"What do you want to do?" Tianxiang, with a chill in his eyes, said, "are you looking for death? Do you know what you're doing? "

Chen Yang ignored Tianxiang. His little fatalism is on the move.

The gray breath represented by destiny invades into Tianxiang's brain. Tianxiang dares not drive the mana, because she feels that as long as her mana moves, Chen Yang's mana will shatter her body instantly.

Although Tianxiang's body is also strong, Chen Yang's strength can reach at least 100 million strong horses. How can the human body resist this kind of power?

This is a big oolong.

It is the magic of little fatalism that makes this miracle.

Without little fatalism, Chen Yang can't hide it from Tianxiang. Without little fatalism, Chen Yang could not have succeeded in his sneak attack.

The power of destiny is above the sky.

To master destiny is to master destiny and the road.

Those gray breath intruded into Tianxiang's brain. Tianxiang immediately felt a kind of bewitching power, or to be exact, the power of destiny.

A kind of fatalism began to plant in Tianxiang adult's mind, and there was a tendency to take root.

Tianxiang sneered and said, "it's just a big joke. You, a man in the middle of the Ninth Heaven, want to tame me with your skills? Is that possible? "

Chen Yang ignored Tianxiang.

Even if Tianxiang doesn't use magic power to resist, how strong her willpower is. So the gray fatalism can't really plant seeds in Tianxiang's heart.

Chen Yang can plant seeds in his own heart, but it is not so easy to plant seeds of fate in other people's heart.

Tianxiang adults sneer.

Chen Yangsi is not discouraged, his small fatalism continues to urge.

Soon, the familiar feeling came back to Chen Yang.

That is Fatalism began to communicate with the forces of the void.

Moreover, Chen Yang's life began to burn.

"Well?" Tianxiang adult gradually felt that the seed of destiny began to plant seeds in her brain, and the seeds gradually took root.

"How could it be?" Tianxiang was shocked.

The magic power in her brain quickly drove up and began to expel Chen Yang's fatalistic power. But soon, Tianxiang found that the fatalistic power and her mana seemed to be unrelated parallel lines. "What is it?" Tianxiang suddenly understood something. "It turns out that the real secret is in you. Damn No wonder my magic can't deal with you. "

Chen Yangsi ignored, and his life was quickly burned.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred years of life will burn out.

Chen Yang's life span is only 20500 years. At the same time, Chen Yang took back the little fatalism.

Tianxiang looked at Chen Yang in horror and said, "what did you do to me?"

Chen Yang said: "nothing has been done, you go."

Tianxiang adult doubts incomparably, she took this kind of doubt to leave.

"Originally, the biggest secret is Chen Yang." Tianxiang realized the power of that little fatalism. But I don't know what Chen Yang has done to her.

After leaving Chen Yang's room, Tianxiang immediately went to see the pilgrim. On the way, Tianxiang began to think about it.

"No, if I tell the great saint about it. The great sage will surely kill Chen Yang. I'm afraid Chen Yang can't deal with his secret. " Tianxiang was suddenly surprised.

"But why do I feel reluctant to die? He's just a mole ant. Why? What did he do to me? " Lord Tianxiang was restless.

She felt that there was something in her heart that made her dream come true. She found that I seem to fall in love with Chen Yang.

This kind of love goes deep into the marrow. Like, it's her destiny.

"Damn, what did he do to me? Why did my heart fall in love with him? He's just a mole ant. " Tianxiang's forehead is full of sweat. She was angry and resentful, but in the end she was helpless.

It was also at this time that Tianxiang adult had arrived outside the inner hall of the pilgrimage.

At this time, the pilgrimage did not rest.

The pilgrim said coldly, "come in."

You don't need Tianxiang to come to see you. The pilgrim has already noticed it.

Tianxiang's mind was heavy. After she went in, she knelt down and said, "I've seen the great saint."

"Why are you back so soon? You didn't do what I meant? " The voice of the pilgrim contains a thread of undetectable murder.

This killing machine makes Tianxiang's back cold and sweaty.

"I dare not, I dare not!" Tianxiang was submissive, and then he said, "Chen Yang is already asleep. If you ask him again today, I'm afraid it will not work. I want to go back tomorrow nightThe pilgrim snorted coldly and said, "why didn't you say that earlier? Did you catch something? "

"No!" Tianxiang said: "how can a person who is just in the middle of the nineties have the ability to let villains lead the way. Even if he knows how to do it, he can't hide it from you. "

The pilgrim said, "let me see." After he finished, he pulled off a hair. He blew a breath to the hair, which turned into a ray of light and rushed into Tianxiang's brain.

