At this time, among the top leaders of the law society, Chang sun, Jia Tian, duo Yin and another big man Xu Hua were all in the underground base.

In the underground base, many doctors in white are studying. On the central stage, the white crystal light is extremely dazzling.

The top leaders are surrounded by three doctors. The three lingzun doctors are studying a wonderful crystal.

"This is our simulated ice crystal. Ladies and gentlemen, we don't need to talk about the value of ice crystal. That is the essence of heaven and earth, which was passed through the ancestors and the dragon. Originally, we were implanted into the Kirin woman's body to awaken the power of our ancestors. As long as we get a little bit of power from our ancestors, we can be proud of the earth and defeat those so-called human kylin masters. But now, the original ice crystal has disappeared, and we have been searching for a long time and finally found a clue. "

Jiatian and other lingzun were very happy when they heard the words.

This is a big deal.

The law society applied for the ice crystal stone from the Presbyterian Council. Originally, it wanted to make great achievements. But now, the original ice crystals have completely disappeared, and they have been hiding it. Because once this goes through the Presbyterian Church. That's why President Michael is also to blame.

That would be a disaster for the entire law society.

This is also the reason why the Dharma society is so cautious that even the wise never let it go.

Before, the ice crystal stone has been steadily absorbing the spirit of Luoxue's cold ice. The lingzuns have been monitoring the ice crystal protolith. They don't want to make trouble. They will go to retrieve it after the ice crystal protolith has completely absorbed the spirit of Luoxue's ice. And the accident happened in this period of time, the original ice crystal suddenly disappeared. They couldn't find out.

Now, doctors have finally simulated the ice crystal protolith through all kinds of energy, as well as the residual breath of ice crystal protolith.

At this time, they are going to search for the original ice crystals that have disappeared through the simulation version.

The three doctors immediately cast their magic power.

After a while, a wisp of white cold air appeared in the simulated ice crystal protolith, which remained in the air for a long time.

Then, this cold burst out of the Dharma society like lightning.

"Keep up!" The three doctors roared together.

Jiatian and others immediately cast their magic to keep up with the cold. Cold in the air, but it's away from Beijing.

About ten minutes later, this cold air has arrived in the capital, and appeared in the huizhe villa above.

"It's really the thief!" When Jia Tian saw this, his eyes began to crack.

Chang sun's heart sank, and his intention to kill flashed in his eyes. The one who decides to kill Hui will be killed!

"Chang sun, don't go in. Just stay outside. Duo Yin, Xu Hua, you two look at Chang sun! " Jiatian orders coldly. At this time, he showed his courage as the second biggest man of the law society. I will never give my eldest grandson another chance to sabotage the plan.

Ice crystal, raw stone. It's so important.

"Yes, my Lord!" The duo Yin and Xu Hua immediately locked up their eldest son.

At the same time, Jiatian quickly laid down the law of Dongtian to cover huizhe's villa.

Jiatian is a master of Tianyu. In the law of Dongtian, there are not only thousands of spaces, but also difficult to control time. This is much more powerful than the Dongxian master.

When the law of the cave comes, the wise people in the villa can't feel it immediately. He saw that the space and time in front of him were all distorted. For a moment, there is no way to heaven and no way to earth. It's impossible to escape.

"What to do? This is the hand of Jia Tian himself. " The wise man hurriedly communicates with Chen Yang in his ears.

Chen Yang is also aware of the changes outside. His face also changed. "I'm sure I'll make such a move all of a sudden. We are still exposed! "

Chen Yang is a very good judge of the times. He never has any illusions at this time.

The wise man immediately lost his mind and said, "Jiatian is a first-class master. It's over. We're all over."

Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu look at each other.

Their eyes met, but they were both thinking about the way to escape. It's hard to get out of the chalk world. The most important thing now is how to escape from the control of Jiatian.

"I don't know if the art of seclusion is useful to Jiatian?" Chen Yang thought to himself, communicating with Linghui monk at the same time.

Linghui monk immediately said: "it's no use, your hiding skill can only surprise the master of Dongxian. If the master of Dongxian wants to check you, he can check you out. I don't have a chance to be an expert in this kind of world. "

Chen Yang's heart sank.

"There is not only one master coming, but only one who escapes!" Chen Yang said.

LAN Tingyu nodded and said, "that's right!"

"How to escape?" Chen Yang asked.

