When Tianxiang and ah Xuan came forward, ah Xuan first introduced them: "Tianxiang, this is the girl in blue and purple, this is Mingyue, and this is Chen Yang's friend. They are all from the East. " After a pause, he said to LAN Ziyi and others, "this is Tianxiang."

Blue purple dress then tiny a gift, say: "day fragrant adult."

Tianxiang adults smile, she smile between the flow of smoke, people are fascinated. It is Chen Yang's practice that makes his mind waver. Chen Yang knew that Tianxiang must have practiced some kind of flattering skill, which is why he has such a soul catching power.

Chen Yang only heard Tianxiang say: "Miss blue, you are guests from afar. He also presented a heavy gift to our great saint, and he was very happy. So I was sent to invite some of you in

Blue purple dress a tiny smile, she said: "that thanks Tianxiang adult to lead the way."

When LAN Ziyi came, he actually discussed with Mingyue xianzun and others. Go in alone or together. In the end, they went in together. Because if you go in alone, if the other party is in a dilemma, you won't get a bubble after you go in. When we go in together, there is always more vitality.

Blue purple dress ha ha a smile, she uses Chinese to say to bright moon immortal Zun: "bright moon, you see you, have no chest have no buttock, can't compare with others!"

Mingyue xianzun suddenly blushed and said, "blue and purple clothes, your skin is itching, isn't it?"

Chen Yang was stunned.

That day, Lord Xiang couldn't understand. She said with a smile, "what are you talking about? Why is the language so strange?"

LAN Ziyi said with a smile, "we speak the Oriental Language. Just now I told my friend that Tianxiang, your cultivation is very good. You are full of flattering skills, and you have reached the point of nature. Fortunately, we are not men

Tianxiang adults smile, said: "blue girl joked, in front of blue girl, Tianxiang is just not a classy role."

"My Lord is too modest." Blue and purple smile.

There are many demons in the cave, just like those demons in the cave. Going through many caves is like going through the hell of senlo. It's hard to see the surrounding scene, even in the movie scene.

And in the end, finally came to the great sage cave!

The great sage cave is another kind of cave. Outside the cave, peach trees are long and fragrant. There is a small bridge and flowing water in the distance, which is a blessed place.

Chen Yang couldn't help but exclaim and said, "it's rare that there is such a blessed place in the depths of the earth."

Mingyue xianzun snorted and said, "it's made by force of mana. Because of the geographical environment, it's impossible to grow these things. It seems that this great saint will enjoy himself

After passing the peach garden, I came to the great sage cave.

The main hall of the great sage cave is luxurious and magnificent. The ground is covered with golden soft carpet, and the surrounding walls are pearly. Many gems set off the cave like a fairyland on earth.

The pilgrim sits on the throne at the top of the cave. The pilgrim looks the same as human beings. He is in his thirties, handsome and elegant. He was dressed in white, and two maidservants were rubbing his shoulders. There were also two maidservants beating his legs. He had a Maggie in his arms who was feeding him grapes.

Below, there are two little saints.

After LAN Ziyi and others came in, Tianxiang said, "great sage, villain has brought your guests in for you."

The pilgrim looked at the blue purple clothes and others.

Chen Yang also looked at the pilgrimage.

When Chen Yang was swept by the pilgrim one by one, he suddenly felt that he had seen through all the secrets. It's a creepy feeling.

When Chen Yang looks at the pilgrimage, he feels that this person seems ordinary and has no magic power at all.

"Is this the gap in the realm?" Chen Yang said in his heart.

At this time, the pilgrim waved his hand and let his maid back. Then he sat up and said, "is that blue girl?"

Blue purple clothes step forward, said: "it's me."

In the hands of the pilgrim is the idea of the size of peanuts. He played for a moment, and then said, "you are a wonderful and profound gift. It works for me, too. "

He was very polite. But blue purple clothes felt his intention to kill.

Blue purple clothes secretly a Lin, the whole person also entered a state of alert. "You're welcome." The attitude of blue and purple clothes is also cool.

The pilgrim's eyes were slightly cold, and he said, "but you dare to use my powers, that's treason." When he had finished, his finger flicked.

Immediately, a sharp light towards the blue and purple clothes attack to kill.

This sharp light contains the power of space rules in the cave. In a moment, this light is twisted and strange. It actually shuttles through dozens of different world spaces and absorbs the power of space.This simple finger shows the supreme power of pilgrimage.

