Although Chen Yang's real age is only 28 years old, he spent 10 years in the Taiyu scepter and 12 years in the parallel world. All in all, he really lived 50 years.

Therefore, Chen Yang's calmness, calculation and experience can be regarded as a standard old man.

At this time, in the face of Linghui monk's question.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I'll bet you that Tianxiang will come to me later."

"Oh, why her?" Linghui monk said.

Chen Yang said: "among them, I seem to be the best one to break. And I happen to be a man, the biggest weakness of a man is a color word. Although ordinary beauty can't tempt me, Tianxiang is different. Her cultivation is in the middle of ten days, and her flattery is extraordinary. So it's hard for me to cope with her. "

Monk Linghui said, "what should we do? Should we consult with Miss blue? "

"No!" Chen Yang said: "before, the enemy was in the dark, we were in the light. But as soon as Tianxiang makes a move, we are in the dark and they are clear. I'm going to do it. "

"But Daoyou, can you resist her flattery?" Monk Linghui is worried.

"Isn't there you? I'm confident that I can resist it, in case I can't. And you can tell them in blue and purple. " Chen Yang said.

Linghui monk said, "OK."

The room where blue purple clothes and bright moon immortal Zun are not far away. Blue purple clothes take the initiative to go to the room of bright moon immortal Zun.

Mingyue xianzun meditates with his knees crossed, and his whole body is in a state of great tranquility.

After blue purple clothes came in, she said with a smile: "Mingyue, after I broke through the fairyland of the cave, your mind is more and more peaceful. I'm surprised at that. "

Mingyue xianzun said with a smile, "I still have this city hall and measurement."

LAN Ziyi said, "I don't have to worry about your nature and talent. You can create the Moon Palace, which shows that you are extraordinary

Mingyue xianzun said with a smile, "well, blue and purple clothes, we don't have to say these polite words. You didn't come to me to comfort me, did you? "

"I'm here to comfort you." Blue purple clothes very seriously said: "although you don't need."

Mingyue xianzun is slightly stunned. She looks at the blue and purple clothes. There was an emotional change in her eyes.

After a long time, Ziyi said with a smile, "I can't say anything. But I was moved by your words. "

Blue purple said: "when we met, we started fighting. Xiao Mingyue has always been the guy with a proud head, and she will never admit defeat. "

"But I never beat you." The Moon Fairy said.

Blue purple said: "we don't need to win. I have. You can take it if you want

Mingyue xianzun said, "well, if you go on, I'm afraid I'll cry."

Blue purple clothes laugh.

She went on to sit by the bed and talked and communicated with her mind.

"Mingyue, how do you think about the cooperation between pilgrims?"

Mingyue xianzun was slightly stunned, and then said, "it can't be so simple. It's like Hades's cooperation with us. It must be harboring evil intentions."

"When I worked with Hades, I knew he had a bad heart," blue said. But at that time, we had to rely on his strength. Now, we are in the same situation. "

Mingyue xianzun said: "they are now the Ministry to determine why we can defeat Zeus and Hades, so they want to find out the secret. Judging from their arrangement of accommodation, Chen Yang is their breakthrough. "

Blue purple clothes said: "I also think so."

"It seems that we should pay attention to Chen Yang." The Moon Fairy said.

Blue purple clothes says: "need not, will plan.". Chen Yang is an immortal Xiaoqiang. "

The Moon Fairy said, "OK."

"It seems that Hades didn't tell the pilgrim about Zeus and Apollo. Now Apollo's strength has been restored, he is also a fairyland, this is our move

Mingyue xianzun said, "well, it's a pity that Zeus's strength can't be restored for the time being."

"Blue purple clothes said:" that is also our evil ah

Mingyue xianzun said, "actually, according to me, why should we worry about Zeus. Let Chen Yang devour him directly. In this way, Chen Yang may be able to increase his strength. Now that we've got a feud, why do we have to be so fussy? "

"It's not a matter of proportion, it's a matter of proportion," Lan said. The trouble brought by killing Zeus is not proportional to the benefit brought by swallowing Zeus. When Zeus died, it was too much involved. Also, I swore to Apollo that I would not kill Zeus unless I had to. There is cause and effect in the world. If I break my promise, cause and effect will come one day. It's hard to resist. "Mingyue xianzun said, "well, you always have a point."