That hairline is rampant in Tianxiang adult's brain domain, and has insight into everything.

Then the hair flew out again and returned to the hands of the pilgrim. The hair then turned into a wisp of essence and entered the body of the pilgrim.

In the place invisible to the naked eye, a new hair grew on the head of the pilgrim.

When the pilgrim reached this point of cultivation, one of his hair fell into the world, which was the supreme weapon. It can be turned into a sharp sword. The master who kills jiuchongtian is like a dog.

Of course, it is not enough to kill people like Chen Yang.

If Chen Yang in the period of the eighth heaven met the hair of the pilgrim, it would be a dead end.

However, Chen Yihan was defeated by yiyuansheng spirit sword at the beginning, but in the end, he failed to defeat Chen Yang, the peak of qichongtian. It's not that the master of yiyuansheng spirit sword is inferior to the pilgrim. It's because there is a lot of power in yiyuansheng spirit sword, which has not been exerted by Chen Yihan. One percent didn't work.

This is the reason why Chen Yihan's cultivation was too weak.

The practice of pilgrimage became a cave, and every hole in the body became a cave. The power is stored in the cave, so the power of pilgrimage can reach the level of nearly ten billion horses.

For example, Chen Yang's strength exceeds that of 200 million strong horses. He can't bear it at all. The body has to explode first.

The promotion of realm is the promotion of brain cells in the early stage. Later, it is more important to increase the capacity.

It's like a company. It's not just about money. Can you afford so much money, can you digest such a large volume. I can't digest it. The more powerful it is, the faster it will die.

Chaotian Dasheng didn't find any abnormality in Tianxiang's brain, so his eyes became softer.

"Go down." The pilgrim did not pursue Tianxiang.

Thank you, Tianxiang.

After that, she left the inner hall of the pilgrimage.

When he left, Tianxiang's heart was sad. She felt cold hearted to the extreme, she wholeheartedly for the great saint to pay, loyal work. However, the great sage is so cool and thin. When he was a little slack in his work, he had the heart to kill.

Is such a person really worth paying for?

In Chen Yang's room, Linghui monk said, "Chen Yang, Daoyou, you are too rich. Long life, just using little fatalism? It's more useful. I'm afraid life is not enough, right

Chen Yang didn't care. He said, "I didn't want to live forever. In the past, I thought it would be a long life if I could live a hundred years. Now, it doesn't matter if I spend the 21000 years. Besides, if we can't handle this matter properly, we can't live for ten days. This is not the time to be petty. "

"What did you do to Xiang that day?" Linghui monk said.

"I planted my destiny in her brain, and her destiny is to fall in love with me," Chen said

Linghui monk said, "does this work?"

Chen Yang said, "of course it works. Wait and see."

Linghui monk then said, "what do you think the pilgrim is up to?"

Chen Yang said: "naturally, like Hades, they want to fight with each other and make profits. Now let's go step by step and look at it. No one can believe it. "

Monk Linghui nodded and said, "this is the truth."

After a night's cultivation, Mingyue xianzun still didn't understand the secret of space rules.

She didn't lose heart. It's not a matter of time for her to understand the cave. How many virtual fairyland masters stay at the peak of virtual fairyland all their lives. It takes great opportunity and fortune to comprehend the cave.

But according to the space rules of blue and purple clothes, Mingyue xianzun also realized a lot of mysteries. She is confident that in time, she will be able to break through the peak of virtual fairyland and reach the cave.

In the morning, after Chen Yang's meeting with LAN Ziyi and Mingyue xianzun.

Let's have breakfast with the pilgrim.

Tianxiang adults see Chen Yang, the face is a bit unnatural, and slightly red face.

This feeling is Tianxiang's first experience, as if he is looking forward to meeting Chen Yang.

Young girl's feelings are just beginning.

It's a wonderful feeling.

After thousands of years of cultivation, Tianxiang finally became a man and began to have seven emotions and six desires. However, she was devoted to the cultivation of Taoism because of the lack of men in the region. Occasionally, men are just tools for Fox reproduction. So she never experienced the feeling of love.Mingyue xianzun and lanziyi see Tianxiang's look. These two shrewd people immediately look at Chen Yang. The two men looked strange, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

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