"Why is the God Emperor the God Emperor?" Chen Yang murmured. He then said, "God is God, I am me. Why is that?"

Linghui monk said: "the way of heaven has chosen the God Emperor, and the way of heaven has also chosen you. That's the essence. "

Chen Yang said: "this is a common topic."

Monk Linghui said: "in essence, there are differences between people, and there are also differences in abilities. But it doesn't make much difference. Most of the differences are caused by luck and destiny. It's not that you're a billionaire, he's a pauper, and there's a gap of 100 million between the two. A billionaire should be thankful that fate treats him well. Instead of thinking that you are really good, you can be proud. He should have compassion on the poor man because he is not lucky. "

"Why did you make me chicken soup all of a sudden?" Chen Yang smiles.

Linghui monk said: "I want to tell you that you don't need to feel that God is unfair, you should also be grateful. Even if fate is cruel to you sometimes, it also gives you a lot of things that others can't imagine and get. "

Chen Yang said, "I understand all these principles."

Linghui monk said: "enjoy every day, because no one knows what tomorrow will be like. Today is a billionaire, tomorrow may be a prisoner. Because fate is changeable. "

"It's strange that you mean something." Chen Yang took a look at monk Linghui.

Linghui monk said: "you must have some psychological preparation. It's a killing and robbing of heaven. It's an unprecedented massacre. It's a great purge. Many people will die in the future, including those around you. "

Chen Yanghu body a shock, he some annoyed said: "Linghui, you have no reason to say these do."

Monk Linghui sighed and said, "I'm a Taoist friend. Now you are a happy couple and have children. You enjoy it so much that you forget the cruel nature of things. "

"Even if the way of heaven is a person, I'm fighting for him. If I fight for him, he can't even protect my family. Why should I work for him? " Chen Yang gave a cold hum.

Linghui monk said: "after all, there are still many things you can't see through. That's all, that's all

He would not say more.

Chen Yang was sulky. He didn't talk to Linghui monk for a long time.

However, in the end, Chen Yang also felt that he was unreasonable. He said, "can't I just wait here all the time?"

Monk Linghui said, "you can go back and enjoy your family for a few days. Maybe things will change. "

"Even if it changes, I don't know!" Chen Yang said.

Linghui monk said: "the rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building. I have a hunch that someone will come to help you. Go back first

Chen Yang takes a deep look at Linghui monk. He feels that he can't see through Linghui monk any more.

"Again." Monk Linghui said helplessly: "I've said that for a long time, even though I have no mana, I still have some experience. Taoist friend, you've only been a Taoist for a few years, and you want to see through the poor monk? How is that possible. Even if I know everything, I can say everything. You still don't understand Daoyou. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "OK, let's not talk about it. Go back

In fact, he is happy to go back.

Every night, accompanied by Qiao Ning and Shen Moneng, two peerless beauties, Chen Yang feels that being an immortal is nothing more than that.

This is just like an ordinary person in the cold winter morning, the warm quilt makes people nostalgic. But in order to survive, in order to make a living, we have to get up and go to work.

Now that monk Linghui has said that, let Chen Yang have a rest for two days. That is equivalent to the company, the boss said something, you go back to rest for two days.

So, there is a reason for unhappiness.

But there is no doubt that if Chen Yang takes two days off, things will not turn for the better. He will also be flustered. For example, if the company keeps calling for him to go to work, people will wonder whether NIMA's company is going to fire me or go bankrupt?

Chen Yang's burden is too heavy for him to relax.

After Chen Yang returns to his house in Manchester City, Qiao Ning and Shen monong are surprised and happy to see Chen Yang.

"This is After Chen Yang enters the room, he plays with Xiao Nianci. Shen monong was a little puzzled.

Qiao Ning simply said, "didn't you leave without saying goodbye in the morning?"

Chen Yang was helpless and said, "monk Linghui, don't tell me earlier. He told me that I was tainted with the breath of heaven. Once I went out, I would fall into the hands of Tianbu immediately. "

Qiao Ning and Shen monong were surprised.

Qiao Ning said, "what can I do?"

Chen Yang then a smile, said: "day blue should not be so free, has been waiting for me outside."

Qiao Ning said: "even if he left, as long as the breath of heaven on us does not disappear, he can come to us at any time."She was a little worried and angry. She said, "if there is no star master or the mission of the hall of stars, we will stay in Yanjing all the time. It's very safe."

