"I'd like to hear about it!" Said blue purple.

The pilgrim said, "Hades was killed in the eighteenth floor of hell and spread to Gaia, the mother of the earth. Does she think it has nothing to do with us? She has the ability to know the whole world. It's impossible to hide these little moves from her. "

Blue purple clothes said: "then how do you deal with her anger?"

The pilgrim said, "Gaia is not as terrible as you think. After killing Hades, the demon emperor must be unwilling to be lonely and want to break the rules of mother earth. The mother of the earth is invincible on the earth, but when we get down here, we may not be afraid of her. "

Blue purple clothes heart clear, she said: "good, my question also asked.". So, how does the great sage plan to lure and kill Hades? "

The pilgrim said, "it's very simple. I'll tell him that you've been caught by me. In time, he will come. When he comes, we'll do it. "

Blue purple said, "if Hades wants to escape, it's hard for us to trap him. His hell heaven soul tower and abyss magic robe are not simple. "

The pilgrim said, "I'll set up an array to block his escape. You don't have to worry about that. Moreover, you and I have understood the mystery of space rules. Let's lock the space together. How can he escape? "

Blue purple clothes said: "this matter has been done, as if I did not have much benefit."

The pilgrim laughed and said, "Miss blue, we all understand. It's meaningless for you to say that. I don't understand your situation. You need my help to get out of hell. Besides, if you don't cooperate with me, I will cooperate with Hades. I always want to get some benefits. "

Blue purple Yi light smile, said: "it seems, I really have no choice."

The pilgrim said, "well, that's settled."

Blue purple said: "good!"

The pilgrim also said, "this matter is also urgent. If you inform Hades too soon, it will inevitably make Hades suspicious. So, you stay with me first. I'll let Hades know in four or five days

Blue purple clothes said: "that all depends on the great saint arrangement."

The pilgrim asked Tianxiang to arrange accommodation for them.

There are many rooms in the great saint cave. Blue and purple clothes and their party have been treated as VIP.

Living in the great saint's cave is really the standard of VIP reception. But on the other hand, the pilgrimage also restricted the movement of LAN Ziyi and others.

No one can leave the great sage cave.

Chen Yang, blue and purple clothes and Mingyue xianzun have one room each. I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. Their rooms are not together, but separated. Chen Yang wants to find blue and purple clothes. He needs to go through a small courtyard to get there.

Chen Yang is with monk Linghui.

In that room, elegant and clean, and there are night pearls to provide light, it seems that the taste is extraordinary.

The bed is luxurious and soft.

Moreover, Tianxiang also arranged a maid to take care of Chen Yang.

What makes Chen Yang even more embarrassed is that not long after, Tianxiang adults also arranged a fox beauty to serve Chen Yang. Chen Yang was able to do such absurd things at this time and place, so he directly refused.

Fortunately, Tianxiang is not reluctant.

In the main cave of the great sage cave, the hot spring in this cave is full of dense heat. It's luxurious everywhere, with soft jade and warm fragrance. It's really an endless luxury.

Many beautiful women are wearing gauze, and some of them are still playing in the hot spring.

The pilgrim lay half on his couch.

Two women rubbed his shoulders.

The pilgrim closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

After a while, Tianxiang came.

That day, Xiangda was wearing a white gauze skirt, curling into the room. When you walk, you have all kinds of customs.

"Great saint!" Tianxiang knelt down in front of the pilgrim and cried softly.

The pilgrim did not open his eyes, but waved.

With a wave of his hand, all the maidservants, including the women in the hot spring, retreated quickly.

After everyone in the inner palace retreats. The pilgrim opened his eyes, sat up and said faintly, "how's the resettlement going?"

The pilgrim said, "according to your orders, they have been separately placed."

The pilgrim said, "how do you feel?"

Tianxiang said: "I don't understand how these people defeated Zeus and escaped from Hades. Zeus controlled the crown of creation, which contained the star stone, and was almost invincible. Even the emperor of heaven demon did not dare to light his peak. Hades, who controls the throne of abyss and absorbs the power of hell, is invincible in this southern underworld. It is these people who have made Hades and Zeus suffer so much. If we don't find out the reason, we dare not do it easily. "The pilgrim rubbed his fingers and said, "these people are not difficult to see through. The blue and purple clothes broke through to the fairyland of the cave, and they barely had the ability to compete with me. Xiao Mingyue is not worth mentioning. She can't fight against Hades and Zeus. As for the man, something like an ant. After all What makes them invincible? "

Tianxiang adults said: "villain will try to explore for you."

