"So this time the master came to the younger generation, just to tell the younger generation that the crisis of tianbulu has been lifted?" Chen Yang asked.

Yuanjue said, "the most important thing is that I also want to see the little benefactor."

Chen Yang said: "this time, heaven and earth are in great calamity. You are a great power. What kind of role will you play in this

Yuanjue said: "poor monk's ability is limited, and many things can only be done naturally. Killing, robbing, killing and robbing, since it is killing and robbing, we can't intervene too much. What should go, what should stay. "

Chen Yang thought about it and said, "lingzun is in space, and there are imperial Tianzhou. If they do harm in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable. Master, if we make preparations early now, won't we be able to increase the chance of victory for human orthodoxy? "

Yuanjue said, "little benefactor, I have just said that I can only let it be."

Chen Yang said: "if everyone let it be?"

Yuanjue said, "you can do it. No one will blame you."

"But Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of his country. " Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said, "well, I've seen you too. It's time for me to leave."

"Master Master, hold on Chen Yang is in a hurry.

Yuanjue took a look at Chen Yang and said, "little benefactor, I'm not a master, and I can't help you. All your doubts need to be solved by yourself. "

Chen Yang said, "I don't know what to do. If we let nature take its course and still develop from lingzun, what will happen in the future?"

Yuanjue said, "let it be, it doesn't mean that we should still develop from lingzun. You know, there are great heroes in every era. The time of poor monk has long passed, so I can't interfere in it. What I want to maintain is the development of nature. If I really gather many experts to attack the chalky world according to your words, then what? The imperial sky boat is still in space, and the real power has not yet arrived. Some things, poor monk can't do, don't mean you can't do. Poor monk and little benefactor, even if you do the same thing, the result will be different. "

Chen Yang was stunned. He suddenly understood something.

"Master, you used to be a hero in the starry sky with Tiandao pen in your hand." Chen Yang said.

Yuanjue said, "hero? How can I be called a hero? I'm just a man. "

"Everyone is responsible!" Chen Yang couldn't help praising him and said, "what a man!"

"I'm leaving now." After Yuanjue finished, he disappeared on the spot.

On the rooftop, there is a vast expanse of space and time.

"Monk Linghui?" Chen Yang immediately called out.

Monk Linghui jumped out.

"Who is more powerful than master Yuanjue in your heyday?" Chen Yang asked monk Linghui.

Monk Linghui immediately said, "it's incomparable. Yuanjue is as famous as Taobao Daojun and Hongjun daoren. Yuanjue's own efforts sealed the battlefield of gods and demons, and let many gods and Demons die in battle. From then on, the world will enjoy eternal peace. This is a great merit. I'm afraid that his ability is far inferior to that of the poor monk. "

"Well, you don't have much! That day, how could he be so afraid of you and even directly seal you? " Chen Yang said.

"Ha ha, you don't know something about this Taoist friend." Linghui monk said: "when I was brilliant, it was just after the war between gods and demons. I came back from the fairyland. At that time, almost no one on the earth was my opponent. Yuanjue also disappeared. I don't know what to do. Moreover, even if Yuanjue is there, I am not afraid. Because Chen Tianya's Kung Fu is special, and the poor monk's constitution is even more special. He is almost immortal. If the way of heaven is allowed to develop further, the whole earth will be lost. So in this case, I suddenly felt the change of the magnetic field of heaven, and finally fell into the turbulence of time and space. In the chaos of time and space, the poor monk lost his body again. That's where it got to. At that time, the poor monk also had a paranoid idea that human beings were the real parasites and viruses. The poor monk wanted to eliminate all human beings, so he also produced many parasites to control human beings. Now think about it, the thought at that time was really terrible. "

Chen Yang said, "well, your mind is not controlled by my da Lei Yin Pudu method now. Why do you suddenly realize that you don't stick to your ideals? "

Monk Linghui said, "it's often only in a flash. Maybe it's because of your friendship? "

Chen Yang was stunned. Then, he solemnly said, "Linghui, human nature is indeed ugly in many ways, but it also has a beautiful side. Believe me

Linghui monk said: "poor monk naturally believes in you."

Chen Yang grinned and said, "I'm very honored to say that."

Linghui monk said: "it's also my honor!"

Chen Yang added: "I hope that in the future I can become such a person as master Yuanjue. I have enough ability to protect my family and do something for the earth. "

"Master Yuanjue has no wife!" Linghui monk said immediately.

Chen Yang suddenly a black line."Unfortunately, I haven't had time to ask Master Yuanjue about Tiandao pen." Chen Yang thought of something and said.