Then LAN Ziyi finished the communication with Mingyue xianzun, and she said, "Mingyue, I'm going to condense the fragments of space rules that I understand into a pill for you. It's up to you whether you can understand it or not. If you also understand the fairyland of the cave, then we don't have to worry too much about the pilgrimage this time. "

After she said that, eyebrows will shoot out a dense multicolored light. The colorful light filled the whole room.

At first glance, I thought it was a boiling hot spring.

Then the blue purple clothing fingers flick, and then five fingers grasp, immediately these multicolored dense light shrink up. The light quickly shrank into a ball. Under the blue purple clothing, it becomes a dripping pill.

"Here you are!" The blue purple clothing finger a bullet, ejected the Dan pill to the bright moon immortal Zun.

Mingyue xianzun grabs it and holds it in his hand.

"Gone!" Blue and purple turned and left.

From the beginning to the end, Mingyue xianzun did not say a word of thanks. They never needed such a word for each other.

"Coming?" At night, monk Linghui suddenly moves his mind in the seed of xuanhuang Shengu and communicates with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang also immediately felt the subtle footsteps.

Then there was a knock outside the door.

"Chen Yang?" Tianxiang adults soft voice came in.

Chen Yang immediately pretended to be alert and said, "who is it?"

"I am Tianxiang."

"It's Tianxiang! I don't know why Tianxiang came here so late? " Chen Yang's attitude of refusing people thousands of miles away.

Tianxiang adults smile, said: "this long night, very boring. Xiao Yang, you've seen the outside world, so I want to talk to you. "

Chen Yang said: "chat? Let's talk about it tomorrow. After all, it's not good for lonely men and few women to chat together in the evening

"My God Tianxiang said, "Mr. Chen, what are you saying?"

Chen Yang was a little depressed and said, "well, is that strange?" Lord Tianxiang said, "how can we restrain you and me who practice Taoism? The defense of men and women is the common thought in the secular world. It's incredible that you still have such a thought

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "what can I do to restrain you and me?" "You enemy, can't you open the door, let's talk again?" Tianxiang said. Her voice is soft and seductive, which makes people's heart feel crisp. Even people with a hard heart can't help thinking about it.

Chen Yang immediately said, "OK."

He got up and went to open the door.

Tianxiang is wearing a red skirt outside the door. She doesn't show any snow. Her makeup is delicate and elegant. But it happened that such makeup, coupled with her charm temperament, had a kind of irresistible feeling.

Tianxiang looks at Chen Yang.

Her eyes are watery, as if to melt Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can't help laughing. He's a veteran in love, OK?

"Lord Tianxiang, please come inside."

Tianxiang adult curled into the room. She sat down at the table and said, "Mr. Chen, I heard that you pushed away the Meiji I arranged for you. Why is that? "

When she asked this question, the lust in the room suddenly became stronger.

Chen Yang was caught off guard.

"Don't you think she's beautiful enough?" Tianxiang said.

"That's not true." Chen Yang said.

"Why is that?" Tianxiang said.

Chen Yang said, "I already have someone I want to belong to."

Tianxiang adults slightly a Zheng, and then covered his mouth with a smile, said: "can't see, Mr. Chen is a spoony person."

Chen Yang smiles and says, "it's easy to say."

Lord Tianxiang then said, "however, people who practice Taoism all pay attention to carefulness and fluency. Men's love of beauty is a physical instinct. This matter of flesh is nothing but skin. Even if you and our Maggie are happy, it's not betrayal, is it Chen Yang said: "that may be Tianxiang's idea. I'm more loyal."

Tianxiang said, "I'm really curious about what kind of woman can attract such a strange man as Mr. Chen."

Chen Yang said, "if I have the chance, I will definitely introduce you to Tianxiang."

Tianxiang adults smile, said: "good, good, good!" After a pause, she said: "we fox people have seen too many men, most of them are fickle, but it's Tianxiang's honor to let me see such a man today."

Chen Yang could not help but be curious and said, "is there any man here?"

Tianxiang adults smile, said: "of course, we Fox family also want to extend the son, right?"Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "is the Fox family looking for human beings? Shouldn't we look for the men in the fox clan? "

Tianxiang adult said: "there is no man who can cultivate into essence."

"Why?" Chen Yang is curious.

Tianxiang said, "because the fox lacks intelligence, he can't practice at all."

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