The pilgrim said, "what would you do if I gave you my hand just now when you understood the mystery of space?"

"Maybe it will aggravate my breakthrough, maybe I will go crazy and die," said LAN Ziyi

The pilgrim said, "so, in fact, I sold you a favor." Blue purple clothes said: "can say so. I accept that. "

The pilgrim said, "originally, Hades wanted me to catch you or kill you. He promised me a 10 billion hell source pill, which may not be very useful to you. But for us, it's very good. So I promised Hades

Blue purple clothes says: "so now, great saint, what do you think?"

The pilgrim said, "maybe we can work together to kill Hades. Some of his magic weapons, as well as the hell heaven soul tower and the abyss magic robe, are excellent things. It's better for me to grab it than let him give it to hell. In this way, my position in hell is really consolidated. "

Blue purple dress glances around, she can't help but say: "so secret, great saint said so, not afraid too hasty?"

The pilgrim said, "don't worry about this. Since I dare to say it here, I'm not afraid that someone will tell Hades."

Blue purple clothes said: "be careful to sail for ten thousand years. Maybe Hades has planted spies around you?"

"No one here can pass on the message before we act," said the pilgrim

Tianxiang adults and a few small saints and maidservants also said in unison: "villains dare not!"

The pilgrim smiles with satisfaction.

In fact, this is not a rash pilgrimage. He was going to directly suppress the blue and purple people. But because of the breakthrough of blue and purple, he suddenly changed his mind. The changes here are doomed to be concealed. Therefore, scruples and no scruples have no great effect.

As long as a little bit of clues spread to Hades's ears, Hades's cunning will not be fooled.

Then, for the sake of caution, the pilgrim will not let anyone leave the palace. He will blockade the palace with great magic power.

Blue purple clothing is also for the sake of caution, so it repeatedly asked questions. After getting a positive reply from the pilgrim, she was relieved.

"As for the details of our cooperation, let's talk about it in the inner hall." Then the pilgrim stood up.

Blue purple said: "OK!"

The pilgrim sent Tianxiang to prepare the dinner.

However, the dishes at the dinner party are quite rich, all of which are delicacies of the world. And then there's the nectar.

At the dinner party, the pilgrim with Tianxiang and the party in blue and purple attended.

As for ah Xuan and Gu Nai, blue and purple clothes have taken back the golden light and let them return to the common customs. This is the face of the pilgrim.

"I didn't expect that there would be such delicious food and royal wine here." Blue purple clothes smile and say to the pilgrim.

The pilgrim gave a faint smile, but did not speak.

That day, Lord Xiang said, "Hades also needs our resources, so he will send us many good things in the world."

Blue purple said: "if Hades is dead, you will not find a partner in the future?"

The pilgrim said, "ha ha, that's a joke. In this world, without who is not the same. Without Hades, can't we find a partner? This Hades is born the king of darkness, he has a very important role in the rules of the earth. If Hades is dead, we can break through the rules of mother earth and go to the ground

"If all the demons go to the ground, it will be the same as hell." Blue purple Yi light smile, said: "this kind of situation, not only the mother of the earth can't tolerate, I'm afraid also with God's will."

At this time, Chen Yang and his party are honest and quiet.

Mingyue xianzun doesn't speak very well anyway. She can only listen to Linghui monk, so she just shut up.

The pilgrim gave a cold smile and said, "God's will is bullshit. All creatures should be equal. Why are we born to be imprisoned forever in the darkness of the earth and never see the sun? "

Blue purple clothes said: "all living things have never been equal. Those who say equality are bullshit. If you are equal, why are you so powerful, but those demons are bullshit? If it is equal, when humans kill animals, have they ever asked whether they feel equal? "

The pilgrim was stunned.

Blue purple clothes said: "heaven and earth divided into night and day, yin and Yang, they should each perform their duties. And you belong to the dark. So in the dark world, you are like fish in water. It's against God's will

As soon as Chao Tian Da Sheng raised his eyebrows, he continued to smile and said, "Miss blue, I understand this truth. I know what you mean. In fact, you don't have to worry. Even if the rules are weakened, the most people who can go out are those who can cultivate the supernatural power. Don't even think about the rest of the demons. "Blue purple dress really has her consideration, she is not a compassionate character, but also not a cold-blooded and cruel character. If because of her, let the Western kingdom into hell, this is also what she does not want to see.

