After that, he said, "we'll go to Tianxiang first."

Tianxiang's expression was complex, but he was very gentle. He said, "good!"

Tianxiang's heart is complicated because she is so looking forward to meeting Chen Yang. After seeing Chen Yang, she immediately blushed and her heart beat. She felt a little disgusted that she didn't have her own city. However, once a person's heart, but can not control.

The power of fate, the power of love, is often uncontrollable. Can also burst out incredible power.

After Tianxiang left, LAN Ziyi and others began to talk. But in private they began to communicate with each other.

We are all wise people. We know that the great pilgrim has boundless power. Maybe this cave has been covered by his mind. During the conversation, a careless person will reveal important secrets.

LAN Ziyi first said to Chen Yang, "what have you done to Tianxiang? Although you're good at picking up girls, she's not one of those little sisters in the world

Chen Yang zhengse said: "of course, it's not as simple as bubble. Last night, she charmed me with flattery. I resisted with little fatalism. Then I pretended to be controlled by her, so I told her some secrets. The pilgrim really wants to know how we deal with Zeus and Hades. "

Blue purple clothes coldly smile, say: "he certainly want to know, if don't make clear, he is absolutely sleep and food uneasy."

Chen Yang said: "the reason why he can't sleep and eat well shows that what he wants to deal with is not Hades, but us."

Blue purple clothes said: "that is not necessarily, pilgrim this kind of person will not be loyal to anyone. What he wants is to eliminate the unknowns and then maximize his own interests as much as possible. "

She paused and said, "what did you say?"

Chen Yang then said, "I tell Tianxiang that you have a magic weapon called immortal city. You can instantly increase your accomplishments by 30 times. But only for five minutes

After hearing this, LAN Ziyi was speechless and said, "how dare you say that! What treasure can improve my accomplishments by 30 times in an instant? It's impossible. Besides, what is the concept of 30 times? This pilgrim is not a fool. How can you believe it? "

Chen Yang was also depressed and said, "but if you don't increase the power of the star stone in the crown of fortune by 30 times, how can you break it? And there's Hades behind it. Even though I was a fool, I thought about it at that time. "

Blue purple Yi is a Leng, say: "that pour also.". It seems that the biggest doubt of the pilgrimage is that since we have this treasure, why don't we leave the 18th floor of hell directly. "

Chen Yang said: "I limit your baby to five minutes, maybe you can't leave completely within five minutes, and there is also the danger of being found by Hades. That's our scruples. Can you explain it like this? "

"This logic can barely hold, but there are still doubts about the pilgrimage," Lan said

"Next, you need to be strong," Chen said. I think the stronger you are, the more guilty you will be

Blue purple clothes nods, say: "this I know."

She then said: "you haven't said, what's the matter with you? Her expression is very wrong. What did you do to her? "

Chen Yang said: "it's nothing. She charmed me several times. I'll just find a chance to control her weakness, and then use little fatalism to control her. I planted the seed of destiny in her brain, that is, to make her fall in love with me. "

Blue purple clothes slightly a Zheng. She then said in a deep voice, "are you burning your life again?"

"Five hundred years of life." Chen Yang said.

Blue purple clothes stay for a while, she didn't say anything more. At the same time, the conversation between her and Chen Yang was quickly relayed to Mingyue xianzun.

Mingyue xianzun didn't say anything.

The pilgrim prepared a rich breakfast. When they met each other, the pilgrim was smiling and amiable. He also asked Chen Yang and others how they had a good rest last night.

We all have different ideas, but we all know it by heart.

After being polite, I have breakfast. At breakfast, the pilgrim said, "Miss blue, when Hades comes, in order to cheat him, I may arrange the next array. Please enter the array center to gain Hades' trust. "

"Hum!" Blue purple clothes heart sneer. Her face is light said: "Hades as long as you come, let's join hands, he will not want to escape.". You said to set up an array to let me in, but if your array is aimed at me, won't I fall into the trap and die without knowing how to die? "

The pilgrim was stunned. He then said with a bitter smile, "it seems that Miss blue still lacks trust in me."

Blue purple clothes said: "there is no trust between us. Why talk about trust? Originally, I didn't pay attention to Hades this time. But Dasheng, are you really honest enough? "

She was smart and immediately acted as strong as Chen Yang said. The more powerful she is, the more suspicious the pilgrim becomes.The pilgrim had a deep insight. He gently rubbed his fingers and said, "why did blue girl become so angry after a night?"