The pilgrim said, "how are you going to explore?"

Tianxiang adults said: "that man's cultivation is still shallow, I'm willing to do it for you personally, try to charm him, put it under the skirt."

As soon as the pilgrim's eyes brightened, he said, "well, your proposal is very good. They are willing to take great risks for this man, and they will not hide secrets from him. But Tianxiang, your cultivation has reached this point. Now it's too much to let you commit yourself to such a mole ant. "

Lord Tianxiang said, "it's the great sage who gives Tianxiang today. If you can work for the great sage, you will not be wronged. "

"Well, you can do it tonight." Said the pilgrim.


In the room, Chen Yang talks with monk Linghui.

Chen Yang's skin became crystal clear from atrophy after the refining of the long fruit, and was full of a baby fragrance.

At this time, Chen Yang also knows that this is not a safe place. To avoid being found a secret, he let monk Linghui into the seed of xuanhuang valley. And then they start to communicate with ideas.

"Mr. Chen Yang, you are really lucky this time. I thought that this time your destiny had been changed by little fatalism. Unexpectedly, you are still in the fate. It's fate that guides you to this place and makes you discover the secret of xuanhuang Shengu seed. Maybe you have a better chance in the back. "

Chen Yang light smile, said: "is it?" There was a trace of bleakness in his voice.

Monk Linghui was slightly stunned and said, "it seems that the matter of Shen Molong still makes you feel a little upset."

Chen Yang said: "no, I don't want to blame her. What she did was instinctive, but I'm not a saint. It's true that there's a glimmer of disappointment. "

Monk Linghui sighed slightly.

Chen Yang said, "let's not talk about these. Do you think the pilgrim really wants to cooperate with us?"

Monk Linghui said, "if you really cooperate, there won't be such a strange arrangement. There are so many rooms here, but I have to arrange for you to open like this. "

Chen Yang said, "maybe it's just unintentional. With this, you feel strange?"

Monk Linghui said, "this pilgrimage is good, but it's not good enough to put it in the fairyland. Compared with the poor monk at that time, it's far worse. I can't hide this from you. "

Chen Yang said: "if he intends to calculate, he shouldn't arrange like this! It's also easy to show flaws. "

Linghui monk said: "this shows that he has no fear! Now we can only believe him unconditionally! Is there any other way for us? "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Then Chen Yang said, "we can't let people eat fish. Do we have to be foolishly slaughtered because he harbors evil intentions? "

Linghui monk said: "but the key is that he won't let us know his evil intention. Before we are sure of his plan, we have to trust him. "

Chen Yang said, "it seems that I have to go and remind lanziyi."

Linghui monk said, "it's unnecessary. Blue girl and Mingyue girl are old people. All I can think of, all you can think of, all they can think of. Now the best way is to wait and see what happens. "

"Didn't the pilgrim really want to kill Hades?" Chen Yang said.

Linghui monk said, "it's too much involved to kill Hades. And killing us, you can get the benefits of no worries. Maybe the pilgrimage wants to choose this kind of safety benefit? "

Chen Yang suddenly realized, said: "I understand."

Linghui monk said, "do you understand? What do you know? I don't know much about it. "

Chen Yang said: "the great pilgrim did not dare to start because he did not know how we defeated Zeus and Hades. He didn't know the secret, so he didn't dare to do it. Because he knew that his savings were not as strong as Zeus and Hades

Monk Linghui's eyes lit up and said, "it makes sense. The ability of Zeus and Hades is obvious to all. It's so powerful that they have unique tools for each other. Hades is in charge of the power of hell. The power is endless. And Zeus controls the power of the stars, dominates the world, invincible in the universe. But in this way, both of them fell in our hands, so how could the pilgrim have no scruples in his heart? "

Chen Yang's eyes flashed a wisp of light. "I see. He separated us so that he could have a chance to test us in the evening. They can't believe that the biggest secret is me. But they'll think I know the secret. So, I'm the best way to break through. ""How do you think they will break through?" Linghui monk said.

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