The power of these Taoist tools need not be explained. The crown of fortune completely crushed the blue purple clothes and the moon immortal. If it wasn't for Chen Yang's bad luck, everyone would have died under the crown of fortune.

Many magic weapons can only be called magic weapons.

And once it's up to Daoqi, it's very different.

However, it is difficult to exert the power of Taoist tools. It's like Chen Yang. His mountain and sea pearls and the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu are, strictly speaking, Taoist tools. But in Chen Yang's hands, it's just an outrage!

As for that mountain and sea pearl, blue and purple clothes can't start. That's not to blame for Chen Yang's uselessness.

After all, how many years has it been since Chen Yang officially entered the Tao? The foundation is too shallow. It's very good for him to have today's accomplishments.

"A master of cave fairyland, holding a Taoist instrument." Bright moon immortal tut tut said: "this is more difficult to deal with than Zeus! How can there be such a powerful person in the 18th floor of hell? "

Blue purple clothes also feel strange, then the bright moon immortal Zun's words repeat again, then ask a Xuan.

Ah Xuan said: "there are ten million demons in the 18 layers of hell. The more powerful the devil is, the lower he is. This is the 18th floor hell, so there are many powerful demons. Some of them lived for 100000 years. The pilgrimage to heaven is the strongest of the four saints, and there are many masters of virtual fairyland in the 18th level hell. There are also many demons who do not participate in the four great saints. And the experts under the heaven demon God Emperor don't need to say much more. "

LAN Ziyi and others immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

The danger in the 18th floor of hell is no less than that in the Western kingdom. Had it not been for the rule of mother earth, the Western kingdom would have changed.

Linghui monk immediately translated ah Xuan's words to Mingyue xianzun.

Mingyue xianzun rubbed his fingers, stirred his eyebrows, and said, "Gaia, the mother of the earth, can actually suppress people like cave fairyland masters and the demon emperor. I'm afraid her accomplishments are comparable to those of Yuanjue. "

Blue purple clothes said: "there are people outside, there is a day outside.". I have spent countless years on my own, but compared with these demons and mother earth. It's still tender. " After a pause, she said, "however, this pilgrimage is not our enemy. Let's think about how to benefit each other. He killed us, and it didn't do him much good. Besides, you want to kill us. He's going to pay a big price, too. "

Chen Yang said: "the pilgrimage is the strongest, so we don't have to go to the pilgrimage. You can still find other great saints! "

Ah Xuan immediately said: "only the pilgrim has the most complete channel, which can directly send you to the top. Other great saints have incomplete rules and routes. "

Blue purple clothes said: "so it seems that we have to go to the pilgrimage?"Ah Xuan said, "if you want to leave as soon as possible, this is the only way."

LAN Ziyi said, "well, ah Xuan, let me ask you another question. Has Hades come to the pilgrim recently

Gu Nai was slightly surprised and said, "Hades, the underworld?"

Blue purple said: "yes."

Ah Xuan said, "we haven't met Hades."

At this moment, LAN Ziyi naturally knew that ah Xuan and Gu Nai would not lie. Blue purple clothes said: "Pilgrim and Hades have friendship?"

Ah Xuan said, "there is no friendship. Last year, they also had a fight, because Hades seized the original power of hell in level 18 of hell, which is the source of damage to level 18. This also makes the pilgrim very dissatisfied with Hades. "

"With the power of the demon emperor and the pilgrim, it should not be difficult to kill Hades?" Said blue purple.

Ah Xuan said: "that's no good. Hades has mastered the rules of the dark road. He comes as easily as he can. Even the demon emperor could not help Hades. Hades is the king of darkness, which is a fact that we can't change. His power is naturally restrained against us. "

"Does the pilgrim want to kill Hades?" Chen Yang suddenly asked.

"Of course." Ah Xuan said. "Kill Pluto, and a new king of darkness will take his place. At that time, maybe we will have a chance to break the rules of the earth and go back to the ground. This is the dream of the whole hell. "

Blue and purple eyes brightened. She seems to have found a chance.

"In that case, let's go to see the pilgrim first." Blue purple clothes then said.

Chen Yang and others also agreed.

LAN Ziyi ordered ah Xuan and Gu Nai to lead the way to the mansion of the pilgrim.

Ah Xuan and Gu Nai didn't know how to move, so they couldn't speed up.

However, after flying for three hours and more than 3000 Li, we finally arrived at the residence of the pilgrim.

It is a winding mountain range of more than 1000 Li. The mountain range is convex. At a glance, it is full of black and rugged wasteland, without any plant growth.

Inside the mountains is the cave.

The mountains are overlapping, winding like dragons, one layer after another, one after another. If you look closely, you can see that this is a man-made mountain range, and a terrible array is laid.

"Although it is not as beautiful as the Xianmen school, its scale is bigger than those schools." LAN Ziyi said: "but ah Xuan, I'm also curious. What do you usually eat and how do you practice? "

Ah Xuan said: "back to Taoist friends, we live by eating Youming pill. Further up, there is a better pure Yin pill. In the hands of the pilgrim, there is a pure Yin river. The pure Yin pill condensed from the river is a good tonic for us. However, this kind of elixir is difficult for other monks to adapt to. For people on the ground, maybe these pills are poison. "

"I see!" Said blue purple.

Gu Nai also said: "the strength of the pilgrim is so strong, in large part because he mastered the river of pure Yin."

Linghui monk said: "it is said that in a big sect in the fairyland, there is a sea of pure Yang. The sea water inside is condensed into pure Yang pill, which can increase people's mana. Those pure Yang pills can also activate the Taoist instruments and give full play to the supreme power of the Taoist instruments. "

Chen Yang can't help but sigh: "people often say that there are all kinds of wonders in the world. But I didn't expect that the world is so big and strange. "

LAN Ziyi said: "ah Xuan, now you go in and report to the pilgrim. You say that a friend from the East wants to visit him. Well, it's a greeting After she said that, she gathered an idea. And in that thought, he created the outline of the mystery in the womb.

An idea of blue and purple clothes can give birth to a small world.

The idea in the blue and purple clothing condensed, quickly turned into a drop of peanuts the size of the pill.

The bullet was shot into the hand of a Xuan Dan.

Ah Xuan said, "yes, Daoyou!"

Then ah Xuan went into the mountains.

Mingyue xianzun said: "blue and purple clothes, the mystery in the womb is your greatest achievement. If this pilgrim is allowed to explore this secret, he will go to a higher level. You can even reincarnate out of this hell. Your gift is big enough. "

LAN Ziyi said: "in a special period, a small family can't do anything."

The Moon Fairy smiles.

Ah Xuan went in for about an hour. LAN Ziyi and others are waiting outside.

They are not arrogant and impatient and wait patiently.

And an hour later, the gate in the mountains finally opened.

Then, ah Xuan and a woman came out. The woman is very beautiful. She only looks about eighteen. She was dressed in white, her eyes were flowing, and she was obsequious. There's something unspeakable about everything.

"Is it a fox?" Chen Yang can't help saying.

Blue purple clothes said: "yes, and the cultivation has reached the middle of ten heavy days."Gu Nai said, "this girl is Tianxiang, one of the eight little saints."

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