He became very interested in the monk when he was young.

Naturally, he is not afraid of any experts. In his eyes, there are no experts! In addition to the celestial king of the fairyland, he can make him afraid. He doesn't pay attention to all the things and characters in the world.

In his eyes, the famous God Emperor was just a joke.

Even if it's the devil, the devil killed his apprentice Bruner. But this time, tianbulu also thought that the devil was just like this.

The well-known devil emperor, that is to say, his hands are up in smoke!

Tianbu came to the monk. The monk studied chess, but did not look up.

Tianbu light smile, said: "monk, you play chess alone, not boring?"

"I'm waiting for someone." The monk raised his head. He put his hands together and said.

Tianbulu said: "wait for someone? Who are you waiting for? "

"You, sir." Said the monk.

Tianbu's face changed. He looked at the monk for a long time. Then senleng said, "monk, are you kidding me?"

"How can you lie about leaving your family?" Said the monk.

"Well, I'm here. What do you want me to do? Do you know who I am? " Tianbulu said.

"Of course, I know who the benefactor is, and this is not the place where the benefactor should come." The monk said faintly.

Timberlake said, "well, I've come. How are you going?"

"If you are not in a hurry, you can sit down and talk." Said the monk.

Tianbu immediately sat down. He wanted to see what medicine was sold in the monk's gourd.

At this time, there were three or five children, about six or seven years old.

"Master, master, we are here. Didn't you say you wanted to do magic for us?" The children were chirping and cheering.

The monk said with a smile, "well, well, you stay here. There will be magic for you in a moment."

Tianbu sneered and said, "magic?"

Monk chaotianbu looked at him and said, "don't you believe that poor monk can do magic?"

"I don't have much time. If you can't tell me why, I can assure you that your end will be miserable," Timberlake said

The monk said, "benefactor, the heart of killing is too heavy. It's not good."

Tianbulu said, "monk, I said that my patience is limited."

The monk said in a leisurely way, "why worry? You have to accompany me for a long time in the future."

"Ha ha, joke!" Tianbulu said.

The monk said, "if you have delusions together, disaster will come. Therefore, to stop worrying is to stop calamity! "

Tianbu's eyes narrowed into a slit. He looked at the monk as if he wanted to see through him. Monk light Ran Ran, he said: "Amitabha, the vicissitudes of life, all things, only forward.". Benefactor, have you ever seen the truth that time flows back and rivers flow back? "

Tianbu was shocked, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He said, "who are you?"

The monk said, "Amitabha, poor monk's name "Yuanjue!"

"The God of Dharma?" Timberlake was stunned.

Timberlake moved and immediately tried to escape.

At this time, Yuanjue took the hand.

He patted the bowl with the pieces in it, and it suddenly flew to the sky.

At this moment, Tianbu suddenly found that his body seemed to be imprisoned. Let him have all kinds of magic power, but at this time, nothing can be exerted.

The bowl was so covered that Tianbu's body shrank rapidly and was covered in the bowl.

The monk smiles at the children and says, "is this magic magic

"Ah, it's amazing." Several children's eyes were full of shock and curiosity.

"Master, how did you do it?" Asked a child.

"Magic is a secret that can't be told. If it's true, it's not worth anything." Yuanjue got up and held the bowl in his hand. And in the bowl over the place, there is a dog. The dog's coat is black and white. It's lovely.

The children immediately said, "it's lovely."

A little guy went up to hold the dog and said to Yuanjue, "master, can you give me this dog?" Yuan Jue said with a smile, "that's not good. This little dog has to accompany me."

"Ah..." The child was disappointed.

Yuanjue took out a lot of candy and said, "take these and eat them."

Children are greedy. When you see candy, you forget everything else. So he left the dog to catch the candy, and then scattered.

Yuanjue grabs the dog in his hand and walks forward.

Chen Yang met Yuanjue at night.

At the sight of Yuanjue, Chen Yang exclaimed. "Master Wuwei?"

It happened in front of the house in Manchester City.Originally, Chen Yang prepared a villa for Shen Mo Nong and Qiao Ning to move in. But moving is not something that can be done all at once. And Chen Yang can stay for only a few days, so everyone didn't mention it.

Just now, Chen Yang and his family were having dinner. Liu Ma and Zhao Ma are taking Nianci.

Just as someone knocked on the door, Chen Yang got up and went to open it.

He didn't think too much, and he wasn't afraid of strangers knocking at the door.

Chen Yang opens the door and sees monk Yuanjue.

