Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile, "the same species are different?"

Master Tianxiang said, "Mr. Chen, you can see that we are now successful in cultivation. But when animals grow up, our rules are even more cruel. " Chen Yang said: "the way of heaven is orderly, and each performs his own duties. It was originally an animal body, but if we want to break through the pattern and change into an adult, we naturally have to bear a lot of burdens. "

Tianxiang said: "yes, we fox women rely on absorbing the male fox's Yuanyang, and then condense the aura to cultivate the essence. In addition, the male fox is stupid, so there is no male fox in history

Chen Yang thought of a funny thing. That is, when people often hate beautiful women, they like to gnash their teeth and say that they are fox spirits. This fox spirit really only describes women. No one would call a man a fox.

"Fate is unfair. It's really a happy thing to be born a man." Tianxiang adults then sincerely said.

Chen Yang said: "at least now, Lord Tianxiang, you are not only a person, but also a person of cultivation. You've been a success. "

Tianxiang's eyes are flowing, and Baimei is born. "Later, we found a shortcut," she said. Mr. Chen, what's the shortcut? "

Chen Yang said, "how can I know that?"

Lord Tianxiang said, "after we have refined ourselves, in order to breed the next generation, we will go to the men of the world. Although we can't go up to the ground, we can let the top people send some men. Those men help us fox reproduction, after reproduction, the female fox will suck the blood essence of Yuanyang. And every one of us, without exception, is a woman. So, we fox people, have always been all women

Chen Yang slightly a stay, then said: "this is too cruel."

Tianxiang said, "the fate is cruel. Can't we be cruel?"

Chen Yang said, "well, I'm not qualified to comment on this matter." After a pause, he said, "what does Tianxiang want to do at this late hour? Are you just here to talk to me about this? "

Tianxiang said, "Mr. Chen, you really don't understand the customs."

Chen Yang said: "you and I are all practitioners, and I am not those ordinary men, who are seduced by beauty. I don't think it's my charm that Tianxiang came to me so late. "

Tianxiang sighed and said, "this life in hell is dark and full of killing and struggle. Without a trace of human feelings, although I have become a person, I also yearn for human feelings. Chen Yang, don't say how rare you are in this special environment. Even in the human world, I believe you are the best. "

Her voice began to change, with a trembling emotion, so that Chen Yang began to sway. Chen Yangding looks at Tianxiang. He doesn't know how. At this moment, he feels that she is so pitiful. She is so charming. Even if Chen Yang is hard hearted, he can't help being tender at this time.

Such a woman, people really want to embrace it into the arms of comfort.

Chen Yang shakes his head. He knows that Tianxiang's flattering skills are already in the conversation, and unconsciously unfolds them.

In an instant, Chen Yang regained his peace.

Tianxiang raised his head suddenly and said, "it's a good night tonight, Chen Yang. Don't you want to hold my waist?"

Chen Yang immediately felt Tianxiang's words, each of which had a kind of soft and charming style. This syllable power intrudes into Chen Yang's brain. Chen Yang's heart surged and he could hardly help thinking.

"Why not?" Chen Yang said to himself, "it's no big deal. Anyway, it's not cheap, it's not white." At that moment, he was ready to reach out.

"What a charming skill!" Chen Yang bit the tip of his tongue, and he immediately woke up again.

"Chen Yang, what are you worrying about?" Tianxiang adult got up and came to his side, suddenly gently knead his neck for Chen Yang. Her technique is wonderful. In an instant, Chen Yang feels comfortable.

Tianxiang leaned over Chen Yang's ear and said softly, "Chen Yang, in bed, I will make you more comfortable than this. Don't you want to see what I look like under you? Don't you want to ride on me? "

Words and syllables seem to contain infinite magic, wave by wave impacting Chen Yang's willpower. Chen Yang clearly knows that he can't do it, but he feels that what if he's a bit presumptuous?

"Life is short!" Tianxiang said, "why do you want such restraint? Why don't you make us happy? Believe me, I'll make you happy. "

Chen Yang's end of the tailbone feel happy, it is a wonderful unspeakable.

He suddenly began to breathe heavily, and he wanted to press the goblin under him.

His eyes turned red in an instant.

Chen Yang knows that he can't do it, but he can't help it. He wants to be desperate. He wants to sink into such happiness.He has too many things on his back.