Blue purple clothes pale cold smile, said: "I was sincere cooperation with the sage, but the sage is really sincere cooperation?"

"How can I make miss blue feel that I'm not sincere?" Said the pilgrim.

Blue purple clothes said: "at the beginning, I asked Hades to cooperate and kill Zeus together. I got the star stone and he got the throne of God. It's a pity that Hades, the underworld, repented later. After I seriously injured Hades, he even wanted to kill me. Later, I seriously injured Hades again. If Hades hadn't sent us here by his hell tower, he would have died. No one is a fool these days. Dasheng, I'm afraid you have the same mind as Hades. Do you want me to fight with Hades and then kill me when we are both defeated? "

Chao Tian Da Sheng was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "Miss blue, your joke is not funny at all."

"If it's not funny, what did you do last night? I know what you are thinking. If you separate us like this, it's convenient for you to explore my secret, isn't it? "

"Absolutely nothing." The pilgrim said immediately.

Blue purple clothes also don't continue to press to ask, she coldly smile, say: "the banquet has no good banquet, if have no intention to cooperate, that just.". And if you want to arrest us and please Hades, do it. I'll show you if I'm the one you can arrest. "

Senhan's killing intention flashed in the eyes of the pilgrim. For so many years, who dares to be so arrogant in front of him!

His mind changed abruptly, but he put up with it in the end.

"Goodbye." Blue purple clothes get up, say.

Chen Yang and Mingyue xianzun immediately got up and made an appearance of leaving.

"Blue girl, wait a minute!" The pilgrim said quickly. He laughed and said, "Miss blue, you misunderstood me."

"Is it?" Said blue purple.

The pilgrim said, "forget it. At that time, I'll lead Hades. Let's kill Hades together. Blue girl, don't worry, I will never stab you in the back. "

Blue purple clothes said: "hope."

This breakfast, even if it's a little unhappy.

Blue and purple clothes did not continue to go, but stayed.

On the other hand, the pilgrim once again made a fire at Tianxiang. "What did you do? Why do their attitudes change so quickly? "

The pilgrim's thunder was furious, and Tianxiang's courage was splitting, so he quickly knelt down. "The villain did what you told her to do, but the blue and purple clothes were very smart. She was probably dissatisfied with the accommodation arrangement yesterday."

The pilgrim was silent. After a long time, he said: "this blue and purple clothes, today's attitude has changed too much. It is the same as yesterday's attitude. What happened in the middle of this? "

"Is it because yesterday she could not make use of the immortal city, but today she can make use of it?" Tianxiang said.

The pilgrim said, "did I miss the best time?" He paused and said, "it's not right. She came to the door by herself. If she has scruples, she can come later. "

Lord Tianxiang was silent. She knew that she was talking a lot and making a lot of mistakes. So she simply chose silence.

The pilgrim fell into meditation again.

"You go down first." The pilgrim did not continue to anger Tianxiang and waved.

"Yes Lord Tianxiang, step back.

After returning to the room, blue purple clothes and Mingyue xianzun also began to communicate.

In the dialogue at breakfast time, monk Linghui told Mingyue xianzun one by one. Mingyue xianzun has now begun to understand the English language. Naturally, she is very quick to learn things. She can easily understand the meaning of syllables.

"Purple clothes, you want to frighten the pilgrimage, and then wait for Hades to come and solve Hades. Right? " The Moon Fairy said.

Blue purple said: "nature. He's afraid of my immortal city. He must want to wait for me to finish my five minutes and then start. But then Chen Yang can deal with Hades. If the immortal city is not used, the pilgrim King Prajna will not dare to act rashly. "

Mingyue xianzun said: "I'm afraid that there will be some variables. I have a hunch that things will not go so well. "

Blue purple clothes said: "do your best, there is a sure thing."

That night, Tianxiang was ordered to continue to charm Chen Yang.

The pilgrim has locked Chen Yang's room with his mind. For this, Tianxiang is clear in his heart.

At this time, Chen Yang understood and was naturally charmed by Tianxiang.

On that bed, the curtain falls and spring finally rises

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