LAN Tingyu said, "I'll fight with him. Take the opportunity to take them all away. You hide first, don't show your whereabouts. "

Chen Yang did not tangle, said: "good!"

This is not the time for humility.At the same time, Chen Yang asked huizhe to deal with Jiatian first. He and LAN Tingyu need to find a chance before they start.

Huizhe took a deep breath and said, "master, do I have no way back?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "that's right!"

The wise one said, "after that, can you be kind to me?" He seems to have made a big decision.

Chen Yang said, "as long as you do your best to help me this time. I will treat you like a brother some day

The wise man's eyes flashed with light and said, "that's good!"

Huizhe doesn't know if he has a future, but at present, he has to fight for a chance of life.

After his accusation is confirmed, there is no way out for lingzun. Therefore, his only sustenance is Chen Yang.

At this moment, a ray of cold light shot in. After the cold light came in, it was around the head of the wise man.

At the same time, a silver robe, majestic and gloomy katian came.

As soon as he appeared, he gave the wise a strong sense of oppression.

"Lord Jiatian, you are here." The wise man looked at Jiatian and said coldly.

Great changes have taken place in the attitude of the wise. In the past, when he met katian, he could scare his ass with just one look.

Obviously, Jia Tian immediately noticed the change of Hui's attitude. He sneered and said, "it seems that your little recorder is going to break the jar. If my Lord is right, all the secrets are in your black crystal, right? I still don't know what role you play here? What's in the picture? Or have you been controlled by those human unicorns? "

"Well, it's mostly under control. The shame of our empire Then he said.

The wise man sneered and said, "if you want to add sin to it, you can't help it!"

Jiatian said, "in this case, I will not add sin to you. You should die."

After he finished, the space in front of him began to collapse. The wise man's body fell down. There is an endless abyss below!

Huizhe wants to reverse his body shape and resist. He quickly shows his own field. However, his universe light field was quickly torn into pieces by space and time. In such a law, gadian is a God, and all space and time are controlled by him.

The wise man falls down quickly. He has all kinds of skills, even if he is a contemporary master, the peak of Xuxian. But in front of him, he was like a child with no strength to bind a chicken.

It's not a joke to be a master of heaven. What's more, huizhe's skill is special for human beings, but for Jiatian, it's a little witch but a big one.

Najiatian suddenly put out his hand. Under the endless abyss, a void Dark Monster appeared. The monster swallowed the wise one with a big mouth.

The wise man is terrified and wants to die.

At this time, LAN Tingyu finally made a move.

He turned into a brilliant fire and killed the dark monster.


At that moment, the fire lit up the whole abyss. The dark monster was blown to ashes by the burst fire.

Gadian saw all this clearly in the void. He took another hand to catch huizhe. Catch LAN Tingyu with one hand!

LAN Tingyu turned into a nine burning dragon and roared.

But in this way, Jia Tian grabbed Hui Zhe and LAN Tingyu. The dragon of nine inflammations changes endlessly in the hands of Jia Tian, bursting out with terrible lethality. The nine inflammations are fierce, tearing the sky.

But it can't tear the empty handprint of gadian. In the big hand print, time and space are constantly flowing, drowning all the mana and damage.

No matter how the Jiuyan dragon changes and attacks, it is just like the monkey king trapped in the palm of the Tathagata fingered Buddha.

As for the wise, it is not worth mentioning.

Chen Yang never made a move. He's waiting for the moment. He has only one. If all of them are destroyed, there is really no life.

All hope lies in LAN Tingyu.

LAN Tingyu burst out with a roar. The next second, his body burst out a dazzling light like the sun god. It was like reaching a pole, and then the whole dragon exploded.

Innumerable fire points are just like innumerable explosive packages. The explosive power of this fire is hundreds of times stronger than that of rockets. The lethality inside is not only as simple as power, but also the spirit and law of Jiuyan Shenhuo.

Such an explosion is more terrifying than the Yuanshen explosion.

Even Jia Tian was surprised.

The fire quickly shattered his empty hand.

"Lan Tingyu!" Jia Tian couldn't help but drink. He had already had enough of LAN Tingyu. Mingming's cultivation is not very good, but his fighting power is that he has a headache. If this kind of Freak is not studied clearly, the lingzun of the future empire will not even know how to die.

At this time, the thousands of fire light of LAN Tingyu formed thousands of lotus flames. Just like the Kongming lamp, it floats around in the cave law of Jiatian

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