Chen Yang put down Nianci and went to play with the toys himself. Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "that's not what he said. Without the master of the stars, our cultivation would not have reached the present level. I can't even enter Yanjing city without the aura of destiny king. So everything has advantages and disadvantages, it is difficult to perfect. But Linghui also said, "maybe in the next few days, someone will solve it."

"Who can solve the problem of Timberlake? Your father? " Qiao Ning said: "although your father is powerful, he can keep invincible in the hands of Timberlake at most. It's impossible to defeat Timberlake. "

Chen Yang said: "I don't know. Linghui seldom makes such a judgment. Once he says it, I don't think it will be wrong."

Shen said: "that's just right. We can have a good time for a few days. In these days, Chen Yang, you don't have to think about anything. Take good care of your son and elder sister Qiao Ning. "

"Yes Chen Yang grinned.

So for the next three days, Chen Yang was romantic and happy every night, reveling with the two girls. During the day, the family went out to eat and took their baby to the playground. Although, most of the things little Nianci can't play. But little Nianci is still very happy.

In these three days, Chen Yang is happy but not homesick. I feel that I am going to be corroded in such a gentle country. And to a large extent, it is also because Qiao Ning and Shen monong know that Chen Yang is about to leave, so they will treat him very well in their hearts.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning also agree that if the crisis here is relieved. Qiao Ning will go back to Shaowei house in Tianzhou immediately. Chen Yang will go to Qiao Ning as long as the matter is settled. Take Qiao Ning to see Xiao Nianci.

If the opportunity is right, let Mo Nong take Nianci, Liu Ma and Zhao Ma to live in Shaowei mansion.

Chen Yang hopes that one day he will have enough ability to protect his family. This is also an important belief that he insisted on. Of course, he could not forget Luoning's blood feud.

Unconsciously, Chen Yang has accomplished many things.

Ling'er has awakened. This is his big wish. He would not be too sorry even if he died when this thing was finished. Moreover, with Chen Tianya and Chen Yihan, Chen Yang can let it be. He no longer has such a strong hatred, so he will no longer have such a strong pain.

But at the same time, Chen Yang has a lot to do. For example, find the eldest brother and the second brother, for example, find the last two treasures of the thirty-three days. For example, we need to come up with countermeasures for lingzun's affairs, and we also need to wake up LAN Ziyi.

There are still many difficulties ahead, and comrades need to work harder.

The weather of the day suddenly changed.

Overnight, the north wind blew.

Cold invasion, clearly two days ago, people are still wearing thin clothes. But all of a sudden, I wanted to take out the thick cotton padded jacket and put it on.

It's a dull day.

The dry wind blows on people's faces like a knife.

The cold wind is like a knife. It takes the earth as its cutting board and regards all living beings as fish.

Tianbu has been guarding Chen Yang for five days.

But Chen Yang has never left Yanjing City, which makes Tianbu a little anxious.

"What are you doing in there, boy? Does he know I can find him? It's impossible. This boy can have this kind of insight there. " Timberlake's secret way.

Timberlake was very angry.

He was meditating and waiting in the wilderness, but he was a little bored. Decided to take a walk around. Anyway, as long as Chen Yang leaves Yanjing City, he will be able to detect it.

It was noon and the weather was still gloomy.

This wasteland is in the middle of two towns. There are still some farmland in the distance. If you go further, you can see a national highway.

Tianbulu was walking in the field. He soon came to some rural buildings over there.

In the countryside of the world, every family has built a building. It's a long way from Yanjing City, so it's not expensive for farmers to build a house.

This kind of place has no investment value.

Now is not the time of busy farming, most of the middle-aged men and women go out to work. Only some old and weak women and children are left. There are a few children, playing glass beads at the door, even if the weather is cold, it can't kill their childlike innocence.

A few more steps, Timberlake suddenly saw a miracle.

That is, there is a monk in front of the house playing chess in a gray monk's clothes.

I'm playing go, and I'm playing it by myself. His house is rotten. It's a simple earth house. In such a row of buildings contrast, the earth house is particularly poor, shabby.

The monk looks kind. He is about forty years old.

Tianbu took a look at the monk, but felt that he was a little unfathomable.

"Well? Is the monk still an expert? " Timberlake thought.

Although he is lingzun, his appearance is ugly here. But in order not to attract attention, he has performed a little magic. The outsider sees his appearance, is just an ordinary man.

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