"Good, good, good flattery!" Chen Yang was secretly surprised. He felt that in a moment and a half he would be absolutely unstoppable.

Lord Tianxiang's attack is more and more fierce.

If it goes on like this, it will definitely sink down.

"Great destiny, you are eternal existence, your God's will..." At this moment, Chen Yang urged xiaofatalism.

The fatalistic talisman floated in Chen Yang's brain, and the gray light came out.

Chen Yang planted the seed of destiny in his brain, that is, he must never accept charm.

This fatalistic force intrudes into Chen Yang's brain. Immediately, Chen Yang recovers his pure brightness.

That kind of comfortable feeling that spread to the four limbs gradually subsided.

But at this time, Chen Yang pretended to be more intoxicated. He also made his body tremble gradually. It's like putting up with it. Lord Tianxiang's attack is stronger than one.

Chen Yang's eyes are red with blood. He suddenly grabs Tianxiang's hand and pulls her into his arms.

"I want you to..." Chen Yang is breathing heavily.

Tianxiang adults smile again and again, whispered: "what are you waiting for?"

Chen Yang then kisses Tianxiang's lips.

Tianxiang adults see Chen Yang into confusion, she has no doubt. First, Chen Yang's performance is too similar. Second, Chen Yang's accomplishments can't resist her flattery.

Tianxiang still has this confidence.

In fact, Chen yangruo did not have a little fatalism. His cultivation can't resist Tianxiang's flattery. Tianxiang's flattering skill is called Baimei Tianjiao magic soul skill. Once applied to the extreme, it can make people sink into the sea. Die in joy.

Baimei Tianjiao magic soul can also crush people's will, spirit and so on.

A top master, in the war, will destroy, heart soft down, that is a dead end.

At this time, Chen Yang will Tianxiang adult pressure in the body, and then began to fumble in Tianxiang adult body. Tianxiang's smile is like a silver bell. The laughter was soft and charming, which made people feel very happy to touch this woman.

Then Chen Yang began to feel dizzy. If it wasn't for the seed of little fatalism, he would be in a coma.

Chen Yang fell on the bed and pretended to be in a coma.

The smile on Tianxiang's face, as well as Roumei, disappeared. When she got up, she put on her clothes. Then he asked softly, "what's your name?"

"Chen Yang." Chen Yang replied stupidly.

At this time, Chen Yang probably understood what was going on. He could vaguely feel that Tianxiang made himself fall into a kind of magic soul array. In this magic soul array, the loss of consciousness is like a walking corpse. He seems to have seen the kingdom of heaven, the nine immortals and so on. At this time, Chen Yang was supposed to kill LAN Ziyi. Chen Yang should not turn back. However, little fatalism has protected Chen Yang's last line of defense.

Destiny is above all forces, and destiny does not belong to power, but destiny!

Fate is not to be pondered, not to be captured, is to be powerful, is also to be able to transcend the great powers.

No one should be able to master fate, but Chen Yang has mastered little fatalism wonderfully. This is probably a fatalistic will.

Tianxiang has grown up. She feels that Chen Yang's brain has lost any will. There is no doubt about this, and it can't deceive her. And the only way to cheat her is fate.

Tianxiang continued, "do you love me?"

"No love!" Chen Yang said: "you just come to charm me and try to get secrets from me, but I can take your body and conquer you."

When Tianxiang asked, Chen Yang almost blurted out his love. Because according to the truth, people who are charmed should be like this. But Chen Yang changed his mind at the moment of exit. He decided to tell his true thoughts to win the trust of Tianxiang.

Sure enough, Chen Yang made the right move.

After hearing the words, Tianxiang gave a cold smile and said in secret: "things like ants think that if they have a little relationship with me, they can conquer me. How ridiculous

In Tianxiang's heart, the body is only skin. She doesn't care about these things. But even so, she doesn't want to have a relationship with Chen Yang. Because she thinks that Chen Yang is not worthy and her cultivation is too low.

Tianxiang was a giant in the middle of shichongtian. She has her own pride.

Then Tianxiang asked, "I ask you, what's your relationship with lanziyi and Xiao Mingyue?"

Chen Yang said, "I'm not familiar with Xiao Mingyue, but LAN Ziyi was reincarnated and in trouble. I risked my life to save her, so she and I are both teachers and friends."

Tianxiang said, "are you not familiar with Xiao Mingyue? How could Xiao Mingyue... "

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