Linghui monk said: "there's nothing to ask. The situation of Tiandao pen is that there is no spirit. When you come to a certain extent or by chance, you can forge the spirit when you meet the right thing. I will tell you how to forge the spirit. "

Chen Yang said, "then I can rest assured."

"That's right." Linghui monk thought of something and said, "do you wonder why Yuanjue brings a dog?"

"A monk has a dog!" Chen Yang said, "it's a little strange, but it's not very strange."

Linghui monk smile, said: "that dog is not very fierce?"

Chen Yang immediately remembered the dog's grinning face, so he said: "it's really fierce!"

Monk Linghui laughed and said, "that's because that dog is Tianbu!"

"Damn it Chen Yang said, "are you kidding?"

Linghui monk said, "what's impossible? If I were in my prime, I could turn Tianbu into a dog. What's more, it's Yuanjue! "

"I It's been a long time. The dog I touched is tianbulu Chen Yang's face was once again covered with black lines.

Chen Yang is very happy after tianbulu's crisis is relieved.

He also believes that there won't be any big noise in lingzun's side for the time being.

After thinking about it, Chen Yang goes down to meet Qiao Ning and Shen Molong. He decided to go to work, so let Qiao Ning go back to Shaowei first. He went to the other two treasures.

Qiao Ning still wants to be with Chen Yang, but Chen Yang refuses.

Qiao Ning finally has no choice but to promise Chen Yang.

I spent a night in my house in Manchester City. The next day, I went my own way. Qiao Ning returns to Tianzhou and Chen Yang goes to find the treasure.

Shen Molong still stayed in Yanjing to raise Xiao Nianci.

It rained in the morning in Yanjing.

The crackling winter rain came down and the cold wind roared.

The pedestrians outside were wearing thick coats.

Chen Yang and Qiao Ning wave goodbye to Shen monong and Nianci.

Chen Yangxian sends Qiao Ning to the transmission array on the other side of the Great Xing'an Mountains. It's snowing heavily in the Great Xing'an Mountains. But it doesn't affect the itinerary of Chen Yang and Qiao Ning at all.

The eight trigrams array shows golden light in the snow. Qiao Ning enters the eight trigrams array.

"I'll come to you as soon as I finish my work." Chen Yang smiles at Qiao Ning.

Qiao Ning's eyes were red. She said, "or..."

"No way!" Chen Yang refused.

Qiao Ning is helpless.

After that, the golden light became more and more intense.

Soon, Qiao Ning disappeared in the golden light.

At this time, it was still eight o'clock in the morning, and it snowed heavily on this side of the Great Xing'an Mountains.

The north wind howled.

The mountains and forests here are rolling and rolling. At a glance, they are all white snow.

This makes Chen Yang think of the poem involuntarily. Birds fly away from thousands of mountains and people disappear from thousands of paths.

Chen Yang walked on the sea of trees, feeling the cold.

It was quiet all around.

Chen Yang feels that he needs to think about it and settle down.

After a long stay in the square plane space, I will miss the world, the prosperity of the world and the neon flashing of the world.

But after staying in the world for a long time, I will miss the battle and exotic customs.

Man is a strange and contradictory animal.

"The road ahead, Linghui, do you agree to go?" Chen Yang asked monk Linghui.

Linghui monk grows into a strong tree in the wind and snow. The vines on his body held him tightly around.

Monk Linghui looked ahead and said, "it's not easy to walk. All the good roads are for the dead."

"Ha ha!" With a smile, Chen Yang said, "you are more and more like a monk now. You can play a leading role for me when you speak."

Linghui monk said: "the world has three thousand troubles. Taoist friend, although you also have troubles, you don't have to worry about the livelihood of the fly camp dog. Some people sell their dignity just for a house of dozens of square meters, just for a nest. And your troubles, at least, are more atmospheric. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "you really can comfort people."

He then said, "at least they won't lose their lives!" He then said, "I will not talk about the troubles in front of me, about lingzun. If I can find my eldest brother and second brother in this year, I have to say otherwise. "

Monk Linghui said, "what do you want to do if you can't find it. Anyway, you have another chance. If you can't find it this time, if you can't finish the task, you won't be frozen. Although blue and purple clothes are free from the hall of stars, the quota still works. "

"It is Chen Yang said.

"Don't be so emotional. You're already very lucky." Linghui monk said.Chen Yang said, "OK."

He then began to feel treasure!

I have found the breath of the treasure before. Now I need to determine the specific location.

"The two treasures are together. Ha ha, it saves me a lot of effort!" Chen Yang then said with great joy.

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