Blue purple clothes did not dare to underestimate the power of Chaotian great sage's understatement. She stepped back and went straight to phagocytosis.

The red vortex power quickly brought this brilliance into it.

The face of blue purple clothes is ugly. After she swallowed up the light, the space power in the light is so vast that it makes her hard to live. Blue and purple clothes continuously run their power, which completely engulfs the light and then turns it into pure power.

"Well?" Blue purple clothes suddenly in the heart a glimmer of enlightenment.

"This is the change of fairyland? Space rules, layers Blue and purple clothes seem to have caught something. "With the eye of wisdom, the world is like a chessboard. All kinds of spaces and overlaps are in mind. You can see the space clearly at a glance, and the outline of the space Well, I see. "

At that moment, the blue and purple clothes began to change.

The mana in her brain began to surge, and the fierce mana surged higher and higher.

In blue purple's mind, the mana structure is like a vast ocean. Among them, blue and purple clothes began to build their own space world.

In that brain area, the magic power is like a mirage, and sometimes it becomes a tall building. Sometimes it becomes a cliff abyss, sometimes it becomes a landslide, sometimes it becomes a boundless desert, sometimes it becomes a scattered flower, sometimes it becomes a five-dimensional space, and all spaces evolve in the brain.

Boom, the magic power of blue and purple clothes pure rushed into the invisible gate of fairyland. In the gate of fairyland, there are many gates. Blue and purple clothes continuously impact the deeper door.

The first shock, failed.

The second shock, failed again.

Mingyue xianzun, Chen Yang and Linghui monk all see that blue and purple clothes are attacking the fairyland of the cave.

Even the pilgrim did not expect that he could help LAN Ziyi to understand such a profound realm.

Mingyue xianzun subconsciously stands in front of blue purple clothes. If the pilgrim makes a move at this time, it will destroy the comprehension of blue purple clothes.

Fortunately, the pilgrim didn't do it.


At this time, the blue and purple clothes finally opened the door. Infinite space power poured down from the gate of fairyland. The law of space, the power of space, the mysterious elements of countless worlds all poured into the brain of blue and purple clothes.

The mana of blue and purple clothes also began to soar.

This is the surge brought about by the breakthrough of the realm.

The mana of blue and purple clothes can no longer be measured by the development of cells.

The power of mana has changed its measurement since the beginning of fairyland. In the fairyland, it is the power of a billion horses. If you are a master of virtual fairyland, you will have a billion horses galloping and rolling over the mountains and seas.

The peak of virtual Wonderland is the power of three billion horses.

In the fairyland of the cave, the mana of blue and purple clothes has reached the galloping power of six billion horses.

This is a qualitative change.

At this moment, it also declared that blue and purple clothes had the power to fight against the pilgrimage.

"Pilgrimage, thank you for your guidance. If I don't have the power of your space, it will take me at least three years to break through this level. Maybe longer, maybe never. " Said blue purple.

The pilgrim laughed and said, "this is your destiny."

This pilgrim is also a wise man. He knows that it's not wise to build such a powerful enemy for no reason. So blue and purple clothes gave him steps, and he went down the slope.

Mingyue xianzun, seeing the breakthrough of blue and purple clothes, is also sincerely happy for blue and purple clothes.

The pilgrim then said, "how many monks have been trapped on the top of the fairyland all their lives. How many talents have died on this threshold. Blue girl, you can break through, this is a great fortune and opportunity. It also proves that you and I are predestined

Blue purple clothes said: "great saint, I spend your two subordinates, not disrespectful to you. It's that at the moment I'm in trouble and want to turn to you. I also hope that you can give us a convenience, and we will also give you the corresponding reward

The pilgrim gave a faint smile and said, "Miss blue, before you came to me, your situation actually had been told by Pluto. If you don't come, I'll go to you, too. "

Chen Yang can't help but be awed by his words.

"What did he say?" he said

Monk Linghui translated immediately.

The face of blue purple dress is also slightly a change, she says: "that great saint after all desire what? Is it to capture us and dedicate us to Hades

The pilgrim said faintly: "before, it really meant that. But now that you have become a master of cave Wonderland, my idea has changed

Chen Yang felt a slight movement in his heart. The secret way: "really is the strength to decide everything!"

At this time, Linghui monk is still responsible for the translation of Mingyue xianzun.Chen Yang is not qualified to speak at such a level.

Blue purple clothes said: "Oh?"

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