The pilgrimage seems very simple, but in fact, the pilgrimage is very fast. No one knows what he's thinking.

Blue and purple clothes will not really believe the words of pilgrimage. In fact, none of them really trust each other.

Then, the pilgrim turned around and said, "Miss blue, how did you get here and get into a grudge with Hades?"

Blue purple dress is tiny a Zheng, her ability of telling a lie is not calculate brilliant. But fortunately, her psychological quality is extremely good. In this moment, blue and purple heart read a hundred turns. She knew that it was better for Zeus and Apollos not to say it. But I'm not sure Hades has already told the pilgrim.

Perhaps, the pilgrim has already known the whole story, just testing himself.

Blue purple clothes then said: "the matter is actually very simple, originally we wanted to find Zeus, capture Zeus star stone, save my friends." She pointed to Chen Yang.

"Save him?" The pilgrim took another look at Chen Yang. He didn't see anything different from Chen Yang. It's just that Chen Yang has the formula of Linghui monk. Lingtai Jue hides Chen Yang's life style and so on. Therefore, the pilgrim only thinks that Chen Yang is an ordinary guy.

Hades naturally won't tell the pilgrim that Chen Yang is his nemesis.

"Blue girl, with all due respect. I don't quite understand how amazing you and your companions are. How can you save such a Mole ant, and so big fight, why is this? This is not in line with our habits Said the pilgrim.

Although Chen Yang is said to be a mole ant face to face by the pilgrim, it makes Chen Yang feel very uncomfortable. But He was powerless to refute. Because in front of such a giant as Chaotian Dasheng, he is really like a mole ant.

That a Xuan and Gu Nai, nine heavy sky peak strength. Mingyue xianzun is just like catching a chicken. These are all gaps!

The pilgrim said "we" at this time, and the meaning is very clear. That is, blue and purple clothes, bright moon immortal Zun is the strong one he recognized, we, we are a kind of people.

This kind of people should not risk so much for a mole ant.

One person, save a cat and dog, normal. But a person in order to save a cat and dog, at risk of life, this is obviously abnormal.

Blue purple Yi light a smile, say: "mole ant this appellation, not quite appropriate."

The pilgrim said, "Oh?"

Blue purple clothes said: "we and he are not the same kind of people. But I don't think we're better than him. Dasheng, you've lived for at least ten thousand years. You've accumulated so many accomplishments over time. You're really a peerless master. And I have lived for thousands of years. With this cultivation, I have good qualifications and good luck. And what about him? He has only lived for less than 30 years. In the first 20 years, he has not touched the threshold of cultivation. In just a few years, he can have such a foundation, so I don't think he is a mole ant. Maybe in a hundred years or a thousand years, we may not be the rivals of this rising star. "

The pilgrim looked at Chen Yang one more time, and then he said with a smile, "well, my description is not appropriate."

Blue purple clothes said: "great saint, I still have some questions to ask you, I hope you don't blame."

The pilgrim said, "since we have decided to cooperate, we should be honest. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll answer them. "

Blue purple said: "well, Hades often travel to hell, can't you kill him?"

The pilgrim said, "no, he is the king of darkness. Everything in hell is close to him. Especially in terms of strength, although his accomplishments are not higher than mine, I can't help him. The demon emperor can't help him

"Do you think you can do anything with us?" Said blue purple.

The pilgrim said, "your power does not belong to the dark power. It is superior to us. As long as you lure him in, you are quite sure you can kill him. " He went on: "before, you were not in fairyland, the chance was very slim. So I'm inclined to catch you. But now, the situation is different. "

Blue and purple nodded.

She also did not say that Chen Yang could restrain the secret of Hades.

This secret must be hidden. Although the pilgrim said to be honest, but blue and purple is not so small white rabbit, will really believe what the pilgrim said. We need to keep an eye on each other.

Later, LAN Ziyi said, "there is another problem."

"You said Said the pilgrim.

"Won't Mother Earth be angry after killing Hades? Can you stand her anger? Or are you going to throw this pot on our back? " Blue purple clothes said bluntly.

The pilgrim was slightly stunned, and then said, "this pot is for you? It's not realistic. "

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