"Master Wuwei?" Shen monong was also surprised. She quickly got up and came over. She had heard of master Wuwei. But master Wuwei has been dead for more than 20 years.

Chen Yang, on the other hand, looks at the monk with benevolent eyes. In his memory, this is the Wuwei master he has seen in the parallel world!

Yuanjue was slightly stunned, and then said, "Amitabha, I am not doing anything. The name of poor monk "Yuanjue!"

"Yuanjue?" Chen Yang almost jumped up.

Damn, he doesn't know Yuanjue there!

Yuanjue, the God of Dharma, is a legendary figure in the legend!

He is the Third Master of Tiandao pen!

Chen Yang's voice trembled: "Yuanjue Is it what I thought it was? "

Yuanjue said, "benefactor, can you go out with me?"

"Good, good!" Chen Yang replied.

Qiao Ning and Shen monong are also shocked. But soon, Yuanjue caught Chen Yang.

Before Chen Yang could figure out what was going on, he had already appeared on the rooftop of the 30th floor.

On the rooftop, the night in Yanjing is brightly lit.

When the night wind blows, it makes people feel cold.

But for people like Yuanjue and Chen Yang, it doesn't matter.

"No, you are Yuanjue. How can you enter Yanjing city?" Chen Yang suddenly thought of something.

Yuanjue was holding the dog in his hand. He said with a smile, "benefactor, why can't I come?"

"Er..." Chen Yang couldn't speak for a moment.

For some reason, when Chen Yang saw such an ancient god as Yuanjue, he had no fear in his heart. More is reverence and worship!

It's a sense of aura.

"You little dog, it's lovely!" Chen Yang looks for the topic, and his eyes fall on Yuanjue's dog.

"You like it? Give you a hug. " Yuanjue said.

Chen Yang reaches out his hand to Yuanjue and hands the dog over. He immediately felt it difficult to be gracious, so he took over the dog. He touched the dog's head and said, "the fur is smooth!"

"Come on, darling!" Chen Yang quickly found out a generation of biscuits from jiexumi, opened them and gave them to the dog.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang felt the dog trembling with anger.

Chen Yang couldn't help but feel depressed and said, "master, your dog is really special!"

Yuanjue smiles.

Then, Chen Yang patted the dog's head and said, "little guy, I'm not good at it. I have a big temper."

The little dog screamed at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "master, I'll give it back to you."

Yuanjue took over the dog.

"Master, why did you come to me all of a sudden?" Chen threatened to return to zhengzhuan. He naturally thought of Linghui monk's words. Linghui monk said that someone would come to explain his doubts. Is that what he said?

Yuanjue said, "I came to tell you that the crisis of lingzun has been relieved. Benefactor, you can leave Yanjing at ease! "

"Has tempura been repulsed by the master?" Chen Yang said happily.

"That's understandable." Yuanjue said.

"Thank you, master!" Chen Yang said.

He paused and said, "it seems that you already know the harm of lingzun?"

Yuanjue said, "I have known for a long time."

Chen Yang said: "this matter is related to human life and death. The master is the God of all dharmas. If you come forward, you will respond to it. Please do it He seems to have grasped the straw.

Yuanjue shook his head and said, "things in the future are changeable. The biggest crisis is not lingzun. Therefore, I can only let it be. "

"The biggest crisis is not lingzun? Do you mean ourselves? " Chen Yang said, surprised.

Yuanjue said, "that's right! The most terrible thing is often not other foreign things, but People's hearts. "

Chen Yang said, "what should we do now? No matter what happened to lingzun? "

"Benefactor, you are a part of the development of things. You can do whatever you want." Yuanjue said.

Chen Yang touched the back of his head and said, "the master is full of tact. It's really hard for me to understand! "

Yuanjue said with a smile, "if you don't understand now, it doesn't mean you won't understand later."

Chen Yang thought of something and said, "what is the reason for this move?"Yuanjue said, "I have the duty of a poor monk."

"Duty? Guard the world? " Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said, "benefactor is really smart!"

Chen Yang said, "I don't deserve it." He thought of the bead in his heart, but it was a pity that it was no longer in his hands.

"What is the relationship between you and the star master?" Chen Yang said: "master, please forgive me. This question really puzzles the younger generation. "

Yuanjue said, "Heaven's secrets must not be revealed."

Chen Yang's words suddenly stopped, and his heart said that it was really sharp for the monk to refuse others!

"Master, do you know Master Wuwei?" Chen Yang asked again.

Yuanjue shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Er..." Chen Yang didn't know what to say.

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